page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday august 21st 1941 stye stmifftriu utabun established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments pay for village councillors j o little one time warden of york county address ing newmarket town council a few evenings ago advocated pay for town and village councillors at present only the reeve gets paid for his services and that comes through his attendance at county council mr little pointed out that members of township councils are paid for their attendance at meetings but he didnt point out that township meetings are held in the day time and entail a loss of the whole day town and village councillors can meet in the evening mostly in spare time and they have no travelling expences either however there is much to be said in favor of pay for ser vice rendered what would you say if the complaints of the ratepayers of stouffville who want the council to build new and better sidewalks were adhered to at this time we estimate that something like 3000 at least should be expended in this service now it might be a simple matter for the council to order this work done but what will mr and mrs taxpayer say when the bill comes in and you find three mills on the present tax rate to pay for the job some people would say nothing and acknowledge that they asked for it but others would cry to the high heavens let us all be reasonable in such matters and if you are not really willing to have your taxes increased to build new walks say less about the old ones every ratepayer however has a right to expect something more done to walks this season and by that we mean that a dozen or two bad blocks ought to be replaced in stretches of otherwise good walks the hills and the ladies fergus newsrecord we know that mere man treads on dangerous ground when discussing womens clothes that has been true for centuries yet we are tempted to quote the observations of a bachelor friend an educated and intelligent man not be cause we agree entirely but because his views are put in such an interesting way many readers will agree we were driving along the grand through a lovely valley across the river were several wooded hills hugh he began do you see those hills over there what makes them beautiful if they were bare would we look at them twice we would not it is be cause they are clothed with trees its the same way with a woman when they take off too much they look like animals you see then that they are knockkneed bowlegged flatchested or they have something else the matter with them but put clothes on them and they look like the loveliest thing god ever made the bible speaks a great deal about clothing being clothed with righteousness and the like youd be surprised how many references to clothing there are in the scriptures the present tendency to go around undressed is a reversion to paganism its the very antithesis of v2 l50 daily except sunday aug 23rd to sept 6th leave stouffville 825 am leave toronto bay at dundas 1015 pm eastern standard time stouffville phone 167 gray coach lines return fare includes exhibition admission and coach transfer to and from terminal inside the grounds leola food shoppc labor dab 0w summers last long weekend go from noon friday aug 29 until 200 pm monday sept 1 return leave destination up to midnight tuesday sept 2 1941 times shown aro standard ifisfcs o0 tot the pluli tou 4 for feres and further information apply to your nearest ticket agent canadian national military authority not above civil involved in an accident on the 8th concession one soldier in the convoy from camp borden was quite badly injured when he pulled out of line with his motor cycle and crashed a civilian car going in the opposite direction mark- ham police arriving to investigate and were refused the name of the soldier injured by the officer in charge of the convoy such action on the part of the military is not warranted in our opinion and should be reported to the attorney generals department we still have civil jaw in this country and magistrates are constantly reminding soldiers of the fact facts on the bread situation the last issue of the financial post provides some interesting comment and facts on the bread situation it will be recalled that a few weeks ago the dominion govern ment issued an order to the canadian bakery industry to stop slicing bread and to use only single wrappers on bread which added to the effect of the recent rescinding of the wheat processing tax appears to have staved off an in crease in bread prices how long this will be the case can hardly be fore cast says the post which continues it depends on a number of factors such as wage rates cost of other mater ials particularly shortening and sugar but the baking in dustry seems agreed that prices in canada can stay where they are for some time to come estimates of the saving in eliminating sliced bread and reducing wrappers are somewhat difficult to get but it appears that they do not amount to more than about one fifth of a cent a loaf to this may be added the saving from the end of the wheat processing tax this tax was equivalent to 70 cents a barrel on flour and the bakers had to pay all of it without the alternative of passing the cost along to the consumer as an average of about 190 loaves of bread is obtained from a barrel of flour this tax cost the bakers about one third of a cent a loaf based on a loaf of 24 ounces thus the combined saving works out to 56 of a cent a loaf this saving is estimated sufficient to offset increas ing costs for the present at least it is not all a clear saving however costs keep going up for example higher prices for shortening effective about the time the processing tax came off offset about half of the third of a cent a loaf that was saved from the ending of the processing tax thus the bakers appear to be left with a saving even in this short period of only a little more than a third of a cent a loaf with which to handle other costs eliminating sliced bread means savings in more than one way continues the post sliced bread ordinarily has an inner plain wrapper which will no longer be needed while the operation of slicing machines is automatic and most bakeries have them already installed they require more careful supervision than when bread is not sliced then these machines wear out and have to be replaced or repaired there is less handling to the bread when it is not sliced there is little concrete guidance as to the margin of profit the baker enjoys per loaf of bread sold the best that is available comes from the recently published statement of canada bread co this firm real ized a net profit of one seventh of a cent a loaf on all its production last year in the preceding year its margin was onequarter cent and two years ago it was a half cent a loaf thus the apparent net reduction in costs resulting in costs resulting from the latest government orders means that the margin per loaf is back again to about a cent or the equivalent of the 1939 figure sixty mennonite lads leave for a northern camp between fifty and sixty young mennonite lads left elmira for the northern road camps on august 5th to serve their time on road work this is in addition to those who have already left for the road work on the transcanada road northwest of sault ste marie there are few exemptions allowed under the plan adopted whereby mennonite young men of military ago give their service for road work in exchange for military training be ing exempted under the heading of conscientious objectors in line with their religious beliefs to date exemptions have been very few while a great many requests have been sent in few have been given consideration only in extreme cases such as illness or accident or the solo support of a widow while such applications have been forward ed to ottawa and other boards most of the appeals are handled directly by the mennonite hoard in charge this board has been extremely strict and desire to carry out their part of the arrangement whereby the men go to camp rather than military training elora express on the zditoji mail an irishman had been thrown over a rence by an enraged bull tfe had just recovered when he noticed the bull pawing the ground and furiously tossing his head if it wasnt for your bowing and scraping said mike id think yor threw mo over on purpose claremont ontario august is 1941 dear sir 1 the right honourable winston churchill that master of phrase ology has within this last couple of years quoted and coined phrases that have been echoed and reechoed around the world but one that appealed to me as one of hia best is one that is seldom repeated the russian people are praying for the downfall of nazism yea nil people pray something have the spiritual leaders of christianity inadvertently by their action of in action allowed the idea to become prcvalant that stalin is greater than our faith in the saving power of god a day of prayer for the sal vation of the people of russia has never been advocated that i have heard about have they coordinated any plans so that when god pro vides the opportunity lamps will be filled wicks trimmed there were ninety and nine in the fold safely lay but one was out etc lindberg and wheeler prate about atheistic russia do they advocate non intervention so that all people may worship god each in his own pocular way i guess not call it a coincidence if you will still the fact remains that right hon winston churchill president roose velt lord halifax and our own prime minister right hon macken zie king are men who believe in god and his fundamental truths un- eqnevocably i d ovtieal mail a letter received last week from their sou and a former business 11114 on main street until the time of his enlistment appears below from pte price pugh to mr and mrs alf pugh from somewhere in eng land dear mother and dad received your most welcome letter today july 25th and was sure de lighted wo were forbidden to post any mail from the train on our way to the coast leaving canada but nearly everybody tried to however it was mostly picked up by the police 1 guess it was a wise trick at that because canada is tun of spies and we were the largest canadian company ever to cross the ocean jerry sure would have liked to have got at us lord ha ha said before we left canada that we wouldnt reach england but i guess he for got about the- british navv they sure can look after their own boats and it was really an in spiring sight to see so many at one time battle ships cruisers air craft destroyers and corvettes all about us they were ready tor action any minute and how they can move when they find an enemy craft lurking around it really gives you a lot of confidence and makes yon feel much safer we had a lovely rip across and i ddnt even get sea sick i saw a shark and a school of porpoises but no whale i had a letter from morley last week and expect him down to our camp one of these days he is now wearing his sergeants stripe i would like to get transferred to his unit if possible but we will see tell dad not to work too hard and not to worry about us we are far safer than a lot of civilian people and 1 would rather come over here to fight than have the germans come to canadian soil and make you en dure what i have seen civilians here have to do and how they have to live one really has to see for them selves how serious it is for these people it is nothing short of hell on earth but they laugh and dam hitler my my you should ae heard the gateman at buckingham palace cursing hitler glad to hear that stouffville went over the top in the victory loam campaign but i wish more of her young men would wake up if they could see what we have there would le a rush to get ove- here and them the sooner it will all be over as ever price pugh had a year of blitz after a year in bombtorn london brigadier james bar clay witli mrs barclay is back in toronto ho went to the empires capital to open the salvation army red shield club on russell square through which 40000 canadian soldiers have since passed st pauls cathedral still stands he says x symbol of victory in the midst of ruins jane whenever i get down in tbm dumps i get myself a new hat sally so thats where yon get them business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr arthur l hore physician surgeon obstetrics eyes tested glasses fitted in stouffville twice a week phone markham no 67 reverse charges for appointment insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 190s insure in reliable companies act reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffvilsfc see h o klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs ut fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stonfrvluo maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 l e oneill stouffvllle funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance o -also- automobile and fire harry m spang representative mutual life insurance c also mutual automobile insurance telephone 6616 stouffville ontario barristers office phone residence phot 3160 3514 arthur w s greer banister solicitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc port perry uxbridge ontario phone is r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouftvllte monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sale a specialty telephone stouffville 7300 address gorniley lo