Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 9, 1941, p. 2

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fcaoe two the tribune stouffville ont thursday october 9 1941 qtye imtfftriu rihmte established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments london papers support drew plan including some of canadas best writing talent a good many notables have gone to england in the past month col george drew ontario conservative leader arrived there on august 19th the rt hon mackenzie king on august 20th and the hon r b hanson on sept 15th on his arrival col drew told london reporters he was on a factfinding tour a number of canadian editors remember ing drews articles germany prepares for war written in 1935 and his canadas fighting airmen predicted that he would be a good observer jk col drew has since been busily engaged studying war problems but on friday last he spoke on the bbc home service this talk followed by general macnaughtons plea for invasion tactics is reported to have attracted wide public and press support in england lord beaverbrooks london sunday express devoted an entire column leading article to col drew and his plan under the heading get an empire vision stating that this is the true plan on which to work the sunday ex press said that col drews suggestion of training shock forces in canada is being discussed in official quarters p where are the old rifles where are the old rifles those which turned back the huns in the great war and thus became partly wrecked in the struggle everybody seems to have forgotten them they have been retired pensioned so to speak left in arm ories and other odd storage places throughout the country but the government like the elephant has a long mem ory it knew where they were rifles are hard to get de livery is slow so these veterans have been called in for fur ther service they are now in an ontario town thousands of them undergoing renovation fifty men are in the plant doing nothing else but turning old rifles into new if they could only speak what tales these battered veterans could tell they were in every conflict in the great war in every advance in every retreat they witnessed magnificent courage much tragedy some comedy such is life to a rifle on active service some of them carry stories on their faces the initials of the men who held them the initials of the girls they left behind them sometimes they carry the names of battles the grim notches filed in the barrels are records between the lines of foes slain in battle some are worn beyond hope of repair but they have salvage value it is always possible to take some parts from one and some from another also worn and now useless and by adding the parts together and supplying some which can be made in the plant provide a new rifle at least as service able as if it were what parts wear out first it may be the handguards quite often it is the barrel or the forends the wooden section under the back part of the banel the barrels pass through some rather trying experiences sometimes as is natural in a gun which has served in war it has failed to receive proper attention it may be left out partly buried and for some time uncleaned the inner surface of the barrel starts to corrode the rifling is destroyed and it is no longer an effective weapon the influence of the newspaper this past week has been marked as national news paper week a week when the canadian weekly news papers have been calling attention to themselves and their place in the community 1 it is unlikely that the vast influence of the news paper on the life of the community in which it is publish is felt by any great unmber of its readers they look to it for the news of the community they consult it for dates and hours of meetings of all kinds church business fraternal organizations college lectures school entertainments agri cultural developments and all gatherings they depend upon it to keep them informed of special bargains in the mercantile establishments they also expect it to give them entertainment and take their minds off the sordid news of the wars subscribers may criticize some of the features of their newspapers when they forget that it is printed for the entire public and not for this group or that and that its purpose is to give all elements in the community a feel ing that it is their newspaper and interested in all of them or they may laud its broad principles and the services it renders their town or city but they seldom take time in a busy world to realize fully the enormous influence the news paper exerts in the lives and on the opinions of its readers who make up the greater part of the population of the re gion in which it is published the newspaper touches all phases of the life of the people in and out of the home by its frank publications of local news of all kinds not whitewashing unpleasant facts but stating them clearly that readers rray familiarize themselves with them and use the weight of their individual and collective influence in voicing lisapproval and effecting reform it has an untold thovgh often unrecognized part in such reform the newspaper up holds all religious and educational causes by giving them much publicity in its columns it sunday school lesson lesson christ golden text- world that for october 12 our saviour for god so loved the he gave his only he- gotten son that whosoever be- lieveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life john 316 the lesson as a whole from the many helpful passages suggested as a basis for this lesson we must focus our attention upon the two which are printed above but it is hoped that all the others works and lire mains maintain fire will he read and carefully considered departments and apparatus organize for all taken together they present fire marshal departments and lire various phases of our lords person i commissioners courts and we spend and his redemptive work which en- 1 millions more on insuring ourselves able us to entertain in some measure jagainst fire loss or should we say jinto the mystery of the gospel which against persisting individuals care was the great secret hid in the heart iii fire waste aids hitler this is fire prevention week at this time the government of canada calls upon all of us to dedicate ourselves to annihillate the number one enemy of our daily lives carelessness with the grim reminder in these critical days of war that fire prevention is national protection from coast to coast we spend hundreds of millions every year to try and overcome destruction of human beings and of property by fire we build fireresistant homes and commercial buildings we tax ourselves to instal efficient water- trim your l to avoid highway mishap farm ers are advised to have adequate lights on all vehicles travelling after sunset of god until revealed in christ how that through the propitiatory work of his own blessed son who on the cross was made sin for us 2 cor 521 god can now be just and the justifier of all who put their trust in jesus rom 326 apart from the redemption which he accomplished there can be no salva- jion for sinful men our iniquities have separated between ua and god our sins have hid his face from us isa 592 but when jesus took our place in judgment god laid all our iniquities upon him and by his stripes we are healed isa 535 6 this is the very heart of the gospel christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and rose again 1 cor 1515 verse by verse matt 2015 the princes of the gentiles exercise dominion over them the jewish disciples of our lord knew this well all israel groaned under the tyranny of the emissaries of rome man delights thus to bring his fellows into bon dage and often ones greatness is estimated according to his dictatoiiai ability and his power to hold others in subjection to his will it is upon this principle that the kingdoms of this world are built verse 26 it shall not be so among you the principle of pre cedence in heavens kingdom is the very opposite of this there follow- lessness for reliable statistics show that on the average at least so per cent of canadas outbreaks are caused through inexcusable ignorance and neglect and are there fore preventable stouffville fire record and that of the farming district here about is excellent keep it up by having clean solid stove pipes and keep premises free of rubbish 1905 1930 1945 look look theres an auto look look theres a horse look look theres a pedestrian crowds thronging the road his case seemed hopeless for he was little of stature verse 4 he ran and climb ed the man was in earnest he was determined not to miss what might have been his only opportunity to see him of whom such wondrous things were said verse 5 when jesus came to the place he knew well all that had transpired and all that was going on in the heart of this publication no man ever sought to see jesus unless jesus had first thought of him the saviour stopped looked up and called the man by namezacchaeus he exclaimed make tiaste and come down it is thus he speaks to all who fancy that by climbing to with the long evenings at hand farmers who have occasion to fre quent the highways with horse- drawn vehicles after darkness sets in should take a tip from ths wise virgins of the biblical parable and trim their lamps so that they might burn brightly and thus warn motor ists that they are travelling the kings highway traffic officers state that many farmers in these days of early twi light apparently delayed in reaching the home corral with team and wagon travel along the highway with no light whatever and some minor accidents have occurred the farmer who thus frequents the roadways places the onus on himself should any serious accident occur and he would be held responsible for damage done the law requires that any ve hicle other than a motor car must have a white light plainly visible from the front and a red light in like manner showing at the rear to avoid regrettable incidents and accidents agrarians would be well advised to strictly abide by the stipulations of the highways act thanksgiving turkey prices will be high ox call for training twentyoneyear olds will be the first age group called under the re vised training policy of the reserve army which no longer gives trainee exemption to reservists who enlisted before august 15 1940 and who are callable under provi- few turkeys are reaching the tor onto market according to poul try brokers and these for the most part are classed as second grade birds prices will be higher for this thanksgiving october 13 with only a light delivery of class a birds ex pected these will demand a special price of course with mild weather the demand by stouffville at least will not he anything we like oor turkey best at christmas farmers are getting 3334 cents a pound for no 1 grade a birds and about 30 cents for class b dressed there seems to be plenty of ducks and geese according to local pack ers but these loo are insufficiently finished geese sell wholesale from 25 to 27 cents and ducks about 30 cents poultry in storage is less than last year on sept 1 there were only 1121474 pounds of turkey in stor age compared with 1670891 pounds a year before the total in storage ot turkeys ducks chickens and geese was 2670000 pounds against 239000 in 1940 according to the ontario depart ment of agriculture the turkey crop is about the same as last year with fewer ducks and geese but a generous increase in the number of chickens the demand for eggs for export and high prices have greatly increased the chicken population sions of the national resources mobilization act under the new regulations four age groups from 21 to 24 may be called up for four- month minimum training after which they will be detailed for duties within canada business directory medical insurance some superior height they may the ing the example of christ himself i better see jesus he invited himself the lowliest is the greatest and readto be a guest in the home of this one whom the people had abhorred but whom he had come to save verse 6 he made haste and came down and received him joy fully note the three things men tioned there was no delay with eager haste the needy sinner obeyed the word he came down and so in to the very presence of the son of god who had become son of man in order to save such as he he re ceived christ with joy and the out ward act was the evidence of inward faith zacehaeus great moment had arrived and he responded in fullest measure verse 10 the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost zacchaeus was lost and jesus had come to jericho to seek him out and to save him this is ever his mission men by nature and practice are lost it is not merely that they are in danger of being lost in the day of judgment they are lost now and they need a saviour an example will not do jesus did not come to show men how they ought to behave in order to save them selves he recognized their lost estate and came to seek them out in the devious paths of sin and to save them by his grace the lord jesus christ is not mere ly a helper lie is the saviour he does not offer to assist those who are are endeavoring to deliver them selves he comes to have them it is a mistake to think of him as a crutch or a makeweight who in some way will mako up for mans failures providing the sinner endeavors to do his best he must do it all a little irish boy exclaimed once when the glory of the gospel burst upon his soul i always knew that jesus was necessary but i never knew before that he was enough this is the lesson god would have us all learn then wo can sing with repoicing jesus paid it all all to him i owe sin had left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow iness to serve is a mark of superior ity verse 27 whosoever will be chief among you it is not that one who sets out with the determination to become an acknowledged leader but he who takes the servants place who will be recognized by god and by all who are spiritually minded as in the path that leads to greatness see the case of epaph- roditus in philippians 229 30 verse 28 the son of man came to give his life a ransome for many as the servant of the god head he came from the gloriss of heaven to the manger at bethlehem and the carpenter shop of nazareth to take the servants place but this was not enough to put away sin he went to the cross and gave himself lor us a sacrifice on our behalf that he might redeem us to god by his own blood luke 191 jesus entered and passed through jericho jericho was the city of the curse josh 626 it is a fitting type of this poor world lying under the judgment of god into this scene jesus entered in grace as he passed through lie manifested his saving power to all who trusted him verse 2 zacchaeus chief among the publicans and he was rich as a representative of the hated roman government engaged in farming the taxes and so impover ished his own countrymen zacchaeus was an object of derision and detest ation to the jews all his wealth could not bring him within the pale of respectable society he was a lone lyhearted outcast though reveling in riches money cannot buy happi ness verse 3 ho sought to see jesus was it only curiosity or was it a sense of personal need that moved this man to determine to see the prophet from galilee of whom he must have heard much whichever it was he ade up his mind to act upon his desire though with the dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr arthur l hore physician surgeon obstetrics eyes tested glasses fitted in stouffville twice a week phone markham no 67 reverse charges for appointment dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday oitico in wear block brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffvluo maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone i9j a c kennedy chiropractor churoh street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 om thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insure in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville see h o klinck 108 st george street toronto for yofir insurance needs in fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire harry m spang representative mutual life insurance co- also mutual automobile insurance telephone 6616 stouffville ontario barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc port perry uxbrldge ontario phone 26 works hard for welfare enterprises and through its news columns and its editorial page is of vast assistance in per suading citizens to lend their support to these important community efforts the newspaper seeks to come near to its readers and the place it holds in their estimation is evidenced by the rush to get the paper first when the paper comes off the press father or mother or children hasten to find that which interests them most whether it be local or provincial or national political happenings society notes information on homemaking and housekeeping agricultural news or whatever one paper is scarcely enough for a family of eager readers and all the while the newspaper is quietly exerting its influence on the community boosting what it knows will be for the benefit present and future condemning what is bound to work for its decadence the good newspaper hon estly tries to use what it knows must be its power in the community for the continual improvement of that com munity in all departments of its normal life no thoughtful person can deny the power of the press nor that part it plays in making local history and no one can wisely make light of hat power l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone r g clendening funeral director ambulance service stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address gormley po phone markham 9000 clarke prentice phone aginrourt 52 w3 mllliken licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice kami and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and rea sonable rates

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