page eight the tribune stouffville ontrthursday april 30- 1942 i r 3 v- read these classified advs 5 for sale or exchange for rent or sale quarter acre garden lot good soil on harold street stouffvllle apply miss luella holden r articles for sale get your lard supply now farmers and others may get their lard requirements now at an attrac tive price cf only 15 cents per pound in your own containers schells meat market stouffvllle phone 200 radio rca victor car radio for sale good as new k phillips phone 252 more food for bk1tiax dont let your brooder house stand idle- fill it the second time with pyramid farm quality chicks order early for best dates in june and july 11 hugh g michell markbam 4103 claremont rr2 asparagus roots for sale j green phone 8205 asparagus roots for sale j li ogden phone 5827 for sale empirecook stove in blue and cream enamel also que bec heater large size mrs john timbers phone 609 quality chicks if you want those extra eggs which spell profit order your chicks from as our plant has been built up for years by careful culling plus new breeding stock from the best rop plants in ontario and every bird blood tested for several years and we set only our own eggs produced at home we have just two breeds rocks for eggs and meat and our leghorn breeders are yearling hens which know how to lay those large white eggs place your order early as we produce quality not quantity white leghorn cockerels at lc each bruels black phone 5714 ringwood ont tractor owners we can supply you with regular tractor gasoline for your tractor and farm engine at reduced price from graded gasoline prices for which we do not require coupons to serve you otherwise if you use graded gasoline in your tractor you must turn in your valuable coupons from your ration book note there is no restriction on the hours in which you may buy tractor gasoline d holden sons ford sales and service phone 18401 stouffvllle barley quantity of barley for sale fit for seed glen alden farms phone 5207 for sale a cook stove in perfect condition will sell at bargain price for quick sale apply mr percy hardy north claremont for sale electric washing machine beatty near new in good condition auston yake lemonville fob sale 1941 rogers radio battery tablemodel practically new would trade for pigs finley thompson goodwood custom hatching our incubator is now ia full swing hatching hen duck turkey and pheasant eggs we also purchase hatching eggs from bloodtested stock government egggrading sta tion register x o 2s5 we can handle youreggs unionville poultry farm and chick hatchery no 7 highway unionville unionville phone 2920 stouffvllle phone 2620 several reasons for using insect eradicator 1st it is a contact and fume spray 2nd kills soft bodies insects like maggots worms etc 3rd kills potato bugs caterpillars and hard boditd insects does not clogg the sprayer 4th used by some of the largest vegetable growers 5th it only cost about 15c an acre to spray potatoes which kills slugs bugs and eggs and the pets leaf hopper it does not hurst the plants ask for information george e baker pllnib manufacturing ctienikl stouflvllle ontario 6th- for sale madison transplanter cockshutt tractor plow wagon gear 2 cream separators 1 hp gas engine bell son phone 281 delaval milker act quick rhave one installed before the busy season also woods grinders frigid- iaire coolers and century motors liberal tradeins write or phone for prices b r leech toronto radio sports 241 yonge st phone wa 4501 live stock for sale shorthorn bull also a hereford bull ready for service jno scott phone claremont 3603 eor sale eight pigs six weeks jjold phone stouffvllle 5509 roy r mover for sale collie pups both parents are healers ralph connor l phone 5806 jersey cow for sale due to freshen soon percy dike phone 6215 jfor sale sixty nine month old pullets laying good rocks 100 s each a thurlwell 3rd concession 2 one and a quarter miles south of 1 goodwood vj men of 30 40 50 pep vim vigor subnormal want normal pep lim vigor vitality try ostrex tonic tablets contains tonics stimulants oyster elements aids to normal pep after so 40 or 5a get a special introductory size for only t4 try this aid to normal pep and vim today for sale at all good drug stores electric iriange mcclary new 1942 model automatic oven control broiler 4 burners all white porcelain 10925 westinghouse combination coal and electric 21900 beach comb 22500 toronto radio sports 241 yonge st phone wa 4501 callouses and hard spots make bottoms of feet burn corns hurt bunions give distress can soon be relieved wih corn solvent or money back corn solvent painlessly dissolves corns in 10 days or money back bunions callouses hard spots take longer 25c 65c and 100 george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist stouffvllle ontario notice to creditors all persons having claims against the estate of eli r ramer late of the township of whitchurch count of york farmer who died on or about the 16th day of february 1942 are requested to send to the under signed solicitor on or before the 26th day of may 1942 otherwise their claims will be disallowed lena ramer and louis grove executors by their solicitor j a cattanach markham ontario dated at markham this 21st day of april 1942 wanted wanted kitchen help and wait resses to start the 1st of may apply matron ontario ladies college whitby ontario wanted middle aged lady for companion and to do light house keeping for lady in claremont phone claremont 2620 wanted seed and domestic potatoes state variety and price per bag also ground barley or oats per 100 pounds joseph white todmorden rrjl cucumbers wanted i canada packers are now contract ing for cucumbers for the new market pickle factory ifor full particulars write or call a whit- tington king george hotel new market sale register saturday may 2 household furniture and village lot the property of late thomas sander son will be sold at north half of lot 18 east of four corners in claremont sale at 130 see list in tribune on april 30 a s farmer auctioneer tuesday may 5 household furniture etc belonging to mrs bruels and fred steckley will be sold at the residence in ringwood sale at 130 terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday may 10 entire household furniture belonging to mrs theo madill will be sold at her residence main street east stouffvllle sale at 2 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer goodwood mothers day in goodwood united 6js on may 10 will be a morning service rer a e lunau will speak and noreen croxall will sing more young men from two more young men from here have joined the army they being justice and ginger todd sons of william todd best of luck boys mondays vote here was 89 yes and 13 no less than half voted messrs isaac shaver and daniel baker are visiting friends up at kovar wonder if the fish will bite for these young fellows another of our young gentry who has been having a good time is andrew morga- son who returned home from a good time in toronto goodwood institute held their meeting at the home of mrs john todd monday evening officers elect ed were president mrs howard harper vice president mrs john rae secytreas mrs norman wagg pianists mrs lome wagg and- mrs george stewart auditors mrs feasby mrs wagg the death of charles henry harry flumerfelt native of this district occurred at his home is caithness avenue toronto on tues day of this week following a short illness he was in his 68th year and was predeceased by his wife bertha walkington surviving are five daugh ters mrs l hurd clara of pres ton mrs t harding ruth of leaside mrs f leaf jean blan che and margaret at home the end came suddenly to this former good wood old boy who is so widely known funeral to pine hill ceme tery in toronto had not been com pleted at time of going to press sa1am unionville curlers elect j t weir hold annual banquet in township hall j t weir was elected president of the unionville curling club when the annual banquet and election of officers was held in the township i hall at unionville wednesday w e mcmuity was guest speaker for the occasion motion pictures depicting the dominion champion ship cuilmg series were shown priz es for local bonspiels were awarded to jos teeson russell boyington h r coulson w gohn hector patteison and s findlay officers elected for 194243 were dalton rlumney vicepresident rus sell boyington 2nd vicepresident h r coulson secretarytreasurer r b rae auditor w c gohn and john grant representatives to the ontario curling association 0 in memoriam bartholomew in sad but lov ing memory of our darling son and brother haiold clifford bartholomew aged 4 years who was accidentally killed 11 years ago april 25 1931 some may think we have forgotten when at times they see us smile but they little know the heartache that the smile holds all the while we who loved you sadly miss you as it dawns another year in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you aie always near too dearly loved to be forgotten daddy mother brothers and sisters friends in town will be sorry to learn that mrs doten is quite ill although she is reported to be im proving at present barbering notice len keep ings barber shop will be open every evening from 6 until 930 except monday wednesday satur day night will remain open till 11 these hours in effect up to and including may 9 de laval milker shipment just received immediate delivery on first 10 oiders act quick have one installed before the busy season also woods grinders frigidaire coolers and century motors liberal trade- ins write or phone for prices b r leech toronto radio sports 241 yonge st phone wa 4501 pretty wedding at gormley farm the home of the brides mother gormley was the scene of a pretty wedding ou saturday april 18th at 430 in the afternoon when verna irene youngest daughter of mrs and the late jos l cherry became the bride of douglas lloyd jones only son of mr and mrs leslie jones lansing the bride was given in marriage by her only brother joseph of upper canada college and the ceremony was performed by rev 1 brubaker of gormley the wedding music was played by miss doreen gooding the house was beauti fully decorated with pink roses and bouvardia and tall standards of calla lilies and white stocks formed a background for the bride and groom and their attendants during the ceremony the bride was becomingly gowned in a white gown with long full skirt of net trimmed with a design of satin a satin basque i favor hybrid corn with seeding well under way the farmers are now wondering type or strain of corn to order fin their local seed dealer according to one merchant who sells seed throughout york county about pc of the farmers will plant hybrid corn this year since many will be planting this corn for the first tiae this year the question of suitable strains is causing some concern in 1941 the county crop improve ment association conducted tests in various parts of the county axd the average yield of green weight at harvesting was approximately 3 fans more per acre than the old standard varieties with over of a ton more of ears the seedsmen of the county were invited on a tour to inspect these plots and their impression was borne out by the yields with sweetheart neckline fastened with a long row ofsatin buttons down the front and pointed sleeves trimmed with satin buttons miss florence cherry sister of the bride was bridesmaid wearing a gown of pink sheer trimmed with silver and carrying a bouquet of johanna hill roses and white bouvaria shirley gray gormley niece of the bride was flower girl and wore a long diess of pale yellow silk trimmed with blue velvet beaus and carried a nosegay of sweetheait roses for-get- truck license found no19744s apply at fishers blacksmith gormler tenders for coal and coke federal building province of oat sealed tendejs addressed to the undeisigned and endorsed tender for coal will be received until t p m edst thursday may 7 1942 for the supply coal and coke for the dominion buildings through- menots and pansies mr harvey w tne buildings i rumble of toronto assisted the out the province of ontario room forms of tender with specifications for travelling to montreal and and condltlons attached can be obtain led from the purchasing agent de partment of public works ottawaj and the supervising architect 36 other points the bride wore a pale blue redingote with navy top coat hat and accessories and a corsage of red roses they will live in toronto additional locals adelaide st east toronto ont tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the department and in accordance with department al specifications and conditions at tached thereto coal dealers licence maries beauty parlors have been numbers must be given when tender- leopened in the east end which was ing j closed owing to illness of mrs jack the department reserves the right who is now in charge again mrs stewart stouffer of ringwood was rushed to the hospital on tues day evening and this wednesday morning was operated on for appen dicitis she is doing nicely at the private patients pavilion of the tor onto geneial hospital misses helen hastings and mary mcconnell entertained at a shower and tea last thursday at wymel- wood queens park in honor of miss june corman one of next months brides mrs s w hastings was present from stouffville and assisted in pouring tea srt the easy way to succeed with chicks o- raise them on wl chick vsxarterjt ful chick starter the wonderful oatmeal base has also contains concentrated spring range many health benefits of fresh pasture balanced in minerals vitamins proteins and carbohydrates save up to v3 to vfc on feed cost by following the fulopep rearing plan r for sale and recommended i- tstouffville ontario stiver bros authorized quaker dealer phone 4501 bill sanders son of mr blake sanders with his wife and two young sons will move into the theo madill residence in the east end shortly vacating the premises over the standard garage mrs madill who had spent the winter with- her daughter mis jane hopkins will make her permanent home there and will hold an auction sale on may 9th of her furniture auction sale -of- household furniture etc the property of mrs r breuls and fred steckly will be sold at the residence just south of ringwood -on- tuesday may s tlning ta1ie good extension table large 12 leaves kitchen table small table heater stove cheerful oak coal oil stove 3burner and oven iron bed springs 2 mattresses childs metal crib with springs glass show case suitable for market use 3 cases for carrying pies and cakes ice refrigerator good willow rockers 4 rockers 2 washstands dresser good kitchen clock clock very antique toilet set couch 2gal oil can 1gal oil can aluminum teakettle irog baskets rag carpet picturesfe frames jam jars wooden palls 30 orange crates and many other articles to demand from any successful ten derer before awarding the order security deposit in the form of s certified cheque on a ctiartered bank in canada made payable to the order of the honourable the minister ot public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian national railway company and its constituent compan ies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the domin ion of canada or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if re quired to make up an odd amount such security will serve as guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract by order j m somibrville secretary- department bf public works ottawa april 20 1942 terms cash geo storey clerk sale at 2 pm a s farmer auctioneer auction sale household furniturk and real estate by auction the undersigned will sell by public auction at north half of lot 18 cast or four corners claremovt f saturday may 2 j 042 the property of the late thos sanderson kitchen cabinet t five kitchen chairs extension table arm chair organ dominion organ stool studio couch wooden bed with springs 2 iron beds with springs 2 mattresses spring filled imattress nearly new 2 dressers washsund parlor table stand 8piece dining room sulteoak finish cabinet radio viking writing desk davenport rocker arm chair to match 8piece dining rkom suite oak leather covered chairs chesterfield table walnut sideboard small table odd chairs 2 rooking chairs congoleum rug 7x9 ft sewing machine couch electric washer beatty quebec stove with oven quebec heater 6 blinds pair velour curtains lawn mower tub stand number of fruit jars new wash boiler tub clothes basket 2 electric fixtures 2 oil lamps pictures dishes many other arti cles y terms cash john scott clerk sale at 130 a s farmer auctioneer sk wl3