page two the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 11th 1940 3jj tmtffmup qjritwn established 188s member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to ten pages average circulation 1400 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 3250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher editorial comment entitled to your support the stanley theatre stouffville in cooperation with all moving picture houses over ontario will contribute a worthwhile effort in the sale of war stamps in the action they have taken to put on a free show on monday july 15 all you have to do to gain a complimentary ticket is to in vest in two war saving stamps at the regular price of 25c each these must be procured at fche theatre any time be fore the show the stamps as most people know will help win the war when you have 16 of them 4 worth you can obtain a certificate for 500 redeemable in seven years by the dominion government the 1 you gain is interest on the loan everybody may well get behind the generous gesture of the management of the stanley and start saving war stamps long established weekly changes hands on its 58lh birthday the markham economist sun passes from the ownership of the corson estate into the hands of messrs john whetter and m williams and we hasten to congratulate the new owners on their wisdom in acquiring this old established newspaper in which they have been employed for some years our neighboring week ly has a large field to cover and the opportunities for use fulness and influence are many mr whetter brings youth and courage to a line of business that needs plenty of it in these days while mr williams mature judgment and able pen will have its full scope in moulding the futuie of the village and district it serves although our closest neighbors in the newspaper field we count its new owners among our friends whom we have always found ready to cooperate and help when that help was asked for may he economist sun live long to flourish under new management a clean village all the year round it came to the attention of the stouffville council the other evening someone from this town had been guilty of carrying old tins and other rubbish to a rural section and dumping it on a sideroad as is usually the case when this kind of thing happens the offender was caught and will have the humiliating experience of going back and picking up the stuff and taking it to the village dump which is provided for such material the idea was advanced that stouffville ought to have a bylaw prohibiting anyone but an authorized person to pick up dumping material and take it away further it was suggested that there should be a pickup in town at least once every three months by the person authorized to do this work householders could pay their 25 cents or what ever the amount less than this is set for the job this paper heartily approves a quarterly cleanup of this kind the bit of change each one would pay would nev er be noticed and it would eliminate piling up waste mater ial for 12 months as at present if the council can enter in to some such arrangement with a trucker and seal it with a bylaw it would be an advanced step and one in the inter est of better health the church takes a holiday the whitby gazette in an able editorial last week condemns the action of certain churches that close their doors for the summer months fortunately none of them go that far around stouffville although many of them confine the sabbath worship to one service on that day usually dropping the evening worship the whitby editor will find a responsive cord in his opposition but there is one thing ithat he did not tell us how to cope with and that is the ser vice of worship where the people just do not come to wor ship the service where a normal congregation of 160 on sunday dwindles to 20 or 25 people all in all the subject should be a live one in these days when so many people feel indifferent to the house of god the gazette raises its voice in the following words already papers all over the country are announcing curtailment and in some cases cessation of church and sun day school services for the summer months in other words the church is preparing to take a holiday ministers are planning their long vacations and substitutes are being found for their pulpits in some places like whitby two congregations are uniting for july and august in country correspondence this notice will undoubtedly appear before long our church will be closed while our pastor is away on his vacation other years these church holidays do not seem out of place but this year with the war on and people more in need of spiritual comfort and consolation to be found in the church and with emphasis being laid on the need for a return to god we believe that it is a mistake if the people seeking these spiritual blessings turn to the church for guidance and leadership and find the doors closed what will they do they may retire to their own closets but will they turn their backs on the church we ask this question in all seriousness we may be criticized for venturing to even suggest such a thing graceful divers win cups at cedar beach muss elmans lake on july 1 business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien tad fctia phone 196 coroner for york county grace and beauty were much in evidence at musselmans lake on dominion day as girls from many parts of ontario compet ed for diving and swimming championships may looney worlds champion long distance professional swimmer present- 1 15 and under bernice looney of ed trophies for swimming the lakeshore club first in the achievement left to right minnow class there were fancy miss looney irene barr of hamilton junior champion margaret thompson of hamil ton first in the quarter mile for diving numbers for men and women and a gala program all afternoon over 5000 children expected by july 25 from 5000 to 5500 british children between the ages of 5 and 15 years inclusive will be given refuge here from war- troubled europe during the course of the month of july according to an announcement in the house of commons by hon t a crerar minister of mines and resources they will be placed in good canadian homes for the duration of the war offers to take these children in and give them a comfortable home have been pouring in to the provincial organizations set therell always be an england therell always be an england while theres a country lane wherever theres a cottage small beside a field of grain therell always be an england while theres a busy street wherever theres a turning wheel a million marching feet red white and blue what does it mean to you surely youre proud shout it aloud britains awake the empire too we can depend on you freedom remains these are the chains nothing can break therell always be an england and england shall be free if england means as much to you as england means to me tragedy line fences bothered dan and joe must be some twenty years ago they argued quite a lot dan said the line fence wasnt straight joe chanted too his verse of hate and they were rather hot for years theyd lived there side by side and to each house thered come a bride good neighbors there for years there was a shortcut path between so much twas used never green shared joys and griefs and fears that line fence seemed to get his goat it stuck right square inside dans throat he couldnt gee nor haw and hot words flowed across his chin he said that joe was cheating him and so hed go to law joe didnt know what dan might do and so he got a lawy er too the case went into court they hired an engineer to come to find just where the fence should run he made a long re port dan got a bill and so did joe as much is all the wheat theyd grow and they both began to groan they read the judgment through and through it said the only thing to do was leave the fence alone that path that used to be kept bare you wouldnt know twas ever there no feet on it so long and dan was stubborn in his way for all hed have t do was say he knew that he was wrong up for that purpose the num ber of offers far exceeds the de mands for the present time the children are to be sent to canada only with the full ap proval of their parents or guardians the dominion gov ernment will use its medical officers and its immigration authorities overseas for examin ation of the children before sail ing it will take charge of their reception at canadian ocean ports and provide transporta tion and care enroute to pro vincial distribution centres welfare organizations in the provinces will cooperate with the dominion government in their placement and aftersuper vision more than half of the initial contingent of children will be placed in ontario and quebec the remainder being distributed in other provinces on a pro rata population basis a communication from the canadian high commisioner states that about 3000 avacuees will arrive in canada about the middle of july and a further 750 every five days thereafter to july 25 v the number allotted to any community like stouffville will depend on the facilities for schooling if our schools in this village only have accommodation for 30 more children than those regularly attending then our overseas allotment would be confined to that number new exchange tax hits the coal bins phigtis etc while you work 50c 100 5200 sold by storeys drug store stouffville ontario farrs elevators claremont ont phone 3sj or 3sv dealers ix high grade poultry and pig feeds i fencing and fence posts 20c and up roofing materials we pay best prices ftfr grains everybody is trying to accept the new taxes imposed for pros ecuting the war with the best of favor but when the govern ment comes along and bangs clown 10 per cent on coal in con formity with all other imported goods from foreign countries a roar of opposition goes up like thunder it is a vicious tax on the poor man who can least afford to pay it dealers estimate it will ad vance the price of coal 60 or 75c per ton this increase on top ot the 11 per cent jump some time ago due to exchange between canada and the united states is going to leave some people out in the cold this coming win ter coal in many parts of this province is just as vital to the needs of the people as is butter and other food products many communities in old ontario are dependent on u s coal and everybody is free to admit that a tax on coal is unfair in view of the fact that we cannot find a person in favor of the tax in this behalf one wonders why those who have the say so at ottawa antagonish their sup port in this way plumbing and eavetroughing ox shokx notice fully equipped to do any work required fletcher goudie phone 7402 ip milage jtm located on second floor of former mansion house spacious dining room and lounge room the new ice cream parlor and snack bar now operating we are prepared to serve hot dogs sandwiches cold drinks and special ice cream sundaes acme ice cream by brick bulk or cones treat yourself to acme ice cream brick flavours vanilla maple walnut varsity acme fruit special fruitful neapolitan open sundays acme ice cream brick and bulk your patronage will be appreciated d f h0lden prop phone 18402 for reservations dr arthur l hose physician markham ontario general medicino minor surgerr and obstetrics also eyes tested glasses fitted phone 67 markham dental e s barker lds dd honor graduate of royal olhe of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grublns blook phone 201 markham every tuesde office in wear block stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 lehmans shoe store phone 4301 v stouffville footwear for all the family womens hosiery boots shoes rubbers mitts socks gloves eczemapsoriasis sufferers the most stubborn skin ailments quick ly respond to kleerex the quick healing salve heals itch impetigo itingworm erythema chaps pem- stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers telephone 7001 7002 milt smith proprietor brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stoufrvlllc maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 dr j f weatherill office over rank of commeras office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 5 so pn phone office phone residence 180 18002 claremont every tuesday office over bakers store phone claremont 1401 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stoufftto monday wednesday frldaro 9 to 12 am insurance see h o kllnck obrien avei ir your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance ageaey representing reliable companies incjudie lloydb of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholdee insurance canada life assurance cjs -also- automobile and fire harry m spang representative empire life insurance 00- also mutual automobile insurance telephone 6616 stouffville ontario barristers office phone residence pboz 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch offlct wcpollardkc port perry uxbrldge ontario phone zs mccullough button flbuttonkc hrbuttonbjl barristers solicitors convj- ancers etc buttons block stouffviua money to loan miscellaneous l e oneill stouffville funeral director an embalmer continuous telephone serrlee day and night business phone residence pfeoa r g clendeninc funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000