the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 22ud 1941 page seven kew spouts supervisor stouffviiae stood in fourth place war giving lohn e mccutcheon of the uni- kity of toronto who is now ervisor of sports at camp borden the ymca he will work in operation with representatives of k of c and camp sports com- itee ve learn of a man in florida jo has held public office for 36 irs and never made a speech c numerous politicians he may made several alleged eches the magnificent sum of 2146251 is the total subscribed in north york j for the recent war charities j campaign wherein stouffville cou- i trihuted final figures show the sum of 121350 standing in fourth place among the municipalities of the county of york regardless of their larger size in many instances newmarket headed the list with aurora in second place then comes north cwillimsbury and stoiffville to bo trailed by all others of larger population here are the official figures york county council 700000 newmarket 479450 aurora 1905c2 holland landing 32300 yonge street 4550 pefferlaw 39554 north gwillimbury 175037 king city 4450 maple 5400 markham 42200 mount albert 30770 richmond hill 10303s richvale 2383 schomherg 15000 sharon and queenville 30200 stouffville 121350 sutton 34s75 unionville 14945 woodbridge 120125 brantford lad knows well win sunday school lesson 12-year- tiny heads and told his parents the a patriotic youngster old arthur chute of confident about the outcome of the arthur thought it over and decided brantford is j letters meant we will win then war when bridget his eat gave birth to three kittens a few days ago the boy examined the distinct letter w appearing on the three to name the kittens winston wavell and willkie in each case the w is clearly marked on the tiny brown forehead total 2110251 red cross needs hall markham red cross headquarters up until the present was housed in a private home but increasing de mands make it necessary to use the markham township hail as head quarters and all meetings will he held there in future unless an nounced lesson for may 23 broadening christian horizons peters vlsiox golden text and peter opened his mouth and said of a truth i per ceive that cod is no respector of persons acts 1034 the lesson as a whole j our risen lord made known his i program for world evangelization i clearly enough before his ascension when he instructed his disciples to go j forth in the power of the holy spirit i beginning at jerusalem then i throughout judea samaria and un to the uttermost parts of the earth acts 18 but there seemed to be a strange reluctance to carry out the eornmision as given it took persecu tion to move the disciples out into the adjacent lands then to farther countries and even then they appeared to shrink from going peter had to be specially called and in structed in order to prepare him to go to the house of cornelius a roman who may also have been a proselyte of the gats as jews desig nated a gentile who had accepted the old testament revelation of one true tea this is a war for existence it is war to the death it is a war to win or to lose there can be no half way no compromise it is a war to win money is the fourth arm of the service whatever you are called on to pay or to lend it is little compared to the lives that our sons offer there have been many and heavy calls upon canada already there will be more let us face the truth and the truth will make us free it is freedom we are fighting for british freedom the freedom of body and spirit that makes life worth living if we fail we fall be prepared for sacrifice great britain has set us an example on a scale of heroic magnificence history doesnt record let us figkt canada has the resources let us spare nothing when our soldiers offer their lives let us be willing to share our livelihood presently the government of canada will call for money the money is here we are spending billions we are already heavily taxed but most of these billions and those taxes are being spent in canada that money comes back to you keep it rolling keep putting it back into the war effort so that it may be spent again and again and again until right prevails and the world is free fight work qcmgxm muat he fylee department o e finance and living god but whose house the apostle would not have entered had it not been for the vision ot the sheet let dowu from heaven so slowly did the most devoted ot christs followers enter into the great concern of the heart of god for the evangelization of a lost world verse by vers act- 115 in a trance 1 saw a vision cod had to give simon peter a special revelation in order to lit him to carry the gospel to a gentile household as he was pray ing on the housetop of the place in which he was lodging at joppa he saw a great sheet let down from heaven it was a divine call to im press upon him his responsibility to participate in the evangelization of the world verse 6- i saw fourfooted beasts and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls ot the air these heterogenous specimens of the lowercreatiou were designed to picture people of mauy races and dispositions for all of whom christ had died and who were waiting to hear the message ot the gospel which could transform the most beastlike men into the greatest of saints verse 7 arise peter slay and eat the vision came when peter was almost overcome by hunger here was abundant food if properly prepared but of such a character as no true jew would think of eating yet a voice from heaven command ed the apostle to prepare and par take of that which to him was ab horrent verse s not so lord these expressions are contradictory if christ is owned as lord one cannot consistently say not so to anything he commands peter was bewildered he declared that he could not violate hisiewish conscience by eating food that was not ceremonially clean verse 9 what god hath cieans- ed that call not thou common peter had to learn that jew and gentile are now on one level all such distinctions as he had in mind are done away in the cross whereby the gentiles are now sanctified rom 1510 so that god can accept them as lie does israelites when they re pent and believe in his son no longer are we to know men after the flesh as clean or unclean but all are now the objects of gods grace 2 cor 51g this was the lesson the vision was designed to teach verse 11 there were three men already come unto the house where i was god saw to it that these three messengers did not come into contact with peter until he was pre pared to receive them sympathetic ally and with understanding of their quest 10 19 20 he had moved the heart of cornelius to send and he prepared the heart of peter to respond verse 12 the spirit bade me go nothing doubting the person ality of the holy spirit is made clear he controls the servants of god who are ready to obey his voice verse 13 he shewed us how he had seen an angel in his house it is not given to angels glorious and unfallen as they are to proclaim the gospel to needy souls the angel directed cornelius to the man who was competent to proclaim the message of salvation and show him how he might know his soul was saved verso 14- words whereby thou and all thy house shall he saved to be saved is to be delivered the two terms are synonymous cornelius longed for deliverance from a sense of guilt and from fear of judgment and also from sins dreadful power all this he was to learn from peter the messenger of the grace of god verse 15 the holy ghost fell on them as on us at the beginning even as peter preached the hearts of his gentile hearers already hungering after the truth were opened to receive the gospel and up on their believing they were sealed with the holy spirit according to the divine order eph 113 verse 1g then remembered i the word of the lord strange that he ever had forgotten but peter realized at once that this was part of the fulfillment of the promise as to the baptizing in the holy spirit and it was as applicable to believing gentiles as to believing jews varso 17 what was i that i could withstand god who indeed for god himself had received these strangers to the covenants of prom ise eph 212 and made them fellow partakers as believers in the lord jesus christ with all the household of faith the middle wall of partition eph 214 had been broken down and gods grace was going out without reserve to men of all nations and races verse 18 god also to the gen tiles granted repentance unto life this was the only legitimate con clusion that the believers at jerusal em could come to after listening to peters artless story a war saver is ono who signs up for the duration of the struggle dont let your regular savings lapse but rather increase them it costs 11482 to equip cvory canadian soldier and 546 per day to support him while ho remains in canada your savings are needed if britain is to win mako them bigger if you can i