af iv t theoeribuhe stouffville ontthubsdayajigust20th 1942 hv established 1888 j- member of the canadian weekly newspaper association l k issued every thursday at stouffville ontario f eight to twelve pages average circulation 1650 copies subscription rates per year in advabce in canada 5200 in usa 3260 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments council must protect village interests the village of stouffville has been willed the residue of the estate of thomas williamson and since the will is being contested in the courts it becomes the responsibility of the municipal council to protect the interest of the corporation it is the duty of this body to engage eminent counsel in order that the interests of the corporation are protected and the wishes of the testator duly administered we never favored corporations getting into law suits if at all possible to avoid such issues but here is an instance where they have no choice if the authorities sit idly by and r to defend what they consider is the rights of the cor poration then they might be charged with seriously neg lecting their duty in failing to protect the best interests of the village it is a case of receiving privileges with which comes added responsibility farmers income may set record cash income of canadian farmers is expected to be well above 1000 millions this year at this level it would compare with 700 millions in 1939 there is an excellent chance that the final total will be greater than the previous alltime record of 1056 millions in 1929 aiding the large gains in faim cash income are the cur rent bumper crops now being harvested late estimates sug gest a wheat crop of upward of 550 million bushels with sales of dairy products meats coarse grains and other farm products also promising records cadet training in the schools fiftytwo secondary school teachers many of them prin cipals of the schools they represent in ontario and quebec are attending a monthlong course in cadet instruction at niagara camp their boss is major ce read the pedagogues are stocking up on the fundamentals of soldiering and basic training when they go back to their respective schools this fall they will pass it on to the stu dents in ontario secondary schools cadet training is now obligatory and the girls too will be given more than a smattering of defence instruction the savants now in training at niagara camp are not confined to theory theyre going over the high fences along the assault course with the restof the boys at camp so when junior goes back to high school this term hes going to get a taste a good taste of map reading field craft rifle drill and many other phases of basic army training farm labor problem some people have been heard to express surprise be cause there is not more farm work being done on sundays in viewof the unquestioned emergency which exists in get ting in the seasons crops the answer is not hard to find farmers after all are human beings and there is a limit to their physical endurance fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week would seem to constitute a fair weeks work if city people would like to work longer they are welcome to try it of course there are a few chores to do on sundays as usual then too there are still many farmers who have retained their faith in god and his moral law and sincerely believe that the lords day is not only for rest but for worship too many people today think loosely about such things and whenever pressure of work threatens to engulf them they have only one solution to work on sunday their reasoning is generally an indication of their own incompetence in respect to the harvesting of grain and other crops there isno doubt this is essential and vitally important war l the government should so recognize it and release temporarily from the armed forces experienced farm work ers to assist during the harvest season this is a subject which the director of selective service should be given authority to deal with the whitby gazette declares little read government publications few people in canada ever read or see a copy of the canada gazette or the ontario gazette they are small publications in which government announcements are made but which a mere handful of people ever see when a tax sale is held in ontario thelaw requires the list of places liable to be sold to be advertised in the on- tariogazette the rates are not low for advertising and the properties being sold for taxes bear the cost a mere notice that a tax sale is to be held is inserted in the newspaper that circulates the districtwhere the sale takes place this inser- tionis necessary because the general public do not see the ontario gazette and wouldnt know a sale was to take place there is a policy of retrenchment on just now and the whitby paper points out that there is a feeling among the citizens of canada that the governments should adopt v some conservation measures such as they are urging upon the common people ifa tax sale is to be held and advertised what useful i purpose is served by advertising it in the official government paperthat mr john public never sees the sale should be advertised in the paper that is read in the district concern- ed and no where else sunday school less on august 23 jacobs vision of god golden text i am with thee and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest gen 2815 the heart of the lesson gods revelation of himself to a man does not necessarily imply sub- misison en mans part he declared his grace to jacob made clear his overshadowing care and confirmed his covenant to him but on the part of the wayward young man who destined to spend many years away from the land to promise and never to see his scheming mother again there was as yet no real surrender of soul to the one was reiterated as god spoke to jacob already blessing has come to a large part of mankind through the promised- seed but gods tail program- to bless all nations through him awaits fulfillment at his second advent when the world kingdom of our god and his chris will come rev 1115 literal trans lation verse 15 behold i am with thee i will not leave thee what words are these coming from the heart of god to poor jacob when he was suffering the conse quences of his own deceitful and unbrotherly behavior- the grace of god was abundant toward him as suring of present care and future blessing with eventual restoration to the land he was about to leave verse 16 surely the lord is in this place and i knew it not to jacob the lord was not yot known as he was to know him in later years he perhaps had thought of himself as going beyond the who thus manifested his loving care v he was jacob the bargainer the sphere f tme 1 ln crafty supplanter still he would t b he learned that th god even try to bring god over to- his hs f was preent and jever watching over him for good henceforth bethel would be to him 10 million hogs needed for 1043 terms promising recognition of his authority providing the lord did as he desired it is a sad illustra tion of what is in all of our hearts until subdued by divine power verse by verse gen 2810 jacob went toward haran some of abrahams kinsfolk had remained in haran after he and lot went on to the land of canaan it was to find these rela tives that jacob was journeying his mother rebekah had been found in this region by abrahams servant and her family resided there still verse 11 he took of the ston es for his pillows a home less wanderer because of his own sin in defrauding his brother he found himself alone in the wate country and when night fell he im provised a couch upon the ground in reality the house of god al though many years were to pass be fore he renewed his vows to the lord who appeared to him there gen 3517 verse 17 how dreadful is this place- it was not that he was ter rorized but rather his soul was solemnized he used a word which expresses a sense of reverent awe as he realized that the place of his desert lodging had indeed become the house of god the very gate or entrance into heaven from hence forth he would have a deeper sense of heavens concern over him than ever before and of his responsibil ity to honor god who had mani fested himself to him verse 18 jacob took the stone and set it up for a pillar ottawa canadian farmers will have to market about 10 mil lion hogs next year if they are go ing to fill great britains enlarged demands and keep the domestic market well stocked it is estimated this would represent an increase of about three miluon hogs over ex pected 1942 marketings it would compare with 62 million hogs marketed in 1941 55 millions in 1940 and 37 millions in 1939 the british ministry of food is seeking at least 700 million lb of bacon and ham compared with 600 million lb contracted for the cur rent year v to boost canadas hog market ings to 10 millions presents prob lems chiefly that of persuading the farmers that raising more hogs can be profitable the answer may have to be some arrangement whereby hog prices can be raised above this years top level of 199 cents a lb under the present uk agreement normal schools open september 22 normal schools in ontario win open this year on september 22 and not september 8 as providek in the regulations it has been an nounced by the ontario dept of education the postponement- is made to enable students to spend as much time as possible assisting farmers with the harvest the change in opening dates coincides with the order delaying the opening of some secondary schools two weeks him as he went on to haran jacob was still jacob the israel nature was not yet his verse 22 of all that thou shalt give me i will surely give the tenth unto thee this was the concluding part of tho bargain he sought to drive with godit shows how incorrigible is the heart of man and how imperative the need of a new birth the best results are obtained from tribune classified advs keeps village dry by a margin of 16 votes totten ham residents thursday defeated a move to allow the introduction oc boverago rooms to that village a large number of the 550 resi dents of the incorporated village turned out to cast their votes and there was widespread interest as to tho outcome of the plebiscite thursday night it was announced that the wets were 16 ballots short of the threefifths majority necessary to swing this centre over from its traditional dry condition lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock with the desert stones for headrests and poured oil upon it his verso 12 a ladder or ascent stony headrest was turned intc an set up and behold the angels anointed monument commemorat- of god ascending and descending on is the divine mercy it it was a vision showing how closely earth and heaven are link ed our blessed lord indicated to kathanael that this ascent or lad der of light heaven typified verse 19 he called the name of that place bethel it was an evidence of a certain measure of spiritual insight that led him thus between earth and i to change its name from luz a himself the one i word of uncertain meaning to the god and mediator between john 151 verse 13 the land whereon thou liest to thee will i give it and to thy seed many seem to forget that tho possession of the land of canaan by the nation of israel as descendants of jacob is included in gods unconditional covenant made with abraham gen 13 15- and isaac gen 2k34and con firmed to jacob this is the jews inalienable title to their ancient homeland and palestine will yet be theirs through gods overruling providence verse 14 in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed the seed is christ as galatians 316 makes clear the promise of genesis 22 is men house of god the name which it 1 was to bear for many centuries after ward verse 20 jacob vowed a vow saying if god will be with me there was no occasion for an if god had spoken very definitely and declared that he would be with jacob wherever he went it was lack of real spiritual discernment as yet that led the wanderer to try to bargain with god he sought to obtain or insure his favor by prom ising certain things providing god fulfilled his promises this is a most subtle form of unbelief verse 21 when shall the lord be my god there was no im mediate yielding of his heart to the lord but simply a vow that ho would do so if god did not desert cedar beach gardens dancing wednesday and friday evenings admission 25 cents ontarios most beautiful dance pavilion saturday e lay evenings george hooey and his new orchestra c o to wr you i e pqc to wide ta v iv honey dew limited or apply in person between 9 am and noon 287 victoria st toronto phone elgfn 4203 hony duj coffc shops