v 5 s 8 r ft v sp v viyk r leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol 53 no19 stoufeville ont thursday sept 17th 1942 eight pages settlement hoped for in willi lamson wilic ase trial date will be set next friday unless parties reach agreement solicitor for mrs edith cook says case can be settled out of court if color ation is willing to make con cessions last friday morning before his honor judge jackson in the city hall toronto mr p l button kc made a formal request that his honor defer for one week the hearing of a motion for direction in the matter of the thomas william- eon estate mr button said that lie had just received an intimation from counsel fir mrs edith cook that a settlement could be effected if the official parties for the village of stouffvilie residuary legatees were disposed to negotiate the matter in the interests of the daughter of mrs cook one miriam coon mrs coon was willed 10000 in the original will drawn in 1936 but this was reduced to 0000 in one of the five codicles added in more recent times mr george walsh kc acting for mrs cook let it be known that if the original amoum or 10000 were reinstated the whole action could be dropped his honor promptly consented to the adjournment and set friday sept is at 1030 for hearing mr it ii greerkc is acting for the corporation of stouffvilie and is now negotiating with the council re specting wlui t lengths the village should go toward securing a peace ful settlement i in judges chambers where mr button asked for adjournment there attended a whole battery of lawyers representing six or seven law firms acting for legatees prlmatk of canada to speak here on sunday gunday next september- 20th at 3 pm in christ church stouff vilie arch bishop owen primate of canada will preach and in the evening at unionville church lie will hold a confirmation ser vice this is arch bishop owens first time in stouffvilie and a fill ed church is hoped for air cadets note cadets or stouffvilie air cadet squadron no 04 are called to attend the opening evening of drill etc this fri day sept 18th at the school at the hour of 045 all cadets are urged to be on hand as the new uniforms will bo hand ed out during the evening goodwood boy still missing at dieppe folks at goodwood and especially his parents mr and mrs pg wood land are anxiousjy waiting for further word concerning the fate of alfred woodland who was re ported missing after the dieppe raid in france alf was a popular young man of the locality who enlisted with the royal regiment he was a member of the baptist sunday school and his companions feel keenly the threatened danger that the missing report might indi cate fred castle and bruce lintner two stouffvilie lads also in the royal regiment are still in the- list of those missing and equal an xiety is felt here for their safety woman oyer 70 has rabbit impounded engagement mr and mrs david w crosier of stouffvilie announce the engagement of their daughter lottie irene to mr walter floyd slack- son of mr and mrs william slack stouffvilie the wedding to take place septem ber the 26th at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs arthur barkey markham wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter miriam prances to mr roy james iiiscox son of mr and mrs matthew hiscox of peterboro ontario the marri age to take place the l7tlr 8f oct a new kind of record was estab lished in town last week when a woman living on centre main street took after a rabbit that had been insistantly feeding on her garden and caught it the bunny when once subdued was not hard to man age and it was immediately deliver ed over to the pound keeper earl keith when the owner of the flop- eared nuisance heard of the fate of her pet mr keith said she too soon arrived at the pound and de manded her property twentyfive cents said the keeper of the animal jail and thereupon hangs the fate of the bunny she refused to pay and unless she changes her mind and women are entitled to do that then bunny is headed for the stew pot or perhaps the pound keeper will find sale for his unwant ed prisoner the story is a simple one but it constitutes a record wherein for the first time in the 40 years that the sandy jones farm has been the village pound a rabbit has even been brought in its usually pigs cattle or horses and very few of these are found astray nowadays there was another record set in this incident too who ever heard of a woman chasing and overtaking a rabbit and when it is known that that lady is over 70 years of age surely this too is a record mm conference called at vineland this week rev s goudie rev h shantz from town also rev i brubacher of gormley and rev p g lehman of markham left for the annual mennonite con ference now in progress at vineland last year the conference was held in stouffvilie rev i brlcker presiding elder is the recognized head and leader of the conference there are a numberbf conference delegates from all over ontario in attendance if the conference strictly adheres to the rule of the five and four year pastorate there may be a number of changes announced at the end of the week by the station ing committee atlhough the chang es may be modified somewhat in the interest of saving gasoline and tires however there wouldnt be much saving and so quite a few pastoral changes may be made delegate from the stouffvilie field is mr isaac lehman from gormley mr e jones and from the markham field mr win timbers local air cadet enlists with rcaf jack drewery son of mrs rus set drewery of stouffvilie has en listed in the royal canadian air force andwil go in training he latter part of this week jack was one of the senior mem bers of stouffvilles air cadet squadron and the first to enlist with the active forces fined for crashing stouffvilie car more comfort fund parcels cross safely magistrate mellveen imposed fines of 10 and costs on john hop kins of weston and gordon keel ing o owen sound on dangerous driving charges heard in new market court last week louis hamm stouffvilie testi fied that on the evening of august 9 while driving north on yongest between aurora and newmarket he was in collision with an approaching car driven by mr hopkins who had attempted to pass another car going south according to constable ferguson upon his arrival at the scene ofthe accident which had occurred on a threelane part of the highway in king township he found the defend ants car in the east ditch against a fence with its front and left side dam aged the car driven by mr hamm was facing north oil the east shoul der of the road he found that the impact occur red on the east side of the highway the officer stated that the defendant told him that when he saw that he was going to be involved in an accident he tried to save the yonng lady in his car constable ferguson stated that the defendants condi tion was normal mr hopkins told his worship that he was following the white line and that as the night was wet the glare of headlights on the pavement obstructed his vision he said that he had been driving for a year it looks to me more like inex perience commented his worship member of pioneer markham family dead a3egal practitioner in toronto for 45 years williamb milliken kc 71 of 170 douglas drive died sunday evening at his home after a months illness a member of one of the families that pioneered the markham district mr milliken was born at milii- kens corners t a few miles from markham and was educatediand raised in the district attending markham high school he was the son of the late william milliken after graduating from osgoode hall ho was called to the bar in 1897 and while a law student asso ciated himself with the firm now known as matlock millikai clark redman in which he became a part- ner some years ago in 1920 he was created a kc during his many years as a solicitor mr milliken served thedominion bank the con sumers gas company and other corporations for some years he was a trustee of rcsedale united church he was also a past master of ionic lodge af and am a past principal of st pauls chapter ram and a member of thornhill golf club surviving are two sons john s and william p and a daughter marjorie milliken circulation this iwnc 170o secy comfort fund dear bert your present of sweets arrived todayandto repay youand the kind people who make it possible for the soldiers comfort fund to give us the gifts i will try to say some thing of what we do and see over here it is common to see a que a block long which will take a haar hour to move up in to buy a 4 lb of boiled candy or pound of chocolatecoated biscuits or two chocolate bars since i last wrote you will have read of the 1000 plane raid on germany where it will do the most good believe me ac counts v have heard make- the chicago fire a mere bonfire coventry has been ropaid in full plus one hundred per cent interest in my last letter i mentioned a hciii heinkcl- iii the forming of all canadian squadron is being pursued and so we are having noncanadians re placed by canadian men may i say here that the canadian ymca organizes sports provides the re quired gear to play the games also we get books and clothing which we do not get issued all this is free and there isno svindle a few days ago i was given an account of a bombing raid which the pilot did a day or so ago on the rhur it was reported in the papers next day he said i did not need to do any navigation to get there because it was a clear moonlight continued on page six marries orillia girl the marriage took place at the home of the brides mother in oril- lia on september 9 1912 of bertha jane smith daughter of mrs f m smith to mr david j smales of stouffvilie- the cermony was con ducted byrev w b bugden and was witnessed by a number of guests the couple left on a trip to north bay and since their return to stouff ville have taken up residence in the grooms house at corner of bak er avenue and main street warrant for tax sale is signed i whitchurch township paid its first claim for sheep killed and worried by dogs this year when on saturday warren graves presented a claim for 3250 being for three animals killed at 10 each and 250 for one damaged motion for payments was made by councillors logan and evans in a letter to council from mc- cullough button they asked that consideration be given to opening thej sideroad from 9th concession to tho farm of mr h mitchell who complains that he has no winter road mr mitchell had appeared at a previous meeting and stated the case but it was felt that too much cost would be involved in doing a satisfactory job in widening the read in comparison to the amount of taxes that are involved koad superintendent widdifield- didnt think- that a couple of days with the grader would improve matters much although considerable thought was put- on the question the situation is similar to several other sideroad where only one farmer is living it was pointed out however coun cilors baker and logan rather favored seeing what could be done with the grader in one or two days operation over 9000 of the town ship road budget has been spent a later report indicated the solicitor- informed council that township part time employees do not come under the new unem ployment insurance regulations where it is known that the employ ment will not exceed eight weeks in the- 12 monthsperiod such persons do not come under the act how ever if the employed persons holds an unemployment insurance book then they come- under the act reeve toole- announced that he had signed a tax warrant as dir ected by the members at a special session of the council returns of back taxes are flooding in clerk crawford reported relief for july totalled only 4468 and hospitalization 5887 councillor lome evans intro duced a resolution petitioning for a telephone in the heme of con stable dewsberry while the con stable pays for the telephone it re quires the petition of council to gain a priority for a new phone said mr evans road accounts passed for pay- ment were small and general accounts were as follows stouffvilie fire brigade call col hollinrakes ballantrae era express adv marshal rank rep to stop watch hydro and postage robert windsor constable july august 179 geo dewsberry constable august 58 s7 church to nfek fifty years of service here whitchurch farmer dies at only 54 tho death of martin j hutchin son at his home at leinomille on thursday of last week in his 54th year removes a well known resi dent of the township who was just in the prime of life mr hutchinson was a native of york township but had spent all his married life in whitchurch son of the late tbomas hutchin son the family moved 10 king township when martin was a more child there were three sons in the family martin and andrew are twins and the third son is dr harry hutchinson of port arthur the twin brother andrew is now frof hutchinson on the staff of the university of bc of which insti tution dr l s klinck is the presi dent martin united in marriage with susanna brown 28 years ago last december and to them were born two sons and one daughter all of whom survive together witli the bereaved mother the sons are andrew and keith both of whom attended high school in stouffvilie and the only daughter ib elda hutchinson rn on the staff at the brierbush hospital stouffvilie the iate martin hutchinson was a man of quiet disposition and al ways shunned the opportunity to enter public office in the municipal ity although lie was very highly regarded it is interesting to note that mrs thos klinck of obrien avenue who attended the funeral and is over 85 years o age vividly recalls five generations of the family because she remembers them when they were residents in king township when martin was a school boy mrs klinck of course poss esses a marvelousmemory and great capacity for dates aridpers oil- ages the funeral on sunday afternoon from the late home to the aurora cemetery for interment was very largely attended the service being conducted by mr norman rowan of sixth line united congregation plan for outstanding lecturer for september 22 and noted preacher for september 27 congregation first organized loo years ago on tuesday evening sept 22 and sunday sept 27 special ser vices are to be field- in the stouff- ville united church to mark the 50th anniversary of the present clrurch edifice which was erected in 1892 the contractor mr nathan forsyth is one of our very oldest residents the occasion will also mark 100 years of religions service almost on tho same site for it was just a hundred years agojsince a rev edward sallows young meth odist itinerate came here to hold occasional services in the school house which later became the church and which stood near the present building rev wj johnstone president of the toronto conference of the unit ed church will be the guest speak er on tuesday night the 22nd and the subject of his lecture will be how to be happy in a world like ours mr johnston is one of the most popular speakers in tor- onto and the officials have been fortunate in securing him for this occasion mrs brace the former blanche obrien will he here to take the roll of organist slie hav ing held the position in the church here years ago the services of mrs laidlaw wife of rev thos laidlaw have also been secured no one has forgotten mrs laid- laws charming musical talent- she will be the guest soloist on sunday sept 27 the special speaker secured is rev dr j r mutchmore of toronto he is a powerful pulpit orator and will deliver two stirring messages oh the anniversary sunday- the choir will be augmented by many former members mr nathan forsyth contractor of the building erectedin 1892 celebrates his 90th birthday at the same time as the fiftieth anniver- sary he is still an active member of the church and with mrs henry hodgson 92 last september the oldest member of the congregation markvambaptrsti i h jf church the pall bearers were i this former m messrs robert ratcliff george j barkey e clubine representing t v sime0 fester the church and herman burkhold- n who j- town v s mcr was the secretary of the sun- 5 00 g 13 3 50 2s 44 69 markham farm soli dr n f tomllnson of clare- mont reports the sale of his fatli ers farm located on the sideroad south of richmond hill near the spcond concession of markham con sisting of 50 acres with buildings the new owner is a toronto sollci- a tag day for the navy league of canada will be conducted in stouffvilie by the local committee on saturday sept 26th er s w hastings and fred tim bers community representatives bearing the remains of an old friend and neighbor to its last rest ing place dr harry hutchinson of port arthur was one of the mourners at the funeral many floral pieces from family and friends marked the further esteem in which the de ceased was held day school in those early days he is a cousin of bishop charles flint who is prevented from being in at tendance due to a recent accident births j visits home town an old stouffvilie boy who makes frequent trips back to his home town mr w h macnabb was in town this week from moorcsburg ind where he conducts a theatre business he called on frank rae and other friends brown at markham ontario on wednesday september 9th 1942 to mr and mrs jack brown nee reave beare unionville the gift of a son elson at markham ontario oh august 24th- 1942 to mr and mrs ellwood elson a daughter shirley may r hyde to rev capt f e and mrs hyde of west milton ohio on friday september 4th 1942 a son- paul robert- tor mr roycroft the property was purchased in 1924 by tho late f m tomllnson- and was know as the kiimenhagle estate a family which held the crown deed- until mr tomllnson purchased tho place will sin no contract says town electrician local hydro gets their work done for muchness than similar- sized towns council sought to bind electrician to a specific contract concerning his duties choose anniversary date of brides parents for their wteddincday shown above arc miss helen jeanne hastings daughter of mr and mrs s w hastings stouffvilie and capt william morningstar canadian denial corps who are to be married in stouffvilie united church oh september- 1 which is the 25th wedding anniversary for the parents of the bride at a special meeting of the municipal council last friday even ing town electrician n w byer told the council that he was not signing any contract with t he municipality that was designed to cover the nature of the work of his office if the council wanted his resignation all they had to do was to ask for it the council had drawn up a contract setting out the work they wanted the electrician to look after and be responsible for but the flat refusal to have anything to do with it ky the electrician deferred any action being taken- mr byer said that the money that was being paid for his services was totally inadequate for trie present and- that ho could readily improve his position if he decided to make a complete changc t the matter was not discussed at any further length after mr byer told the members where he stood contract now but that council felt it did not cover the duties of the office we want to get the continual tangle adjusted and if the electric- ian knows what he is expected- to do and goes ahead and does it there would be a lot less trouble for the council reeve weldon de- dared mr byer said he was the small est paid electrician on the whole systom every place around -pays- a great deal more for the work than this town i couldnt begin tollve on it said mr byer if i had not a great deal or outside wiring to do now that this is to be cut out due to lack of -materials- the whole thing is changed- j the payis 720 per year and the electrician supplies his own car when he requires onetho work re- quires- teachnlcal knowledge and one is constantly on call- however there is a great deal of itlmb avail- able for the electrician to rfo otit- side work aside from thctlhfbe or- councillor nolan pointed out thatfour days- required formeter read- tho electrician is working under a ing every second month viv sgiuyi atttxiigb