rtur page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 2nd 1942 established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments those easter bonnets new spring hats for easter are now making their appearance but it is too early to say whether some of the ridiculous and silly styles of last year and other years before that will make their appearance girls should wear that which is most becoming to them independent of what the stylists say farmers prepare spring offensive the feeling of spring is in the air again this year it is serving special notice that the time of planning for the spring offensive on the farm front is past and the period of action is upon us an increase of five million pounds of milk and 17 per cent in hog production over last year is the goal that must abe attained an allout effort on the part of the agricultural industry is the only hope of success the acute shortage of t arm help is a major difficulty and almost certainly will cause a serious reduction of acre age planted to grain corn and root crops the loss in pro duction thus resulting can and must be miade up by increas ed acre yields of the area that is planted replies by farmers to a soil test questionnaire set out to growers in all parts of eastern canada and british colum bia show that yields of grain pasture hay corn and roots are being increased generally by 10 to 50 per cent by the liberal use of fertilizer which should be used this year more than- ever how much can i get isthc wrong attitude we canadians are not into this war in a real serious way yet if the manner is which people are striving to obtain the best gasoline ration they can put over is any criterion persons may well be amazed with the effort of scores of people who attempt to get into some category to which they are not entitled even retired ministers and many school teachers who are not entitled to anything above class a are using their profession to gain a higher gasoline rating just because the powers that be provided a class for ministers and teachers who really have to travel scores of others seek to r get in under this assumption teachers who live in towns and cities should be in class a because they can reside in the community where they teach or use the street cars as others will have todo while ministers who are not in active work have little excuse for obtaining a rating intend ed for an active minister scores of other car drivers have worked overtime to figure out some excuse for obtaining more gas so that it is not only the teacher and the preacher who are guilty thousands of persons are doing the same thing even though we are told that to conserve gas will help win the war the prevailing attitude is how much can i get not how little caim do with postmaster general extends free mail service the member for north york made a short statement in the house of commons last wednesday indicating that hon wm mulock is extending the privilege of free postage on letters from soldiers as well as an extention of the air mail to quebec here is the statement made by hon wm mulock as reported in the daily proceedings of the house i should like to advise hon members that steps are being taken to facilitate the exchange of correspondence between soldiers and their homes in canada at all times letters from canadian troops in england and newfound land have been accepted free of postage for some time past and arrangements have now been completed under which letters posted in jamaica by canadian troops stationed there will pass free of postage to their homes in canada this concession takes effect on april 1 next i should also like to say to the house in response to numerous questions that havebeen asked in regard to the establishment of air mail service between montreal and quebec that the business value of an air mail service be tween these cities has been carefully investigated and in the light of the facts disclosed steps are being taken to in augurate a regular dailyexceptsunday air mail schedule between these two important points on or about april 15 nexti the proposed schedule of service will link the city of quebec with main line air services at montreal operating to and from maritime provinces the canadian west and all points in the united states the postal advantages of this service should prove to be definite value especially at this time when speed in the transmission of the written word is of such great importance citizens approve more to get more water the news published last week concerning the village councils decision to engage a consulting engineer with the view of designing a third reservoir for stouffville was re ceived with gratification by the water users there is a lovely creek of sparkling spring water running to waste from off the town reservoir property and the aim is to ultimately harness this supply for domestic use while the users have only had to forego lawn water in july or august the supply has been periliously lof at times had fire broken ont with additional storage capacity this danger will be removed and possibility of running short for tap water removed with a certainty n sundaysehobl lesson easter lesson april s christ and life apthr death golden text thanks be to god which glveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ 1 cor 1557 the lesson as a whole by h a ironside litt d lator moody church chicago approach to the lesson our lord and the scripture gen erally teaches not merely the surviv al of the soul after the bodp dies matt 102s but the literal phys ical resurrection of the bodies both of the just and the unjust acts 2415 the one a resurrection unto lite the other a resurrection unto judgment john 52829 by this is not meant a reincarnation in some other form as held by certain orien tal mystics and their misguided occidental followers but an actual rising again from the dead of the very same person who died our lord himself came out of the grave in the same body that had hung upon the cross bearing still the marks of his passion john 2020 27 in like manner death shall yield up the bodies of all men even though long since apparently reduced to their chemical elements for our god is the god of resurrection he who created these bodies with- all their marvelous powers can reassemble them and make them live again when the time comes for the saved to be caught up to meet the lord 1 thess 41317 and later for the- wicked to rise arid stand before the great white throne for judgment rev 201114 sudely nothing should have a more solemnizing effect upon our lives in this scene than the knowledge that this life is only a prelude for that which is to come to be lived forever in the joy of heaven or endured amid the sad and gloomy horrors of hell faithfully jesus christ portrayed both aspects- of the lite beyond the grave that none might presume or be deceived by the vain hope of a happy immortality if living and dying in sin he would have all men remember that there are two resurrections and follow ing these two destines therefore the importance of receiving christ now that we may be assured of felic ity hereafter verse by verse mark 1224 know not the scriptures neither the power of god the sadducees had sought to puzzle or heckle the lord jesus and to make the doctrine of the resurrection seem absurd by their fanciful illustration our lord appeals to two great rea sons for accepting the fact that the dead will rise it is revealed in the bible which is gods inspired word and it rests upon the power of the omnipotent god when god has spoken it is not for man to reason but to accept his declaration with becoming reverence to ask how any thing can be done because contrary to the ability of finite creatures is to forget that all power belongeth unto god with whom nothing is impos sible luke 1827 verse 25 as the angels in heaven the angels are sexless be ings who do not have the power of reproducing their kind in the resur rection thesame will be true of man kind in ftie eternal condition follow ing the rising from the dead marri age will have no place each will be a distinct individual capable of endless bliss or woe but human relation ships as we know them here will be ended verse 26 god spoke saying i am the god of abraham and isaac and jacob he did not say i was their god but i am their god he spoke of them as definite personalities related to him by grace though their bodies were dead long since in his own time they would rise again and be acknow ledged as hisown verse 27 he is not the god of the dead if these patriarchs were reduced to unconsciousness or an nihilated by death he would not still be their god but all live unto him though they are dead as to the body and hidden from the eyes of men he the god of the spirits of all flesh num 1622 sees and knows everyone in his present state between death and resurrection 1 cor 1550 flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god it is not in our natural bodies- sus tained by blood that wo shall partici pate in the heavenly aspect of the kingdom of god a great physical change will take place inorder that we may participate in that sphere of incorruption verse 51- i shew you a mystery that is i make known to you a sac red secret- apart from a divine revelation no one could know any thing of resurrection we shall not all sleep death for the believer is but the sleep of the body while the spirit is absent from the body and present with the lord 2 cor 5s but all believers will not i pass through death some will be alive and will be changed at the lords roturn phil 320 21 verse 52 the trumpet shall sound this is called elsewhere the trump of god 1 thess 416 there is no such thought in scripture as the awakening of the dead when gabriel blows his horn when this age ends the last trump will sound farmers income higher ix 1941 farmers cash income from the ale of farm products in 1941 was is 5 per cent greater than in 1940 and the highest for any year since 1929 states the latest issue of the fcurrent review of agricultural conditions in canada increased pro duction and better prices for live stock and animal products have brought income from these sources to the highest levels on record al though the income from field crops was the highest for any year since 1929 with the exception of 1939 the wheat situation continues todepress farm income in the prairie provinces below the average level from 1926 to 1929 in 1941 the income of wes tern farmers was supplemented by the dominion government under the wheat- acreage reduction policy prairie farm assistance act and in the form of special prairie farm in come payments to save tinplate in order to conserve tinplateand freight spacea trial shipment of com pressed dried wholecream milk powder has been sent from australia to great britain instead of being packed in cans the powder was mouldedlintofirm blocks thus re ducing the volume by more than one- half thirtythree pound of the pow der can be compressed into a 9inch cube which when beaten up in water is reconverted into 26 gallons of milk will be reimbursed by the govern ment suit makers get ok to raise prices ottawa permission has been granted manufacturers of made-to- measure suits to raise prices by 50 cents on lines priced at wholesale up to 20 andi up to 5 pc on lines priced to the retailer from 2050 and over these price increases apply on suits for spring 1942 they are applicable to new sample ranges sent out for spring 1942 selling sea son and are not to be applied to the sample ranges of previous seasons cloths excepting staples that may be in the hands of retailers closing up the dispensation of grace and calling the heavenly saints to rise to meet the descending lord do not confuse this with the seventh angels trumpet which in revelation 1115 sounds to usher in the earthly kingdom this will be some time after 1 corinthians 1552 has been fulfilled verse 53 incorruption im mortality the risen saints whose bodies has seen corruption will rise in incorruptible bodies those who are still on earth in their mortal flesh will become immortal when the great change takes place they will never die at all nor will theybe capable of death verse 54 then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory this is a quotation from isaiah 258 when all the redeemed are raised in glory the ravages of death will for them be at an end and their seem ing defeat be turned to victory over him who had the power of death and used it throughout the ages to torment and harass the people of god heb 214 15 verse 55 o death where is thy sting o grave or hades as it should read where is thy victory this is the challenge of hosea 1314 even in old testament times the believer was taught to look in faith for the abolition of death and sheol the separate state verse 56 the strength of sin is the law many people imagine that the law is the strength of holiness but that is because they have not recognized the very reason why god gave it namely that sin by the commandment might becomc exceed ing sinful rom 713 it is sin that makes men fear to die and the holy law of god accentuates this it is through the gospel with its revelation of perfect love that fear is banished 1 john 418 verse 57 god giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ our sinless saviour met all the claims of the law we had broken died under its curse but arose in triumph and we who believe are now united to him and so death is a defeated foe verse 58 therefore be ye stedfast forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the lord judged by the light of this present scene tho christians life and service may seem to be of no avail but seen in the pure clear light of resurrection- he can go on in con fldcnce knowing that all will be appraised aright in that day the heart of the lesson the truth of the resurrection is in tended to be an encouragement to christians and a- warning to un believers it will be then that the child of god will become fully like his lord and that his works will be rewarded for the christrejector the resurrection will mean the final judg ment when he shall give account to god for all the sins of his life how important for all of us to live now in the light of then we are all too prone to think only of present gain or loss forgetting that it is the eter nal values that arc really worth while fertilizer subsidy now obtainable in a sustained effort- to increase yields in crops vitally needed for the production of war food the dominion government has set aside 1000000 to encourage ontario and eastern canada farmers to use chemical fertilizers on certain specific war crops in other words the govern ment will pay part of the farmers fertilizer bill as a subsidy on crops providing food for live stock and poultry farmer must guarantee that any fertilizer obtained under the sub sidy will be used only on pastures clover alfalfa and gress hay crops field corn for ensilage of husking spring wheat oats barley and spring mixed grains for grain production mangels and turnips for feeding live stock the regulations provide pen alties for use of subsidized fertilizer on crops other than the above war crops subsidies will be paid on purchas es of not less than onequarter ton of any one kind or analysis of fertilizer and not more than five tons to any one farmer who must buy for his own use and not for resale there are six different- combina tions of fertilizers eligible for pur chase as well as fertilizer chemicals tho amount of subsidy is based on 40 cents per unit of nitrogen and 20 cents per unit each of phosphoric acid and potash for example a farm er buying a ton of fertilizer contain ing 2 per cent nitrogen 12 per cent phosphoric acid and 6 per cent pot ash will have 440 deducted from the net cash price by the vendor who will be reimbursed by the govern ment the subsidy may be obtained only through fertilizer manufacturers their agents or dealers these dealers have forms which must be filled out by them andsigned by the purchaser farmers who wish to take advan tage of the subsidy arid who want further information should write to e k hampson provincial super visor of subventions dept of agri culture parliament buildings business directory dental e s barker ldj5 djxs honor graduate of royal cooeca ofdental surgeons and jot t university of toronto office in grnbina block phone 274 markham every tuesdar office in wear block medical place 10000 roys ox farms this year forty thousand boys of secondary school age will be placed on farms according to alex mclean director of the farm service force for on tario v last year there were 23000 boys sent out and this year farmers are calling for more applications have been sent out to farmers asking how many hired hands they need to keep the farms running at maximum efficiency the minimum age for students is 14 years and the avoragepay is 15 a month not only have school boys and girls been asked to spend their summer on the farm but this has been extended to the teachers fourteen camps in the niagara peninsula are being planned to ac commodate 700 women needed for picking fruit last year the results proved very satisfactory and it is expected that this year similar re sults will be obtained dr s s ball physician and surgeoa xray office cor obrlen and phone 196 coroner for york oouty insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffsfb h o klinck 37 classic ave toionto for your insurance needs la fire life automobile burguc and all casualty line a c burkholder insurance among the 1943 shortage pos sibly will be huggy whips due to inability to get rattan from some where or other lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery rubbers gloves shoes socks boots mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock canada life assurance c -also- automobilo and fire barristers residence pkoi 3514 office phone 3160 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary fanio 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch offle wcpollardkc port parr uxbridge ontario phooals office phone elgin 7021 residencdplioiw kingdale 7sm samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street w toronto stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phorie4303 le oneill stotjffviiilb funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stoadrrftbj maternity medical and surreal cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone im a c kennedy chiropractor churoh street stooffrfll monday wednesday fridays vto 12am phone ki 4s12 res ha 7st ernest w hunter chartered accountant auditor residence office 61chilton rd room 2st toronto 57 bloor st w rg clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a s farmer licensed auctioneer 20 tears experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 730 address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourt 52 w3 miikkea licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl kea prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specially at fair and rea son hie rates