Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 14, 1942, p. 8

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page eight the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 14th 1942 classified advs for sale or exchange for sale 100 acres tine situation on the 8th concession of markham mile below ringwood part ot the estate of the late j a mitchell good buildings good water and good land with 25 acres of pasture apply thos h mitchell ringwood i wanted girl or middleaged woman for general housework all conveniences high wages references required mrs c a chant dunlap observatory rich mond hill ontario farm wanted 50 to 100 acres buildings are not essential near ringwood ballantrae or vivian pay all cash apply to box x tribune office real estate 320000 for 7 room house main st nicely shaded lawn garden all conveniences immediate possession 150000 for 10 acres of pasture creek bush close to highway 270000 for 50 acres pasture and watered 250000 for 100 acres of rqlling farm bush good barn house not very good 370000 for 50 acres brick house bank barn s00o0 cash arranged george e baker phmb stouffville ontario strayed from my place at lot 22 con s pickering a guernsey yearling heifer anyone knowing the whereabouts of this animal please note me or phone john scott 3603 w j mccartney clareinont rr 2 auction sale household ox- effects hansen proso can be sown un til july equal to corn for hogs fine for poultry or dairy cows special low prices for seed phone s203 joseph betz stouffville ontario simpsons xcw jewel braking fencer three model at 10 12 or 1350 guaranteed may be seen at brathwaites hardware stouffville sargants hardware markham phone at our expense for informa tion or with your order william simpson phone 1005 thurs may 21 0th concession of whitchurch bl00mingt0m the property of the late sirs helen mahox two bedroom suites settee hanging lamp extension table good as new oak couch parlor table morris chair rocker platform dishes organ and organ stool wicker magazine rack coal oil stove rocking chairs kitchen chairs stove 2 in 1 washing machine dowswell rev isaac burkholders son killed articles for sale for sale baby carriage large maroon also folding play pen with floor mrs h lewis church street for sale a good used patriot washer with wringer mrs h lintner mill street 1932 ford vs for sale good condition 5 good tires apply to j miller goodwood for sale ladies riding pony quiet and reliable fred chess man at valleaus garage reconditioned farm implements 5 ft frost wood mower madison transplanter cockshutt so tractor plow bain wagon gear superior disk drill above goods all in excellent condition bell sox phone 281 stouffville sausage machine antiques scales sad irons kitchen cupboard kitchen stove linoleum curtains carpets sewing machine wanzer c at the same time and place there will be oired for sale the frame house 5 rooms and a small garden lot subject to a reserve bid terms cash a s farmer sale at 130 pm auctioneer gordon burkholder master mechanic was killed in a plane crash with two other rcaf men and was burled on tuesday last week at belleville gordon was a son of rev isaac burkholder who was a visitor in town a couple of years ago friends of the family ex tend their deep regrets wanted to buy a medium sized tent r irawson aurora rr2 wilcox lake for sale quantity of good cedar rails 5c each at the fence peter smith phone 6902 stouff ville for sale early late rasp berry canes and red currant bushes all from nursery stock edw walls stouffville ph 7820 delaval milker act quick have one installed before the busy season also woods grinders frigid- aire coolers and century motors liberal tradeins write or phone for prices b r leech toronto radio sports 241 yonge st phone wa 4501 live stock accommodation for a number of cattle to pasture in vicinity of lemonville spring water can take accredited cattlephone 4609 ross chapman for sale one fresh ayrshire cow 6 years old with calf by side william swain stouffville rr3 wanted wanted immediately kit chen woman and waitress apply matron ontario ladies college whitby quality chicks if you want those extra eggs which spell profit order your chicks from us our plant has been built up for years by careful culling plus new breeding stock from the best rop plants in ontario and every bird blood tested for several years and we set only our own eggs produced at home we have just two breeds rocks fo eggs and meat and our leghorn breeders are yearling hens which know how to lay those large white eggs place your order early as we produce quality not quantity white leghorn cockerels at ljjc each bruels black phono 5714 ringwood ont we note with pleasure that david moyer of beamsville completed his first year university course at queens by carrying off the univer sity scholarship 75 cash he was also awarded a scholarship in eng lish david is a grandson of irev c e macleod of this town custom hatching our incubator is now in full swing hatching hen duck turkey and pheasant eggs we also purchase hatching eggs from bloodtested stock government egggrading sta tion register no 0 285 we can handle your eggs unionville poultry farm and chick hatchery no 7 highway unionville unionville phone 2920 stouffville phone 2620 cucumbers wanted canada packers are now contract ing for cucumbers for the new market pickle factory for full particulars write or call a whit- tington king george hotel new market girl wanted to learn egg cand- ling and grading apply iratcliff company wanted housekeeper for long or short period luther allen bethesda stouffville rjr4 ssssz- saa3sv save to 20 on feed costs with the fuqpep plan of feeding for eggs plus s heres as fine quality a mash as money can buy rich in animal proteins min erals and conditioning ingre dients contains a aitamin- boost to provide confined hens with many healthful benefits of spring pasture fed the fulopcp way may save up to 20 on feed costs order today from stiver bros authorized dealer stouffville oxtabio card of thanks the family of the late mrs h m perkins wish to extend their heart felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from their kind fi lends and neighbors during ttielr recent bereavement they especially thank the rev h j mackay also miss oliver and the other members of the choir card of thanks i wish to thank my many kind friends and neighbours also the melville wa for the lovely flow ers fruit and cards which were sent to me during my recent illness and also for the numerous thought ful calls and inquiries mrs jacob s wideman aurora warning notice dog owners please be ad vised that it is contrary to law to allow dogs to run at large numerous complaints have been made against those who infringe the bylaw from this date the law must be obeyed your dog must be under con trol at all times may 12 4 2 i d rusnell constable richmond hill fair monday may 25 big horse show and many features in the afternoon dance monster old time country fair hoed own in the arena at night follow the crowds to richmond hill fair loss of subsidy worrie counc continued from page 1 the dept shove the blame lor the failure to keep the roads up onto the backs of this council he de clared clerk crawford informed council there was only 6000 left to spend on loads this year of the amount budgeted for and this meant cut ting out dust layer or gravel a geneial discussion thawed council in favor of putting on gravel in preference to dust layer if one had to be omitted if this policy is adopted perhaps we had better notify the lake organization mr toole said a policy will be set down after con sultation with engineer higgins road expenditures ordered paid at this meeting totalled 112600 the dept of education submit ted information and urged upon council the desirability of forming a township school area in whit church but no action was taken at this time a township school board the article pointed out is formed of five ratepayers who would adminis ter all the school business in the township in lieu of trustees they act without pay and are elected for a two year term one retiring each i year advantages were said to be more uniformity in teachers itinerate teachers for music house hold science agriculture and nurs ing schools with very small enrol ment could be closed until such times as better enrolment could be ensured so far 15 townships have adopted the township board system including some s3 sections township of markham county of york public notice is hereby given that a court fo the revision of the ass essment roll for the township of markham will be held in the twp hall unionville on monday june 1 1042 at 3 pm to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the township of markham for said year 1942 all parties inter ested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly chas hoover clerk of the said twp unionville may 11 1942 the fuller brush please keep in mind that your fuller brush dealer is ready to serve you promptly at all times i make mail or deliveries promptly william grove dickson hill po address markham rr 2 notice to creditors all persons having claims against the estate of eh r ramer late of the township of whitchurch county of york farmer who died on or about the 16th day of february 1942 are requested to send to the under signed solicitor on or before the 26th day of may 1942 otherwise their claims will be disallowed lena ramer and louis grove executors by their solicitor j a cattanach markham ontario dated at markham this 21st day of april 1942 sale register saturday may 16 mortgage sale ot 50 acres of land at lot 21 con 6 pickering brick house bank barn good stabling also driving shed and hen house clay loam soil in good state of cultivation property on no 7 highway mile west of the village of brougham sale at 230 on the premises terms to be an nounced see bills mccullough button solicitors as farmer auctioneer uxbridge tp council uxbridge township council met on saturday may 9th with all members present reeve johnson in the chair communications were received from the department of education re township school areas gef smith re marked gasoline depart ment of welfare re excess shelter costs r d ruddy county clerk notice of a patient being admitted to the toronto general hospital the clerk was instructed to repudi ate the claim as the patient stated he intends to pay said costs the business of this meeting was very light consisting chiefly of passing of a few road and general accounts council also make their tour of the roads monday and tuesday may 11th and 12th the following road accounts were passed for payment cecil wallace operating main- tainer and truck 7490 arthur brown road superintendent and car allowance 6650 gordon todd labor 300roy ellis labour 250 norman maye jr 200 orville flewell 400 albert hockley 2 george hill 50c adam stewart 6 w p carmody 2 harry wood land 75 c w watson grease paint etc 2328 d holden sons tire 6410 imperial oil 160 gals fuel oil 1800 provincial treas tax on 160 gals fuel oil 12 so general accounts provincial treasurer township hall license 3carling alcock de livering trees to schools 650 h roach to pay express on trees 275 george kydd lamb killed by dogs and shooting dog 9 john kydd valuing sheep 100 stouff ville air cadets grant 2500 treas to pay relief costs workmans compensation board coverage of township 3600 on motion of messrs rae and ball council adjourned to june 13 at 10 am for general business and at 2 pm as a court of revision of tlie assessment roll help the red cross tup a a m mm tea for best results ship your cream to us we pay 2c per pound moke of butter fat fob cream delivered to creamery cold storage meat lockers for rent stouffville creamery co phone 18601 the wonders of god much aid sent to england by non- resistant group all officers were asked to con tinue their services for another year at the annual meeting of the nonresistant relief organization of canada held here the report of the treasurer n m bearinger elmira showed that funds for re lief work in england have been re ceived regularly in sufficient amounts to continue relief work for the increasing progiam of the oranization during the latter part of 1939 about 500 was sent for relief in london in 1940 a representative of the organization was sent to eng land and 11365 was forwarded by interested groups of eastern and western canada in 1941 a second representative served in birming ham and a further sum of 30051 was sent and distributed contribu tions during the present year are continuing under a set program calling for 2500 per month cloth ing to the value of nearly 24000 made or supplied by sewing circles has been shipped from ontario and other large quantities have been forwarded by groups in the west from winnipeg relief work now in operation in england includes a home for child ren from two to five years ot age at wickhurst manor in kent a home for aged and infirm at wood lands wolverhampton near bir mingham aid to a convalescent home for children near liverpool a mobile canteen and utility van for service in birmingham support fo basque spaniah children with headquarters in plymouth and aid to the save the children fund clothing distribution from london depot reaches many districts under the direction of authorities in charge local employees for these pro jects number 1 the nonjresistant relief organ ization purposes sending two can adian nurses to aid in the work of the institutions under its super vision the officers are president rev s goudie t stouffville vicepresi dent rev oscar burkholder brcs- lau secretary bishop s f coff- man vlneland treasurer nt m bearinger elmira messrs john coffman and peter dyck are the canadian representa tives disbursing the funds in eng land a report direct from these representatives in england has been received and a copy is in the hands of mr thomas reesorwhlch verifies the above statements and details the disposition of the goods and monies reaching them at the regular meeting of the dicksons hill and mount joy young peoples society held in the mennonite church mount joy last monday evening dr fentonmoh fo etobicoke township gave his celebrated lecture on the wonders of god in creation the speaker illustrated his address with both still and moving pictures and the large audience in attendance were held in rapt attention as the won ders of the creation as seen in plant and human life were unfolded dr fenton in his own inimitable style showed clearly the fact that the whole universe moved according to a definite plan which revealed be yond the shadow of a doubt that all things were made by god and without him was not anything made but what was made the audience felt the tiue majesty of the great creator and the supremacy of the bible delegations were present from different parts of the town ship while some from islington at tended the service the pastor of the church rev p g lehman was in charge of the service and rev d macgregor of stouffville led in the opening prayer dumbo to the stanley showing as the feature attraction at the stanley theatre next week end may 21 22 23 will be dum bo a walt disney lulllength feature in technicolour youre never forgotten snow white and dumbo is even better bring tfco kiddies and enjoy this picture on the holiday weekena corn solvent dissolves corns in 10 days callouses bunions hard spots take longer guaranteed to do job or money back 25c 50c 65c 100 george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist stouffville ontario notice altona is to frederick avilliam betk and emma betz we north shore realty company ltd of the city of oshawa in the county of ontario hereby give you notice that we de mand of the sum of 81625 dollars made up as follows 75000 for principal 2625 for interest 4000 for costs such am ount for costs being up to and in cluding the service only and there after such further costs and disburse ments will be charged as may be pro per together with interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum on the principal and inteiest hereinbefore mentioned from the 29 th day of april 1942 to the date of payment due to us the said north shore real ty company limited upon a certain indenture of mortgage dated the 29th of april 1940 and registered in the registry office for the regis try division of the north riding ot the county of york on the 15th day of may 1940 as no 7646 township of georgina expressed to be made by you the said frederick william betz your wife emma j betz join ing therein to bar her dower to clara swan and assigned to us by assignment of mortgage dated mrs vanluven of midland visiting with miss mary jones pte earl mcnair and clifford barkeyrcaf spent the weekend at their respective homes mr stanley reesor was on a fishing trip in haliburton over the eekend mr and mrs d nighswander and family were with mr and mrs wm reesor one evening recently mr and mrs j wild of mark ham and mr and mrs c madill and girls of brougham spent sun day at a davis mr and mrs h s shantz had- tea last wednesday with mr and mrs fred mcnair also mr and mrs hairy stouffer were with mr and mrs millard reesor the same even ing special meetings are to be held november 6th 1941 for securing the at the church commencing on ston- repayment of the sum of seven hun- day may 17 till may 31 two pilj dred and fifty 750 00dollars and grims from the faith missions will interest thereon as therein mention- have charge help the girls along ed on the following property namely by attending as often as possible mr jack iralston of london visited relatives in the community last week having just returned from a very interesting and exciting voy age to russia with the new york merchant marines the north half of lot number thirteen 13 in the second con cession of the township of georgina in the county of york and province of ontario containing 100 acres more or less and take notice that unless payment of the said prin- mr and mis jos byer mr andtcipal interest and cost be made to mrs isaac lehman and george us within one month from the date carter spent the weekend at min- 1 hereof we will proceed with or wlth- nesing mr and mrs lehman spen ding sunday with their son arthur and family in sunnidale constable operates tractor enjoying some holidays at his parental home in lemonville police constable william hall toronto put in the time operating the tractor on the home acres and there by assisting to alleviate the help shortage for the squire motorist fixed 2300 on a careless driving charge laid by constable b gayman harold morden was assessed 2500 n police court on monday his car collided with a parked vehicle and then crashed into a tree on dr freels boulevard demolishing both tree and car 0idehhowt wmuiiim ete why bother with money orders and letterwriting place your bray chick order through the undersigned personal attention prompt delivery and the usual bray high quality stiver bros stouffville ontario out any consent or concurrence on your part and without further notice to youto enter into possession of the said mortgaged premises and receive and take the rents and pro fits thereof and whether in or ont of possession of the same to make any lease or leases of thj same or any part of parts thereof as we shall see fit and to sell and absolutely dispose of the said lands and premises either at public auction or prlvate sale orpartly by public auction and partly byprlvate sate as we may deem proper either for cash or upon such terms of credit as we may think proper and to con vey and assure the same when so sold unto the purchaser or pur chasers thereof as he or they shall direct or appoint north shore realty co ltd 40 alger building oshawa your i best market for eggs and poultry at present we are paying top toronto market prices for live spring broilers and live hens delivered to our plant at whitby pickering farms limited west of whitby phone day or nightwhltby 336

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