Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 26, 1942, p. 2

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itv sy y jts r v p f sv rmzkfjs frn page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday march 26 1942 v established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription kates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan sori publishers notes and comments should campaign for new reservoir the population of stouffville points slowly upward and the number of homes equipped with modern plumbing goes forward at a fair pace all of which steadily increases the demand on the town reservoirs that supply our water requirements coupled with this is the potent fact that the springs supplying the reservoirs appear to be slowing down some all this adds up to the fact that our water supply is steadily becoming inadequate users well know how they are warned every summer to go slow on the water and orders are familiar forbidding the use of lawn hose all this could be very serious if the village council could not obtain an adequate water supply but fortunately there is ample water on the property at the source of our supply to meet our needs for years to come it must how- ever be harnessed up we are fortunate enough to have more water running away through the creek than we could use jf harnessed up those who have studied the situation are mostly in favor of installing another reservoir to avert a future shortage the water system has sufficient surplus money to pay for the installation and if any mistake in the past has been made it is because we have failed to build that extra reservoir so that it might be used today preliminary steps to construction of a third reser voir is the employment of an engineer and the issuing of blue prints and plans all this take endless time and that is why the board of health are anxious that the vill age council do something about the matter immediately the people want an adequate water supply they have the money on hand to pay for it and they have the water so there is nothing to prevent getting out definite plans so that construction may be provided im mediately the labor situation is favorable would take away local autonomy the splendid showing by the individual municipality in collection of unpaid taxes should be a good answer to those in authority who are at this very moment planning to take away from the townstownships and villages of ontario the right to collect their own taxes we are amazed that so little comemnt is found in the weekly press on the recent announcement that a bill is being formulated which is de signed to not only take away the collection of taxes but the- right to employ local assessors the idea of the bill as we understand it is to make the assessment by a county board and collect taxes through machinery to be set up in the various counties we have yet meet any person who favors the idea but unless the municipalities wake up and take an interest the bill may slip through the legislature before we wipe the sleep from bur eyes passing local authority to higher bodies always brings with it increased costs in most counties big staffs will haveto toe set up to handle the business and it may mean extension to county buildings to take care of the in creased employees the department of municipal affairs is doing a good work in checking up on those municipalities who try to get employees to work for next to nothing and employing in competent help if they continue to ply their effort in this behalf they will receive public applause but to take away from the municipalities the right to handle their own dollars and make assessments is something few will be in accord with food production threatened farmers will be interested in an editorial from the financial post respecting the farm labor problem the article has much to commend itself but from observations we learn that fanners have little or no trouble sowing the crop it is the cultivation and harvesting thati presents a problem the average farmer could sow double the crop he does if he wanted to but to look after that crop and see it safely harvested is where the boot pincheshoweverthe idea of collective work is justas applicable to harvest as it is to sowing time here is what the post published last week this spring canadian farmers are facing the most serious labor shortage in all their experience the problem is especicilly grave in those areas which produce the bulk of the food needed most by great britain during the war unless some speedy and decisive action is taken it is quite possible thai thousands of acres will go uncultivated this spring last fall in a series of articles for a group of can adian weekly newspapers john atkins now printing administrator for canada made a valuable suggestion for easing the farm labor problem he urged wherever feasable the pooling of farm machinery invarious communities and putting it into 24hour service during the rush periods mr atkins pointed out that there was a good deal of farm machinery idle through lack of repairs and also that some in repair was not being used to the maximum extent mr atkins also pointed out that many garage mechanics andtheir garages throughout the country were unemployed ornearly so as a result of restrictions on gasoline for auto- mdbiles the government suggested mr atkins should organize these mechanics to pull all farm power machinery into first class shape then gangs would be sent up and down sunday school lesson csmn for march so the transfigured christ jikkts human need golden text and they were all amazed at the mighty power of god luke 943 the lesson as a whole tlio apostle peter tells us that the transfiguration was a picture of the power and coming of our lord jesus christ 2 pet 1161s in other words it was a miniature of the kingdom which is yet to be manifested in this world jesus himself intimated that matt 162s mark 91 luke 927 why these verses have been omitted from the sections upon which our present lesson is based seems passing strange apart from this introduction to the scene that follows we would he left without the key as to its meaning except for the explanation given by peter our lord desidred some of his disciples to have a de finite understanding of the nature of the kingdom that they might be de livered from any preconceived notions of a merely worldly or carn al character tlie present application of the transfiguration is linked with that which the spirit of god brings before us in 2 corinthians 3 as we are occupied with the glorified saviour we ourselves though still in our bod ies of humiliation are transfigured it is the same word into his image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the lord thus exhibiting in our measure the grace ami holi ness so fully seen in him we shall be in a position to manifest him to a demoncontrolled world no longer helpless as were the disciples at the foot of the mount for the risen christ who is himself god will work in and through us both the willing and doing of his good pleasure the hicakt of the lkssox the picture is a very complete one setting forth the power and coming of our lord jesus as it will be mani fested as his second advent on the heavenly side we see the glorified saviour and the risen and raptured saints associated with him then the three disciples picture restored israel in their natural bodies dwelling on the earth in that day of the king dom the agonized father and his demoncontrolled son set forth the condition in which the nations will be found but from which they will be delivored at the second advent when satans power will be broken and he will be exiled to the abyss rev 2013 the lesson for our age is that service to a needy world is dependent upon high spiritual experiences verse by verse y lune 92s about an eight days after these sayings that is after his announcement of his forthcom ing death and resurrection and of his second coming to set up his king dom inpower v27 he took peter and john and james and went up into a- mountain to pray tradition has associated this event with mount tabor but it seems far more likely to have been mount ilermon which is an high mountain matt 171 mark 92 every outstanding event in our lords life was preceded by special prayer luke gives more prominence to the prayer life of the man christ jesus than the other synoptists verse 29 as he prayed the fashion of his countenance was altered true prayer always has transforming effect here the glory of our lords person his eternal deity was shining out through the veil of his humanity it was the manifestation of his true character intended to make clear to his dis ciples who he really was verse 30 there talked with him two men moses and elias jesus was manifested as the king- messiah with him were seen one who had died long centuries before now live and sharing his glory and another who had been caught up to heaven without passing through death now resplendent in the brilli ant light of the displayed kingdom these two moses and elijah pic ture the two classes of believers who will appear with him in glory when the lord jesus comes again l john 32 the dead in christ will be raised and the hying changed and all be like him in that day 1 cor 1552 verse 31 who spake of his decease all heaven was inter ested in the coming death of our lord upon the cross which has well been callcdthe center of two enternlties nationwide prayer date will be march 29 hon norman mclarty secretary of state announces a- proclamation is being issued setting sunday march 29 as a national day of prayer it is hoped that the clergy of all denominations in canada will take steps to arrange that in services the day of prayer will he observed mr imclanys statement said in setting march 29 as a day of prayer canada acted on the request of the king his majesty has expressed the hope that on this day his people wherever possible will inite in giv ing thanks to almighty god for past blessings and in humble prayer for strength and guidance in facing the task that lies ahead said mr mclarty moses the lawgiver and elijah the restorer knew that the only hope for the salvation of sinful man was in the sacrificial death of him with whom they conversed as they were manifested in glory that night upon the mount verse 32 when they were awake they saw his glory overpowered by natural weariness the three disciples fell asleepbut when they were awak ened they beheld- the wonderscene the kingdom in miniature and heard the conversation of jesus aiid the two old testament worthies verse 33 let us make three tabernaclesjust what was in peters mind we may not say with certainty perhaps he did not know himself mark 90 but he evidently had some thought of making permanent the conditions seen that night how ever the time for this had not yet come the heavenly visitors dis appeared from view jesus was left alone no longer transfigured but in the likeness of sinful flesh rom 53 the glory had faded away the earthly testimony was to he resumed the cross must come before the kingdom could be displayed openly verse 34 they feared as they entered into the cloud that cloud suggested all the darkness and mystery that was yet to be endured before the kingdom could ibecome a reality and jesus he fully glorified verse 35 this is my beloved son the fathers voice focused attention upon jesus only mark 98 neither moses nor blias could be recognized as upon the same level with him who is lord of all verse 3c they told no man in those days the remarkable things seen and- heard that night were not for the multitudes but were a special revelation for con firming the faith of the three dis ciples and fitting them for the testi mony they were to bear after christs ascension to heaven verse 37 when they were come down from the hill the mountain experience soon ended then they de scended- to the plain below where they were called upon to face the stern realities of a world suffering from the effects of its rebellion against god verse 38 master look upon my son how many an agonized par ent has prayed in the same words verse 39 it tearcth him that he foameth again brought into the presence of jesus the demon evi dently filled with fear and wrath sought to do all the hurt possible to the youth ho had controlled for years ere his expulsion at the com mand of the lord note the epilep tic condition indicated by foaming at the mouth verse 40 thy disciples could not long before jesus had given his disciples power over demons matt 10 i 8 mark 314 15 and on a later occasion the seventy re joiced that these evil spirits were subject to thorn luke 10117 so it was very clear that tho twelve should have been able to deliver this poor boy his terrible thraldom but they were not abiding in com munion with their master and so they had no power against satans hosts verse 41 jesus answering said o faithless and perverse generation he saw the wretched unbelief and in- subjection of heart which made them inefficient and helpless in their hour of need verse 42 jesus rebuked the un clean spirit and healed the child when brought directly o him the lord commanded the foul spirit to come out of the lad and at once the boy was freed from his tormentor verse 43 theywere all amazed at the mighty power of god it was god in christ who was manifesting himself thus to israel zeno the founder of the stoic school of philosophy was one day shipwrecked on the coast of attica alibis possessions were lost in the swirling water destined by this untoward happening to make his home among the athenians he long afterward declared it was a prosperous journey for me the day i was shipwrecked quite remarkable are the uss of illness or adversity for one thing it enables us to discover who our real friends are one day the prophet jereniiali sat possibly by the side of the road and cried is it nothing to you all ye who pass by behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow to put it in modern terms what he meant was this- ho crav ed for a friendly message by radio or telephone or letter or flowers or visitor well what these friendly gestures vould have done for him they will do for all the ill and the shutin who does not know that hope and ehcer are better tonics than bark and wine illness or adversity too tends to make us sympathetic toward all the downtrodden and the stricken fire softens steel but hardens clay the action of suffer ing is much the same what it does to the human spirit depends upon the attitude taken toward it if the result is softening there is a mighty growth of sympathy and understanding cyrus the medo- persian king who unlike hitler was friendly toward the hebrews was in the habit of sending to his friends jars filled with the pro ducts of his vineyards one day he sent such a jar to a neighbor accompanied by a note which read like this i have not fof a long time tasted sweeter juice of the grape than this and therefore lam sending it to yoii that you may share it vfith me it was good for me said david that i have been afflicted that i might learn thy statutes and one of these statutes has much to do with sympathy and sharing once again does not illness sometimes make us feel that we have been very foolish in the past in tho treatment of our bodies coriiaro tells us that he never knew the world was beautiful till he was growing old too many of us never discover at all the truth of the biblical declaration that we are fearfully and wonderfully made the human body is the most intricate and delicate of all machines what a hcautiftil temple it might become if with a right beginning yl could have instruc- tive care throughout the years there is a great call today for preventive medicine atno far- distant date the community the county or the state will hire physicians whose function will he not only to treat us when we are sick but also to teach us how to keep well j am ashamed to con fessthat only now in the eighth decade of my life i am really learning how to live this long way round leads me to what i meant to say at first i heartily thank all my neighbors and friends whohave helped to niake my aside more pleasant thomas h mitchell lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery rubbers gloves shoes socks boots mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock send tho tribune to absent friends the concession lines who for a standard charge would do the big jobs of spring cultivating and summer harvesting for any farmer lacking the necessary facilities of labor that done the average farmer and his family would manage the rest this suggestion of mr atkins has been adopted by farmers themselves in some communities but for fullest advantage it would need the active support of the authori ties two things our armies must have if they are to win this war arms and food we cannot afford to neglect either great britain this year is depending upon canada for huge quantities of bacon cheese eggs milk and other concentrat ed food products at all costs any farms turning out such food must be kept at fullest production business directory dental bs barker lds djdjg honor graduate of royal couece of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grnbins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeoz xray offioi cor obrien and miia phone 196 coroner for york cour insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville h o kl1nck 37 classic ave toronto for your inburance needs in fire life automobile burgli- and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence float 3160 3s14 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pabuo o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc port perry uxbrldge ontario phone is office phone elgin 7021 residence phono kingdala 7181 samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 603 temple bldg 62 richmond street w toronto brierbush hospital government licensed main street bast stonffrfttt maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 l e oneill stoufftttlb funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone registered nurses and 24 koor service mrs e r good phone 191 a c kennedy chiropractor n church- strebt stontfli monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 phoneki 4512 res hij 075 ernest w hunter chartered accountant auditor residence office 51 chilton rd room 305 toronto 57bloorst w a s e a r m e r licensed austibneer 20 years experience york county uxbrldge and pieker- ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourt 53 w3 millilma licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late- j h prentice former prentice ft- prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and re- sol vie rates ftfcikewumiimw k j2 i fjkiljdgi m j

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