Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 16, 1942, p. 2

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fiecrv fi y vmh a- r junem 7 rpaob two tribune stbuffviue- ont thursday april 16thl42- i lv p established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association si issued every thursday at stouffville ontario rv eghttotwelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance 1 vlncanada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes aind comments public utility commissions the village of beaverton and the town of uxbridge both operate their hydro systems under a public com mission whereas stouffville continues to operate on the out moded system of a village council since the idea of a com mission in this village was turned down by the council when hydro came to town there has been a change of opinion and we believe that today if the ratepayers were consulted they would favor a commission to handle the public utilities ithas mny advantages and would relieve a municipal coun cil of many worries public utility commissions are compos- ed of three men one elected annually for a term of three years thus assuring experienced men always in office cut down the risk accidents on farm every farmer knows how serious the labour shortage iiow is a few tips on how to ensure your own efficiency and the efficiency of farm help are offered by the field husban dry division central experimental farm ottawa a board with a nail in it careless handling of tools or a gun the cover off a well hay hiding an open trap in the loft an exposed electric wire or a faulty flue or any one of a thousand common causes of accidents on farms every year hundreds of accidents big andlittle take a consider able toll of the farmers time and money these are days when the call for essential food products is so urgent on canada that neitherthe farmer nor the nation ian affoid accidents it is not going to cost- any money nor much time to fix the projecting nail in the step or elsewhere or to see that the hayloft trap door is kept clear and closed every farmer can behis own safety engineer not only can the risk of accidents be cut down but fire hazards can be reduced by the exercise of care a pail of sand or water in the places where the fire hazard is greatest is a good thing a good slogan these day is farm safety for defence and efficiency or safetyfirst v farmers not frozen on the land vwhileitis generally supposed that because a young manisworkingoh the land he willinot be drafted for military duty the government has issued a statement that is not too encouraging for the farmers who are hardpressed tokeepjip production here is the release from ottawa to the farmers there has apparently been some misunderstanding about the position of farm workers in the national selective service farmers are not to be frozen on the land when a farmer is called for military service he must answer the call of he- registrar he may apply for an indefinite- postpone- ment on the grounds that his farm work is essential to main- tain production he need not prove the claim the minister of labor explains but it may be challenged unless the national selective service iboard is convinced that the man is not an essential worker in agriculture it shall grant him a postponement until further notice it was not the purpose bf- the government announcing the stabilization of farm labor to encourage workers to leave munition plants whether with or without experience in agriculture to seek experience in agriculture when the manpower inventory is completed the liability to military service of persons who have returned to agriculture since the manpower was an nounced will be reviewed when the manpower inventory is completed will be reviewed ah theres the rub two of them have been com pleted already and not heard of since but seeding begins today crops cannot be put in without help and theassur- ahee of help throughout the growing season and harvest no farmer can plan a years work without knowing that he will have some help dependable help to work it and to harvest it prompt protests killed the bill the bill before the ontario legislature designed to give more supervision over municipalities by the depart- ment of municipal affairs has been withdrawn by hon mrtmcquestion and with it went a real threat to our l democratic way of country life had this bill passed into the statute books it would not have been long before rural muni cipalities would have been deprived of making their own assessments and collecting taxes it would have been done v through the counties so furious came the protests and so rimalvthesupport for the measure that it never saw the tight of day had hot a strong stand been taken by a few weekly newspapers and public men reeyes and councillors all over ontario we i certainly would have been saddled with the measure it was not good enough to take the stand of some whosaid and see too little and too late is a well known phrase that we have cause to remember in these times r boundaries of muskokaontario i -s- tthe hiintsville forester makes a timely comment k- aioutthe heedfor readjustment of the muskokaontario riding and stirs afresh thedemand for some change in the next ontario redistributionwe know hat the people in the isouthernendarenof satisfiedwith the setup and would ekomenew boundaries here is the considered opinion of lome atkins writing in the huntsrlle forester which strik- on jte mail tie editor dear sir you were generous enough last week to give space to an unsigned letter aimed at a certain class of people who allegedly do nothing for the war cause the writer wishes to admit that such people do exist but an observer would have shown at least some semblance of his own bravery if he has any by signing his name he would have shown some of we poor unfortunates a good example lacking the back hone to come into the open and not even being a good sniper we dismiss him with con tempt this reply is on behalf of the fellow who seemingly may be doing nothing yet may be contributing more than the observer who should have signed sniper to his letter yours truly fair play la lesson for april 19 growing tension with false leaders golden text he that is not with me is against nie and he that gathereth not with mo mutttereth luke 1123 the lesson as a whole by h a ironside litt d as we approach the closing period of our lords ministry here on earth we find him meeting with everin creasing opposition the leaders of the people forced to recognize the fact that mighty deeds were wrought by him whom they were determined to reject reach the place at last that should never be forgiven them either in that age or in the age just dawning matt 12 3132 they deliberately attributed the work of the holy spirit to beelzebub the prince of the demons- declaring that the lord jesus christ wrought his miracles even to casting out of de mons through the control of this aw ful personality this was the blas phemy against the holy ghost as we are distinctly told in mark 330 it was a dispensational sin which could only be committed under the circum stances then prevailing today the only unforgivable sin is the final re jection of the one who died to re deem as the days went on these leaders ahandonnd now to hardness of heart and with consciences seared as by a hot iron 1 tim 42 sought by any and every means to- discredit the message and the messenger until at last the lord jesus uttered the solemn words which declared that for the jewish nation as such the day or grace and come to an end though individuals might still be sav ed he said solemnly your house is left unto you desolate luke 1335 and announced that they should not see him until they should be ready to welcome him as the promised one when they shall cry blessed is he that cometli in the name of the lord prom this point on god deals with individuals wheth er jews or gentiles for it has now- been demonstrated that there is no difference between the jew and the greek all are sinners and all need a saviour rom 322 23 1012 verse by verso luke 1137 a certain pharisee besought him to dine with him the lord jesus christ was no ascetic he enjoyed being among men and we never read of his rofusing such an invitation as this ofen luketells us of his presence at a dinner party nor were these repasts always given by his intimate friends and follow ers but in any case he always used them as occasions to present his message in all faithfulness though with becoming courtesy and con- 0 sideration for his host and fellow guests i verse 38 the pharisee marvelled that he had not first wash ed for dinner these formal re ligionists made much of certain and wickedness he knew what was in man john 225 and his- all- discerning eye saw the vileness and cbruption which these religious zea lots were endeavouring to cover up by strict attention to prescribed rites and ceremonies verse 40 did not he that made that which is wittiout make that which is within also- did they sup- poes god was more concerned ahout cleansing from physical dellcment than from spiritual wickedness yet how many haye made the mistake of these pharisees through the centuries since they were so sternly rebuked for their manifest hypocrisy verse 41 give alms of such things as ye have and behold all things are clean unto you their great outstanding sin was covetous- ness let them distribute to those in- need with liberalhand and they would not be so concerned about out ward defilement a soiled hand is clean in the sight of god if it is mins tering to another need verse 42 these ought yet to have done and not to leave the other un done the were overscrupulous n tithing the most inexpensive herbs while overlooking the injunctions of the law as to the love of god which results in love to needy men he would not have them forbear to recognize the law of the tithe which was divinely given but the more im- povtant thing was to manifest love for their neighbors and for god who gave them the law this would imply an exercised heart and an awakened conscience verse 43 ye love the upper most seats in the synagogues there are few men until subdued by divine grace who do get a certain satis faction from recognition as persons of importance and this is a great snare in religious circles we are told elsewhere of those who loved the praise of men more than the praise of god john 1243 few escape this lehmans shoe store footwear for all the famuy womens hosiery rubbers gloves shoes socks boots mitts stouffville pbbrie 4301 opposite the town clock stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 l e oneill itqvffvrulk funeral director anu embalmer continuous telephone service bay and night business phone residence phone i vi vf r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 verse 44 ye are as graves which appear not according to the law contact with the dead defiled num 96 lev 2113 to touch a grave rendered one unclean num 191g yet these pharisees who thought ceremonial washings which they themselves so clean because of their carried out punctiliously jesus ig- ceremonial washings were as full of nored these to the surprise of his corruption as a recent grave and so capable of defiling all who came in critical opponents verso 39 ye parlsees make contact with them clean the outside of the cup it was verse 4 0 ye lade men with bur- thc heart that really needed cleans- dens grevious and touch not ing they permitted all kinds of de- theburdons with of your fingers moment within while making a jesus pronounced a woe upon the great pretense of outward signs of lawyers as a body because while they piety they were like one who was i expounded the scriptures and emphas very careful to wash the outside of a cup while leaving the inside filthy with awful truthfulness jesus said ized the importance of obedience to the law to which had been added many precepts of mans devising your inward part is full of raventhg yet they were conspiciously careless es home to electors in uxbridge township and other centres north of that municipality the riding as at present constituted is in many re- spects a monstrosity not only are its geographical boun daries absuredly illogical but the inclusion within an unor ganized district of a portion of one of ontarios oldest t organized counties where municipal organization is entirely different makes the combination all but unworkable when the decision was reached on the present form- ation there was widespread opposition both in muskoka and north ontario county there was little visible evidence of satisfaction at the sputhern end and hostility also up here in muskoka the trouble at that timeseemed to be that no practical alternative was suggested upon which action by the government could be urged the problem is one which should have careful study now premier hepburn has already mentioned the possibility of a redistribution before the next election the time to cor rect the present undesirable situation is therefore at hand muskoka should because of its wide geographical extent be reconstituted into a separate riding when comparison of the area is made with some if ontarios organized counties it is at once manifest that representation as a separate constituency is much less absurd than that county areas muchless extensive should have two or three members to represent them j the question of population unit has been the determ ining factor but such a basis is both unimpressive and un- fair when the area covered by muskoka is twice that of many constituencies granted twice our representation in parliament t the matter should be made the subject of much im mediate local study in order that any decision to continue the present unsatisfactory nding boundaries shall hot be made because of lack of protest from muskokaontario as to their own behavior sec v 52 verse 47 ye build the sepul chres of the prophets and your fath ers killed them they gave great honor in speech at least to the men who had spoken and acted for god in past centuries but they overlook ed the fact that they were no differ ent from their fathers who had put these faithful men to death because of their unwillingness to obey their words as given by divine inspiration verse 48 ye allow the deeds of yourfathers by living as they did they practically endorsed the attitude and behavior of those in the past who had slain the prophets their attitude toward christ himself was the full proof ofthis verse 52 the key of know ledge that is these men who were presumably expositors ofthelaw of moses had so confused things by add ing the traditions of men that they had actually made it harder for the common people to understand the word of god rather than easier their comments only tended to be cloud the truth verse 53 began to urge him ve hemently and to provoke him with no desire to learn from him the master teacher these hypocritical religious leaders sought to inveigle him into disputes that were of no real value hoping thereby to dis credit him with the masses verse 54 seeking to catch something out oi his mouth they would if iluy could make him an offer for a word isa 292021 but all their efforts were in vain his praise and serenity of mind were undisturbed and his teaching was clear and plain in exact accord with gods former revelation though with fuller light which he had come to reveal hob 112 directory dental e s barker ljds djjls honor graduate of royal codcsi of dental surgeons and oftip university of toronto office in grubina block phone 274 1 markham every tuesdar office inwear block medical dr s s ball physician and- surgeon xray office cor obrien and phone 196 coroner for york cowcy insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouifttin h o klinck 37 classic ave toronto for your insurance needs is fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines we have the answer the walkerton heraldtimes says our story the other week about the man who visited walkerton and cargill and lost a roll of some 350 only to find itin his undorwear when ho got home recalls another queer story mr and mrs howard vincent lately of chesley but now of bundas have some friends who were touring the bruce peninsula and coming to lions head thoy entered a shop to pick up some souvenirs on giving the proprietor money to pay for them he impressively punched- the cash register the door flew open and out jiimpeda mouse he examined the cash drawer and found a family of young mice in it what would you make of that our answer is that the grocer was one of those merchants who never advertises his goods editor fewer nrc taking more the people of ontario had a 64000 ooothlrst in 1941 and the provincial government made a profit of 10800000 in jproyldlng the liquor to quench it taking into con sideration that there is a large pro portion of the people of ontario whd dont touch it the fact that nearly 35000000 gallons of beer- wine and spirits were consumed in this prov ince in 1941 means that some fellows must absorb quite a bltof moisture during the twelve months a rumor that butter is to be rationed has been denied there is as much in stock today as at this time last year an authoratlve statement says a c burkholdeb insurance canada life assurance os -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence pkesa 3160 3514 arthur w s greek barrister solicitor notary rtatk 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident- partner branch oflte wcpoliardkc port perry uxbridge ontario phone n office phone elgin 7021 residence pnomi klngdate 7su samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bidg 62 richmond street w toronto brierbush hospital o government licensed main street east stonffrflfc maternitymedlcal andsurgfcal cases taken ambulance j service registered nurses and 24 hoar service mrs e r good phone 191 a c kennedy chiropractor churoh street stouffrftja monday- wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am phone ki 4s12 res- ha 87f ernest w hunter chartered axduntant auditor i residence 61 chilton rd toronto office room 3m 57 bloorst w as farmer licensed austioneer 20 years- experience york county uxbridge and plcker- lng townships farm stock andfurnlture salea a specialty telephone stouffville 730j address oofmley po y clarke prentice- phone aglncourt 1 w3 milllkca licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j ii prentice former prentlee- prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea- soi ble rates taftxtosf e fcuftf j- vsfrv y a j ti- f vj4v ctiyy j tfe il jtyvr -lr-

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