i- rz f t- vst vcv- the tribune stouflqrille ont thursday july 16th 1942 page seven canadian us nurses in alaska pleasing to god cain was angry be cause the lord god refused to accept what be brought in selfwill verse 6 why art thou wroth the- tender concern of god for lost men is most touching he was in terested in cain and sought to ex ercise his conscience verse 7 sin lleth at the door the verb here is rendered coach eth in the revised version and as the words for sin and sinoffer ing are the same in the hebrew it county home gets a prize heifer the york county house of re fuge xewmarket purchased a richly bred two year old holstein- friesian heifer montvic empress meg for 1300 at the jit victoria farms dispersal sale at hudson i heights -que- this heifer is sired by emperor bi mt victoria his four nearest dams has been suggested that what god averaging in the 305 day division really said to cain was that he 102753 lb fat with 253160 lb milk first us army nurse to arrive at a northern military outpost was first lieut dorothy kurtz right who was accompanied by a canadian nursing sister margaret douglas uriday school less on lesson for july 10 ax1 ahel a contrast en text by faitli abel offer- unto god a more excellent srlflcc than cain by which lie tained- witness that hn was utcous iheb 114 uelkssox as a whole ot moody church chicago inch to the lesson the story of these two brothers e the beginning of the only two ns that have ever seen on it lias been well said that the no salvation his gifts heb 114 the- more excellent sacrifice that he brought preligured the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world john 129 it was faith in the promised redeemer that led abel to bring o the firstlings of his flock these innocent victims were typi cal of him whose one sacrifice set tled the siii question forever cain did not have this living faith his was what men call natural religion he recognized the god of nature who gives the fruit of the ground in re sponse to mans toil but he did not know the god of grace who was to provide a saviour for sinful men scripture speaks of the way of cain judge 11 which is the at tempt to satisfy cod without aton ing blood and uses it as a picture of the apostasy of the last days where there is no blood there is for it is the blood tenet of all human religion is t ma an atonement for the itliing in my hand i brlngthe r i7 nj tne follow- lifferences having to do with that something is whoroas ue divinelyrevealed religion nothing in my hand i bring ian can do nothing or bring ng to god of his own provid- ticli will avail to settle the sin in of course altogether from the offerings they pre- ijwe have to consider the characters of these two scaln was of that wicked his own works were evil and rthers righteous 1 john but it is faith that makes hteonsness of life and when ire witness to the righteous- abel it was as testifying of wanted cad horses nnd cnttlo jne for free pick up phone rville 256 markham 4326 mont 313 we pay phone midon young ltd phone adelaide 3636 toronto es leave fville to toronto a 715 am c 925 am d lf50 am g 345 pm d 450 pm d 940 pm to to stouffville a 915 am cjll00 am d- 130 pm a- 530 jpm c 730 pm eill15 pm ex sunday and holidays idayand saturday only sunday nnd holidays it saturday only ay sunday and holidays day saturday only xv saturday sun hoi hrough to uxbrldgei j daylight saving time s and information at food shop phono 167 coach lines ers of cains religion utterly re fuse to acknowledge while the spiritual kindred of abel approach a holy cod only on the ground of sacrifice verso by verse gen 41 i have gotten a man from the lord eve really said i have gotten jehovahs man she doubtless thought cain was the promised seed who was to bruise the serpents head so she rejoiced at his birth only to be grevlousiy disappointed afterward when he manifested the fact that instead of being a child of god he was of that wicked one cain means gotten or acquired verso 2 his brother abel the name means vapor or- vanity it is as though eve was dishearten ed by what she saw developing in her first son and the advent of a second one gave her no pleasure yet abel was one who turned to the lord and became through the new birth a child of god the two children illustrate this principle that was not first which is spirit ual but that which is natural arid afterward that which is spiritual 1 cor 1546 this is a truth that runs all through scripture verse 3 brought of the fruit ot- the ground an offering un to the lord this though probably fair nnd excellent in itself was but the produce of a cursed earth the result of cains toil nnd sweat there was nothing in it to suggest expiation for iniquty had it been offered after the presentation of a blood sacrifice it would have been acceptable but it could not be re ceived in place of the othor verse 4 the lord had respect unto abel and to his offering the lambs of the flock typified the holy one who was to come into the world nnd give ills life a ransom for sin ful men so abel was accepted in his offering it was faith that led him thus to approach god as k arc told in hebrews 11 verse 5 unto cain and sbls offering he had not respect cain was an unrcpentant unsubdued man acting in selfwlll and his offering had no suggestion in it of the need of atonoment both the offerer and tho offering were dls- would have been accepted if ho had come in the proper way and with the right offering but if thou dost not well a sinoffering is couching at the door that is it was not yet too late to rectify his mistake a lamb could be found outside the door which he might offer in faith if he now repented of his wlllfull- ness verse s cain roseup against abel his brother and slew him in stead of repentance there was ever increasing resentment until at last his perturbed spirit could not even brook the sight of his godly broth er whose sacrifice had been approv ed of the lord and so at a con venient time when the two were alone in a field the enraged cain slew abel thus the first murder and that fractricide had stained the annals of the human race verse 9 am i my brothers keeper this was cains irritable reply when questioned by god as to his brother whom he had slain he added lying to murder and heart less bravenriess of spirit to lying so does one sin lead to another when unrepented of we are all responsible to god for our brothers it is not possible to avoidthis for none of us liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself rom 147 in proverbs 241112 we have a solemn warning concerning this cainlike of indifferece- to a brothers need verse 10 the voice of thy brothers blood crleth the blood of the murdered abel cried for ven geance in hebrews 1224 we are told that the blood of jesus who was slain by sinful men speaketh better things jesus blood through earth and skies mercy free boundless mercy f cries wherever through our carelness- or indifference our brothers are left to die in their sins their blood aloud to our loss and condemnation verse 11 now art thou cursed from the earth no longer was cain to find a home of ease and comfort hauntted everywhere he went ibjvthe memory of his sin and was doubly under the curse for the voice of his brothers blood he not only was he under the judgment pronounced on the race because of the sin of its head but he was now under condemnation because of his own personal wickedness j verse 12 a fugitive and a slay testing 405 pc the dam of the heifer purchased is a show cow and is sired by montvic pathfinder the sir of the auamerican get in 1941 and the sire of the top priced ani mal in the sale namely montvic bonheur pietjo b which sold for s6500 this dispersal sale of mt vic toria farms holstelns set a record as to prices and high quality stock offered twentyone canadian breeders purchased thirtysix head of cattle for a total of 63275 of these 17 were ontario breeders who took 25 head for a total of 43- 825 there were 17 usa purchas ers who got 34 head for 67675 seven bulls sold for an average of 32s929 and a 5 days old bull calf brought 475 thirtysix females over two years of age sold for an average of211042 seven of these being cows of 8 years old arid over which made the remarkable aver age of 137s57 two of them sell ing at 2500 seven bred heifers averaged 192145 thirteen open heifers born in 1941 the ofaest born in may averaged 111923 while 5 baby heifers born in 1942 aver aged 790 a two days old heifer calf sold at 400 those in charge of the york county house of refuge are to ibe congratulated on their fine selection greexwood wojian reaches 08 year mrs jane boyer celebrated her ninetyeighth birthday this month a number of her nieces and nephews had dinner with her and old friends and neighbours called to wish her health and happiness for another year greenwood is quite proud of its janie the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor a international daily newspaper if truthfulconstructive unbiased free from sensationai- m editorials arc timely and instructive and its daily features together with the weekly magazine section make the monitor an ideal newspaper for the home the christian science publishing society one norway street boston massachusetts price 1200 yearly or 100 a month saturday issue including magazine section 260 a year introductory offer 6 issues 25 cents name address- s5wsssssssssst5j- sample copy on request vagabond shalt thou be in the earth restless and unhappy the wretched fratricide was doomed to wander on like a lost soul finding no peace nothing to assuage his disturbed conscience for him there was to be greater grief by far than that of the family to which he be longed but whose happiness he had so grossly destroyed verso 13 my punishment is greater than i can hear it is the expression- not of repentance but of selfpity he who had not pity on his brother is perturbed because of consequences of his crime verse 14 it shall come to pass that every one that findeth me shall that already there had been many more children born to adam and possibly even grandchildren before the incident described in those ver ses cain was not a child or a youth but a man of mature years who should have recognized his respon sibility to be subject to gods will verse 15 the lord set a mark upon cain lest any finding him should kill him because this was in the dispensation of conscience and not yet of established human government there were no magis trates to execute a legal death sen tence so god dealt with cain him slf not until the next age did he commit the power of death to those in authority gen 96 capital pun ishment was not compatible with the age of conscience when men in dividually responsible not to law but to god himself me it is evident from this the heart of the lesson the unity of the plan of redemp tion is illustrated in a very striking way in this early historical incident throughout all the ages every soul who has been saved was redeemed by the precious blood of christ and justified by faitli this is what is portrayed in the offering of the firstling of abels flock there was no intrinsic value in the blood of the iamb that was shed hut it spoke of tlie redemption that is in christ jesus this was ever before the eye of god and because of the blood of calvary yet to be shed he could remit the sins of believers in past dispensations it was the faith of abels soul that led him to offer in a way that was pleasing to god in the same way today all who come to him in faith resting on thopro- pitiatory work of his beloved- son are accepted in the beloved and purged from every staint here is kind of thats legal t 91 on buy an perhops you member how 1 you j- f before you j v the miles inv serviceable r lir essential of your tires e lake good car res i rules u sfl ournresorecutrs or if your old a an eaiw- curb dealer in yo he knoyi vrt mea u d and fl hep y proper f dont driving miles y aet lov now drive n avow- corn wootll ove every j froit heres our r worn- leafl itro flo mftbabsskss issrs the cad- lno sts tate n ire every d v h alignment checked k dvi a witniuled ident iub iu4 h ibjll fw t i t