page bight the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 31 1941 ckf apq for the o 1m i r o farmers in used implements disc plow 2furrow 3 riding plows riding plow 2furrow tractor plow 2furrow 2 cream separators 11 section of harrows mower mh cultivator stiff tooth cultivator spring tooth binder 6 ft deering 7 year old horse good worker 66 acre farm for sale good land good buildings frank baker telephone 15204 international harvester peter hamilton and pleury company beatty co melotte or lister co bissell co pedlar co lightning hods redlckd parks to men ox leave the new railway rare for active service soldiers on annual and em barkation furlough has gone into effect throughout the dominion through special arrangement a few- troops at london and several other scattered training centres have en- joyed the new rates of onethird the regular fare already stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral dosigni cut flowers telephone 7001 7002 melt smith proprietor ticket agents of both the cp and cn railways received instruc tions to issue the special fares to those soldiers bearing special warrants only these warrants will entitle the lads in uniform to the new rate the warrants will be issu ed through the officer commanding the unit and the transport officer to men goinb on annual furlouvh and embarkation leave the previous rate of a return ticket for the price of a regular oneway fare will still be in effect for soldiers who are only on week end or short leaves york couxty jr farmers dance ax1 draw tickets are now on sale for the ibig dance and draw at musselmans learn about canadian emblems canadian soldiers visiting england are fascinated by many english emblems these english lads return the compliment and sergt e g turner of toronto holds their attention with an explanation of the origin of emblem on his steel helmet lake on monday august is under the auspices of the york- county junior farmers the entire proceeds will be given to the telegram british war victims fund the sixteen prizes valued at 200 include a pure bred guernsey heifer calf 1942 marconi radio reg york shire sow half ton marmill feed 25 suit of merchandise salad disli 24 qt case motor oil leather trafelling kit silver camera 9slb bag flour 100 lbs chick starter and a flash light etieef motorist shouid clip this k sunday school lesson i 1 i smi f a bv automobile everts approved oy w- a worthwhile saving t every item means a won j 14 isr reduce driving speed irom 60 to 40 on he open road q avoid jackrabbit starts avoid useless or nonessential driving turn motor oif when not in use do not leave idling dont race your engine let it warm up slowly dont strain your engine change gears keep carburetor cleaned and prop erly adjusted q tune up motor timing etc q keep spark plugs and valves clean check cooling system overheating wastes gasoline q maintain tires at right pressure lubricate eiiiciently worn engines waste gasoline q drive in groups to and from work using cars alternate days for goli picnics and other outings use one car instead of four take those short shopping trips on foot and carry parcels home walk to and from the movies boat owners too can help by reducing speed j h- n motor uu- inrll explain- these and other vays o ipsiii remember the slower you drive the more you save the government of the dominion of canada acting through the honourable c d howe uinuur of munitions and supply s g r cottrelle oil control for canada sumer astd skate towi astffc victory lesson for august 3 faul preaches faith in christ uoldcu text as it is written the just shall live by faith rom 117 the lesson as a whole the epistles to the romans and the galatlans give us the fullest un folding of gods way of salvation through faith alone apart from all meritorious works that we have in the bible no one can understand or properly grasp the teaching of these letters by reading a few selected texts to apprehend the real instruc tion they give it is necessary to read them carefully from heginnlng to end while galatians was written earlier than romans yet there is a sense in which it is supplementary to the longer epistle in romans we have the great truth of justification by faith unfolded in galations we have it defend when legalistic teachers sought to turn believers away from it the righteousness of god is the outstanding subject of romans law and grace is the theme of galatians verso by verse rom 321 but now read what has gone before in order to appreciate the abrupt change in the subject paul has been showing up mans unrighteousness now he de clares that god has a righteousness for poor sinners who have none of their own and are incapable of pro ducing a righteousness that will meet his holy claims the law and the prophets cover the entire old testament which testifies that god will display his righeousness in the salvation of mankind verse 22 the righteousness of god by faith the gospel shows us how god can impute righteousness to all who trust his son our lord jesus christ this is offered to all but is only upon all who believe that is only those who receive the gospel are covered by this righteousness of god verse 23 all have sinned therefore all need a saviour all have come short of the glory of god no man has ever been able to measure up to the divine standard verse 24 justified freely by his grace to be justified is to be cleared of every charge it is the sentence of the judge in favor of the prisoner this is offered freely that is without any merit on the sinners part the word translated freely here is rendered without a cause in john 1525 the lord jesus never did anything for which men might reasonably hate him we have done nothing for which we deserve gods justification it is only through the redemption that is in christ jesus that god can righteously save all who trust in him verse 25 a propitiation through faith in his blood this re fers to the work of the cross where expiation was made for iniquity by the shedding of the precious blood of christ matt 26 2s the word rendered propitation means mercyseat and refers to the blood springied cover of the ark a meet ing place between god and man lev 1615 sins that are past refers not to our past sins exactly but to the sins committed by he people of god in past ages before the atoning work was accomplished god saved them so to speak on credit now the cross shows he was righteous in doing this his for bearance is shown to have been no mere glossing over of sinsbut grant ing forgiveness to penitent believers in view of the work his son was yet to accomplish verse 2fi to declare at this time his righteousness now he ho can be just and the justifier of him which believeth in jesus so men are saved not at the expense of gods justice but in accordance with it since christ has settled for our sins god is just in forgiving and justifying all who believe in him verse 27 where is boasting then since salvation comes by the free grace of god alone and not in any sense because of human merit the saved sinner has no ground for boasting eph 29 as might be the case were man able to earn the favor of god by his own efforts but salvation is not of works but by faith an altogether different law or principle titus 357 verse 2s justified by faith with out the deeds of the law this is the inevitable conclusion it ono has followed carefully the apostles argument the natural man shlnks from this because it gives him noth ing to glory in but ascribes all the glory to god verse 29 is he the god of the jews only surely not then in righteousness the same blessing is tended to the gentile as to the jew for god is the creator of all men and christ has given himself a ran- some for all 1 tim 25 6 verse 30 it is one god tha is god is one and his love goes out to all men the jews may now be justified by faith instead of by the works of the law and the gen tiles also through faith the divinely appointed means of appropriating initial air training school continued from page 7 the air is exhausted the margin of error rises another test follows a rubber oxy gen mask is fitted over the nose and mouth a tube hangs down from it and the end of this is plugged into a small pipe which runs around the inside of the wall with a supply of oxygen available the tests show normal brain operation no matter how high the pilot may fly it is an impressive lesson thoroughly taught 43 dcgaccs below zero i wondered what would happen next as dr stewart led me into an other room young men were climbing out of flying suits of vari ous types and hanging them on i hooks along the wall equipment asj well as men must stand the tests the flight lieutenant opened a door similar to those on largo re frigerators and we entered a coldl chamber the temperature there was said to be 20 above zero but wel didnt stay long going on into a second and third through large in sulated doors each time the second refrigerator chamber was kept about zero and the third at 20 below in ordinary summer clothes it be- gan to feel chilly but such tempera tures are encountered in high flying i in the third refrigerator room there was a metal chamber some what like a large concrete mixfcv coated outside with an asbestos com pound my guide unscrewed a circul lar door like a big porthole and the two of us climbed inside there wasl only room for two at a time there and a cold artificial wind blew con tinually dr stewart pointed to a thermometer which registered 13 degrees below zero a temperature encountered four or live milesabove the earth it is possible to exhaust the air from this chamber also we did not stay long as we camel out again through the various cham- bers even zero temperature felt warm xexl week the link tniinei the grace thus provided verse 31 we establish the law this is not to treat the law as though it were of no account it was given to show man his need of a saviour it pronounced judgment on those who violated its precepts but christ has endured the judgment having been made a curse for us i upon the cross gal 313 thel laws utmost demands have beenj satisfied sin has been settled for the law hasslaifi our substitute its claims have beet met its righteous ness has been vindicated and christ i has become the end of the law to every one that believeth rom 104j chap 51 we have peace with i god this is the result of believing i the message we are cleared of every charge that once stood against us christ has answered for them all believing this the conscience is pur ged the soul is at rest we have peace with god we enter into and enjoy that peace which jesus made by the blood of his cross col 120 lehmans shoe store footwear for ah the family womens hosiery rubbers gloves shoes socks boots mitts stouffville phono 4301 opposite the town clock no alf way grease i jobs were m shbllubrication is the way to keep your car in perfect lubricadon order we usechekchart for every point apply the correct lubricant to every part without extra charge we also clean windows brush upholstery shine metal check battery tires and lights shellubricarion service as done bv our trained men gives you more than your moneys x worth well welcome teiril the chance jo prove it boadways service station