s j page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 4th 1942 established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1650 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan fi son publishers notes and comments new sugar rationing cut will not affect preserving or jam making made necessary owing to transportation difficulties the new sugar rationing order of may 26 cuts down the amount of sugar permitted each person from threequarters of a pound to half a pound each week this order doss not affect the one issued earlier in regard to extra sugar for canning or preserving and three quarters of a pound of sugar per pound of fruit for making james and jellies the best off farmer farmers who have kept up their wood lots who have kept dobbin and nell and their equipment in good shape who have kept a flock of sheep and a good outfit of hens are in real luck these times farmers who do not allow themselves to become dependent upon the overrefinements of conveniences still are the most independent people in the world as long as the farmer keeps the major necessities of life under its own control such necessities as food water shelter and clothing are not subject to the lightning changes that are bound to come with the certainty of the season now that coal is difficult of transportation we are informed the farmer is well off who has a good woodlot in any case the overrefinements of living are costly and may prove sources of serious inconvenience progress does not always consist in possessing the latest ginger bread equip ment rse sii ja justly proud of our givings if ever there wasan occasion for the people of stouffville and the southern part of whitchurch township to feel proud of their patriotic givings it is now total collections for the red cross in the village alone ran close to 3000 with an additional sum of 800 from a section of whitchurch look over the individual givings and you will see that folks did fine practically every one of them measured with neighboring towns it is more than double the donations gathered in markham village or in the town of uxbridge with a much larger population to have given twice as much as either of our neighbors is due partly to the fact that we have a perfect working organization under president f l buttonkc and a people receptive to the needs of the hour always having in mind the boys who are prisoners of war in german and other enemy countries and who are dependent on the red cross for parcels from home in the first drive over a year ago for the red cross stouffville was given an objective of 1200 which was on a per capita basis this drive set at 3000 was based on what we actually paid in last time on both occasions more than the amount asked was forthcoming old fashioned money the strong public support for the governments price control policies indicates that most people in canada have oldfashioned views about money they want their dollars of today and tomorrow to bear as close a resemblance as pos sible to the dollars of yesterday price control gives john doe confidence in the continued value of the dollar and so he and mrs doe hope price control succeeds this should be an object lesson to politicians more canadians are putting away savings than ever before it will be harder for politicians of the far lefthand side of the house of commons to convince them that it would be beneficial to impair the value of their savings by introducing a new order based on glimmering innovations wed like to know more about it information men tell us that there is an unlimited supply of oil out there in the mackenzie river valley why is not more of that oil made available for canadians this hour oil from the usual sources is difficult to secure re sulting in serious loss and grave inconvenience with threat ened hardship this winter to tens of thousands in this em ergency why is not the oil within our own borders placed at our disposal further we are told that oil refining yields a byproduct valuable in the making of synthetic rubber fur ther still we are told that wheat offers a source of supply for making synthetic rubber and our canadian bins are stuffed to the roof with wheat with another heavy crop al ready in sight w are not the powersthatbe using the oil and the wheat two sources from which the needs of the hour for oil and rubber may be supplied are we to pass through another period of dillydallying farm living cost sharply higher living costs for canadian farmers have advanced substantially more than for urban dwellers since the war started according to cost of living statistics issued by the dominion bureau of statistics for the farmer living costs have gone up 194 pc since the war started the dominion average for cost of living index for farmers was 992 in th fall of 1939 latest figures for the spring of 1942 show this index up to 1184 for the urban dweller during the same period the rise has been from 1008 to 1159 advance in farm living costs reflects increases in foods where a rise of 322 pc from prewar levels has been experienced clothing prices for the farmer are up 24 pc increases are reported for such items as fuels and house hold equipment sunday school less on lesson tor june 10 friday the day op suffering ii christs words on the cross golden text he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruis ed for our iniquities the chas tisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed isa 535 the ldessox as a whole as we meditate upon our blessed lords sufferings on the cross we may well be subdued and hum bled as we remember that it was because of our sins he endured that awful agony we ourselves are the very why of calvary all his long life the lord jesus looked forward to this hour when he was to be immolated as the great sin offering fulfilling all the sacrificial types of the old dispensation hi one offering was to settle the sin question forever it was not poss ible that the animal sacrifices offer ed under the law should put away sin heb 104 there was not the intrinsic value in such blood to pay the debt of sin but because of the infinite value of the person of christ he could by his one offer ing make an available propitiation for the sins of the world so that upon the basis of his finished work god could proclaim remission of sins acts 133839 to all who be lieve in considering the sufferings of our lord on the cross it is im portant to remember that the six hours during which he hung upon ihe cross were divided into two partsfrom the third hour 6 am to the sixth hour noon the sun was shining down upon the scene during these hours the emphasis is put upon his sufferings at the hands of sinful men nothing that man could do to or against him had anything to do with making atone ment for sin but from the sixth to the ninth hour 3 pm darkness enshrouded the scene and the sop of man was hidden from the eyes of the throngs gathered about the cross while god was dealing with him about our sins then he was made sin for us 2 cor 521 then the bitter cup was pressed to his lips and he drained it to the dregs his awful cry of agony and aban donment my god my god why hast thou forsaken me tells us as nothing else could something of what is meant for him the holy one to stand before god as our surety and to bear the judgment which our sins deserved the historical setting whether the crucifixion was actually on friday as church tradi tion declares or whether on an earlier day as many students of the word believe is a question that may never be satisfactorily settled until we see his face but the great thing to realize is that when his hour was come he gave him self up to the death of the cross and there suffered that we might be saved it was on passover day a d 30 that this great event took place verse by verse mark 1533 when the sixth hour was come this was high noon and for the following three hours was darkness over the whole land this was during the last half of the period of the cruci fixion the darkness was super natural it was not an ecliipse as nothing of that sort could occur at passover time god was drawing a veil over the scene as his holy son was bearing the sins of the world verse 34 bloi eloi lama sabachfhani the words ujsed by our saviour to express the anguish of his soul are aramaic probably the language of his childhood as it was the bpeech of the common people generally after the return from babylon the interpretation is given my god my god why hast thou foisaken me it was not simply that jesus imagined him self forsaken he was actually in the sinners place enduring divine judgment against sin elizabeth barret browning with keen spirit ual insight has called this imman- uels orphaned cry he was for saken that we might know the aw- fulness of being abandoned by god in eternal judgment luke 2333 the place which is called calvary it was an incon spicuous hill skullshaped outside the city wall hut from the time of the crucifixion of our lord the most widelyknown hill in all the world even though its actual site has been a matter of controversy for centur ies calvary means a skull there they crucified him in this account by luke we are carried back to the beginning of the suffer ings of the lord jesus christ on the cross verse 34 father forgive them for they know not what they do this was our blessed lords way of lifting from the jews the fearful malediction of their own leaders his blood be on us and on our children matt 2725 he put them on the ground of manslaugh ter rather than murder and so opened for them a city of refuge num 3511 where all might find shelter who will flee to him in repentance and faith heb 6 1719 verse 35 he saved others let himself if he be christ the chosen of this was exactly what he could not do he had to die as the substitute for the sinners or none could be saved at all himself he could not save he on the cross must die or mercy could not come to ruined sinners nigh yes christ flie son of god must bleed if sinners would from sin be freed verse 36 the soldiers also mocked ita offering him vinegar this as john tells us was in answer to his agonized cry i thirst john 1928 29 had queens locket sergtpllot gordon pinder cush- ing who was killed in action recent ly once was given a locket by queen mary last december while walking along an english country road cushing was offered a lift in an automobile in which queen mary was riding the queen mother presented him with a locket bear ing her crest and coat of arms which he sent home the 27yearold airman was educated at st cathar ines ont in switzerland and montreal verse 37 if thou be the king of the jews to the soldier this was but a grim jest they could not not conceive of this bleeding an guished of grief as a king yet he was in very truth the true king of the jews and some day will be manifested as king of kings and lord of lords rev 1916 verse 35 greek and latin and hebrew pilates superscrip tion was written in greek the language of culture hebrew the language of religion and latin the language of woildly power all were united in the rejection of jesus as king verse 39 one of the malefac tors railed on him at first both joined in thus ridiculing and blas pheming him matt 2744 but as the hours dragged slowly on a change came over one of them verse 40 the other answer ing rebuked him one of the two hardened wretches was moved to repentance as he considered the holy sufferer on that central cross he realized that this was the one of whom the prophets had spoken who was yet to reign in right eousness though now in the same condemnation with sinners verse 41 this man hath done nothing amiss he confessed jhef justness of the sentence against himself and his impentitent com panion but he recognized the pur ity and holiness of jesus christ it was a wonderful declaration com ing at such a time and from such a source faith always justifies god and condemns self verse 42 lord remember me when thou comest into thy king dom it was wonderful faith that enabled this man to look beyond death to a coming kingdom where jesus was to reign he was divine ly taught otherwise he would never have identified that thorn- crowned man of grief as gods anointed king whose authority death itself could not void verse 43 to day shalt thou be with me in paradise in this an swer jesus tells him as it were you will not have to wait till i re turn to set up my kingdom in order to be remembered by me you will share with me from today on you shall be with me as one of my chos en my redeemed in paradise and he was for before that day ended at sunset the lord himself and the penitent malefactor the first tro phy of the work of the cross were together in the paradise of god verse 44 a darkness over all the earth now luke carries us on to the last half of the sixhour period during which jesus christ hung upon the cross we have considered this already as pre sen ted by mark verse 45 the veil of the tern pie was rent in the midst it was the hand of god that tore the veil in two from top to bottom matt 2751 in order to show that the legal dispensation was now at an end god was no longer hidden he could come out to man and man could go in to him heb 101922 verse 4 6 jesus cried with a loud voice it waf not the voice of one who was dying of ex haustion jesus laid down his own life when all was finished but this was a cry of trust and confidence as he committed his human spirit to the fathers care just before he dis missed it from its physical tenement the expression he gave up the ghost means literally he dis missed his spirit our war effort a weekly review of develop ments on the home front may 2128 um3 1 sugar ration cut from 12 to eight ounces per person per week tea and coffee rationed normal consumption of tea to be reduced by at least a half consump tion of coffee to be reduced by at least onefourth 2 air training conference of the united nations closes in ottawa machinery created to continue ex change of information through committee consisting of representa tives of united kingdom united states canada 3 life of british common wealth air training plan extended to march 31 1945 under new agreements increased allotments of trained airmen and aircraft for canadas home defence programme will be granted 4 in connection with fuel oil shortage munitions minister howe announces that endeavor will be made to protect those heating equip ment is oil burning and not convert ible to use of other fuel 5 changes announced in organization of munitions and supply department r c berkin- shaw chairman of wartime indus tries control board becomes assist ant deputy minister in charge of industrial controls f h brown former director general munitions contracts branch becomes assist ant deputy minister in charge of procurement j p pettigrew former chief executive assistant to deputy minister sheils becomes assistant deputy minister in charge of organization and financial controls personnel of department which was created since war de clared now exceeds 4000 men and women 6 national output of 150000 bicycles in 1942 authorized this is 150 per cent of last years pro duction order prohibits making of childrens bicyles and eliminates all unnecessaiy parts and trimmings in new adult bicycles 3 7 canadian air squadron flies fiom base in northern ireland to far eastern war theatre 8 final warning issued to owners of noncommercial poorer boats who have been hoarding gasoline 9 all unemployed men from 17 to 69 inclusive required to regis ter for unemployment order effec tive june 1 men living within five miles of a city town or village in which an employment and claims office of the unemployment insur ance commission is situated will register in person at such an office men living outside such areas will register at nearest post office 10 farm living costs advanced 21 per v between fall of 1941 and spring of 1942 according to dominion bureau of statistics in dex 11 numbers of styles in which fur garments may be manufactured in canada reduced by onethird 12 involving an estimated ex penditure of 7 500 000 contracts for an additional 2636 houses six staff houses and one dining hall awarded during april by wartime housing ltd wartime housing is a governmentowned company business dental e s barker lds djdjs honor graduate of royal collets of dsntal surgeons and of tfca university of toronto office in grnblns block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and pbone 19c ooromer for york coasts insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies ax reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville h o klinck stouffville ont phone 3jr for your insurance needs la fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers the canadian production of gold in february was recoided at 375630 fine ounces compared with 406664 in the previous month commands corvette stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flower3 milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 office phone residence pkem 3160 3514- arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary paub 0 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch obee wcpollardkc port psrrr uxbridge ontario phone is office phone elgin 7021 residence pnane kingdale 7isi samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street w toronto brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stonatrsk maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stonorlua monday wednesday friday 9 to 12 am i it h youngest officer ever to com mand a corvette and the first officer of the royal canadian naval volunteer reserve to hold such a post is lieutenant victor browne 24 of ottawa r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourt 52 w3 mllllkea licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice k prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea- 801 ble rates le oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone