Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 30, 1942, p. 3

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vrtr 5s the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 30 1942 page threb stanley theatre phone 1c stowing each night at 815 atataxday and holidays 700 and 900 thursday friday saturday april atf max 1 a sierra sue gene autry tanks a million mrs bert johnston of hamilton visited with her parents mr and mrs r foote orer the weekend mrs alex hunter mr and mrs lome snyder and daughter of tor onto were guests with their cousin on sunday miss sadie stewart strawberry plants were out in blossom last week and the maple trees are coming into leaf almost a month- in advance of other years in this locality william tracey klyse knox maaidsy tuesday wednesday max i 5 g remedy for jean hersholt s also all american girl xaxjorie woodsworth j downs tkoraday friday saturday may t 8 9 i see ice george formby peter b reesor dies in her 84th year susanna j wideman wife of peter atxeesor died at her home in mark- caam on friday in lier 84th year born in markham township- she moved to scarbqro after her mar riage nearly 64 years ago sarriving are her husband two sans jacob w of markham and jlef at home and one daughter mrs 3 brer also several grandchildren maybe work of youngsters during her temporary absence down town some one entered the home of mrs thomas klinck obrien avenue one day last week and carried off a number of tread tickets and about j 2 in silver all lying in a red dish which the owner valued as a keepsake mrs klinck despite her great age wasnt alarnv ed over the incident and put it down to the work of children she does however regret the loss of the little red dish so perhaps it may return stranger things have liappened mrs klinck did not lock the door and so it was easy for the intruder to walk n stouffville stores opened tuesday thursday and saturday evenings fred smith local great war veter an is still in christie street hospital undergoing treatment he is expected home soon we understand as he has been away for several weeks now mr and mrs kenneth davis of south porcupine are visiting his parents iter and mrs d davis at the parsonage on church street mr george austin is looking for a house to rent since the place on 10th street has been sold to mr ernest drewery places are becoming in creasingly hard to engage in stouff ville health of average air cadet is good out of approximately three dozen air cadets who have passed the squadrons mo dr s s ball only a half dozen have proved to have any defects these six mentioned were slightly affected by color blindness and would not tie considered capable of handling air crew work but would be taken as navigators etc color blindness which has proved a stum bling block to so many lads enter ing the rcaf comes in both a dangerous and a mild form the dangerous cases are those boys who confuse such vivid colors as red and green while others may only find shades of blue and green hard to distinguish stricken with pneumonia col george a drew ontario conserva tive leader is reported to be out of danger col drew stricken while attending the leafsred wings hockey final mr sammy hare has taken rooms with mr and mrs lloyd hoover one door west of the east end store of a greenwood mr hare is one of the old timers of the district well known in stouffville and markham mrs wilson wife of dr harry wilson was in town on thursday as the guest of mr and mrs n w byer mrs wilson reports sizeable snow banks still around ner home at englehardt miss betty leslie accepted in rcaf wd for the past six months a clerk in nol equipment depot toronto miss betty leslie formerly of stouffville has been trying to get into the womens air force shes now in having enlisted and been accepted last week as an equipment assistant miss leslie is 23 and is the first local girl to don the airforce blue she will be stationed at jarvis st train ing centre- milkers and coolers agent for delaval milkers separators gilson coolers washers furnaces also cge electric ranges refrigerators beatty bros equipment e j stickly phone 7513 victoria square for new ford tractors and ferguson implements patented 1942 holdens automatic depth control straightener and side hill hitch device fthis device automatically controls the hydraulic depth required regardless of the condition of the var- ryingsoil to be tilled either in plowing or cultivating for general purpose or row crop work it is not necessary for the operatoruo watch and move the manual controlled hydraulic lever to maintain an even depth you can change the desired depth if necessary while the tractor and implement is in motion by a simple adjustment that only requires 1 or 2 seconds the straightener evener sidehill hitch allows the operator to set the plow as desired inde pendent of the tractor draw bar hitch at the desired width it enables the operator to stear the plow to take a wider ornarrdw furrowto iake out a crook by the simple operation of turning a cranked screw adjustment to vary width six inches either way or to hold his plow up on a steep sidehill when the tractor slides away it can be adjusted to change width from one sixteenth of an inch up to six inches withthis attachment an operator can go out and do a show- job in sirikinffqut and finishing a laid in such awaythat unmakes u the best outfit todoashow job of anytfcingrpnhherket today price of complete attachment including print ed instructions for installation is 3000 fb b rstouffviue6nt if you remdeout of this locality and would like to have one send money order for 3000 to dp hplden sons ford sales service stouffville ont we will ship you complete atlach- mentshipping charges collect at destinationlt only requires ten minutes to install and any one can do it by following instructions d hoilden sons ford sales service stouffville ont phone stouffville 1s40l two houses under construction excavation commenced last week for the new residence to be built this summer by mr milt storey druggist on the site of the old brick barn that stood on his fathers property on main street west most of the mater ial has been bought in advance so that present day shortage will not be a problem ground was staked this week for still another fine residence to be erected by mr wesley schell pro prietor of the planing mill who has held a lot at the corner of main and victoria streets for this purpose for some years the new house will be 26x36 brick clad with sun room and garage combination under one roof it will face on victoria street the present attractive residence owned and occupied by the schell family is too small for their requirements hence they will move to their new and increased accommodation when the work is completed trout fishing friday the trout fishing season opens on friday of this week may 1st and local nimrods are preparing to spend tile day along their favorite streams in quest of the speckled beauties we noted rev herbert lee carry ing a number of letters into the post office monday morning and found that two of them were going to his twin grandsons masters eric and phillip conveying grandfathers good wishes on their fifth birthday quaijtx service there is not enough of the old flag left over tho top the school building to make a pocket handkerchief but a new one is on order and will arrive in due course these flags soon wear out when they are left constantly to the breeze a lady of the town called at the tribune monday morning to register a timely protest against the unwarr anted throwing of candy wrappings around the street and on lawns for other people to pick up it is some thing we have often thought about here we are calling for the last scrap of paper to be saved yet youngsters and grownups alike throw wrappings from candy all over the streets leaving the place in a m63t untidy manner just what is to be done with these wiappers when the candy is eaten we are not sure but the paper could at least be screwed into a ball before discarding it has been suggested that boxes be placed at corners as receptacles for old papers and a few might be tried out to see how they would be made use of if there ts a serious shortage of paper one wonders why the chocolate bar manufacturers are allowed to contin ue putting on great elaborate wrap pings of course the wrapper has an appeal and adds to the sanitary man ner of handling the candy but this should not weigh in times like this the soldier has to go without clean ing teeth for days in an emergency and we too can do without appealing candy covers of every kind gnr harold badgero who has been in camp hill hospital down in hali fax for six weeks expected to be ahle to leave the sick bed this week and perhaps he will be home instouff- ville for a couple of weeks before taking on his military duties again at the eastern port with one out of every fifteen stouffville men in uniform not a weekend goes by without half a doz en lads enjoying the comforts of their homes for a brief period this past week flying officer crapper pte earl madden pte lord and bruce stover were all in town visiting at their respective homes garden and field seeds garden seeds garden fertilizers wizard brand sheep manure king bug killer keng plant food seed potatoes certified new brunswick kathadins certified prince edward island cobblers antl green mountains reliable brand seed grain victory oats erban oats vanguard oats alaska oats oac no 21 barley velvet barley spartan barley seed disinfectants ceresan for grain semes an for small garden seeds semes an bel for seed potatoes we are taking orders for next winters coal stiver bros a couple of cars collided on main street east saturday evening when one was about to turn from the main traffic to a side street the car follow ing suffered a broken radiator but otherwise little damage was caused constable al greenwood investigat ed v common community experiences so far as stouffville is concerned treasurer george storey has man aged with merely issuing threats to delinquent water users to the vffect that if they did not pay up then he would have the water shut off from their premises in almost all cases the threat was sufficient to induce the shortsighted people to see the light and pay before the thirstquencher was denied them apparently the town of walker- ton does not always get their water rates collected without similar or more drastic steps being resorted to and here you may read what the walkerton herald says about the town cop starting on his rounds for delinquent users police- chief jack ferguson started on his rounds wed nesday mornlngof this turning off the waterof those ellegedly in arrears to the local municipality for their water supply for the past six months or longer as the rates are duo and payable twice a year th chieftain armed wlthhlsshuttlngoft apparatus was a most unwelcome sight to all- dpllnquentsas he appear ed at theirprejnlses with hls ibrass buttons and blue uniform and- his armament- for doing his duty to the best of als ability ai the saying is clerk collins phone was the busiest instrument in town as the victims of the raid sought to contact him and discover what it was all about as a surprise this raid was something of a blitzkrieg to most of the natives of the bruce capital many of them pro tested vehemently that they were ig norant of any arrearage whatsoever but which that official was able to clear up and elucidate on what the books at the town kali showed masonic brethren sit maikhani last friday evening members of richardson lodge af am no 136 stouffville visited markham union lodge on the occasion of- the official visit of the district master to markham a very fine evening was enjoyed and a cordial welcome ex tended by the hosts those from the stouffville lodge in attendance in cluded morley symes john s reid morley haynes norman wagg dean wagg william griffiths fred cross- en charles barkey and ormsby lehman retires after 40 years caretaker after more than 40 years as care taker of the bank of commerce and its predecessor the standard bank in stouffville mrs john mckihnon relenquished her duties last week which were taken over by mrs ernest madill mrs mckinnon first took the position when the bank operated in the present law office of mcculiotigh button but shortly after or just around the turn of the century the late w b sanders built tho present premises mr ell ramer carpenter under lease to the bank who later boughtcthe place and en larged the building not for 15 years has mrs mckinnon taken a week off so that her services with the bank- constitute something of a record when mrs mckinnon was first en gaged- the standard bank of canada was in charge but this bank as most people know was absorbed by the commerce her work was always highly satisfactory- and was consider ably more onerous in the days when the bank clerks occupied the rooms over the bank as sleeping quartors further improvements at cedar beach gardens midsummer night atmosphere on saturday was appropriate opening weather for cedar beach gardens musselmans lake the big amuse ment spot under the management of mr george davfes ihas undergone considerable improvement again this year severalmore feet have been added to the north end of the gardens providing plenty of room in thehitherto crowded kitchen the entrance rotunda has been reflrilsh- ed in mixed shades with a marble floor to the west beyond thelurich table section a further room has been built while the entire interior of this part of the tiall has been reflnlshed in blue and cream the grocery con nected with cedar beach park has also been enlarged into a modern cash and carry groceteria while on the outside the refreshment booth now reaches to the west an additional ten feet george hooey and bis band provided the music for over a hun dred couples last week and will fill the orchestra stand again this satur day night miss lorraine crapper toronto spent the weekend with her mother mrs william crapper mam street the port perry star tells of the annual meeting of the scugog town business men last week as attracting 95 per cent of those in business fifty men in all witha live organization of the sort the smaller towns aie bound to thrive these days with gasoline cut down and encourage ment given to people to shop at home there is a wonderful opportunity to forge ahead two full moons in april ono on the first and one on the last day of themonth is most unusual in olden days masonic lodge meetings were always held in the country on the full of the moon because it made better travelling after night some lodges that still adhere to the old custom found their meeting dates rather badly spaced because of tho two moons in the month of april red cross sotes three exceptionally fine donations were sent to our local rooms last week bethesda jr institute sent in five beautiful quilts the helping hands class of ringwood sunday school forwarded four large and one crib quilt while the excelsior class of ringwood gave a box containing two quilts four childs dresses two dozen diampersand six ladies dress es to these three organizations we extend our sincere thanks mrs roy grove for best results tf in tin i ship your cream to us we pay2c per pound moke of butter fat for cream delivered to creamery cold storage meat lockers for rent stouffville creamery co phone 18601 before you paint tee bow the job win look in a thousand different colour combinations with the ci1 1941 colour styling book 99 actually painted colour sheets 9x 120 can be visualized through 10 separate transparent four colour overlays of homes your cil paint dealer is an effort in home alterations and repairs talkt6him about your plans he cangiveyou short cuts and suggestions from the experience of many customers and from many aids at his disposal cil paints are typical of the highquality merchandise he sells w f riches stouffvillo ontario 11 pai nts for a cl

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