-a- e- kytfm w page sight tsx the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 2nd 1942 established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1650 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 9250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments the canadian infantryman the soldier the infantryman long known as the backbone of the army is still a unique fighting man the man experts say will be the deciding factor for victory even in the highly modernized conflict of 1942 this week is army week june 29th to july 5th with all its military panoply and publicity is bringing home the value of the dominions foot soldier to the canadian public the infantryman of today is not merely the foot- slogging rifleshooting bayonetchsirging fighter of the last war he is that and a lot more today the infantryman goes through a carefully planned course of training at a basic training centre and then progresses to an advanced training centre where he receives at least eight weeks of specialized training before he can be drafted for overseas service the infantryman in the advanced training centre is perfected in the art of modern warfare so that his individ ual initiative can be of value for instance every man every private attains a standard of expert mapreading efficiency before he leaves an advanced training centre to day the soldier often finds himself doing his fighting job among only a handful of fighting men or even alone while whole platoons and companies did the fighting in the last war but this time a section eight to ten men is a compon ent fighting group this is made possible by the bren gun a light ntobile machine gun extremely accurate and capable of a high rate of fire the infantryman learns in his advanced training course to be a rifleman bayonet fighter machinegunner grenadethrower even a riflegrenadier his fighting art today is highly specialized he is prepared to care for him self in the severest positions and we salute him as among ithe worlds finest more explanation appreciated too many new laws or regulations are handed out before they are carefully thought out and properly phrased for the public not long ago it was announced that truckers could not carry any person other than a helper in their cab now it turns out that a farmer may take his wife along as he leaves the farm for market by truck and there will be no prosecution this is the fact despite the very definite word ing of the original ban made by the wartime price and trade board many farmers have no other conveyance than the farm truck to forbid the wife or a memlber of the family to seize the opportunity to go to town when the truck is go ing was the height of folly there was no saving of gasoline at all if a truck of any kind is travelling its route to tor onto and the trucker wants to take a member of his family along surely there is no harm in that or no sensible rea son why it should be stopped the alternative may be for the truckers wife to take the family car and trail along over the same route that the truck travels now it actually turns out that what we are trying to defend does not need defending because the board has stated in letters to anxious enquiriers that the idea is likely to stop truck owners from using the farm or town truck as passenger car why wasnt it explained this way in the first place namely that the farm truck cannot be sent places merely to transport pass engers or meirfbers of the family if however a member of the family goes along with the driver when the truck is making its regular trip that is all right from the poorest to the richest the death of thomas- williamson removes from the life of this community a man who had played an active part and taken a keen interest in its affairs for around 70 years he came here with little or none of this worlds goods with little or no schooling yet he rose to be the head and finan cial backing of a private banking institution that made big loans here in the days of the private bank in ontario the life of thomas williamson would fill an interesting story book here was a lad who at the age of 11 was forced to leave his home because there were too many other child ren for a widowed mother to care for i had only ten cents in my pocket he often told his friends and then he would relate how he gave his last dime to a greedy railway con ductor for transporting him to his first place of destina tion in search of work he landed finally in stouffville as a harness maker at the age of 21 and commenced to build his fortune he made no secret of the fact that he desired wealth and that some day he would pass away to be known as a benefactor of the poor of this village by reason of his accumulation which he so carefully cherished during his lifetime despite the fact that he spent but few if any of his days within the walls of a school building thomas william son could match his wits and foresight with the best trained business mind he possessed a determination seldom equalled in man and having once set his mind to a task he never failed to carry it outif humanly possible his self determination was largely the foundation of his ability to rise from the poorest to the richest in this worlds goods sunday school lesson lesoii for july 5 god the creator golden text in the beginning gcd created the heaven and the earth gen 11 the lesson as a wholk approach to the leo the book ot genesis is the book of beginnings practically every truth later unfolded or developed in the scriptures is found in germ in this book its great outstanding theme is gods sovereign electing grace working in a world ruined toy sin to bring in redemption for lost mankind through the promised seed of the woman our lord jesus christ who was to come into the world in due time as the vir ginborn son of god genesis is largely the story of eight men and four women each setting forth or illustrating some special ot truth adam the first type of the last adam rom 514 head of the race but failing through sin and taking all down with him whereas christ through his ledemptive work raises all to newness of life who are linked with him in new ci cation 1 cor 1545 abelseth for the two are linked together as speaking of substitution and accept ance counted as lighteous be cause of the blood of atonement heb 114 enoch telling ot translation before the coming judg ment heb 115 noah a preach er of righteousness 2 pet 25 saved thiough the flood hebll7 abraham tells of justification by faith rom 4 2 3 isaac sets forth sonship and the mystery of death and resuriectionhob 1117 19 jacobs life pictmes the dis cipline of the child of god heb 126 and joseph is the rejected one who became the deliverer gen 492226 the four women are eve a type of the chuich saiah the covenant of giace re- bekaii the bride led through the wilderness to join the sou in the land of promise and asenath the gentile woman who became consort of the heir of the woild the fust two chapteis are intioductory giv ing the story of cieation and the earths fall and recovery and then in more detail of the special crea tion of man adam was not a pro duct of evolution but was brought into being by the diiect act of god himself though the bible was not given to teach science yetmt ismibso- lutely scientific and unerring be cause given by divine inspiration verse by verse gen 11 in the beginning god what a sublime opening of the story of the creation of the woild and man go back as far as the mind may travel into the dim ages of the past and god is there lie the creator of the universe who brought all things into exist ence by the word of his power the direct agent in creation was the son or word as declared in john 113 colossians 11017 hebrew 12 and other passages that original creation was perfect veise 2 without form and void some believe that all was chaos in tho beginning and that the eaith slowly reached a habitable condition but we read in isaiah 45 is that he created it not vain ie void many scholars agieo that in place of was we should read became the earth through some terrible cataclysm possibly connected with the fall of lucifer became waste and empty enshrouded in darkness and cover ed with water over this chaotic swirling waste the energizing spirit of gcd moved or brooded as a hen brooding over the nest from which new life is to come verse 3 and god said let there be light at the command of god the darkness was dissipated and cosmic light flooded the scene men talk of the absurdity of light be fore the sun they forget that the sun was included in the creation of the heavens but atmospheric con ditions due to the moist state of the earth hindered its rays coming through the mist surrounding the globe it was not until tho fourth day that the sun moon and stars were clearly displayed in the firma ment or heavenly expanse vs14- 15 but from tho first day on the light began to penetrate the mist verse 4 god divided the light from the darkness throughout the bible we have the story of the conflict betwen darkness and light the lord uses natural phenomena to illustrate spiritual truth verso 5 the evening and the morning tho day extended from twilight to twilight whether this means a definite twentyfour day such as we now know or whether the six days of earths reconstruc tion were lengthy poriods of time is a question about which men equally sound in the faith have held diverse opinions in either case the genesis record stands out as a divinely inspired account of what could only be known through rovelatlon it is perfect and in no sonse contradictory to any known scientific fact verses 24 25 the living creature after his kind this negatives the claim of the evolution ists there is no change from omi species to another the beasts birds fishes and insects were created each after his kind and they continue so to this day as fossil remains testify all unproved cheer up pal pedoed ct tiling could be worse you aint been tor- theyuk shortening oult nightshirts i those guys down at ottawa are going a ibit too far not content with telling us how much tea we can drink how much sugar we can eat how much gas we can burn and a handled other things they have now climbed into bed with us and started to measuie tho length of our nightshirts now if there is anything about winch some of us oldtimers are a bit touchy it is on tho subject of night shirts we had steadily re sisted what is falsely termed the maich of progress after having been encumbered by them all day long we have persistently fought against all efforts to make us put on pants when we went to bed at times we have unwillingly and unhappily agreed to don pajamas as when we weie travelling on a tiaiu for we might appear a little moie dignified in striped trousers if jheie was a wreck never have we let the olej rag fall however when weie sleeping under a stationary roof and now those ottawa birds tell us that the finished length of a nightgown must not exceed 52 inch es for any size except outsize which is limited to 54 inches gosh that will mean at least statements of certain advocates of the discredited evolutionary hypeth c3is to the contrary notwithstand ing verse 26- let us make man in our image the eternal trinity is thus piesented as in the counsel to gether concerning tho creation of a being who was to be as far super ior to the beasts as they weie to inanimate matter man was to bo in the image of god as representing him on the earth and in his like ness as a moral creature capable of fellowship with his creator veise 27 god cieated man the same power that created th universe produced a creature consist ing of spirit and soul and body 1 thess 523 who could act for god in this scene note that the- creation of the woman is included as part of this divine act malo and female created he them the de tails of this are given in chapter 27 21 22 verse 2s god blessed them and god said j3c fruitful and multiply this was spoken to man in innocence but it was not until after the fall that children were actually born of the newly created pair to the man god gave domin ion over all the earth he was to rule over it for god as his vice gerent in this lower sphere verso 29 i have given you every herb to you it shall be for meat that is for food it would seem that the primeval man sub sisted upon vegetable food appar ently it was not until after tho flood that god directed noah to cat the flesh of animals 93 verse 30 to every beast and fowl i have given every green herb for moat it would seem from this that the animals also subsisted on herbage during the prediluvlan era verso 31 every thing that he had made was very good all creation testified to the wisdom and power of its creator god looked with satisfaction n upon the earth and all that is contained alas that sin should so soon have come in to mar that fair creation chap 21 thus the heavens and the earth were finished all else has been development of that which tho creator originally brought into existence the record of creation is completed with his verse toll us of gods creatorial sabbath then in chapter 2425 we have additional details in connec tion with the origin of the human race it is a supplementary not a contradictory account as some have affirmed eight inches fiom the floor tor most of us and for the fellow who stands 6 feet 6 inches the last 11 inches ot him will have to go to bed naked now a really comfortable night- shiit should all but leach the floor it a fellow wants to keep his tootsies warm on a cold night he should be able to wiap them up in the tail end of the shiit that has always been one of the gieat superiorities of the nightshirt over pajamas an other of course is that a chap does not have to try to sleep with a cord died round his umbellicus and then have to wake every little while to pull his pants back into place again well we are ready to make al most any sacrifice to win the war if our shirt tails have to be short ened it is just one more grudge we shall have to settle with hitler when the last bomb is dropped when the last torpedo eploded the last tank has rambled into berlin a really constructive thought has just struck us we shall write a letter to the wartime nightshirt board and tell them how to save a little moie cloth how just make everybody wear nightshirts and give us pajamas or should we spell it pyjamas for tiie duration for every 345 pairs of pajamas discarded in favor of nightshirts theie would be enough flannelette saved to make s3 sheets for a soldiers cot though why any soldier should want s3 sheets for his cot we cannot figure out eveiy other man would be more comfoi table and peace would be restored to the world walkerton herald times a national output of 150000 bicycles in 1942 is authorized this is 150 per cent of last years production the order prohibits making of childrens ibicycles and eliminates all unnecessary parts and trimming in new adult bicycles stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 business directory dental e s barker ljjs djxs honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of tu university of toronto oilleu in grubinm block phone 274 markbam every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mala phone 196 coroner for york county insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville b o klinck stouffville ont phone 3307 for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burgla- and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone 3160 residence phom 3514 arthur w s greer barrister soucitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch offlct wcpollardkc port perry uxbrldge ontario phone is office phone residence phone elgin 7021 kirigdale 7381 samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street w toronto urierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffrtlh maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 a c kennedy chiropractor churoh street stouffrule monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience york county uxbrldge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourt 53 wi miulkea licensed auctioneer for tho counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea son hie rates l e oneill stoupfvbubb funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone