leading weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol 42 no 49 stouffvillb ont thursday march 19 1942 eight pages patents new device for ford tractors d f holden sous t have per fected and placed on the market a depth regulator stratghtenlngevener and side hitch control ror ford trac tors that is said to eliminate the plowmens problems in keeping an even width funow and depth that is often perplexing on rough or hilly land or in stony formation the new device will control these things entirely automatic it is a simple addition attached to the trac tor and foid experts are thrilled with the way it works it is some thing their engineers have been working on by way of ford improve ment but never just accomplished it a machine room at the rear of the holden plant in the old mansion house is modernly equipped with all necessary machinery to do their own manufacturing with lathe drill forge etc installed r orders have been accepted locally for thirty automatics and produc tion will only be limited to the manu- facturers ability to obtain iron when local demand is filled the mechanism will be available to ford agents in ontario i a patent has been applied for bridge lmtockkds v ju3d cross fok a successful bridge was held on tuesday march 10 at the home of mr and mrs george storey when the sum of 4135 was realized the said amount has been turned over to the stouffville branch of the red cross the members of jubilee chap order of the eastern star thank all those who attended the event also those who sent their donations on tuesday evening march 24th there will be a progressive euchre held in the eastern star chapter rooms from which the entire proceeds will go to the local war branch of the womens institute half brothers on active service married in st clair church toronto st clair avenue united church toionto was the scene of a pretty wedding saturday afternoon march 14 at 4 pm when edna lillian stotts daughter of mr and mrs heniy stotts of toronto became the bride of charles mcdonald of stouff ville son of mrs mcdonald and the late charles mcdonald of edinburgh scotland rev j todd officiated the bride looked smart in a powder blue suit with matching hat and black accessories her corsage was of v roses andforgetmenots miss lois hoover of atha was bridesmaid and was attired in a light brown ensemble with matching hat and wore a corsage of contrasting roses the groom was supported by mr kenneth walter of toronto following the wedding the evening was spent at a dinner dance at the hollywood dance gardens the kingsway the young couple will make their home in stouffville reservoir damage made water cloudy markham to meet belleville at oshawa in two game series move to 0liuufl arena for first gnnio thursday night not for some years lias the town watersnpply given any trouble from surface contamination until last week when it was so cloudy that householders were fearful of drink ing it without boiling samples have been forwaided to the provincial department of health investigation of the trouble is be lieved to be caused from irhe north wall of the new or laiger reseivoir having rotted away allowing clay substance to wash in with every lain and discolor the water the council immediately took steps to have the large leseivoir cleaned out and this will probably have been done befoie this item appears in print when the giound is suitable a new end will have to be built and piobably other improve ments made to the grading that will lessen the possibility of surface water getting into the reservoir the ti oublesome leservoir was built ini920 but theides never gave complete satisfaction fortun ately the original reservoir much smallei in size appears to be doing its work all right and is capable of supplying the demand at this season while cleaning operations are going on william ripley charlie piper william ripley and charlie piper are both sons of mrs wesley hill of stouffville william is serving in the lrlcasc while the younger son charlie is in the royal canadian artillery their mother is a resident of the westend of stouffville locat ing here a number of years ago as mrs piper she married wesley hill county taxes point down in whitchurch salvage collections going over the top i one of the schools largest salvage collections camo in on friday and satuiday huge bundles that remind ed one of moving days rolled out i from town and country homes the big truck of t h paisley followed by j we must pass on the saving to the tax payers if at all possible said warden toole presiding at the march meeting of whitchuich coun cil when the clerk reported nearly 1000 drop in couuty taxes the township will pay into county coffers this year 941592 the- council was in session on saturday when the clerk produced that of a b lehman piled to capac- the county tax rates for each muni- ity ambled off to toronto with over cipality whitchurch contributes six and a half tons leaving half a load 450 in the levy as the townships which was collected late saturday share of red cross county grant and stored for a future occasion councillor evans deputy reeve piles of books and magazines leary also the reeve and clerk were bride and groom here ox hoxevmoox engagement mr and mrs frank c rowbotham announce the engagement of their mr and mrs e a thompson are daughter helen may to george honeymooning in stouffulle at nis d witt of newmarket ont mothers home for a few days after the solemnising of the wedding cere mony and reception saturday march 14 at the brides home in fort erie ontano eldest son of mr and mrs george f de witt of toronto the marriage to take place quietly qn march twentyfit st he was 77 last monday markham intermediate oha contenders will clash with belleville flyers in their first of home and ihqnie games at oshawa arena on thursday night at 9 pm markhams home game will be played jn the motor city on saturday afternoon at 3 jim the markham squad are at full strength following tiieir series with omeinee fred scott flashy forward of the green and white expects to be 5n shape again following his re- cen injur- while rowe and the ban- gay brothers will also be on hand allen boadway of stouffville will be carried as sul goalie belleville have recently received some high class replacements and will present no walkover for the southern boys may be no local syrup thi sprin the laigest maple syrup makers in the stouffville district are fearful lest weather conditions make it im possible to obtain sap this spring for maple syrup not a tree has been tapped so far and accoiding to atkinson brothers at bethesda there is grave danger of none being tapped mr atkinson pointed out that all the summer birds are in their bush and the complete absence of frosty nights add to the unlikeliness of any run at allthere will have to he a complete change of weather said he another big producer mr samuel fretz at altona expressed much the same fear mrs fretz told the tri bune they believe the sap is now active in the trees but the heavy rains complete lack of frosty nights is sericjns and site vas not prepared to say they would hang out any pails this year certainly not under pre sent conditions but if there is a change they are ready for operations license suspended for life decision in manslaughter case crack trains seen since monday nights big flood stoim many main line cnr crack expiess trains have been routed through stouffville due to washouts on the legular line of travel popular young couple married last week j a quiet wedding was solemnized at the united church parsonage stouffville on thuisday afternoon march 12th when edra jean burkitt daughter of mr altum burkitt of oakville became the oride of mr jack macklem pennock son of mr and mrs edward c pennock of stouffville rev douglas davis officiated the bride tvas attractively attired in a street length printed silk jersey nlress red hat dark shoes and gloves the couple were attend ed by mr and mis chas h nolan following a short honeymoon air and mis pennock will make their home in stouffville council urged to reforest wasteland sfouffvillc man convicted of motor manslaughter following fatal accident last august showers and flowers confronted dr walter sangster above on monday on the occasion of his 77th birthday showers of cards and bou quets of flowers from oigaiiizntions and friends due to the condition of his health there was no formal greetings or birthday party ayr cadets to begin training friday night stouffville air cadet squadron no 94 which will receive its first orders within a week from adjutant ireg button and c o gordon spcnce is one of 110 units across canada every province in the dominion is repre sented members of the stouffville quad- ron who now number over twenty arc asked to be at the school at 730 sharp this friday night march 20th when the first instruction in the new course will be given er announced that the rcaf it to assume direct administration of the cadets of canadawho number 12000 designed to attain maximum uni formity and efficiency in training the new policy v recognizes the ever- creasing importance of air cadet squadron of the air force in addi tion to the existing annual capita tion grant of 1 per qualified senior cadet provision is made for the pay- mentof a uniform maintenance allow lance of 125 per annum and a band of 2 per instrument the while grant the definite timetable is not yet minister stated arranged we understand that sigj uniforms will be supplied dlrccl- nals and drill will be part of thely to units by the rcaf on a re work for the opcnlngnlght the payment basis provision is also be- squadrons mo dr s s baldwin ing made to provide all necessary also be on hand so that arrange- equipment including rifles and am- ments can be made for the cadets to munition signalling training equip- take their medical examination iment aircraft recognition charts and kast week air minister c g powj continued on page six v2ii john castle of stonffvillp was convicted on a charge of motor man slaughter by a jury of the supreme court of ontario sitting at whitby on avodnesday the jury deliberated more than six hours before reaching a verdict which carried a strong recommendation for leniency mr justice mcfarlan pronounced the sentence on friday handing out a term of oneyear definite and six months indefinite and cancellation of driving permit for life the fact that accused has a son overseas in the army while another lay is missing from a torpedoed ship on convoy off iceland coast was no doubt a weigh ing factor in moderating the sen fence together with the fact that castle was a law abiding man the verdict is the first of its kind to be returned by a jury of the supreme court since attorney- general gordon conant was crown attorney here more than five years ago it is the first motor manslaugh ter conviction secured by crown attorney alllnf annis in the past 10 assizes the charge against castle arose out of a twocar accident on the kingston road near dnnbarton on august 30 in which robert h gray of london sustained fatal injuries gray was a passenger in his own car driven by ernest young sr of london which was in collision with a car driven by castle 1 in charging the jury mr justice mcfnrland pointed out that a driver of a motor car was under legal obll gallon to provide sufficient precau tion to prevent harm from befalling another person in his evidence castle claimed a tire must have blown out or some thing went wrong with the steering wheel causing me to lose control of the car the crowns evidence show ed no tires had blown out and that there wasnt anything wrong with the steering apparatus exreeve albert james and other land owners of uxbridge township appeared before the uxbridge town ship council on saturday asking council to buy up waste land and refoiest it such lands the committee pointed out would be fenced by the farmer and the seedlings planted protected and cared for in the regu lar way although expressing favor with the idea no action was taken at this time by the council other than to turn it over to the county reforest ation committee of which walter beich is a member the auditors report was pre sented and the usual number of copies ordered printed for public use the treasurer made a cheerful an nouncement when he stated that the township was free of bank debt with a credit balance of 5s0 on hand there is no bank loan whatever yet unpaid 1941 taxes amount to 3400 whjch will further enhance the town ships financial standing the clerk was instructed to repudi ate the claim for hospital care of miss lillian smith on grounds she is a nonresident road accounts passed for payment totalled 270 and general accounts amounted to 392 which are in demand for men on delegated to meet the aurora fire active service were assorted from brigade with the view of settling the salvage and sent to the iode disjfire area charges the brigade are trlbuting centre in toronto asking an increase for serving a stat- paper rubber metal glass rags ed area in the township j and bones are still needed the pro- constable windsors account for ceeds are for russian hospital sup- 550 was turned back for details it plies another load will be completed was agreed that while the amount y easter rural contributions arej all right the bill lacked inform- welcomed and if left in front of the a concerning what the various school they will be promptly stored t were about and gratefully acknowledged 0n motioa ot c and logan 10000 feet of snow fence was ordered with necessary posts in readiness for another winter and in accordance with the idea of stocking up in this item ratepayers in ss nol king whitchuich will be assessed s0o extra this year alleged under levies in rates not collected in recent years the extra taxes plus theeurrent rate i will still be under that collected in i peak years for school purposes in as the result of a headon motor ssno 1 collision in which they were involv- the council is required this year to ed on alonday morning mr and mrs adopt a budget on their expenses for murray slack suffeied serious injury all purposes under a recent ruling and mis slack was removed to the and to keep within that budget it oshawa general hospital a wed- will be submitted by the treasurer at nesday morning report stated that a special meeting qn apiil 2 town- her condition was favoralble jship tax rate will be struckin april mr slack has been employed by the earliest on record the gale lumher co since moving the payi oil for snow and other work from this locality to the motor city j totalled 1100 with repair partsfor and he and mrs slack were return- overhauling the power grader cost- ing to their home andwereabout aing 326additional the operator mile and a half north of- biooklin floyd preston did the work thus couple seriously injured in motor crash at biooklin j when tlie crash occurred no actual cause for the collision with a nortlibound machine has been given although it has been suggest ed by those involved that the driver in the other car may have dosed for a moment at the wheel and his sud den action in trying to avoid hitting the slacks caused him to swerve still farther over mr slack is suffering from facial cuts and several broken fingeis his wife sustained a fractured jaw cuts ibruises and a broken leg the single occupant of the other car escaped al most unharmed the slack car was insured mr nathan forsyth has been quite ill the past week but is said to be improving weare glad to report saving costly mechanical help and valuable time in sending the grader to the factory the clerk on motion of councillors logan and evans introduced a resolution appointing the deputy game wardens as follows jno crawford vandorf james jones gormley nol chancey con nor no 1 harold dewsbury nolv rercy pattenden stouffville 1 ern davis stouffville no2 audrey bartholomew stouffville no2 wilf lundy newmarket no3 parker smith aurora 2 leslie preston newmarket no 3 beuben ireland newmarket no 3 herbert pegg cedar valley 1 delmer kidd cedar valley 1 robert windsor ballan- tiae austin yake stouffville no 2 j h widdield newmarket no 3 york county regiment mobilized for service wireless graduate- council cannot reinvest clergy reserve funds perhaps the most voluminous auditors report ever presented in whitchurch was laid before the council on saturday by auditor r w andrew it dealt at length with every phase of the township finances and with the changes in the law respecting the conduct of muni cipal business the auditor in a certificate de clared that he had- received all necessary aid in preparing his state ment from the treasurer and in his opinion good work is being done by that officer the auditor dwelt at some length on the ruling which forbids the mun icipality to reinvest any funds -be- continued on page 5 queens ydrk hangers ordered to mobilize for active service organized nearly two cen turies ago inter joining british colonial forces i glenn gibbons son of mr and mrs jg gibbons of lemonville who graduated last week from the rcaf wireless school at guelph births elson at the brferbush hos pital stouffville on monday mar 16th 1942 to mr and mrs nor man elson markham township a daughter stoltz at graco hospital tor onto on march 9 1942 to mr and mrs eldon ii stoltz- lillian phillips a son the queens york rangers the oldest regiment in canadas history until a few days ago one of the re- serve infantry regiments included in the newly formed brigade group in military district no 2 has been ordered to mobilize for active service the queens york rangers was organized nearly 200 years ago to protect settlers in now hampshire against the indians the group of men was then known as rogers ran gers and they joined nhe british colonial forces as scouts some- time later and were designated w the queens rangers during the seven years war the rangers fought at tlconderoga and loufsburg and at quebec with wolfe in 1763 they fought against the indian chief pontlac at detroit and in 1776 vyhen the american revolutionary war broke out the rangers were once more in the service of britain the queens york rangers carry also the title 1st american rogi- ment and they are ranked in selnlor- j ity 12th among the militia regiments of canada this is due to the irregu- larlty of their history for they were many times disbanded and allowed- to remain inactive- for several long periods helped britain the rangers played an important part in britains light to rotaln thetsi 1 continued on four