pirvsinfgtmffz jz ls ltt- sage ten c the tribunestouffville- onfrthursday july16th 1942 i i classified advs for sale or rent fc k for sale brick residence in stouffville 9 rooms all oak trim hardwood floors also brick gar age and large lot choice location corner main st and william apply to owner on premises mrs j alheise phone 275 house and lot for sale in stouffville frame dwelling six roomed with electric light and water half acre garden lot apply to lome kester no 1 avalon blvd toronto 13 ph gr 1791 for sale sroom brick house on south main st unicnville attrac tive grounds modern conveniences good garden 2car garage well equipped hen house apply box 56 unionville wanted notice would some kind lady take another christian lady into her home to help until she gets stronger can mend darn do plain sewing dusting apply at tribune office teacher wanted protestant for ss no 12 urhridge duties commence sept 1st boarding place available close to cchool apply to george hill secy treas claremont rr 1 articles for sale for sale mccormickdeering threshing machine steel separ ator no 2846 corn box and an int no 12a silo filler also 1530 int tractor will sell separately or otherwise bex 42 claremont wanted two good saddles ralph connor phone 5806 stouffville rr3 wanted to buy panel truck for cash state price and condition and model in first reply holly wood fur farm stouffville rr4 wanted experienced man for farm work s5 per month or boy over 15 years hc white gorm- ley rjri2 phone 9107 bread for sale 2 gentlemens bicycle3 reconditioned newly painted rea sonable for cash apply ringwood harness shop for sale viking separator near ly new 650 cap el wood elson lemonville for sale quantity of seeper3 14 ft long also sofe timberearl howsam phone 9006 wanted bright young man with experience in typewriting fair speed knowledge of shorthand not necessary apply davis leath er co ltd newmarket ont live stock for sale two 6 year old grey percheron mares one 6 year old clyde gelding 1400 to 1700 lbs br leech 241 yonge st or leech wood farm 2 miles east of thornhill white or whole wheat the biggest fcc 9 lakeside news easy to slice always fresh matchless pastry for sale 10 small tables 28x 38 suitable for icecream parlor or other organization nearly new apply stouffville planing mill delaval milkers immediate de livery on a limited number also woods grinders and coolersfrigid- aire coolers toronto radio sports 241 yonge st wa 4501 men women over 40 feel weak worn old want normal pep vim vitality doss weak rundown exhausted condition xnfce muatosm ont out try ostrex contains cneru tonloi itlmuwa often needed aw 30 or krsnmlie iron calcium phosphorus yttmgln bu helps 70u get normal pep trim tlubtr to- srotaowrr sue ostrex tonic liweu onb tic for sale at all coed drug stores everj where f when hair gets unruly j you begin to spout dont use such language get dander out put a little on every day dandruff says i cant stay dander out putsem out 25c 40c 85c george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist i stonffvlllc k ont f a secret i why i thought you had gray hair i gave that woman an awful stare no one told me she started to use bakers natural color hair a iriestorer 49c and large bottle 125 george e baker phmb stouffville ontario for sale 12 yearling durham stockers apply jacob mcmullen phone 7s12 stouffville for sale holstein cow milk ing f canuthers phone 8903 icecream socul the lemonville young peoples society of the united church lem onville are holding an icecream social wednesday evening july 22nd good progi am admission 15 25c come and bring a friend card of thanks mr and mrs davey wish to thank their many friends for their kindness during his illness in sending cards flowers and dainties also to the un ited church for the bouquet of roses and the fruit from the womens institute and card from the war branch work room with signatures of those present all these were greatly appreciated h feed f0r egg profits with fulopep laying mash jse this lowcost laying mash to provide hens with the proteins minerals and vita mins needed to sustain heavy egg production helps promote flock health and usa bility order todax from stiver bros fence construction and painting school interior separate tenders will be received by the undersigned for the following work at bloomington public school ss no 10 whitchurch for the construction of a board fence along a portion of the school premises materials will be supplied for painting the interior of the school building to make a complete job for further details and inform ation apply to the secretary all work must be completed by august 29 1942 lowesf or any tender not necessarily accepted tenders closejuly 18 1942 j percy brown secy s stouffville irr 2 cakes pies rolls tarts fancy breads despite the extreme warm spell we have bad this week the flower beds and gardens around the lake never looked better take a stroll around in the evening and see for yourself bill evans and john nesbitt are competing in vegetable gardens this year and both have displayed some prize produce to their city neighbours mrs foster of evans drive is in st josephs hospital and her speedy recovery is hoped for by her many friends around the north shore ee mr harvey hess has been spend ing his leisure hours assisting his brother victor in painting the fam ily cottage on cedarvale drive ee ee ee mr and mrs william vancamp of the vancamp chemical company toronto spent the weekend with miss thelma hess ee ee mr richard evans who is now stationed at belleville with the rcaf spent the weekend at the family cottage here a a clifford lloyd a son of mr bert lloyd past president of the associ ation is now in the army a e the cottagers wish to congratu late irobert windsor on the splendid job he has been doing of policing the lake bob is at the call of all at musselmans lake and can be reached by calling stouffville 8407 ee mr j halliwell of summerhill cottage connor drive is doing his bit to boost our countrys vegetable production and if you drop around he will proudly show you one of the finest crops of potatoes and toma toes aiound the lake misses bernice todd and mildred rae are- holidaying at paxton villa musselmans lake the gray coach lines have been expanding their service here steadily and several extra busses were em ployed on saturday to bring in the big crowd of weekend visitors ee a mr and mrs r p caulford and family mr donald and misses bertha and nancy are again at springfield cottage connor drive during the weekends ee a exconstable bill beach is busy supplying the cottages with wood wood like coal is rather hard to obtain and this vendor so close at hand is certainly appreciated a a a a a a shadow lake camp again is having a banner year under the direction of miss pitt the girls say that the meals mrs gardner is dish ing up were never better mr andy williams manager is to be congratulated on the tidy and at tractive appearance of the big stone entrance city children enjoyed a real oldfashioned hay ride on tues day thanks to manager andy as the eaton farm was hauling in that bumper hay crop aa ee ee believe it or not honesty is still making the headlines and hats are off to geoige carney who turn ed over a five spot to a shadow lake gill this week when the lat ter came to make enquiry at the cedar beach pavilion ee ee ea jac eans and his radio band will featuie the midnight dance at cedai beach gardens on the com ing eve of civic holiday theatre phone 100 showing each night at 615 saturday and holidays 700 and sm thursday friday saturday july 10 17 18 jesse james at bay roy rogers gabby hayes also sing another chorus johnny downs jane frazeo monday tuesday wednesday july 20 21 22 ellery queen and perfect crime ralph bellamy marg lindsay also richest man in town frank craven eileen ohearm thursday friday saturday july 2324 25 keep em flying abbott and costello sale register wednesday july 22 auc tion sale of household furniture some implements and house and lot at lot 23 rear con 6 mark- ham estate of the late henry walker watch for detailed list and bills sale at 2 pm a s farmer auctioneer used farm equipment for sale cabbage transplanter massey harris 7 foot binder cockshutt 2 furrow tractor plow de laval separator no 16 williams sewing machine bell son stouffville phone 281 universal natural milkers sold by l j harper newmarket phone 271j2 anything useful taken as part payment immediate delivery electric refrigerators ranges com coal and electric ranges also radios tradeins accepted toronto radio sports 341 yonge st wa4501 bartering jiomce len keepings barber shop will be open every evening excepting on monday and wednsday from fi to 930 saturday night 11 oclock these hours in effect from july 6 to july is inclusive te t 1- v stouffville ontario 4th line uxbridge mr and mrs harold norton were weekend visitors with mr and mrs ed norton mrs russell feasby and howard also mr and mrs norman feasby and baby visited with mr and mrs a b shaffer of bethesda sunday mr and mrs a ashenhurst and l4tura spent sunday with mr and mrs bruce bailey of utica master elmer maye is spending a couple of weeks with his grand parents mr and mrs william red man of quaker hill stouffville bakery additional locals miss phoebe taylor of guelph is in town this week in the nteiests of the sailors mission mjjs george saunders stricken mrs george saunders wile of the caretakei of the post ollice suffeied a bieakdown last weekend which bordeied on a stroa her condition since that time however is much improved we are inform ed it was fortunate that mr saunders was having weekend leave and consequently was at home when mrs saunders was stricken last sunday the family met a second misfortune when mrs saun ders grandson ian lewis broke his ons sister mrs arm playing on the swings at the a couple of weeks town park cottagers will be interested to learn that mr and mrs w b ford who won the victory goats at last years picnic donated by mr james monk lincolnville may themselves donate a donkey for this years lucky draw ee ee a speaking of the large number of children holidaying heerthis year giandma walton had her ten grand children cut for a sunday recently and no less than twenty sat down to sunday dinner at this home the waltons are not worried a great deal about looking after this large household they have a large prize st bernard which never lets the children out of his sight mm mm mm james pidgeori wishes to notify cottagers at the lake that there is still considerable mail at the post office winsome corner uncalled for he also calls your attention to a display adv in this issue in which he offers each wednesday and fri day fish and chips a treat for your summer visitors tothe lake a mm wm kiik of kirkside cottage appleton dr is on the sick list mr kirk has been a faithful worker for the latepayers associa tion for a number of years and friends will be sorry to hear of his misfortune mm mrs foster of lynwood cottage is here recuperating from a long illness and her many fi lends hope for a speedy recovery- aa mm mm mr and mrs cameron of lon don ont are visiting mrs camer- m underwood for your attention please the w a of melville are putting on an entertainment in the melville church on thursday evening july 23 at 815 oclock ralph gordon popular entertainer and cartoonist also a quartette from toronto play ing the electric guitars will feature the program of wholesome enter tainment admission 25 and 15c we understand from mrs kane tnat her kings plate winner willie the kid has been forced in to retirement by a leg injury and will be on the shelf for some time mm v mm mm grandpa mark underwood a familiar figure in these parts has taken a position at the pickering munitions plant super sbelrader meat chest glass shelves quick release trays 2 vecetable crlspers electrosare 10 point cedlrol large storabln so lee cubes toronto radio r sports limited 241 yonce st 1173 st clair w wa 4501 f lo 2721 sawsssssaa canada leadipg radio company it is almost impossible to get an accuiate list of the total enlistments around the lake but a few of those who are annual campers here and have donned the kings uni form are as follows doc daniels son of mr and mrs walter jas daniels who is well known locally m softball circles is training with the r caf as a radio mechanic stock stringer is overseas with the rcaf as an observer the stringers have been cottagers at the lake for some fifteen years dick evans son of mr william evans and the late mrs evans and billy thomas nephew of william evans are also wearing airforce blue bill is an observer and is now stationed in alaska while dick is training as a- pilot at belleville bill logan is with the signal corps overseas lloyd barkley is overseas with the rcaf as a radio mechanic vc logan is also with the army and is stationed in ottawa at present victor hess son of mr and mrs arthur hess and a radio singer of no mean ability is with the ord nance corps and is stationed at toronto joe underwood who carried hockey colours for stouffville on previous seasons is in the canadian army and is stationed in toronto farmer tunstead has gone overseas with a canadian army unit mack logan is with the rcaf and is now in a training school at gait jack tweddle son of mr and mrs ernest tweddle is wearing an army uniform overseas roy warren familiar figure on windsor drive during ipast sum mers is overseas as a pilot with the rcaf fred darlow son of mr and mrs edward darlow is also a pilot over seas with the rcaf vern davies son of mr and mrs george davies proprietor of cedar beach has enlisted as a pilot with the rcaf and is at present awaiting his call four lads from stouffville who occupied a cottage on rose hill drive a couple of seasons ago are now all in the service and all with the rcaf they are don roberts don mcrae chet wark former bank clerks here and jack sanders other lads who are serving are bill oneill bob sanders henry greer louis wismer and ollie greenwood probably the most airminded family around the lake occupies a cottage on evans drive mrs wm refausse and two children are the family of flightsergeant refausse who is at campborden two broth ers of mrs refausse who are also members of this branch of the ser vice are richard urquhart at clareshome near calgary and spen cer urquhart who is stationed in calgary since we have plenty of lads in uniform with us this year the campers are reminded to give the boys a lift whenever possible a further list of musselmans men in the armed forces includes the following joe dearie gordon gentle roy death harold proc tor wally smith roy rumble harold bardell james ward peter watson fred watson william wrtson peggy harvey sid barn ard gordon smith ken irwin jrhn kennedy albert perry david jamieson fred bennett william mcdonald a j elliott j f hut- son w kelly w hltchlngs t j shea w j shea roy warren hueh macdonald roy jarvis cliff lloyd agreenkencampbelljward auction sale household furniture and real estate the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at lot 23 rear con mjlrkham toavxship thiee quarters of a mile south of peachs church on wed julzz 1942 the estate of the late henry walker furniture chest of drawers brass bed and springs two bedroom suites chest two rocking chairs cradle arm chair kitchen chain cupboard two tables wash stand 2 small stands sewing machine 2 tables three congoleum rugs rug water stand desk one trnnfc wash machine bake tray cook stove good cheer heater stove dominion circulator- churn butter bowl and print wash boiler tub wash board fancy baskets quilts pictures easel stand cooking utensils dishes and glass jars 5 gallon coal oil can 2 gallon coal oil cans hanging lamp six lamps mail box steel garage 10x14 implements single horse plow single horse disk harrows set of harrows scuffler cutter irobe buggy cutting box feed box wheel barrow hand scuffler lawn mower hoes three clocks other artcles real estate six roomed brick house and frame kitchen in good condition also frame stable one and three quarters acres of land with some small fruit rural mail and hydro passes the property terms furniture cash terms on pioperty made known day of sale the property will be offered sub ject to a reserve bid sale at 2 pm a s farmer r auctioneer horse register mjdnight of pitsburo champion pony standing at the farm of william morris east of stouff ville fee for registered imares 19 unregistered 500 groom fee l gaslyn general france 077s a belgian draft horse no 4129 chestnut with some markings fold in 1937 a good thick type a very sura and dependable horse this is new horse for these parts montona 13603 enrol jjo 1298 a real black no markings a real stock horse his colts taking first prize at the local fall fairs and at markham first a very sure horse souvenir 1084 fold in 1936 a daple grey in color weight about 1800 hight 163 hands up standing good mover and a good dependable stalky horse usual terms 10 to insure payable feb 1943 accidents at owners risk come and look these horses over all the property of w h johnson markham we can truck these horses at a small charge to your farm 2000 copies of this issue of the tribune this gives a reader inter est to 6000 people tbardell a clark b leew sher- rett in the army and l johnston f nalrns and a ironsides in the airforce r viri