page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday august 7th 1941 ij tmiffmu ribmt established 188s member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average circulation 1500 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments do we appreciate our good fortune drinking water is supplied to the people of stouffville at the rate of 400 per year for all they want to use in their homes yet down in bermuda they are importing water from new york the island has no rivers and no wells rainwater caught on roof tops and stored in tanks is the sole domestic source of supply and prolonged drought has made it necessary to import water such situations as this serves to make us more appreciative of our own favor ed position keep name on mail box it is suggested that the farmers should not overlook the necessity of keeping their name printed on the rural mail box it is a postal regulation for the benefit of the couriers but aside from that it is a good advertisment for the farmer he is in big business and his name should be on the front door of his premises just as he expects a merchant or those in other lines of business to hang out their shingle tourists appreciate reading the name of farm owners and so do most all travellers stick to the english considerable criticism is going the rounds of news papers levelled against the unemployment insurance act itself because of its complications and even yet many do not know whether they are subject to pay or not however the annoyance is increased when one has to figure out the book partly in french its almost an insult we imagine to offer the english speaking people of this country govern ment literature printed in another tongue done apparently to appease the frenchcanadian we are informed that it cost the government at ottawa somewhere about two million dollars a year extra to print the french alongside the english on all the mililons of forms done that way poor advice got highways department in wrong the present battle for pavement construction be tween goodwood and stouffville is over and the ratepayers have lost the round to the minister of highways who has given a flat refusal to all the appeals from independent and political parties of every complexion especially liberal the minister offered no excuse or held out no appeasement he didnt say there is a war on and patriotic citizens should not foe asking for pavement when the tax burden is what it is owing to the war no he didnt suggest any thing of the kind because it would not have gone over very well the ratepayers of uxbridge township were aware that the government could forgo paving eight miles north of uxbridge and complete the road they had built to good wood so that the link would be hooked up with a pavement to toronto at stouffville the mpp for muskokaontario and the minister of highways sanctioned the two roads out of uxbridge before they sounded public opinion and had only the advice of a couple or three business men who were thinking of business interests and not the general desire of the farmers for a highway to toronto if the present ruffled attitude of uxbridge liberals persists we predict the road from goodwood to stouffville will be completed before long the argument of the high ways minister that it would take three years to prepare the road for a pavement is not taken seriously most of it is in superior condition now than the road they paved from uxbridge conserval ive leader who will be the new leader of the conservatives is now becoming a live question in federal political circles an energetic and really resourceful opposition chief could ex ert a tremendous influence on war effort he would make the government more alert wipe off a lot of camouflage that now serves as protective colouring it would be good for the war effort good for the country good for the government and incidentally good for the decimated con servative party there are many applicants for the job according to the magazine canadian business george drew is quite ready to try it as are many of the present elected members in the house but the popular choice this magazine says would be murdoch macpherson prominent regina lawyer widely known veteran of the last war a vigorous debater winning in personal contact that george drew has played around too much with premier hepburn to break away into an effective party job does not to us prove anything as canadian business suggests st lawrence pact news from washington about the outlook for the great lakesst lawrence basin pact is so conflicting it is almost impossible to get a satisfy picture of the situation one day comes a despatch saying president roosevelt is confident the agreement wili be approved by congress in a short time and the next day there are stories that the american railways the coal people of the virginias the port people of the north half of the atlantic seaboard and the new england transportation interests are putting on an even more effective fight against the project than eight ootaeal mail cards and letters received by the local veterans as a result of the good vork being done by their comfort fund which is supplying the local lads overseas with much appreciated smokes hello folks your gift package of cigarettes on tit zddo mail plain talk by biugb1hbkgenkkal here is a plaintalk letter from brig general burnham of bc who has just been decorated from the serb and yugoslav government in bacox ham consumption fcuthku cut 25 pkk cent ok it was very much appreciated t post he rendered great service and i must say thanks a lot to the folks who have mad it possible for the boys and myself to receive these each month very quiet here now for some time but it wont be long before hit ler gets his dues which he sure deserves pte p g madill secretary stounville veterans hello bert well bert i just received another box of cigarettes from you fellows and that is half the battle over here along with letters from home cigarettes are very hard to get lots of places so you know how we like to get them thanks a million things are a little quiet around here 1 guess old jerry has his hands lull some where else just now tho russians are putting up a good fight everyone seems to be with them over here we are all hoping for the best thumbs up pte harold lewis to france serbia albania macedonia and dear sir thanks very much for the smokes received to day july 14 th they are very welcome and as usual come at an opportune moment i hope you are all getting along alright things are fine with us here so long george abell seey stouffville veterans dear bert how is everything in the good old town of stouffville it feels like years since i was walking down the street i suppose it is very nice in canada these days and everybody is busy in their garden it was damp and cold over here till a few weeks ago and the weather is really be- inning to warm up we had a good airraid here the other night every thing was shaking it lasted from one in the morning till four thirty the sky was lit up all around the place you people over there i guess read about it in the paper thanks a million for the cigarettes i appreci ate them very much my wife wrote and told me her father has joined up have any of the other boys joined yet i guess before long they all will he in keep smiling thumbs up harold lewis the following letter was sent to mrs fred draper of atha from her brotherinlaw pte g b draper who has arrived in england pte draper was employed by the misses whitson in pickering before war broke out well i am now settled in england we sure had a nice trip over here and we had a real uptodate ship only 5 years old a 25000 ton vessel there were six troopships in our convoy and we were well guarded all the way by the navy we left canada on june 21st and landed over here on june 30th the weather over here is very hot about 0 in tho shade the country where our camp is situated is very similar to on tario and we are about one hour and half on tho train from london we had an airraid last night but no bombs were dropped these airraid sirens arc a weird sound until one gets used to them 1 expect to get 5 days leave soon and will go to bur ton and see some of my relations the food in camp is very good when a person considers just how hard times are over here the most shortage is sugar butter and eggs which we do not seo much of the price of everything is about double as it is in peace time and all foods are rationed when we go on pass we have to have a ration card he- fore we can get our meals so you can see it is quite a change to good old canada this trip lias sure been a real experience for me as we have come nearly 4000 miles the route we came i think the best scenery was in eastern canada it was wonder ful and i hope i can see it again before long wo had our driving test today and i passed al so i think we will soon be sent to the field driving after wo get our leave it sure seems funny driving on the left side of the road and this english money is confusing hut i am getting used to it and it doesnt last long over here as everything is so expensive it is a fairly nice country some parts but i would not change canada for this halcyon hot springs arrow lakes bc dear sirs kaiser wilhelm has gone to his reward history will record that he was a good man and loyal to his friends and allies and that is a lot in a world where so few are de pendable the old time german was a good citizen and welcome in every quarter of the globe later genera tions brosght up under the tutelage of hitler and his cohorts with little regard for human life and suffering are just a tribe of savage snarling tomcats the little austiian house- painter has put it over the political bigwigs of 15 nations which shows what one man can do with vision and determined purpose let no one suppose that it cannot happen again it has happened all through the ages and will happen again a number of older generals have beeu shelved in favor of younger men who are supposed to have more steam steam is alright in places but it will never replace experience and mature judgment the socallel mys tery of irudolf hess has not been cleared upif mystery there is he probably could no longer stomach the atrocities of hitler and his gang sters and fled before he became the victim of a blood purge rudolf hess might well be employed to give in structions to the powers that be in military strategy and how to wage war which is not always in sviaence in our operations abroad narvik dunkerque dakar greece crete and libya follow each other ir monotonous sequence notwithstand ing all setbacks we shall muddle through somehowpainful though it be a nation at war should conserve its resources practice rigid economy and avoid fantastic schemes for an economic ibreak will lead to military disaster that fact is as plain as a pikestaff that he who runs may read it is characteristic of a demo cracy that it starts a war as though it were to last g months demo cracies are prone to use war as a smoke screen for all sorts of fantas tic and diabolical schemes each side of the present conflict promises a new order for europe and the world rut it will be the same old world but more of it there will be the same old political rackets and more of them the same old agita tion lor less work and more paythe same old conspiracy to rob the man who works and saves his money the same old political promises and squandermania the same old gang riding on the taxpayer democracies are mostly interest ed in the maintenance of a high standard of living if they were were equally interested in the main tenance of a higher standard of morals it would be of inestimable benefit to the whole world the clogs in the gear of demoeractic nations are wastage inefficiency favoritism and red tape which makes one wish for a benevolent dictator bolshevism and nazism are in a headon collision on the eastern front by the time the curtain falls on that conflict we may be ready to mop up what remains as the sun goes down on an em battled world there appears on the horizon the word retribution canadians are to be allotted 25 per cent less than they have been getting of all pork killed by the abattoirs for next two months at least behind the new steps is a request of the british ministry of food that if possible the present canadaunit ed kingdom contract for 425- 000000 ponuds of bacon hams and other cuts be completed by about sept 15 instead of october 31 as originally scheduled in an effort to ensure the reaching of this objective agriculture min ister gardiner made these announce ments last week 1 the amount of pork products including ham and bacon that may be distributed for canadian con sumption by exporting packers is to be reduced by 25 per cent 2 live hogs dressed hogs and other edible pork products excepting lard may not be exported to points other than the united kingdom and british possessions this restriction came into effect today 3 the price paid by the bacon board to packers for wiltshire bacon for shipment to the united kingdom will be further advanced 1 a hun dredweight effective from the open ing of livestock markets today this raises the price for grade a no 1 sizeable wiltshires to 1960 a hundredweight compared with a price of 1010 under the original 194041 contract with britain the reduction in tho amount of pork products available for sale in canada was the second time such action has been taken under the war measures act the first last may limited to the weekly average of last year the the amount of pork products on the canadian market and at that time a spokesman for the bacon board said if we find it necessary to take over all the ham and bacon in can ada to meet britains request for more bacon we will not hesitate to do it subsequently the board issued an continued on page seven i rev donald w maddocks pastor of the church of the good shepherd at kitchener has enlisted in the rcaf as an observer he be lieves he will be able to get in closer touch with the men as an observer thanhe would as a padre said his mother mrs william mad- docks bible thief sellin bibles is not always a vlr- tuour occupation a salesman of bibles in vancouver so reports bookseller and stationer bas beem stealing them from booksellers and then had the audacity to sell tuera back to those from whom he stole he tried to sell for 5 a bible which he had stolen from the christian book shoppe the proprietor recog nized it as being one stolen from her the salesman ran leaving the bible monday october 13th is thanksgiving day canada this year will observe thanksgiving day on october 13th the second monday in octobei this announcement was made by hon p f casgrain secretary at state who said a proclamation nant- ing october 13th as a day of general thanksgiving will be issu ed shortly business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr arthur l hore physician surgeon obstetrics eyes tested glasses fitted in stouffville twice a week phone markham no 67 reverse charges for appointment dental f k burnham place at any price we do not know what a fine country we have until we start to travel the roads over here are very narrow and as crooked as a snake some places you can hardly pass an other car there are a few cars used here but they are only midgets they use more bicycles you should see the trains they are only toys com pared with the canadian trains and the coaches are like trailers price push is in different co than i am but he is only about live minutes walk from my fiut so i see him quite often well i think i have told you all i know so goodbye for now pte g b draper reg nob s4 777 rcasc nol holding unit base po canadian army overseas e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto olllce in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 19j insurance see h o klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs fa fire life automobile burglae and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance asjcnrv ltcprescntlng reliable companies including lloyds of london england- phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholdek insurance canada life assurance a -also- automobile and fire harry m spang representative mutual life insurance co- also mutual automobile insurance telephone g616 stouffville ontarle l e oneill stouffville funeral dhiector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phono residence phone barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pnblfc o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc port perry uxbridge ontario phone zi years ago when a similar document was rejected by the us senate all that premier king would say to parliament before it knocked off for the summer was that if the pact were approved at a fairly early date in washington he would recall the canadian legislators to give it prompt con sideration and not keep the friendly americans waiting this was approved by the radical groups in the house but not by the conservatives r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 a s f a r m e r licensed austioneer york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 6112 address gormley po