oyer 5000 readers nbttme copies this issue 1450 largest circulating weekly for whitchurch markham pickering and uxbridge twps vol 53 no 15 stouffville ont thursday august 8 1940 eight pages wins speedboat race at orillia mr norman oboyle one of our local butchers piloted a speedboat to victory in the re- getta held at orillia over the holiday norm is owner of a highpowered motor which clipped off the four and a half mile course in 6 mins and 14 sees breaking down the last lap at over fifty miles an hour beauty and fun at musselmans lake on the holiday markham tax rate shows no change despite the fact that the on tario govt are contributing a half mill less toward the gen eral tax rate markham council will not increase taxes this year it was found possible on mon day to absorb the half mill which the government had cut off and the tax bylaw was pass ed accordingly markham townships build ing expansion for the past month totalled 692500 accord ing to a report given the press by building inspector walter craig when the township coun cil met in regular session on tuesday this amount was made up of three houses valued at 6600 and a garage and shed at 325 percy stiver is erecting a house at lots 31 and 32 6th concession to cost 4000 the new building bylaw which is really only a more de tailed revision of the previous bylaw was placed before coun cil for its final reading the yonge street railway showed a slight profit for the last quarter and markhams share totalled 4297 road accounts for the month were passed totalling 453407 of this amount 93079 went for labour and repairs and one cheque for 289468 went to hoover roberts for gravel a request was received from the north york plowmen array openings for more veterans among the canadian defence units now being organized is the 20th inf res coy veter ans home guard which is attached to the york county regiment the queens york rangers 1st amer regt mg recruits for this non- permanent active militia com pany which parades two even ings each week at fort york armoury fleet street toronto are still being interviewed there each tuesday and thursday evening the requirements are that members must be veter ans of the great war 191418 not be over 50 years of age and in good physical condition the crowd at musselmans lake on civic holiday was variously estimated at from 5000 to 9000 but to those who were there they realized it was a veritable jam never was the lake more popular at the annual sports day at cedar beach oxtobjwho won the title of climax of the allday program miss toronto at the police gam- was the beauty contest in which miss gwen tranmer was the popular local entrant and a es is seen posing with miss carolyn musgrove 14 the win ner and miss violet lines 13 second both girls are from tor- runnerup for the honors in the j onto picture to the left miss frances the picture to the right shows what the announcer said was the first kids hot dog contest in canada it provided no end of interest herman kidd whit church councillor seen in the background is not a competitor but an interested and amused onlooker home pillaged while owner at death bed called to the death bed of her aunt mr and mis mack patter son 7th concession pickering returned to find that thieves had ransacked their home and stole considerable goods of value a gold watch was taken a ring linen articles and even sausage from the cellar the anti tank unit commander is a local native the new antitank battery of the royal canadian artillery casf now recruting to patterson farm is owned by strength at university avenue frank rowbotham of stouffj armories has a nice new ville and is about six miles sjgn r placard that probably from town association for a grant for this years match the request was presented by deputy reeve jess cook of whitchurch but was laid over for consideration sandy jones sells after 36 years farming farming in stouffville for 36 years mr sandy jones has de cided to give up the activity this fall and will thereafter spend a retired life in the community may he live long to enjoy the rest last week mr jones sold his 38 acres with house fronting on main street near the presby terian church to mr earl keith who for some time has been working for jim barry in the production of vegetables on a large scale sandy informs the scribe that he purchased this farm in 1904 from mrs frances rae of oshawa while the property has a frontage on the main street the lands stretch from church street to baker avenue i have given up the idea of building a new home for myself said mr jones who explains that he will just take rooms and eliminate the need for doing his own house work a hard working farmer it is not with any great joy that sandy looks forward to a life of ease for he really likes work but father time tells him he must take it easier for over half a century he has act ed as pound keeper a not very onerous job in the village but there have been times when live stock found on the streets was brought to him to impound of recent years however there has been less and less until the iob scarcely means anything to day the sale oriee obtained for he house barns and farm icrcree is reported to be 4400 the land is mostly all produc- live and some of it is valuable or building lots should a build- ncr boom ever strike the village now in training can be bought cheap it read enlist here and it has never been used the battery first artillery unit to be mobil ized in toronto for overseas since last september had one sign giving only name of the unit placed on the south wall of the armories when the swarm of applicants for enlistment appeared at the door nobody connected with the battery has had time to put up the enlist here sign however the popu lar antitank unit commanded by major eric d nighswander has some vacancies for trades men including qualified motor mechanics and machinists major nighswander is a native of stouffville and son of mr and mrs fred nighswander of toronto former residents of this town major nighswander lived in stouffville until he was a lad of sixteen years falls from car as d00r flys open travelling along the 4th con cession of markham the door on the automobile of herb moorby flew open and allowed the 6yearold son of mr and mrs moorby to fall out the little fellow suffered severe bruises and cuts and was rush ed to richmond hill for medical attention he will recover with- dut lasting inuries it is be lieved this nature while not new should be directed to the prop er authorities at ottawa rather than to the press engagements mr and mrs frank leege of chesley announce the en gagement of their elder daugh ter gladys irene to mr james dean hall of toronto son of mr daniel w hall of stouff ville the marriage to take place in geneva presbyterian church chesley on saturday august 17 to plan flower show a horticultural meeting is called for this thursday even ing august 8th at 815 pm in the municipal hall all mem bers interested in holding the rnnual flower show are urged to attend local veterans oppose exemptions the following resolution hand ed to the press was passed by a unanimous vote of the stouff ville war veterans on monday evening we the war veterans of stouffville are strongly opposed to the exemption of certain religious sects from military service for home defence if the country is not worth defending they should not be alloved to enjoy the privileges ot a free country we suppose that military un its have always been opposed to exemptions and any protest of bruce lintner right son of mr and mrs ed lintner and fred castle son of mr and mrs john castle both of stouffville now in training with the royal regiment amuse neighbors with stories of canada las airraid sirens shriek in the night broker farmer takes a new kind of loss gideons to take church service here the gideons the organization for christian business men will be in charge of the services on sunday at the christian church these men have a great story to tell of power of the word of god as it has been plac ed in hotels hospitals jails and schools the placing of the bible in the schools of the country is the latest great work that has been undertaken the gideons have made the offer to place a bible upon the desk of every student in the public schools up on the request from the school boards and have placed bibles in large numbers already throughout all the provinces you are invited to hear how god has blessed in this great vork this letter was received just ten days after writing which is exceptionally good time the stephens write rev mr stephens is a former clare- mont pastor we are in the great city of london which resembles a vast military camp and one would hardly recognize it as the same place of three years ago the war clouds have gather ed here thick and fast but no damage has been done to lon don so far by bombs though we look daily for invasion how ever everyone is well prepared for their own defence people are cheerful and that means a lot we had our last airraid warning at 120 am in the morning and as w e groped around in the dark some neigh bours a mother and daughter came knocking and ringing at rur door we let them in and all sat in the dining room where we have a perfect blackout we had tea and chatted about everything and anything just to keep their minds occupied in fact we told them some funny stories about canada and had them laughing they carried a case containing their valuables in case their house was hit two hours later the allclear signal sounded and they went home we know you have news of the evacuation of children we applied to go as escorts and were standing by on 48 hours notice with our trunks packed then this bomb shell regarding the necessary ships was thrown in ralph who went to school in stouffville was home for a night recently he is in the air every day the other day i saw some lemons in a store and as they are very scarce i enquired the price they were about 7c each and oranges are about the same we are rationed per person for tea 2 ozs a week butter 4 ozs margarine 2 ozs we are asked not to buy canned goods as they will be needed for the winter lightning caused the death of a horse on the farm of m t malone just east of stouffville last week when the animal was struck down in the stall with the harness on harry mantle an employee on the farm of this popular toronto stock broker had brought the team in a fine matched pair of blacks and was cleaning out the stables when the bolt struck the top of the building and came down with telling effect to the horse stables the animals dropped but was not killed out right however it was found on examination by the veterinary that it would be advisable to dispose of the gelding elmer fockler farm manager for mr malone said mr mantle was working behind a horse in the next stall to the one that was struck but was not affect ed in any way by the closeness of the blow it is not expected that the horse will be replaced as a new tractor has just re cently been added to the equip ment and a young team raised on the farm will be ready for the harness next spring no doubt mr malone is familiar with market flashes spelling loss of more or less severity but the kind that came his way on the farm he is remodelling on the whitchurchuxbridge town- line although new to him is akin to all the rest in that the loss was not so bad but that it might not have been worse and therein he may take comfort in this instance the loss is partly covered by insurance 12 miles pickering roadside sprayed spraying operations by the county weed sprayer and cov ering some twelve miles of pickering township roads was completed this week the job is expected to cost the township in the neighborhood of 300 it was disclosed at the regular council meeting held on tuesday it was also decided to use up some three tons of calcium left over after the roads had receiv ed their first application of dustlayer several spots in the continued on page s was 80 oh saturday we extend congratulations to a once very familiar figure on our main street and on the bowling green mr sylvanus baker who on saturday reach ed his 80th birthday at his farm home at baker hill although not enjoying the best of health mr baker is still able to be about the farm which is operat ed by a tenant always a con genial individual mr baker enjoys a wide circle of friends in town and country which will join with us in extending our best wishes dorothy shepherd wellknown figure in the entertainment world was mistress of cere monies before some five thou sand people during the evening events at the big cedar beach holiday show at musselmans lake births thompson at victoria road ontario on august 5 1940 to mr and mrs frederick t thompson elizabeth leh man the gift of a son john frederick cooper at the brierbush hospital stouffville on mon day august 5th 1940 to mr and mrs richard cooper waterford ontario nee grace tomlinson claremont a son degeer at brougham on july 31 1940 to mr and mrs neil degeer a daughter brown to mr and mrs percy brown glasgow on july 31 1910 the gift of a son