Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 19, 1942, p. 2

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il r 1 xz p page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday march 19 1942 established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 5200 in usa 5250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments gasoline rationing providing the new gasoline rationing policy is admin istered equitably canadians will take the restrictions with out grumbling if it is necessary they will give up entirely for the duration of the war but they demand equal treat ment and oil controller cottrelles main job between now and april 1 is to ensure that they get it it is general knowledge that there have been some preposterous claims made for special consideration in rationing treatment people who could easily take the train the bus or walk have applied for preferred catergories apparently they are not interested at all in the vital necess ity of conserving gasoline for the war effort but only in trying to get as much as possible for themselves looking for 300 horses we hear on reliable authority that at least one of the great departmental stores in toronto is painting up all its discarded delivery wagons that have ibeen stored away for some years now or since the horse had been replaced by motor delivery this firm is now looking for 300 horses of a type suitable for delivery work this situation will be multiplied all over canada and as a result horses should be a good price in fact they have improved over recent weeks as is shown by the farm stock sales prices are bound to be upward and the farmer who is well stocked with any kind of good serviceable animal will reap a good price the question of higher feed prices will also interest our farmers stouffville went over the top with a black eye the village of stouffville had good reason to complain when the victory loan figures were published last week in all the county papers showing the contributions by town ship town and village with every municipality mentioned excepting stouffville for some reason or other the village and the township of whitchurch were linked together as one municipality with an objective of 175000 the amount subscribed actually reached 219450 and it can be reliably stated that 90000 of this amount was subscribed by resi dents of the village which when compared with other places of similar size the amount was an outstanding contribution i the total amount subscribed by stouffville and whit church should have been earmarked as the contribution of both places and was a shocking oversight that riled a few people to a considerable degree however the main thing is that the objective of the combined municipalities stouffville and whitchurch hand somely exceeded their obpective as will be seen by the fig ures published in this issue we have taken the liberty to attach the name of stouffville along with whitchurch in the official figures but this was not done in any of the other papers of the county as they were not aware of the isitua- tion instruction for living train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it is one of the bits of wisdom in the book of proverbs many parents and educa- tors have come to the conclusion that not enough children are getting instruction in the things of the spirit the remedying of this lack was discussed at a conference spon sored by the international council of religious education recently in chicago we mention this because religious education has been a live issue in ontario and now the department of education has made it possible to teach it in the public schools at least they do not object to ministers entering the schools for this purpose every school in markham town ship is receiving instruction along this line the boston monitor said editorially last week on religious education in the school representatives of a number of protestant denominations analyzed the exper ience with the various reforms of weekday religious instruc tion which have been developed in conjunction with the school programs in widely distributed communities this movement though growing for more than twentyfive years is still in an experimental stage dr roy g ross general secretaiy of the council noted increasing doubts whether a single hour a week at sunday school is sufficient for building strong religious foundations there is in addition the question of children who do not receive that hour a week of instruction in ethics the plan of weekday religious education integrated with the school curriculum but given by the various churches for those of their faith is helping to meet the need yet dr ross appropriately pointed out that the v supplying of this instruction does not relieve schools and homes of their responsibilities in providing a community climate favorable to religious teaching and giving evidence that they believe religion indispensable to successful liv ing the religion that counts and that best serves the child is religion not confined to an hour or two of discussion on sunday pr day but lived and practiced all the time the object of religious instruction should be to bring the influence of reverence increasingly into the lives of school children and to make characterbuilding a part of education south america prepares central america all countries acting in collaboration with us in regards to use of portl and air fields armies trained men 600000 trained curves 1400000 colombia latinamericas best air force army of 265000 guarding area close to panama canal zone naval forces battleships 5 cruisers 16 destroyers 30 submarines 18 auxiliaries 130 brazil patrolling air over atlantic almost as far as africa us troops already guarding us property r uruguay to build important naval air bate in commanding position it mouth of river plata- business directory dental latin america is getting ready declared outilght war on them the to most of them airports and naval for any tiouble that may arise in map indicates some of the things j bases aie being rushed most ot a wartroubled woi id most of the these countries are going to prepai a i them already have fairly powerful countries have either bioken off j for leal warfare the us is rushing i ai mies but lack modern war equip- relations with the axis poweis oijaid undei the lendlease bill merit and adequate airpowei i sunday school less on lesson for march 22 jesus the messiah foketells his death golden text for whosoever will save his life shall lose it but who soever shall lose his life foi my sake and the gospels the same shall save it mark 835 the lessox as a whole all through his life our blessed loid had the cross before him he assumed our humanity that he might dies as our kinsmenredeemer lev 2548 in order to bring us unto life and liberty sometime ago i read a sermon on the reckless ness of jesus in which the preacher while professing waim admnation for his earnestness of purpose be wailed the sad impulsiveness that ed m malachi 45 thought he must be the promised elijah while an- othei gioup simply thought of him as a piophet who had suddenly appealed in isiael veise 29 whom say ye that i am it is not enough to be familiar with other mens views of ohnst be they right oi wiong we must know him for oui selves oui lords ques tion was intended to emphasize the responsibility o individuals to know him for themselves peters answei was the result of deep convicition based on a divine levelation- thou art the christ the fuller confession given in matthew 1616 is a declar ation of this disciples faith in jesus both as the messiah of israel and the divine son of god he is both in fact he could not be the messiah christ were he not the son of god foi the christ was the son given and the child born as prophesied in isaiah 96 it is to him the father says thou art my son this day have i begotten thee psa 27 veise 30 he charged them that they should tell no man of him mark does not commendation mention the lords of peter his pro- took him to jerusalem the last time phetic woids concerning the build- thus hteially thiowing himself into mg of his church upon the rock of dangei and eoui ting the opposition his deity nor his giving of the keys of the leadeis in isiael who were of the kingdom of heaven wheh bent upon destioymg him how much peter used on pentecost and in coi- better might it have been foi the i nehushouse to admit jews and gen- world suggestei this unconcious tiles into the kingdom in its piesent say and lives to giatify his own natuial desires will find out at the judgement seat of christ that his life has not counted foi god and it is really lost on the other hand jesus said whosoever shall lose his life foi my sake and the gospels shall save it a life laid down for christs sake is a life saved for that day w hen all that has been done to glorify god and make known his gospel will be tew aided richly veise 36 what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul revised version reads and foifeit his life that is present tempoial gam will sink into nothingness if the soul the leal life has ibeen frittered away in thragsthat do not profit the only life that counts is that which has been lived for eternity verse 37 j- what shall a man give in exchange for his soul this question is generally used as though it mean what shall a man take in exchange for his soul but it is the veiy opposite if the soul is lost what shall a man give toreclaim it his case will be utterly hopeless he can not buy back the life that has been forfeited because of sin and selfish ness e s barker lds djx8 honor graduate of royal coheca of dental surgeons and ot ike university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeoa xray office cor obrien and phone 196 coroner for york count insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville h o klinck 37 classic ave toionto for your insurance needs la fire life automobile burgfa and all casualty lines blasphemer if jesus had lemained in galilee perhaps established a school for teachers m capeinummay be written a number of bookstheieby em iching the leligious liteiature of the woi id and died at last m a good old age honored and loved by countless disciples who could have been trusted to cany his instruc tion to the ends of the eaith one shuddeis as he lepeats such wicked nonsense appoint plebiscite return ing officer aspect all that we aie heie told is that foi the time then piesent they were not to begin the woi k of making him known in his true chaiacter to the woi id this must await his death and lesuuection and his ascension to gods light hand in heaven veise 31 the son of man must suffer many things and be killed and aftei thiee days rise again our lord knew exactly what awaited him and told his disciples in plain- had the loi d jesus not died for est language what the order of events our sins theie would have been no living message to cairy to the woi id he came not to be ministered unto ibut to minister and to give his life a ransom for many imatt 2028 we are told that chiist died for our sins according to the scriptures 1 cor 153 christ died that is history for our sins that is the central doctrine of giace eie he left the glory that he had with he father before the world was john 175 he said lo i come to do thy willo god psa 407 8heb 109 the will of god to which he referred specifically was the settling of the sin question he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself heb 926 voluntarily he put himself at the disposal of sinful men that this will of his father might be can led out john 1431 no one took his life from him he laid it down of himself john 101s all was foreknown and predetermined though this did not lessen mans guilt in rejecting him acts 2 23 he sought to prepare the minds of his followers beforehand that when they saw him die their faith might not fail verso by verse mark 827 whom do men say that i am the question was put to his disciples in order to lead up to a definite confession on their own part of his messlahship and divine sonship as they moved about they heard many people discussing jesus and undoubtedly they had often de bated in their own hearts the things that were said verse 28 they answered john the baptist but some say ellas and others one ot the prophets herod we know goaded by a guilty con science felt suro that jesns was john i jj others shared would behe had come into the world to die while his death v be the manifestation of mans bitter hatred to god 4 was also to be the supreme expiession of gods love to man this was to be followed by the physical resurrection of the body of jesus from proof that redemption was accomplished and so the be liever might be justified from all things veise 32 peter took him and began to rdbuke him he who so short a time before had confessed jesus as the christ the son of the living god now ventured to rebuke him as though he were a discourag ed man and speaking from the stand point of one crushed and disappointed by the continued opposition of his foes verse 33 get thee behind me satan the lord at once recognized in peters foolish though wellmeant words the voice of the adversary seeking to turn him aside from the cross where he was to die as the supreme sacrifice for sin his sharp rebuke silenced the blundering apostle but neither peter nor tho rest really entered into the revelation given verse 34 let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me a man carrying a cross was a man going out to die the true dis ciple of jesus is one who is prepared to refuse to own the claims of self and is ready to die daily for his masters sake 1 cor 1531 to deny oneself is more than to be self- denying or unselfish it means the utter setting aside of the selflife that chiist alone may be seen gal 220 verse 35 whosoever will save risen from the dead others shared his life shall lose it the professed the same view some remembering i follower of jesns who is concerned the prophetic declaration as record- 1 with his own best interest as men retui nlng officers for toronto i ldings and ridings in neighbouring and othei counties who will act in the forthcoming plebiscite through which the king government will ask for lelease fiom its pledge against consenpion for overseas service have been announced at ottawa thefol- lowing have been appointed for york yoik east e a stewart agent toronto york south va hallagent king yoik south k b maclaren bainster toronto yoik west wa paterson office manager long bianch stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance ce -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence phase 3160 36u arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary padule 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc port parry uxbrldge ontario phone xs office phone elgin 7021 residence pnons kingdate 71gs samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street w- toronto brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stoaffrok maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 a c kennedy chiropractor churoh street stoofmllc monday wednesday friday 9 to 12 m phone ki 4812 res ha07js ernest w hunteb chartered accountant auditor residence office 61 chilton rd room j0 toronto 57 bloor st w a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience york county uxbrldge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 730j address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourts2 w3mhken licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice ofcasf and of thelat j h prentice former prentice t prentice farm and farm stock sales a specially at fair and rea- soi bio fates 1

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