Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 24, 1941, p. 6

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pace six the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 24 1941 k y jr wmik we j nfl toronto goodwood flashes walter davey 8 stanton ave toronto miss marjory taylor who spent her easter vacation at her home has returned to belleville garibaldi folks turned out to hear rr w e smalley at the united church the children are beginning to play in the park now then how about putting the stage platform in order on april lgth the womens insti tute met at mrs ashenhursts when all officers were reelected mrs feren was visiting in stouff ville one day last week c d jones and bennie visited toronto on friday mr and mrs charlie lee will shortly leave for their farm to re sume their former labor i mr morris sheldon spent easter lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery rubbers gloves shoes socks boots mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock ofidahwi mmmi hefoe stiver bros stouffville ontario with mr and mrs h norton mrs p suica and mrs harry harrison of toronto spent a few- days with her parents mr and mrs george brown mr and mrs jake taylor irene and june spent saturday at oshawa best wishes to baby weir son of mr and mrs john weir sorry imr harold norton is on the sick list walter pearson has hired to mr jake taylor for the summer months joyce and mariam white altona spent their easter holidays in tor onto with their aunt mrs george rodanz mrs charles jones and muriel visited toronto on tuesday of last week jut todd has rented the house north of goodwood formerly occu pied by lloyd wagg mr and mrs freeman slack at tended the wedding of their daught er at brougham on wednesday messrs feasby and foskett went to brantford on monday for a load of cockshut implements they could not get farther than stouffville that night on account of impassable roads mr and mrs charles feasby and family visited oshawa on sunday why not steer the bus to toronto sometime roy smith 2nd concession is the new niechinic at the rae garage mr and mrs stanley slack and daughter nelda of glasgow spent sunday with mr and mrs roy mor gan and mary of north claremont mr and mrs percy hardy and son of claremont also mr and mrs cliff barrett of pickering spent sun day with mr and mrs howard pugh and family in sunderland mr and mrs wm hackney and mr and mrs t mcchesney enjoyed a turkey dinner served by mr and mrs e taylor yum yum we wishj we had been present imr and mrs sid pike nee irene thurhvell from goodwood are mov ing to their cottage for the summer mr joe alsop has a dandy supply of wood buzzed to split we welcome mr arthur pearson to goodwood again mr and mrs arthur lee are visit ing mr and mrs george lee in tor onto for a few days arthur lives in rochester ny mr and mrs warer davey were guests of miss lillian strethlow and miss ruth imiller on wednesday night for dinner mr and sirs harold thorley of new toronto visited at the scribes home on thursday pte ralph cooper was home from camp from monday until wednesday last week miss evelyn symes and mr and mrs wm robb of toronto spent a weekend recently at the home of walter symes the canning prince of upper claremont we received the thanks of one re cently who said he learned through the birthday list that his wife had just had a birthday thus was he put wise to something he had overlook ed perhaps you fellows think all the buzzing is going on at those quilt- ings in goodwbod and district but we have it on good authority that imose norton is the big buzzer down the 5th wheje wood cutting has been going on apace jack rae acted as pilot for one motorist from toronto who refused to leave the village without the genial john going ahead and direct ing him through pot holes he was willing to pay for his safety to every body was happy tuesday april 15 was the 50th wedding day of mr and mrs isaac shaver and they are just the same as we recall in our boyhood daystthoy are very dear to many of us and heres wishing them lots of good health robert dawsons group had charge of the program at the bypu on thursday last the topic being carry on canada those taking part were lloyd wagg gordon jones mrs d wagg benson jones better known as benny and bob dawson look out for the next meeting on the evening of april 24th it will be in charge of the fellowship group kathelene baldwin will prepare the programme birthday greetings to our many friends including janette hope miss mary morgason n knechtel eldon staley george baldwin cecil phillips mrs george stewart all of goodwood locality mrs oscar tin- dall charles cassie uxbridge twp mrs i rowatt elmvale catherine beach siloam mrs gordon ken nedy claremont mrs fred john son stouffville mrs richard wan- nup brougham jean melton mrs george redshaw claremont mar garet miller roseville mrs art storry bernard tucker toronto sunday school lesson a proclamation fixing monday june 9th the same date as last year for celebration of the kings birthday was published recently his majesty was 45 last december m tjr7- s8s6s8ss passenger sport width rear labttt in the new aso is a six- 4- door torpedo sedan lows this for big value this newest of all buicks at a price that makes it the buy of a lifetime and think what you got for your money the thrilling action of buicks 115horsepower fiueball engine the cushioned comfort of soft coil springs all around the beauty of buicks newday style plus lots of modern features youd pay extra for elsewhere this new buick is mounted on a 118 whcelbase chassis so you dont need an oversize garage and you can park it easily in close quarters you get top buick quality concentrated in fewer inches and pay a lower price for this compactlybuilt buick for long life and dependability for thriftier gas mileage for the best buy of the year see the new buicks now the kama church meeting human xefds lesson for april 27 golden text and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul acts 432 thk lesson as a whole that which led these early chris tians to share temporal things with one another was their sense of a divinely established unity so that they recognized the precious truth that those who were added to the lord acts 514 were necessarily members one of another eph 425 the revelation of the church as the body of christ had not yet been made known that awaited the conversion and illumination of paul the apostle to the gentiles col 124 25 but the fact existed before the truth of it was proclaimed because of this spiritual unity the believers were of one heart and one mind and none said that the things he possess ed were his own holding all as sub ject to christ fhey found real joy in ministering to the needs of those in less comfortable circumstances than themselves love was fervent in those early days so selfishness found little place among those who had been linked up through grace with the risen and florified lord verse by verse acts 432 they had all things common this was the outward evidence of the spirits unity there does not seem to have been any prearrangement about it no propa ganda of any kind but because the love of christ filled their hearts these devoted followers of his found joy in sharing what they possessed with others verse 33 great power and great grace these were the two things which above all others were characteristic in those days the ministry of the word was in great power as the holy spirit delighted to honor christ and when that word was received into honest hearts it produced great- grace in the lives of the believers these two things should always go together and will when there is true subjection to the lord verse 34 neither was there any among them that lacked those who possessed real property sold it of their own volition and brought the proceeds to the common treasury evidently administered by the apos tles though these never sought such responsibility acts g2 it was love in action seeking not its own but delighting to serve and bless others they had seen by faith a brighter world above so they held the things of this lower scene as of little worth verse 35 distribution was made unto every man according as he had need there was nothing forced or artificial about this it was one of the evidences of grace working in the lives of those who believed carnality soon brought such blissful conditions to an end chap gl there arose a mur muring of the grecians against the hebrews by grecians is meant not greeks gentiles but hellenis tic jews that is jews born outside the land of palestine and who had lived to a large extent among the nations these were more liberal in many tilings than their zealous jew ish brethren who were natives of and lived in palestine even after some from both groups were saved their natural characteristics were soon manifested and jealousies and envyings were generated when love no longer had full sway the hellen ists complained that the palestinians were more careful of their own and neglected the others verso 2 the twelve called the multitude of the disciples note that matthias is definitely recogniz ed as one of the twelve for the num ber was complete and paul was not yet converted the apostles called the disciples together in order to suggest a plan which would silence all opposition and avoid further a sound feeding schedule for every poultryman prepare your chicks and growing birds for the heavy laying season next fall by feeding for a quick and steady growth of large uniform pullets with plenty of flesh in the right places it is your feeding schedule now that will directly affect your production later for you have to give your chicks and growing birds every possible chance to develop soundly marmill chick starter guaranteed 19 pc protein with chick grains is just what your birds need for the first six weeks of life it can be used safely for floor or battery feeding at six weeks a gradual change to marmill growing mash will make your pullets develop quickly without forcing them until sixteen weeks when a change over to marmill laying meal clo is recommended half pound per 100 chicks increasing to 5 lbs at six weeks sprinkled on top of the mash once a week will act as a mild flush and prevent pasting up order some from your dealer today central feed store phone 277 stouffville ont grand opening dance saturday april 26 gren hobson and his orchestra cedar beach gardens musselmans lake dont miss this grand opening evening op dancing on one of can adas finest dance floors beautifully new decorated surroundings misunderstandings verse 3 look ye out among you seven men full of the holy ghost a committee of seven were to be appointed to have charge of the distribution these were to be sel ected by the disciples so as to leave no ground for complaint verse 4 we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word it was for this purpose they had been chosen and set apart by the lord they had neither inclination nor responsibility to administer in temporal natters theirs was too high a calling they could not turn aside from minil in spiritual things to take charg what might be called relief good and right as it was in its pll verse 5 the saying pleased whole multitude acting upon f apostles advice the church c seven men all of whose names s to indicate hellenistic birth notr bore a true hebrew name it se as though grace triumphed here marvelous way verse g when they had rl ed they laid their hands on th in this way the apostles ratified peoples choice and commended seven to god for tho service of tal chas cooper dealer claremont ontario chas ward assoc dealer stouffville jlffcwtnj nasi iriii

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