its r las v crt iri t- j fzj-y- z jts c fge thetribune stouffviue thursday september 3 1942 gimssified advs iphone 15301 jost boys blue suit coat finder please phone stouffvllle 1104 for sale or rent fob sale i will continue the pritatesale of furniture at my shoie main street we6t bedroom suites tables odd pieces secre tary etc mrs d latcbford farm to rent south half of lot 3 con 2 uxbrldseloo acres close to store and school rand convenient to stouffvllle- 7 solid brick house large barns excellent soli and never falling creek some bush and pasture land apply owner mrs lud hoover stouffvllle 100 acre dairy farm for sale lot 4 con 6 whit church all workable good clay loam frame house large barn pig pens driving shed and hen house running water in stables good orchard for further par ticulars and price apply to the blower complete with pipes reconditioned machinery cockshutt 2 furrow trailer plow cockshutt 10 inch grinder with speed jack delaval cream separator beatty pumping windmill bell sos phone 2sl stouffvllle for sale 1 22x36 waterloo threshing machine wood type in good work ing condition used by a private party only 1 massey harris 3 furrow trac tor disc plow complete near new 1 12 inch toronto ensilage owner john spence stouffville double house five lots must he sold at once in westend of stouftville land now carrying heavy vegetable crop see tho place at once apply on premises to robert stewart phone 1208 1 only left massey harris 10 ft rake now 2 5 foot cut mowers and 2 massey harris grain binders 6 and 7 cuts at a bargain price to clear geo a prentice son milliken phono agincourt 52w3 articles for sale dclaval milkers and cream separators order now only a limited num ber available for 1943 we install and service bell son phone 281 stouffville wanted for sale or exchange 1937 oldsmobile sedan in good running order good rubber will consider any reasonable cash offer or exchange for coupe rlngwood garage phono 25703 wanted good used two or three h p gas engine phone 2s1 bell son beatty bros ltd litter carriers pumping outfits water bowls electric grinders re pair parts etc bell son phone 281 stouffvil dolaval milkers woods grinders and coolers frigidaire coolers electric refrigerators ranges and radios tradeins accepted toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st wa 4501 estrray come to my place on tuesday three white sows own er can have same by paying ex penses and y claiming property john ferguson lot 2s con 1 markham phone 4902 wanted oldfashioned kitchen cupboard spool bed with springs write or call william j doherty claremont 3o04 wanted married man to oper ate a small farm must be re liable and good worker free house apply fred cole stouff ville rri corn 50 rows of corn for sale 42 rods long excellent crop w j dennie 1 mile south of gormley for- sale small range 4inl gurney cooking stove also a white wicker baby carriage apply george baker phone 7304 for sale small wicker baby carriage in good condition phone 7812 or apply to mrs albert boake wanted cord of kindling wood for ballantrae school whitchurch ss 11 j l ogden secretary phone 5827 wanted steam boiler 1 or 2 hp must be in first class shape stouffville machine and tool works phone 253 beach combination range electric coal and wood used one month like new latest and best model toronto radio sports 241 yonge st toronto the fuller brush we are now prepared to accept phone orders and will fill thorn as quickly as possible also phone if you wish me to call with our complete line of fuller brush articles wm grove phone 5505 wanted old and disabled horses and cat tle also pick up dead horses and cattle promptly highest prices paid for old hog pigs i pay all phone charges phone h elson 7204 stouffville cut this adv out for future reference live stock get top- prices for your br0ilers with fulopep vitaminized broiler mash for sale booking orders for purebred yorkshire breeding stock eligible for advanced registration sows 1500 boars 1200at 8 weeks with papers also 3 boars ready for service sows for lease on share basis r e brandon rr2 markham phone 1904 for sale 20 pigs about 7 weeks old bert tail phone 8109 for sale 18 young pigs apply- to ii w powell cashel mark- ham township jersey bull for sale 20 months old eligible to register telephone stouffville 5220 for sale k registered guernsey bull ready for service floyd forsythe phone 6710 h isfuiflwpv eres an exceptional feed for turning out qualitybroilcrsi with dark yellow shanks full meat and smooth skin its the vitamin- boost in ful-o- pcp added to its wonderful fatten ing quality that gets outstanding results order today from stiver bros stouffville ontario for sale team of geldings aged t j hosking lot 27 con 7 markham stouffvllle phone 4903 for sale 12 figs seven weeks old walter gray phone 9302 wifie busy baking a pie in it hops a little fly and you cant say its a currant it shows up well not burnt youhave totakethe abuse about it there is no excuse now you need a fly spray the best get bakers high test spray screen doors it repells flies get deathly sick spells away they go pell mell they get all shot to halifax lasts on cattle all day kills or drives them miles away this is no bally hoo bakers high test will do or the money back to you bakers high test fly spray is a tannin film repellant non poisonous non corrosive stainless and practically odorless and taintless guaranteed as represented or your money back cows give more milk horses will gain weight pigs make- rapid gains hens tay a lot more eggs house sizes 10c 12c 20c 25c and only 50c quart 40 ozs cattle spray by the gallon and containers extra 79c 115 125 improved high test l50ga george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist stoultvillo ont xtl3skiijif4 for best results use tribune classified ad vs sale register saturday sept b farm stock implements hay grain corn furniture and farm of 105 acres at lots 1011 rear con 2 mark ham 2 miles east of yonge street the estate of the late g a brodie see entire sale list on posters and in this issue sale at ono terms cash a s farmer auctioneer tuesday sept 8 auction sale of farm stock implements household furniture etc also 100 acre farm with fair build ings exceptionally good land at lot 4 rear con 7 on 8th line markham the property of h j benedict sale at lpm terms on chattels cash real estate made known day of sale a s farmer auctioneer gormley wednesday sept 23 guern sey sale of choice selection cows heifers calves belonging to the crossland farms lot 23 con 7 pickering 5 miles east of markham see display adv in this issue sale at 130 terms cash- ted jackson auctioneer in memoriam shaver in ever loving mem- dear wife elizabeth passed away august ory of my shaver who 29 1941 she had gone across the river to the shores of ever green and we long to see her dear face biitvthe river flowes between some day some time bur eyes shall see the face we loved so well some day well clasp her loving hand and never say farewell lovingly remembered by husband ix memoriam clark in loving memory of our dear mother mrs albert clark who passed away august 29 1930 what would we give her hand to clasp her patient face to see to hear her voice to see her smile as in the days that used to be but some sweet day well meet again beyond the toll and strife and clasp each others hand once more in heaven that happy life sadly missed by husband and family make the most ovoux tea iiavri ike feapotfaot gas thieves drain the ajax busses casoline thieves who have stolen from cars all over the countryside seem to be on the increase last tuesday night or early wednesday morning thieves stole the gas from the two ajax busses standing on main street here tho one bus does not come from ajax until very late hence the thieves had to tamper with it in the early hours of wed nesday farmers have threatened to ul j any night prowlers with buckshot that they see on their farms when this hapens there will be sons ccsatlon to the operations oc these sneak thieves in memoklui taun in loving memory oc our dear dad john w taun wh passed away sept 5 1941 also oar beloved brother percy who die sept 28 1937 w till memory fades and life departs you live forever in our hearts ever remembered by lois harvey bert and wahneita j crossland farms guernsey auction sale lot 33 concession 7 pickering township 1j4 miles north of village of green river off no 7 highway five miles east of village of markham n sale across the road on lot no 34 choice selection registered purebred guernsey cowi heifers halves cows don alda senorita no 19033 feb 26 1937 cherry princess lass no 19996 may 27 1937 buttercup beauty 2nd n 17562 aug 1 1936 don alda majestic dimple no 17906 june 2 1936 parkview florence belle no 12520 may 19 1932 heifers maplewood battlers princess no 23844 dec 29 1939 kings may rose 2nd no 23174 dec 17 1939 maplewood island beauty no 26355 nov 20 1940 maplewood daisy no 24031 march 23 1940 calves maplewood belles maid no 27967 sept 21 1941 green river dairymans beauty no 27959 jan 10 1942 mature animals bred to outstanding sire 1 don alda langwater marys royal n619276 sire of several winners at recent cn exhibition grand bam royals contentment nol97655 i 16696 lbs milk 815 lbsb f at fi horses t welch pony clydesdale mare and colt clydesdale filly ft implements wagon and box massey harris double disc massey harris these implements new three years ago reason forsale lack of accommodation forces owner to disposeof part of his tierd s terms cash ted jackson sale at 130 pm auctioneer v lzxctohjrjlsik is3si j v