vplc5ijfo 36 r jc the tribune stwjefvjllb ont thursday janlst 19 42 1sr v ij fc0 u feifeisfyi 2 fevfe ravflsasg 3j 2aftg arperan barlow members of heroic garrison 1 fownknetcouple married 50 years if c- some forty members of the wide- aan family gatheredat tlie home of wiv and mrs wellington wideman at hecorner of the townlihe and the ithconcession of pickering on tues- laydec30 to maik the 50th wed- ling anniversary of this venerable ouple fifty yeais ago tuesday mi and vlrs wideman were niai ried on the 5oltt just north of clare- uoutrev wm percv then christian jjhuuih pastor in stouftvilic tied the luptial knot- mrs elias hoover ii ouff vflle bridesmaid at this cere- jiony a half century ago was pie- ent on tuesday to add her felicita tions to those of the family l the large 100m foi the leception rasj beautifully decorated chief mbng these being a basket of fifty slums the couple were presented villi a studio couch mis wideman was the foimer sarah jane howilt and was boin near claremont while hei husband vasborn and raised on the farm at mongolia at tlie rear of which hls present home now stands following hejrmarriageinirdecemberlssil yfttft fherpouple settled on tho wideman i i ai mothevlothof maikham where k theyrremaineduntil mrwidemans vecentsalejwhen they movedtpvlhe nonsezandsinall lot known as the pldshekpropeity on the rear of theifarmfacing 6nthe townline menvbers of the immediate family whois gathered foi this auspicious occasion werebrother henry wide- mahof fthe townline and a sister mrsb jteesor also four sisters of mrs wideman they being mrs georgecpatesjclaremont mis art cauuthers atha mrs john forgie dunbaiton and mrs john soden of brougham a son percy wideman farkhain and daughter fein mrs evcretlbrlght thiee grandchildren dorothy and marian markham and celeste were also present and manyj at least two whitchurch hojs are known to have been with the can adtan forces at hong kongv during their heroic stand tie allen harper son of mr and mrs ross haiper of the 6th concession volunteered for service in july of this year and fol lowing a short period at camp bor den he was shifted to the west coast c 110 allen harper fiom heie he wiote to lus home neai stouffville his final letter being re ceived while at sea only when the official listing of canadians at hong kong was published last weekvere his parents eel tain their boy was in the fareast war theatre thvhaipers have three sons irithe sei vices allen with the royal rifles overseas donald with the r c a f at fmgal and kenneth who will go into training next week at an army trade school i ptheis wivesvhusbands and childien r guests at overlandtran wedding event j- i bonnie man also there pte edwin bailow of gormlev is also at hong kong he and his bnde oda berg daughter of mr and mis axel berg of goimley have been man led but five months private barlow was swimming champion while stationed at camp borden and had hoped to get to england to see his paients mr and imis g bailow of bui nicy lancashire foi christ mas a fittei by tiade he along with 11 others went to ottawa for a specul tialning couise late in sept he and one othei passed mrs bai low said hei husband didnt know wheie he was going but when they issued him with suinmci dicss ho knew it wasnt to england although he cabled his wife of his safe anhal in hong kong a letter 1 he had wntten on the boat and post- i ed on his an ival to go by aii mail airhed before the cable oldest native o musselman s lake a graham buried kecalletl oxen working on- xeighboring farms ho was 87 j ears or age l 7- oldest living citizen horn v musselmans lake andrew graham died at the brierbush hospital on friday dec 26th 1941 he was ieeve retires in uxbridge township but no election i- ftheiewill be no election in life bridge township the rather small turn out at the nomination meeting seemed to indicate they were not urging a contest and the old council quietly settled matters up reeve ashenhurst retired fiom whitchur l f h cn najs or seats on four in the field with three to be elected is p evans and herb simpson aspiro for the vacancy caused by resignation- of herb wells i seldom has a moie congenial lot public life and deputy reeve edgar 0 ratepayers gatheied for a-nomin- kidd stepped into the office while atiou meeting thaii was assembled in yearsof agejusttwodaysbefoiehis wauer beach was fven townswp hall forwhitclmrchon death but it is doubtful f he was an for reeve monday reeve ce toole and conscious enough to realize itfor d 58 years of serviv his old boyhood friend and neighbor w a quantz called at the hospital and when he informed him that it was his birthday mr graham inhts weak condition raised his eves but made no other reply to andrew grahams father richard settled at musselmans lake in the fore pait of the 18th century al though he was not among the little band of settleis that located thcie in 1704 when sixty families migiated fiom new yoik it is thought that he may have been one of the lear guaid of that movement they weie un doubtedly attracted by the waeifoi it certainly was not the oiality of the land that earned them into the dense hush of that dav now the bush has vanished but the sand land remains and yields up a living since there are manv summer resi dents to feed like many of the other eailv settleis to those paits the grahams were of mideuropean ancestry son of richard giahanjj who married into the helmkay family andrew who died on fridaylast liy cdalfhislifein district ground stouffville he jaided histatherljn clealfngtheifhomefarmwhielyis vyest section of shadow lake farm belonging to the eaton co andrew had told the wrter that he never drove oxen but neighboring farmers had them and he recalled the yoked animals on tho slopes around the lake as a young man he married catharine colfor4 and to their union there survives twosons chester graham of reginaandfrank graham of calgary following the death of his first wife andrew mar ried the widow of leonard morden who dieda few years ago in stouff ville for many years mr graham was employed as deliveiyman for stiver bros andrews three brotheis- wero fred george and hemy graham and his four sisters mis william reynolds mis samuel cook mis lac hutchinson and mrs geo powell t like his foiebcareis andiew gia ovelt germany aveiy prettyhouse wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride parents ondee 27th when katheilnoisobei tran daughter of slrvand mrsd j tian of clare- nipnthecame the bilde of gordon nelson pverland son of mr and mrs v of claremont a perfmrned by rev i the united chili ch under an atch of white crepe paper andfernsmr wm fleming cousin ofvthe biide played the wedding mnsici ttiebride given in mariage by her ijf ajherwore a street length dress of queensjlue crepe and a gold brace- 5letrtheglftfromtho groom also a haioor briercliff roses she carried asuquetjofbrieicliff roses alfsw douglas sister of tho grooni rose crepe dress vvitia johanna hill roses wa8matron jmr brother of the 5brldewasbesfnian and laurie tran andj5mrw douglas- were the ushers fifl stherecebtion- was held at the homevvhcre mrs tran received in a street length of tecubiuo crepehndmrs overland in awlne tseercrepo dress both woro cor sages of matching roses mrs lw ovorjariaofitotontot aunt ot the grooin barclay of belleville aiiricof thebrlde poured teaatuio buffet aftefthercceptlon jhecouple left onbihclr vedding trip the hrlde veaf inkja soldier bine coat with matching wool drei a brown fur britain at war the local bianch of the red cross will bring to katcliffs halron the evening of tuesdav januaiy 13 the movie biltain at warpio- cecds ar6 iifsuppoi t of the redci oss british tbomb victimsfund i bride of few weeks suffers broken leg mrs herb wells wife of the form er councillor of whitchurch town ship who was married only recently received a fractured right leg just aliove the ankle a couple of days ago in what appeared a most simple manner motoring from uxbridge where mr and mrs wells were holi daying at the home of relatives their car could not make a slippery hill in the vicinity of vivian mrs wells got out and attempted to push as the car slowed to a stop in some manner her foot caught in a deep frozen rut and snapped two bones she was taken to the hospital at newmarket where the injured mem- berwas placed in a cast the newly married couple were about to move from the 2nd concession of whit church to toronto where mr wells is employed but this will now be de layed for a couple of months robson who en- stonffvllle last mentioned des- july 1 patches as taking pai t in j weekend i aidspyeri qer many in secent flying v ho was employed on the x farm of mr ross- winter- stein at time of enlist ment and has numerous friends in the district as well as the wintei steins who have lcceived regular mail from him stewait ball are re deputy reeve george leaiy were ie- tinned to the council with harold turned by acclamation thei e being dickinson fiom the southern end of no candidates nominated in opposi- the municipality filling the vacancy tion to thein for council edwaid on council caused by the elevation of logan eugene baker both last mr beach yeais coiincillois and l p evans i and herbeit simpson weie nominat- ed as theie weie no withdrawals from i among the four nominations foi 1 coiincillois the issue will be fought out on election day- jan 5 the four candidates for council aie now busy lounding up their supporters for the contest reeve toole m an able addiess told the well attended meeting that this was the 9th consecutive yeai that the countv had a balanced bud get and no bank loans all muni cipalities had met their comity levy without exception and the debenture debt ot fhe county of yoik had been reduced substantially over the nine yeais since tlie coimty adopted the pay as vou go motto as evidence of the splendid con dition the county is woikmg into mr toole said their dehentuies were selling ff or 15 over par turning to township matters he pointed out that the municipality showed a credit jbahmce of 1400 over i eceipts foi the year while 1000 had been paidoff the bank loan of 23900 tovffset thishank loan unpaid taxes of 33000 were outstanding an eftoit is being made to clear this situation up visioning the future mr toole de- loses sister i clared that no one knows what is just as we go topress we learn of f h of thedommion author- the death of mis risebiough sister ties aie invading the provincial and municipal field ot taxation instanc ing the succession dutytax which all farmeis would ultimately feel then great farming aieas aieeiiig con- verted into war plantsand being tax i t free may prove a seiious problem ham had a deep lespect for things many nomes workers in the sacred and was a member of the plants nave 1imited taxesm the of mrs mcculloughwho only left town- a week or two ago to spend the wliitei inthe city with her sister death occurred tuesday- night congregationalchristian stouffville fiom this church at edifice the plant in the south end of this coun ty and tlib one at pickei ing weie funeral took place on tuesday after- o this wemay feel the nnnti tnr intm mmif nf stnuftvula noon for inteiment at stouffville cemetery irv the service e morton conducted reeve of village accepts 12th term reeve aithur weldon accepted his 12th teun m municipal office monday evening rnthei i eluctantly when he was acclaimed reeve again by hat and brown accessories pthe happy couple will reside at kingston ontario reeve avcidon acclamation it is his 6th term as rccvejand twelve years in all on the council call councillors were return ed by acclamation being ross e brown ira ir rusnell hugh boyd and john sllverthornv s others nominated were warer brllllngcr frrnk rowbotham and a v nolan all of whom failed to qualify for school ti ustees di h b freel and lloyd tuinev weie icturned with j w mcmulien taking the place vacated by a v nolan whodldnot qualify- he has served ten years in all7 this last time and refused to accept office again- 1 the attendance at nomination was better than a year ago- arid a short meeting was held reevo weldoh and councillors brown and rusnell spoke briefly also ihugh boyd councillor silyerthorn was not pre sent t dr freel spoke for the school board followed by mr nolan the other member whose tennhad ex pired mr turner was absent mr weldon and r e brown were both nominated for reeve but the latter- refused to stand frank row- botham and walter brllllnger nomin ated for council were not present hence a v nolan was the only one to speak outside the old council he declared there must be a sharp step- up in the malterof huilding side walks and that finances of the town were insuchshape that council could afford- to build the necessary walks without scarcely affecting the tax rate r v reeve wpldon reviewed the work of the pastyearand cautioncdagain- stovbrqxpendltures because of con ditions of the war dr freel spoke briefly on school matters r sting of war far greatei mthe future concluded the reeve i tiibute was poidto the late jess i cook and tlie latejjohn williamson the township and council had suffer ed a real joss in their passing finally said mi toole councillor herb wells tookhnnself a wife and left the township forltoronto herb knew how to build aioad thctwo new men elected to council seven j months ago he declared were a tri bute to the office and he looked i forward to splendid sei vice by therii i deputy reeve george leary re- fen ed to the reeve as york countys next warden7and didso because of his observations at theeounty coun ell mr leary said this would be hls 14th year in council he discussed various problems of township inter- est i amproiidrwe have a man like earl toole at i the head of our council were the opening re marks of edw logan nominated for council he can explain things so nicely mr out that the council had reduced taxation this year by 960 in iheface of increas ed costs all alongrthehne the road foremen did excellent work he de clared but there is something to com- plalnof he said andthat is the un sightly tin can dumps on township sideroadsand steps should be tak en to stop this sort of thing v eugene baker with seven months experience said he was amazed when he entered vcouncll xo learn of the complication of duties devolving up on the clerk of tlie township this printed- statement of- finances pre- sentcduo you today is most com plete r happenedto showonetoa flnanclal v man fromvanothermiinl- clpallty and hesaid itwas k most concise and completehc had ever seen safdmr bakerhcadvocated more attention to back roads while keeping nputd mainroads l p a mcmbeirotconncll 5 years ago said he reluctantly allow- donald r beaton clcik donald beaton whoon monsi day presided at the annual nomina- jf tion meotingbf pickeringjtqwnsliipj for his 59th consecutiveyearjfrv5 beaton and his father beforehlm have served this township -foftotorjija- century and this fine gentlemantwithjcpsj his vastc knowledge of munlqipal affairs was receiving the j congratuvjl lations of councilmen andfriendpjis- lit j caiheto i kx- ratepayeis to hold public meetingk last monday in thctownsliiphauonir the occasion of the presenfation dfjbgk the- annual statement there wastbut- one lone ratepayer turned uptohcaiyvjsg theteeve and councillors- the coun- f cil is elected for two years r as jju there wasno election in sight payeis were content to liome and not bother about the publicvrj meeting that- alwas- nomination next year when yji could be a contest it will bediffeivife councllv ijrfi ent sj reeve rennie deputy reeve ei and all membersof trie were on hand monday prcpareditotejs take part in anydiscussionrbutwifrj no body of ralepayers totalk toufiet55 thing just poteiedout i m jsravtfr rjupa captain johntireidkymngrvf5 nand nenhewof jsr v reld managerlof tvetcanadian f5 linotype co the anxiously awaited v vsv dtype co is in hongkong gwith canadians andword of himtoi iouslvawnltod v- y-v-va- si r- 7 r t j 4 ed his name to go intonomlnation jgl butjt v heenpolntedjoucojhimj j that r was a patrlotlc- v- however declared mrlevansf s- c dontjwant to scetan electlonmis np to mrsimpsonand saw lie heartilytaroyedvnincreaseri giventhcqlef wh last yearandoald c ijj it wasjongtoverdue -s- mr siinpsonsaid hejabohedhljn jtt self a agrjbon leanc havlngofled nexthighei- votefnthoyeulectlon fnl candidates hthoughtitjxrarran tedhiin stepping inalihfstfnic