ttie tribune stouffviueonu thursday july 23rd 1942 5 vviot rtskj vv is ti-imt- o pagendfe gmrfernpnt and distrigt by staff correspondent local ageniconnors bakery tribunes on connors store sale each week ati l severn townsfolk are reported suffering from summer flu mr and mrs earl emprinsham from the states called on cousin3 mr and mrs delbert booth visited with mrs booths mother mrs john spencely on sunday mr and mrs frank ham wore visitors in oshawa on saturday mr and mrs e bryan and mrs burton of cobourg ontario visited with mr and mrs lyle recently age over the weekend although rain suffeicd considerably from mist junemorganof quaker hill wind on many farms particularly those north of highway no 7 shortage of help has slowed up the harvesting of the hay crop and much mrs george is still in the fields fast ripening weather has only and spent the past week with mr mrs roy morgan mr and mrs john middleton visited with mr and middleton on sunday mrs ralph wellman has receiv ed word of the serious illness of her sister in kitchener and intends leaving shortly to visit her mr and mrs rolling of ml al bert have been visiting with their daughter miss stella rolling miss kathleen beelbyand miss bessie graham of toronto wore homo over the weekend mr and mrs floyd jones of brooklin visited with mrs j eush- by on saturday wheat cutting is expected to be come quite general in this district this week although there is still considerable hay still standing mr and mrs charles derha ft ill shortly lake up residence in the house on the 9u concession the piopeity of tlic late iriciard howe mrs bud xoiton will entrain for british columbia shortly wheie she will visit with her husband who i an training with the canadian army there mr and mrs adderson who have been icsidiug here are leaving the community to occupy one of the homes being built by the govern ment near the munitions riant miss mary mcnab who has been in poor health this past while is showing steady signs of improve ment mrs frank cooper was in toron to for a couple of days last week visiting with her sister mrs jones miss harris and mrslyon of tor onto visited at tliej charles empring- ham home during last week a mixed bowling tournament v be held on the local greens this saturday afternoon supper will be served mrs t stanbuiy visited her daughters miss ida and mrs martin inpoterboro last week on her return during thenveekend she was accom panied by miss ida stanbury mrs roy ward and mis w p jones of balsam have been in tor onto visiting miss viola jones who umbrella has just recently undergone an operation in a city hospital jack brillinger who has been laid up for so many months due to a motor accident lias been allow- edto remove the cast from his in jured leg and is gradually getting around again children and adults gathered at greenwood park on wednesday afternoon for the animal union pic nic of uhe two claremont churches mr and mrs ted tomlinson and family and mis i alger of toronto also mrs a w tomllnson of geraldton were weekend visitors with dr and mrs n f tomlinson mr and mrs ray rumohr and daughter grace have returned to hamilton arter holidaying here for a week with mr rumohrs mother mrs si itumohr wo understand that mr and mrs harold hopkins are moving into the apartment over browns restaurant mrs hopkins has been employed at the munitions plant while her husband has enlisted with rcoc we understand a further list of draft notices have been re ceived in the village and includo the names of elmer sherk harold hopkins ken ward pete hardy and arthur douglas mr and mrs j d sanders arid eon also mr and mrs r u sand ers and family of richmond hill were weekend vistors at the d saunders home here the two mr sanders are brothers of mrs saunders friends of the nowlyweds mr and mrs wilmot hill gathered in the community hall on friday even ing to shower the couple with gifts and enjoy an evening of dancing mr and mrs earl empringham from the states called on cousins mr and mrs charles emptlhgham mt zion last week it is forty years since the american folk made their last tripover the border no reports come from the claremon- area as to llgntnlng dam- harold hopkins claremont who is on active service with the rcoc grain and wet tended to increase the farmeis problems mr bruce harlan of toronto visited here with friends over the weekend mr and mrs jack morgan and family also mr jim stephenson and miss patty harper visited at the home of mr and mrs roy morgan on sunday honey crop will be snuill according to our local apiarist will birkett the honey crop a this district will be veiy small this year mr birkett states that in previous seasons he has taken oft tons of honey by this time and this year so fai not a pound has been removed the unusually wet weather is given as cue of the main reasons for the shoitage there is little alsike in this area this summer and this piesents a cuither hardship coopers staff depleted by army two more men have donned army uniforms from charles coopers both earl curly cook and haiold hopkins have received draft calls and both havo enlisted with the royal canadian ordnance corps and left this week curly has been the popular clerk in the hardware stoie for nearly five years while harold has been driving one of the garage supply trucks for about three and a half years popular son of past years shares reception with bride last week a number of claie- mont and brooklin friends gather ed in the community hall brook lin to honor mr and mrs stanley linton who were married on june 30th stan linton is a foimer claremcntonian a grandson of mr and mrs jas linton to the strains of the bridal chorus fiom lohen grin ahe bride and groom entered tho hall and took places on the platform under a gaily decorated i mrs harvey painter read an ad dress after which two wee tots caihai ine hamilton and fay painter came on the platform drawing a small decorated wagon loaded with parcels stan received each parcel rrom the children unv j tied the fastenings and passed it on i the municipality to the other t to reva cooper who opened it each wrapped gift was a useful article which the young couple will find most practical when they take up housekeeping in a home of their own lunch was served and danc ing occupied the remainder of the evening the ado ess was as follows dear reva and stan the mer ry sound of wedding bells on the evening of june 30 told us of your marriage this gladsome music is the most popular music in all the world and brings with it smiles gifts best wishes and congratula tions so we have gathered here this evening to have a part in this happy event of your life and to start you off on the sea of matri mony with a convoy of gifts good wishes and congratulations we could wish that your voyage through life might be all smooth sailing but he who ordeis our lives has seen that such is not best so we wish for you a long fife together filled wilhhappiness and prosperity rova we have always known you having lived liere from your babyhood aud shared with us in the many joyous events of our community life al though stan your home is in a different centie yet many of us have become accquainted with you and have learned to appreciate those qualities that brought reva to you for your wife as a token of our esteem we ask yoi to accept these gifts and hope that m the years to come they will leniind you of this occasion and your many friends pickering coiitcmplitc- change iu jledicil setup ttie mdustiializing or the south- el n portion of pickei ing township has created a hospitalization prob lem for both the council nnd the mo dr tomlinson despite the fact that dominion industiics have their own hospital within the plant hospitalization accounts aie piesent- ed at almost every council meeting for employees of the dil so far all such claims have been iopudiit- ed by pickeiing who feel they can not begin to accept calls fiom the vast army of workeis who have flocked to this particular locality it has been further pointed out that these people are making big money at the plant and should be well able to pay their way and not claim indigency dr tomlinson the townships mo has brought the matter of his calls to the attention of council l since he has been called more and more to attend patients in this new thickly populated area the situation was discussed brief ly at the last council meeting and while it was an understood fact that no medical officer could be ex pected to take on this inci eased work without increased salaiy there is a feeling that the solution is the appointment of a second man to deal with the southern cases the area is served by three doctors dr tomlinson dr caitwright and dr peaison but dr tomlinson as the official township medico is called more frequently trombone end of brougham mr ross knox and lady friend of toronto yisited his parents on sunday mrnfred wright of green river spent the weekend with his daugh ter mrs carl devitt and family mrs albert matthews is spending a week with her sister mrs ding- man of whitby miss gladys gannonrn and friend miss mclaughlinrn of toronto called on mrs d gannon on thursday mr robert bowprick was a re cent guest of roy miller at the home of r d miller several families from this district attended the decoration services at whitevale on sunday the many friends of miss wanda vamuiri will be glad to hear that she is improving nicely after her illness and expects to leave the hos pital this week visitors at the home of l and mis matthews during tho weekend were mr and mrs d l witter and daughter of montreal mr and mrs martin routley also leonard rout- ley of brooklin mr and mrs win ellicott also mr and mis wallace ellicott re in rued home after enjoying a pleas ant motor trip to crystal beach we extend our congratulations to mr and mrs iross wilson jessie clark whose marriage took place in st chads anglican church toionto on saturday july lsth mrs win dunn who lufs not been well for some time was taken to toronto hospital for tieatment her many friends wish her a speedy i eco vei y mis jack morgan of quakei hill and mis mina mcmaster of toronto spent tuesday with mr john phillips and murray mr and mis d cannon also mr and mrs george willsou and w c and mrs willsou and son frances were in toronto on saturday at tending the willsonclark wedding mr mori is shaw who was work ing for mr jas phillips of the 5th con was taken ill lecently and moved to toronto general hos pital he passed away last week at the age of fiftyseen years interment was made wednesday in the union cemetery heie the w i held their legular meeting on tuesday afternoon in the hall when they were enter- tained by mr tapplin of the tapp shoe store who gave an illustrat ed talk on shoe fitting a number of ladies from claremont and altona were also present and all enjoyed a social hour together mrs m hamil cedar beach gardes midnight civic holiday sunday august 3 featuring jack evans and his new radio band ontarios most beautiful dance pavilion saturday evenings george hooey and his new orchestra ship as it stands could remain in tact but rather than have the farm ers incumbered with the industry in tho south some division might be cousideied writing in the picker ing news last week dr mcewen said things change in time and we must change with the times we can not dwell under the conditions fifty yeais ago mr farmer rate payer do you know what you are up against do you want to he in he same position as some of our neighboiing municipalities divide thjs township at once before it is too late and give both ends their just dues let the south become a manufactuung and residential cen tie while the north can still bo a strictly ruial area mr reeve and councillois the move is up to you war measures have brought this condition about sooner than we ex pected so take off your shirt and go to work no problem can bo sol ved by just avoiding it we are at war but do not let oui home conditions be jeopardized by a local condition advance picker ing no retreat is the objective of every ratepayer move fast ton was the lucky pair of shoes winner of the should pickering township be divided dr n e mcewon of pickering launched a vigorous appeal last week to have the township of pickering divided into two separ ate municipalities in view of the new conditions that now confront the municipality there is indeed some merit in what dr mcewen has to say and it is along the line that we have heaid others express namely that the township council should make every effort to have the village of ajax incorporated if that were accomplished the town they dropped their bombs every 30 yard v 5v vwfsvi the terrific save egypt raf in egypt staged a these rained bombs of all types on concentrations mumps hey could n scvennlght offensive to bengazi the central libyan axis fl j they british planes like base and- on all enemy coastal bombs every 30 yards camps and supply hannatord ave toronto rev w e kibblewhite of agincourt offi ciated and mrs russell beare play ed the wedding mjusic the bride given in marriage by her father woie a gown of white satin trimmed with seed pearls and a fingertip veil she carried a bou quet of lilies and roses miss rheta maynard sister of the bride brides- maid wore a gown of turquoise velyaray organza and a tiny cap of iace and tulle her flowers vere pink carnations and daisies little miss marjorie walker niece of the bride was flower girl dressed in pale blue organza and carrying a basket of led roses mr allan war- by of toronto was best man the couple spent their honeymoon in kingston i marriages turner mayjnard a pietty house wedding took place at the home of the brides parents m markham when eileen hazel daughter of mr and mrs g h maynard was united in mairiage to pte william james turner ring wood garage tubes vulcanized we are prepared to give you tho best valncjmiing job with our new electric equipment general repairs number of reliners for quick sale supertest gasoline and oil refreshment booth ken laushway prop why jims buried and i didnt even c know he was dead how many times lately have you heard it said that some old friend was dead and buried before you knew about it theres nothing funny about such a situation fact is its a bit tragic when only a little forethought on the part of those responsible for funeral arrangements might have let everyone know the most courteous proper announcement in case of such trouble is the intimate funeral cards you can procure one two or more dozens within a few hours notice ask your funeral director to order them he will be glad to attend to this detail and he will have a few distributed about town for you the balance will be acceptable if sent to old friends and they will be valuable for vears as a record the stouffville tribune n jk-i-i- cl vcww