j ft ir a j flr pp imtatw leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol 53 no 28 stouffville ont thursday nov 26 1942 eight pages judgment reserved in 13000 car accident mr und mrs murray slack claim action for damages following car crash on no7 highway after a hearing that has lasted for the better part of two days in the supreme court at whitby practically all the evidence for the plaintiffs had been adduced last week when mr justice roach adjourned until this week an action brought by murray slack and his wife mary for damages following a crash with a car driven by luther wilson on the highway near brooklin on march 9th last the slacks are suing for 13000 for injuries and attendant damages suffered and mr justice roach has reserved judgment until later this week in addition to the hearing last week the court resumed on monday and sat all day evidence was given by constable waude who told the story over again as has been related in this paper and in pre vious evidence medical evidence was taken then wilson the defend ant on his own behalf was examin ed he admitted drinking two pints of beer on the night of the acci- dient in the home of a friend it was later enroute home from brook lin that he ran into the accident he was blinded by the lights of the slack car he swore the defendant hasnt done any thing wrong and the plaintiff by be ing on the wiong side of the road has to prove his lack of negligence said mr greer counsel for wilson as a result of the accident mis slack then residing at 270 piench st oshawa was in oshawa general hospital for 131 days and her hus band was away from work for about four weeks because of injur ies to his hand he is now employ ed in toronto and his wife is with her parents in uxbridge where she is still recovering from the affects of the smash the slacks are repre sented in court by aw s greer of oshawa jf mcgarry of toron to is acting for wilson a member of the rcoc whose home is in balsam according to slack he was re turning from the home of his wifes parents at uxbridge to his home in oshawa via highways 7 and 12 with his wife and sixyearold daughter as passengers it has been raining occasionally he stat ed and there were fog patches and the pavement was wet as a result he was going no moie than thirty miles an hour he claimed as he approached the scene of the accident the witness testified at about 1230 am home fltom the west coast stouffville will be served by only the one branch bank to many people the formal announcement made by the bank of nova scotia on friday evening by mail to all their customers that the branch in stouffville would close its doors on saturday november 28 for good and that the accounts would all be transferred to the local branch of the canadian bank ot commerce came as a shock but to others such an eventuality had been forecast for some time ah over the country branches are beinsr merged the commerce taking the business in one place and the nova scotia elsewhere simultan eous with the closing of the nova scotia in town the commerce is closing its branch in markham vill age this is called a sawoff to harry worling is believed safe but is prisoner of war stouffville friends of rev karry worling onetime minister of stouff ville and church hill christian churches will be delighted with the latest news that he is believed safe in india although a prisoner of war a letter from mrs worling at spring hill kotaghi s india just recently received by her parents mr and mrs edward hay of g keystone avenue toronto contains the satisfactory news mrs worlings card said i have just received word of harry some time ago i wrote en quiring from a ltcol who had been in the same brigade as harry but who was wounded and escaped from malaya and is now in india i just received his reply which friday is nomination day for stouffville i member of the royal canadian navy doing coastal patrol duty in the pacific wireless operator harry blown is home from esquimault visiting his parents mr and mrs n w byef harry was formerly at the alaska base and has had a varied and interesting experience with life at sea councillor escapes injury in headon highway collision councillor w l clark and mrs clark markham escaped seiious in- juiy on friday afternoon when their car was completely wrecked in a collision on no 7 highway with a car diiven by mr howard reive of markham village the clark car was proceeding east at the time between union- ville and markham just opposite the large conciete bridge when it was struck by the reive car which was proceeding west the reive machine completely sheared the side off the councillors car and careened along 220 feet taking off seven guard posts before coming to a halt according to the constable the only injuries susfained by any of the peisons involved in the mishap were a few cuts suffered by- hazel clark who was riding in the rear seat of her fathers car chaiges of dangerous driving and caieless driving have ibeen laid against howard reive by he could see constable gayman of markham who investigated the the headlights of a car approach- township ing from the south about half a mile crash away he was watching the side of the road carefully he said because c of the fog patches but glanced up occasionally he noticed the approaching car next about 500 feet i away and then at 200 feet and nothing seemed to be wrong his next recollection was that the other car was within 20 or 30 feet j and directly in front of him on the wrong side of the road it struck his right front wheel and fender slack declared and came to rest against the right door william simpson ballantrae after shoving his own car to the may have been dreaming or he may gas thief nabbed by farmer clad in night clothes many the closing of the bank here i states i think i can say that i will he like parting with an old have fairly good news of your friend the scotia opened here husband in that he got away from about 35 years ago and first had its the forward area and was in singa- tffice in the lehman shoe store the pore island about the end of shoe business at that time being january when in the hospital some across the road later the branch of i the officers of the bde came in located one door west of the old and told me that your husband and mansion house westend where the bowo had ibeen left with the stiver bros are now then for ten wounded who could not be got yeais it occupied the piesent dairy away later about the 5th of premises which was built for the february other officers came in and bank by the late alex grubin in told me that your husband had been 1932 the present modern office was see on the island and that he had occupied and is well located and been wounded in the lower part of finely appointed the aim the wound was fairly the nova scotia was said to enjoy serious but as many doctors and a heavy savings deposit which of some muses remained behind i think couise will pass to the commerce he had every chance of being looked patrons however may leave after and you have every reason to accounts with the nova scotia or any hope for the best i do really think other bank outside stouffville you can assume your husband is under present banking regula- a as a prisoner of war he was a tions it is generally assumed that very fit man and so could stand up one chartered bank is as financially to a lot i expect you know we nam- safe as another facilities are the e him pop and as such he same in all as regaids charges in j became a very popular officer fact the only variation one might 0 brigade find would be in the staff and bank i staffs aie usually all courteous and considerate i mr thompson manager of the j commeice states that everything will be done to facilitate the quick j despatch of business even with the increased accounts it is presumed that manager fred mai shall of the noca scotia will be transferied to head office in toronto or to another branch but there is no information in this angle of the change as yet likewise it is not known what pro vision is made for his staff consist ing of miss eleanor mai shall and miss margaret byer the staff of six at the commerce may have to be augmented they are a g thompson manager james c porter morris hornsby misses beryl bnllinger joan bax ter and gladys stover veteran past warden attends presentation mr seneca baker 92yearold resident of whitchurch township was a guest at the york county chambers in toronto on tuesday to witness the honors bestowed on warden toole by his colleagues in council not since mr baker him self carried off those honors back in 1907 has whitchurch township been given the wardenship mr bakers portrait hangs on the walls of the high chambers and his feat ures have scarcely changed any since that picture was taken 35 years ago he was singled out for special mention by hon george henry during the course of a brief speech by the former premier home town paper praises fltsgt r0bs0n the colborne express publishes a lengthy article on melvin f f robson i ho held the rank of sergt pilot and was an air gunner and wireless opeiator who had been re- poited missing since last february but has since been presumed dead according to official notification given his mother mrs james t robson of colboine sergt pilot robson enlisted fiom the township of whitchurch in june 1940 when may enter oha again this season owe any those who pay taxes their taxes negotiations aie underway with the oha by markham hockey interests as to the advisability of entering a team either intermedi ate ol juvenile in i he ontario seiies this coming season biggest problem being faced by hockey officials is that of transpor tation due to the older piohibiting travel outside a 30mile radius the matter was discussed at a meeting held in markham during the past weekend and is now under he was employed on the farm of mr ross winterstein he had resided in the neighborhood long enough to be appieciated as a veiy fine and courageous young man highly ie- spected i when he made his fateful trip over enemy territoiy it was just one more of the many forays he had i taken part in but on this last j occasion sergt robson formed one all members of council and school board are open for reelection this friday evening the annual nomination meeting will be held in ratcliffs hall for the selection ot candidates for the offices of reeve councillor and member of the board for the village ot stouffville for the year 1943 the meeting is called earlier in the year so as to avoid a collision with the busy christmas season but of course the 1942 council and members of the school board serve out their full termof office tothe end of the year an election does not seem to be in sight at the moment yet any- thing can happen and from the most settled state of affairs an eruption could well ensue reeve weldon we believe is wil ling to remain in office for another term he has given the town gener ously of his time has shown good judgment and it looks as though there willbe no opposition to his retaining the high office he holds membeis of the council may not be so sure of their seats as the reeve although the press has no inkling of opposition it would appear that the old council would stand for re election but some members would not contest their positions at the polls councillors wm ratcliff and a v nolan were elected during the year owing to vacancies caused by the retirement of r e brown due to illness and to i d rusnell who became the town constable there have been some unusual pro blems confronting the present coun cil not the least of which is the williamson estate one law suit over this endowmenjt has been sett led in what appeal s very satisfact- ory manner but other actions against the estate over the payment of certain accounts aie nowchreatenr ing every citizen or ratepayer is interested in these actions as the municipality is a legatee of this estate if you wish to learn any further information about the standing of the will case or any other municipal matter come out to the nomination meeting this-fri- day evening it is the duty of the municipal authorities to tell the ratepayers all they can at that time and it is your duty as a ratepayer to be on hand to listen and ask questions members of the school board weekend and s now under reyew h included several j by mr hewitt of the oha entries t mfin and ns fnlharno who will for this years schedules are expect ed to be placed by this wednesday when interviewed by the tri- in left and turning it across the road lo the east then it backed away made a u turn and stopped on the east side of the road the driv er of the other car who turned out to be wilson didnt get out of the car tor about ten minutes slack estimated he himself was busy with his wife who had fallen to the pavement through the door that opened partially after the othey car had backed away she was uncon scious he said and an artificial limb which she had ibeen wearing for some years had become jammed in the doorwayv a passing motorist was hailed slack stated and he went for aid and then helped the witness to put his wife in his car and take her to dr w w baldwin in brooklin about a mile and a half distant as this was betas done he said wil son got out of his car and came over ho asked if anybody was hurt commented slack i told him my wife was hurt and asked him what he was doing on my side of the road he stated that he didnt know slack described how he had suf fered injuries to his fingers that had resulted in his inability to close two digits on his right hand sufficiently to grip things tightly this hamper ed him from lifting things he said mrs slack he declared was not nearly so well as ibeforc the acci dent and he told how for seven vears with the aid of an artificial limb that replaced an amputated continued on page eight really have heard things one midnight last week when he jumped from his bed and looked out the window to see a car parked in front of his house and a man striding in his lane to the garage without waiting to dress he rushed down stairs and out to the garage barefooted arid noiseless the wouldbe thief was now inside and bill slammed the door on him and locked it he then returned and re sumed his clothes the night was cold and being outside almost with out clothing was not inviting returning to the exciting situation mr simpson took the car number and discovered a woman in the seat he questioned her when she ad mitted the man was looking for gasoline or a can to put gasoline in next he released the gastaker and questioned him ho proved to be a man from mount albert district and as gas has been stolen in the neigh borhood it will probably now stop it this fellow is properly dealt with the prisoner admitted his inten tions and excused himself by say ing that he was all but out of gas and had to do something but of course he would not call at any bodys house in the night that would disturb the house and be ing a very considerate fellow he did not do that bnt was willing to help himself the end came when mr simpson supplied the chap with enough gas bmie messis grant nighswander stouffville in two instalments should and stan pringle two of the guiding not overlook the fact that next lights in the local hockey world monday and tuesday november 30 stated that it was hoped that poss- and december 1 are the last days iiijibly a league could be arranged in- which to pay the second instalment eluding such centres as markham without having a penalty added it stouffville and aurora which would is not necesary to wait until the not involve such extensive travelling pi v 3rw busy last days either and if you the cutting of the player limit to ntreai inei have the money around it would be eleven men will also be a help in well to get it into the hands of the that a minimum ot cars would be tax collector k r davis right needed to transport the playeis away mrs d hodgson of roland manitoba is visiting her sister mrs robh obrien avenue stouffville mr geo lee trucker has been confined to his home on main st south side for some time suffering with an attach of shingles ontario men and as the colborne j expiess states biave and courag eous men they must have been to be i selected time and again to carry out attacks the list published also contained the names of other canadians mem bers of the crew that were lost with fit sergt irobson they are wing com alcaliister barrie fit sgt i phillips edmondton and fit sergt e were also two other members of the crew segt dyson of australia and fit lieut robson of the raf of dumfries scotland the pilot of the plane was fit lieut robson of which the force has no more skilful or daring opera tor these six formed the brave and gallant crew that lead the success ful attack that night over and from whom no word has been whos term of office has expired and be up for nomination for another two year term are trustees c e mcleod ira aldred and am brose stover these men have all had long experience and are expect ed to stand for reelection warden toole wears robe of his office xkwmaltket etobicoke mary little 13 of newmarket public school won first prize of 25 at the annual contest sponsored by to get home with and whether he york county council six girls and hands his name over to the police is five boys were competitors in the still another story i contest which was held in the coun- axi seaside pupils win oratoiucat ell chambers last friday left to bessborough drive school right are mary little douglas hewton of ss no15 etoblcoke township who won the second prize of 15 ireeve c earl toole of whitchurch township warden of york county and yvonne brown ot contest leasidc winner of third place and a 10 cash award the other competitors each received a 5 war savings certificate local masons hold inspection nighti warden toole of york county among visiting brethren the annual inspection of richardson masonic lodge held on friday evening vas marked bynot only the presence of the district de puty grand master- rt wor bro harold locke of toronto but by warden c e toole of york county warden toole said he was impelled to visit stouffville because one of the officers of the lodge edward logan was one of his councillors in the township of- whitchurch the deputy reeve of the township geo leary was also among the guests who wore welcomed by joseph borinsky acting director of ceremonies the district deputy declared his visit to the stouffville brethren was highly satisfactory and provided a splendid evening of fraternal friend ship fred crossen ruling master officially welcomed the visitors who were entertained to a luncheon at the close of the lodge meeting wor bro walter craig of mark ham union lodge referred to the i long and happy affiliation existing between markham and stouffville i two of ontarios oldest lodges markham was instituted at unionvllle in 1879 and richardson at cashel two years later in the early days these lodges had member ship in toronto and the brethren drove from the city by horse and tecords indicate they regular attendants f js r births brillinger at grace hospital toronto on monday jjovejr- 23 1942 to mr and yhxzl brlllinger a darns r anne y g amm ail