page two the tribune stouffville girt thursday july 9th 1942 jj tmtffmlu rttron established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffviile ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1650 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 1 usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments the appearance of the town park on dominion day was quite pleasing to visitors and reflected credit on the park committee who are charged with its upkeep let us always maintain this beauty spot for the village talking about employables unemployed men from the villages and towns of the district are being urged to offer their services to the farm ers at this period of the harvest that is the right thing for unemployed men to do but there are so few of them that their aid will not be valued very high in the local district at least almost every able bodied man in stouffville has a job of some kind and when we were asked by a government man the other day about how many could be mustered in stouffville for help on the farms we told him he had better forget about this place as everybody is now working and any man not employed is not in condition to work high wages in war plants has hurt the farmer this year even though high wages are more or less of a myth time a war worker pays to go to and from the works where he is employed pays the high taxes demanded and taken from his salary his pay is not so alluring however when he speaks of his pay envelope the whole story is never told and misconcenptions arise with the other workers not in the high brackets of the war worker a man employed on the farm is exempt from all these taxes and from a go6d deal of worry too besides he is more sure of his money as the farm is likely to be more enduring than the war plant all credit to the lions the stouffville lions club are entitled to the thanks of the community and district for providing some form of entertainment on dominion day and incidentally raising a fund with which to carry on the welfare work that they are obligated to do this organization seeks out small children who are in need of glasses to correct a faulty vision and whose parents are not financially able to assume the task the lions take the child to a specialist and then provide the money for whatever treatment is required the fact that about 100 will be added to the funds of the local lions by reason of the big arena concert on the holiday is all to the credit of the folks who helped to raise funds incidentally mr john public was given a couple of hours of fun and amusement that doctors say is as good as a tonic i salt helps prevent hot weather ills in order to protect the health of war workers and to aid them in combating the ill effects of summer heat the practice is how widespread of equipping munitions plants with salt tablets in handy dispensers near every drinking fountain according to an article in the june issue of cil oval the importance of salt in the fight against summer heat and possible prostration cannot be qverestimated the article states the most of the ill effects of exertion in hot weather are caused by the prodigious loss of salt from the body through sweating even the condition commonly re ferred to as water poisoning is caused not so much by the overconsumption of water as is generally thought but rather by the serious depletion of chlorides in the body while office workers can make up their depletion of chlorides with the salt normally consumed at meal time workers in factories need extra amounts of this necessary mineral at frequent intervals during working hours the importance of salt is well known to the farmer who puts it in the pasture fields that the herd may lick at it any time of the day then again it is a great dust layer and we should be very thankful that it is plentiful and cheap the independent farmer while town people may become anxious about the slow delivery of coal this summer the wise farmer who has provided his premises with a woodlot is again the most inde pendent man on earth coal or no coal he is not going to freeze under proper management the woodlot should grow about one cord of fuelwood per acre per year a 20 acre woodlot says d roy cameron dominion forester should provide 15 cords of fuelwood and five cords for fencing or other improvements around the farm generally speaking he says the farm woodlot should be restricted to the part of the farm that is not suitable for growing field crops or pasture on most farms of about 200 acres there are usu ally from 10 to 20 acres of poor land which is too wet dry stony or in steep hillsides and consequently cannot be culti vated profitably such land should be planted to trees but this does not always apply especially in the prairie provin ces where fuelwood is often scarce and difficult to obtain there it may be advisable to use a few acres of good arable land for a woodlot if there is not enough of poor quality land available sunday school lesson the lesson as a whole the preacher tells us that god hath made man upright but they have sought out many inventions eccles 729 we often say necessity is the mother of inven tion and this explains mans first invention that of the figleaf apron designed to cover his shame and make himself presentable after sin had robbed him of his innocence and given him a bad consciencecon vincin him of wrongdoing and un fitness for the presence of god the story of the temptation and the fall is so true to all that we know of humankind that it needs no de fense is is the only logical way of accounting for all the sin and suffering of the centuries and mill ennluras since- the first pair that god created were in his image set to represent him in the world and in his likeness as sinless beings morally pure and free from any taint of evil but this condition was of short duration for before their first child was born sin had come in their innocence was gone and the child begotten was in adams own likeness and after his image gen 4 1 2 53 and every other child of adams race bears evidence of an inherited fallen corrupt nature with a tendency to sin from dawning consciousness no child has to he taught to be angry or to be untruthful these are characteristic traits but we have to instruct our children to con quer these sinful tendencies to which all are prone like the sublime epoch of the creation fall and regeneration of the earth so different from the weird cosmogonies of the pagan world so is the story of mans creation testing failure and ulti mate redemption for all who avail themselves of the provision god has made for them there is nothin like it in the imaginary records of the heathen nor in the deduction of philosophy the record of gen esis 3 stands out like a clearcut cameo upon the dark background of mans ignorance and his vain reasonings as he endeavors to account for the universality of sin and the perverseness of the human will the test was a simple one it only involved one prohibition and that was with a view to mans blessing but the voice of the tempter pre pared over the bettei judgment of eve and her consort and both fell involving the whole race in disaster so by one mans disobedience many were made sinners rem 519 and so death passed upon all men rom 512 verse by verse gen 31 the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field the word translated serpent also means the shining one we know from revelation 202 that this was the form in which satan the great adversary of god and man appeared we need not think of a slimywrithing snakebut of a beau tiful creature whose brilliance dazzled eve and led her to think of him as one far superior to herself he put a question to her which was designed to raise a doubt in her mind as to gods wisdom and love yea hath god said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden verse 2 the woman said this was her first mistake she should not have tarried to listen to or argue with the tempter in try ing to answer him she went beyond what god had commanded verse 3 neither shall ye touch it god had forbidden eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil chap 217 he had said nothing about touching it this was eves addition and implied resentment as to the divine prohibi tion verse 4 the serpent said ye shall not surely die this was a direct contradiction of the word of god it is the basic error in all satanic systems to this day all of them declare that the sinner will not have to die but promise him life even though he is guilty of disobedience and therefore under judgment of god verse 5 ye shall bo as gods that is as elolim the same word as that used throughout for the triune god thus does the devil still hold before sinful man the promise of becoming as god by taking of tho tree of knowledge it was not neccs sary for man to know evil he need ed but to know the good satan here presents the exercise of self- will as a praiseworthy effort to become godlike whereas it was the very opposite and drags men down even to the level of the ibeasts of the forest verso 6 the woman saw three things and these embrace the whole sphere of temptation that tho tree was good for food the lust of the flesh pleasant to the yes the lust of the eye and uo be desired to make one wise the pride of life these comprise all that the worldsystem is built up on 1 john 216 eve thus tested succumbed to every phase of the temptation and gave also unto her husband who with open eyes join ed with her in her sin she was de ceived his offense was deliberate 1 tim 21 4 both were now under sentence of death now missionary in china preaches at new dundee where started 33 years ago returning to the church where he preached bis first sermon thirty- three years ago rev stanton lautenschlager missionary and professor of modern history at cheelco university west china until arriving home on furlough one year ago addressed the united brethren congregation at new dun dee near waterloo on sunday morn ing rev lautenschlager has just returned to his present home at kitchener from a lecture tour of the united states speaking on the open doors in china the speaker said china has been fighting our war and hers for five years and in that time japan has becti able to conquer only one- fifth of the country free china is twentyfive times as large as ger many and onequarter of the people of the world live in china every time four babies are born in the world one is a chinese rev lautenschlager told of the great bravery of the chinese who are fighting on five fronts you need new uniforms was the state ment he made to a group of chin ese soldiers that had been fighting in the mountains in november weather with their sleeves torn out below the elbows and their trou sers gone below the knees their only reply was these will do for a time what we need is medicines and munitions he also told of the great city of oaves where thousands of people live in five caves which are safe from japenese bombs and where they have established all the regu lar business of any modern city banks stores hospitals broad casting stations and where a daily newspaper is even printed china is suffering stated rev lautenschlager but in spite of the 500000 soldiers she lost in the battle of shanghai she didnt sur render he then pointed to the col lapse of france in six weeks time after a loss of only 300000 men our war effort verse 7 they- knew that they were naked stripped of their inno cence they were ashamed as they stood before one another they sewed fig leaves together and made aprons these aptly picture sinful mans endeavor to cover his guilt and hide his shame from the eyes of a holy god and from his fellows verse s adam and his wife hid themselves as they walked in the garden in the cool of the day measurably complacent over their invention of the apron they were startled to hear the voice of the one whom before they had loved and trusted terrorized by a sense of their sinfulnessthey fledand hid in the recesses of the forest realizing that their carefully made coverings would not do for god verse 9 where art thou it is the first question of the old testament as the first of the new is where is he matt 2 2 god was seeking the sinner in order to bring redemption to him verse 1 i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself adams conscience accused him he knew he had lost his robe of inno cence he tried vainly to hide from one who sees into the depths of the darkness dan 222 and from whose face none can hide job 34 22 verse 11 hast thou eaten of the tree god knew well all that had taken place ibut he would have the sinner confess his wrong doings in a very definite way- verse 12 the woman whom thou gavest to be with me she gave and i did eat it was not exactly that adam was putting the blame for hisown sin upon his wife as many suppose it was worse than that in his uneasy sense of his wretchedness he erideovored to make god himself responsible for the wrong done the woman whom thou gavest me gods gift had caused all the trouble this was to make him the blameworthy one verse 13 the woman said the serpent beguiled me and i did eat and this was true deceived by the honeyed words of the shining one she had fallen into a grievous snare from which nohuman power could extricate her verse 23 the lord god sent them forth that earthly paradise was closed to them forever driven out in the world from the garden of delight they were hencefortfi to prove in toil and sweat and tears what an evil thing it is to disobey tho voice of god a weekly review of developments on the home front 1 army week in every provin ce gave honor to her gentlemen in battledress speaking on dominion day in the house of commons the prime minister indicated that the day is soon coming when canadian army will have an honored place in the van of attack 2 sugar rationing by coupon became effective july 1 gasoline ration in maritime provinces raised from two to three gallons per unit 3 thousands more i canadian soldiers and airmen arrived in great britain 4 canadianbuilt merchant ship brought safely to a west coast canadian port after determined at tack by japanese submarine 5 victor sifton resigns as mas tergeneral of the ordnances mr sifton succeeded by brlggen j v young deputy mastergeneral who becomes acting mastergeneral of ordnance 6 rcaf squadrons take part in repeated bomber attacks on bremen germany 7 maximum prices at which canners may sell number of items of their 1942 pack set in orders issued by wartime prices and i trade board affected are canned toma toes tomato justice peas corn green and wax beans peaches pears plums and apricots 8 dollar volume of retail pur chasing 12 per cent higher in may than in corresponding month las year up three per cent- from april 9 employment showed further advance at beginning of may when 13064 establishments reported to dominion bureau of statistics a working force of 1674665 persons compared with 1652925 on april 1 an increase of 21740 business directory dental e s barker l-d-s- honor graduate of royal couecja of dental surgeone and ot tka university of toronto office in grablns block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical what the beginners pay the single man earning 700 per year will now pay in taxes 40 per year and the married man earning 125 will pay 50 provided neither has any dependants accord- to the new budget in both these cases one half the annual tax will be paid back after the war plus interest at 2 per cent the defense tax will be dropped in lieu of the new tax dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and phone 196 coroner for york county insurance thomas bffikett sow general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville ho klinck stouffville ont phone jm7 for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines airconditioned comfort train to the west n louti jasper park loose jw 1j august ii kinaki l006e aint it august m in all china has lost five million people as a result of the war and there are 60000000 refugees there is a great door open to the gospel in china said the speakerand even the socalled com munists are asking for bibles and desiring to hear the gospel preach ed in two years time ibey lauten schlager had the privilege of seeing 6000 students ibecome christians through his evangelistic and teach ing efforts although we are in the midst of worlds greatest revolution it is the christians that will hold the world together and it is the small group of them in all countries that will reach out hands of healing after the war is over right now the world is going in all directions but it is the business of the church to make it go in one direction christ if we spend a few more thousands for missions in the next twenty years we wont need to spend billions for another war he stated we must win this war and win peace con- eluded rev lautenschlager who referred to a saying made by an old chinese sage in 4010 bc- those who do not delight in war will finally win a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance oa -also- automobile and fire barristers stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 office phone residence pfcea 318 sbl arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pafcife 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch oflee wcpollardko port perrr uxbrldge ontario phone is office phone elgin 7021 residence phone kingdale 7sm samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street w toronto brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stosutvok maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hoar service mrs e r good phone 1m a c kennedy chiropractor churoh street stounmo monday wednesday te fridays to 12 am a s farmer licensed auslioneer 20 years experience york county uxbrldge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 730 address gormleyt po direct service winnipeg saskatoon edmonton jasper vancouver victoria tt3 canadian national r t- ffi endening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 clarke prentice phone aginconrt 52 w8 millfkaa licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice ft prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea son ble rates le oneill stouffville funeral director a no embaljwer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone