5000 readers witetw 1430 copies awarded jos clark memorial trophy for 1939 vol 53 no 9 stouffville ontario thursday june 27 1940 thief steals car at claremont crashes later near sisoam canada gives simple welcome to new governorgeneral ihefl stepping out of his car in the village of claremont for just a few minutes on sunday gordon birkett returned in time to see his coupe fleeing over the north road into uxbridge township rushing to the telephone he called walter symes who lives only a short distance north of claremont symes got out to stop the car in time all right but the driver swerved into the ditch and back onto the road making his escape easily tele phoning uxbridge it was found the cop was away so nothing could be done to head off the thief at this point and he is still at large the car a pontiac coupe was in excellent condition and the tank was half full of gas so that the thief could get a long way before he becomes strand ed or has to steal gasoline it is fairly well established that the thief is a stranger a fact which is further proven because there is no one missing in the village of claremont toronto and pro vincial police were notifies the car was later abandoned near siloam and was recovered by constable robert windsor of whitchurch it had collided with a railing and ran into the ditch when the thief evidently made off on foot without being detected considerable damage was done the body of the car when it struck the railing and landed in the gutter back from england and france this thursday evening june 27 mr amos swartzentruber who has just arrived from a trip through england france and spain will address a public meet ing in the wideman mennonite church beginning at 745 mi swartzentruder had some thrill ing adventures and his life was in despair on more than one occasion but he felt the hand of god protecting him and so he returned safely his story will thrill you come and hear his stirring message is the invita tion extended by the officials of the church john calendar buried in scarboro cemetery john calendar a protege of the village of stouffville con fined to the brierbush hospital for some weeks passed away on sunday morning born in scar- boro township he was an only child and his parents are both dead john was 53 years of age and a bachelor he had been employed south of town and for a summer or two woiked for jos mertens the funeral from clendenings undertaking par lors markham was to hillsdale cemetery scarboro lions entertainment worthy of support dominion day monday july 1st is again expected to see stouffville jammed to capacity for the big celebration sponsor ed by the local lions club as in past years there will be a con tinuous program of sports from 12 noon on to be topped off with a big concert in the arena at night supplied by the outstand ing talent that has been such a feature of former lions club concerts a special committee will entertain the children with rac es and prizes in the west park while the mens and ladies soft- ball games are being run off on the main grounds at 6 oclock a football game between clare mont south ont league lead ers and toronto ulsters will be the feature sports attraction it has been found in the past that many people have been turned away from the evening concert through lack of sufficient accommodation but we are assured this year that there will be ample seats for over 1000 people six separate groups of highclass artists will provide a full twohour show of music song comedy and dance among the newcomers will be the edwards troup of acrobats the garner twins one of torontos smartest song and dance teams and cliff edwards character comedian such outstanding leadliners as zona cheevers ivith her spectacular dancing and orgeous costumes miriam douglas master of the xyla- hone and isabel percy pianist leed no farther introduction to stouffville audiences make this your day and come mt and support the lons club fiort and help them carry on heir patriotic and child welfare vork in the eomnuinitv hoovers day keep in mind july 3rd hoov er reunion at glenwood markham park 80 years old today this is the day of days for our east end citizen mr alfred col lins for it was on june 27 1860 that he first saw light of day and of course that makes him 80 years of age still doing a full day in his large garden mr collins is receiving the hearty congratulations of many townspeople largest attendance on record at local memorial service there was little pomp and ministered at the ceremony as the earl of ath- not at the point of lone was sworn in at ottawa as at canadas new governorgeneral it was the first time in history that the oath of office was ad- at halifax the late lord tweedsmuirs successor his wife and party were welcomed in a simple manner by a few federal and provincial representatives capital and within eight minutes they had rrival land- entrained for ottawa the earl of athlone princess alice and hon ariel baird lady-in- waiting are seen nere on the rear platform of the train new enlistments the widely known auctioneer ken prentice of maikham has enlisted for active service in the canadian army and will take on his duties in july ralph burk- holder of ringwood veteran of the last war has been ordered to report for duty having been accepted for service in the vet erans home guard markham goat goes to south america fred cole of markham re ports the sale this week to the chile government south america of coles jerome win- ton a yearling male sannean goat the animal will be shipped this wednesday the goat de stined for the south has a fine record its mother being the first prize and grand champion as a kid at the cne in 1937 engagement mrs alexander grubin an- ipunces the engagement of her aiighter eklythe isobel to mr ames earle thorn son of mr nd mrs john thorn carleton lace the nnrriage to take lace early in july the cemetery decoration day service last sunday at stouff ville was attended by what was estimated the largest atten dance yet to be on hand for one of these services in the local sacred acre the weather was extremely cool and there was a complete absence of any sun but it did not stop the crowd everyone was enthused about the fine manner in which the grounds were kept further en hanced by the thoughtful con sideration of so many people to lay flowers on the graves of some loved one until scarcely none were missed so it seemed rev r k viekers of the chris tian church preached the ser mon and gave as his subject why do we decorate the graves rev w e smalley acted as chairman while the junior band under leader shenhall led the hymn singing and gave several instrumentats mr lambert sfouft- mrs levi forsyth miss lola and floyd forsyth sang as a quar tette a liberal collection was taken to aid the commion ir further beautifying the grounds ballantrae church opens its doors free of debt the new church at ballantrae was dedicated to god on sun day june 16th in a service conducted by the rev a m dallas the chairman of toron to east presbytery the minis ter based his excellent counsel on the prophecy of haggai showing how pleasing to god is true religion in the hearts and lives of his people the church was filled to capacity the con gregational singing was hearty and the special music by the forsyth quartette an inspira tion rev wh hincks of toronto encouraged every heart in a timely message from 2 kings 1616 fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them in which he showed the might and dominion of gods spirit through christ superior to all power and hatred of all the enemies of righteous ness special music was render ed by the gormley quartette on wednesday june 19th the rev w a hunnisett of fred vielor mission with an orches tra of twelve pieces filled the little church with a volume of acred music interspersed with remarks and counsel hint stir red up the hearer to live lives of love and good works on sunday june 23rd rev dr mitchell of ringwood was unavoidably absent through ill ness but his place was taken by continued on porc s markham township pioneer dead one of the most wellknown and respected citizens of mark ham township passed away suddenly early monday morn ing in the person of mrs martin wideman around the first of february the deceased fell and sustained a broken limb which rendered her bedfast and which no doubt hastened her death prior to that time good health had been enjoyed mrs wideman whose maid en name was fanny stouffer was born may 23rd 1855 the daughter of the late abram and elizabeth stouffer being at the time of her death in her 86th year she was married april 5 1881 to martin wideman who predeceased her in 1933 to this union were born five sons ross deceased joseph and wil- mot of alberta herbert and wesley of dicksons hill and three daughters mable mrs w schell of mount joy martha mrs clare bolender of beth- esda and elizabeth with whom mrs wideman had been living besides the immediate family those left to mourn her loss in clude on brother abram and one sister mrs jacob boadway both of stouffville twentyfour grandchildren and three great grandchildren mrs wideman was a lifelong member of the mennonite brethren in christ church rendering valuable service in both the sunday school and the church she regularly worship ped at dicksons hill and was faithful in attendance up to the time of her illness she was a woman of deep piety whose sterling christian character made a marked impression upon the community in which she lived funeral service was held from the home of her son wesley on wednesday june 26th which was followed by a public service in the dicksons hill church where a great throng paid tri bute to the passing of a saintly soul services were in charge of her pastor rev p g lehman interment in the adjoining cemetery eight pages from vancouver to toronto only an overnight trip dr l w klinck president of the university of british columbia gave the tribune a profitable half hour of his time last saturday while in town for few days to see his aged mother mrs thomas klinck who is in the octogenarian class leaving his office away out on the pacific coast one evening last week at six oclock he mot ored to the airdrome and went aboard one of those huge trans- canada liners which flew him over the mighty rockies and across the prairies at sufficient speed as to enable him to have dinner in toronto the next day at noon a marvelous way for a busy man to travel but we do not imagine one could have much opportunity to admire the scenery dr klinck declared that the mighty rockies looked like a succession of peaks vast ly different from the indescrib able grandeur they present from land the university of bc has an enrolment of some 2500 stu dents and this year an unusual and abnormal staff problem con fronts its enthusiastic and popu lar president there are no less than seven of its professors due for retirement this term most of whom have reached the superannuation period it is the presidents duty to scout ameri ca for suitable men to fill these positions soldiers widow hears last call garbage collection at township lakes garbage at musselmans lake will be lifted this season by george windsor and at wilcox lake by percy ash both of whom are equipped to do the work tenders were received from five persons three from musselmans locality and two from wilcox this service has been main tained at the lake resorts for several years the cost is borne entirely by the cottagers and lot owners located in the areas out lined in the bylaw setting up a district to be served the ser vice was inaugurated at the request of the ratepayers and is carried out at a very moder ate cost per ratepayer liable for this assessment suing whitchurch to extent of 3000 o- airs h a spence is suing this biddie crows the township of whitchurch for 30 damages for closing her fish and chip booth at wilcox lake in 1937 since that time the booth has continued to oper ate but no fish and chips have been offered for sale at the time action was taken by the council ordering the place to close a petition had been re ceived signed by nine residents of the immediate neighborhood of the booth asking for its closure the matter was refer red to the medical officer of health for the township and action to close the place was taken on instruction of that officer notification of her inten tion to sue the municipality has been received by the township pnd passed on to their solicitor we always thought that it was the hen that had the most to crow about but somehow nature implanted that privilege in the rooster however w r chap man of whitchurch has a plym outh rock hen that inherits the male instinct and can crow like a rooster when she lays eggs she cackles like every other hen but out in the yard when the old rooster lets go one of his flapping struts followed by the sonorous well known notes the old hen up and imitates him to perfection believe it or not mrs dorothy smith aged 58 passed away at the brierbush hospital stouffville on friday following only a brief illness from heart trouble although she had been in delicate health for years the funeral on mon day afternoon took place to stouffville cemetery rev l e atkinson conducting the service from her late home on obrien avenue born near owen sound a daughter of farmers in that dis trict her maiden name was dorothy mundle as a young woman she met her husband- tobe in toronto mr smith joined the cef in the last war went overseas and was killed near ypres in action as a stretcher bearer there surviv es this union two sons edwin of new liskeard and george of toronto both boys being high ly esteemed in the neighborhood here where they went to school and lived until they were young men the boys were always highly considerate for their mother and her cherished mem ory will ever live with them mrs smith is also survived by two sisters and two brothers all living in ontario about 150 young people from jones avenue mbc church toronto picnicked in memorial park on saturday hereford picnic at burnbrae farms the burnbrae farms at ring- wood will be the scene of the ontario hereford breeders association for their annual field day on saturday july 6 the proprietor of this attractive acreage mr george rodanz will parade his prize cattle and otherwise assist in entertaining the visitors lunch will be served at 1130 standard and the ladies are expected to bring along full bas kets dr l g christie will be the guest speaker as well as it d smith of ancaster prof knox will be on hand and demonstrate a type of judging a program of sports and games will be for the amusement of everybody so come along and en joy a good time is the word sent out by w m cockburn