5000 readers fcmffiitjle ritow 1425 copies awarded jos clark memorial trophy for 1 939 vol53 no 4 stouffville ontario thursday may 16 1940 eight pages reliefee wouldnt part with potatofe dog whitchurch council learned a mans dos dearer than boots for his feet discover fire area bylaw unfair win signal honors at musical festival i think you problem too shot back to the members of whitchurch township council in session last saturday when reeve toole told a reliefee that he was a problem on their hands the statement was made after council discovered this man on relief was keeping two female dogs and had offered to assign a two dollar cheque due him for work on the dog taxes of 10 you cant afford to keep two dogs said deputy reeve cook but when the deputy ask ed the man what he fed to his dogs he said nothing but pota toes mr cook said he didnt believe it and that the state ment cant be shoved down the neck of a dutchman the council did not take his cheque but advised the chap to buy boots which he claimed he bad ly needed he was warned that the dogs must be disposed of there was so much general business that it was decided to fellows are a ship could not accept liability was the reply for the damage claim of mr f cook but council instructed the clerk to advise the firm of wil son co that claims filed by f g cummings and a stevenson should be paid in their opinion the dept of municipal affairs notified council that meeting would be held at nobleton on may 16 when the new manuel for accounting would be demon strated mr s c snively wilcox lake wrote a pleasing letter congratulating council on the manner in which roads were maintained during the winter and on the marked improvement shown since the big grader had been purchased deputy reeve cook introduc ed the matter of the fire area pie said i think the bylaw setting up a fire area in the north west section should be changed it is not fair that the people in that area should pay for their own protection and baker hill ladies chorus captured the shield won by agjncourt for three consecutive years at the aurora festival this week scoring 90 out of 100 points winning highest first- class honors the baker hill double trio again won the silver cup over competitors from tor onto this is the second year to capture this cup both these achievements are outstanding and bring much credit to mrs james oldham alma baker director and to the members of the two groups suspects of attempted robbery are arrested lou hoovers death community loss hold a special meeting on monthen be assessed for a share of day may 20 to clean the slate mr cook was appointed to represent council at the musical festival in aurora when the crest is to be presented to the winning rural choir on may 17 fires in other parts of the municipality i favor wiping it out or making fire areas in other parts the reeve said their was a great injustice be ing done and councillor leary the automobile association agreed also councillor wells notified council that the town- continued on page s no baseball team for stouffville this year by all indications stouffville will not be putting a baseball team into the oba field this season manager l e oneill does not feel disposed to handle the team again and as yet no one has come forward to fill his place or take on the job of organizing a lack of enthusiasm seems prevalent among those who have formed the squad from year to year and unless there is more desire shown to re organize than is apparent at present baseball seems destin ed to die a natural death for this season at least the north toronto league to which stouffville has been a part of late years has filled the local vacancy with another team from west toronto and opened their schedule in pears park on monday night it is many years since this town has not been identified by a baseball team of one kind or another in ontario or local competition and many view with regret the failure to organ ize again this year you will be able to purchase war savings certificates in multiples as low as 500 when the government shortly offers them for sale r v le saeur of toronto is chairman of the ontario war savings committee decoration day service dickson hill cemetery is a nounced for sunday june 30 at in a precarious state of health for a year or more louis hoov er died at his farm home on the 7th concession of pickering last monday a native of markham township and a member of a widely known family the funer al on wednesday afternoon was one of the largest seen in the district for some years it proceeded from the late home to the wideman cemetery for interment rev i brubacher and rev s h cockburn con ducted the service the pall bearers were all relatives carl earl and howard hoover lou lehman b gayman and ward halman born on the hoover home stead at dickson hill nearly 68 years ago louis lived at home until the time of his marriage to gertrude vanzant when the couple took up farming at ring- wood on the place now occupied by t vague the house in which deceased was born is a fine stone structure and was built 80 years ago and the home stead has always been in the hoover family since the crown deed was issued a number of years ago mr and mrs hoover took up resi dence on lot 35 con 7 picker ing where they since resided to them were born three child ren miss audrey hoover rn of the western hospital staff lois and laverne both at home there also survives five sisters and one brother namely mrs p j lott mrs harry spang mrs willis lehman mrs david stouffer all in stouffville district and mrs a w knight toronto and anthony on the homestead at dickson hill the passing of this quiet highly esteemed farmer who had spent all his life in the dis trict leaves a gap in the ranks of faithful citizens long to be felt succeeds chamberlain maiden lady passes in 72nd year charged with breaking and entering flemmgs service station at ringwood early sat urday and also with having liquor in an illegal place three men ross nattress 37 sam nolan 44 and john hughey were arrested by constable b gayman of unionville in stouff ville three men sought to enter the service station by breaking a pane in the door but the noise awakened the proprietor who scared the men away they disappeared in an auto and mr fleming contacted con stable gayman and gave him a description of the machine the officer came upon a car answer ing the description in stouff ville the driver was making a turn in front of fred betz house and the officer blocked p minister neville cham his move some liquor was berlain resigned may 10 anc u aut0 sald the con winston churchill first lord of stable the men charged claim- the admiralty aoreed to form a ed they broke a piece of glass v snf thi ses mr d young a member of wrapping to get admittance and the first time in his long career of j vltn one of them had a cut on the that churchill has had an oppor- k the t er wnst tunity of heading a government w i now living on hs newly j acquired acreage near isloom- ington and announces in this issue that his firm intend to establish a delivery business for stouffville that will surpass anything we have enjoyed in this line mr young travels back and forth daily and is en joying the rural life very much you will read the companys extraordinary announcement on page 3 sara ann burkholder died early monday morning at the home of her brother joseph with whom she lived at altona she was in her 72nd year born on the 9th concession of markham a daughter of the late mr and mrs samuel burkholder the late miss burkholder was quite widely known for some years she lived at holt where her brother jos re sided but they located at altona about two years ago her father died in 1922 but there survives besides the brother with whom she lived another brother rev i burkholder of didsbury alta who is now visiting at the bereaved home and who arrived from the west ten days ago an only sister is mrs clarence stouffer of fleet alta the funeral took place to widemans cemetery on wed nesday morning toronto laundry to expand business hydro profit 2678 on years operation e township council ordered to pay damage claim of 2500 in county court at uxbridge on tuesday mrs claia mills was awarded the amount of her claim of 25 against the town ship of uxbridge tor a faulty drainage situation opposite her farm on the third concession near goodwood the complaint was registered with the council last fall and an attempt to remedy the trouble by the road superintendent only made the situation worse it was maintained by w f greig solicitor acting for mrs mills the damage was caused by ditch water running over a field belonging to the plaintiff thereby injuring the top soil for crop his honor judge coleman held that the municipality had been negligent and allowed the would you like an evening in china almost everybody with a human interest wants to know about china and so the coming of fred goforth to the presby terian church next monday evening may 20 to show his moving pictures taken in this country where he spent half his life is going to be good from heartrendering war scenes to others depicting the entrancing beauty of this mysterious country may be seen from comfortable seats in the church if you like a travelogue and who doesnt just set apart next monday evening and come o the presbyterian church at 8 evening auxiliary the evening auxiliary of the united church met last wednesday at the home of miss lillian dowswell those partici pating in the program were mrs a v nolan mrs sander son and miss janet button miss m watson and miss b winn were tea hostesses mrs m storey presided n r im the admission is only lull amount of damr d rudh5c and 25c there will dy defended the municipality l musical accompaniment w a quantz mourns loss of brotherinlaw the death occurred at the i victoria hospital in barrie on may 6 of william e spring in his 84th year he was a son of jacob and anna spring who lived at church hill many years ago in june 1881 the late william spring married mary jane quantz sister of w a quantz of stouffville three children and a number of grand children survive at the time of their marriage they migrated to the township of tiny in the elmvale district where he bought a farm and in which vicinity he spent his long life he was buried in the allan- wood cemetery united church where he worshipped so long kind hearted unassuming and christian living he had run his course and passed on to be judged according as his works shall be the balance sheet and oper ating report just issued for stouffville by the ontario hydro commission makes delightful reading the report shows that for the past year the local plant paid in for power to the com mission 267852 more than the cost of power and hence this amount is standing to our credit on the books of the com mission the stouffville system is en tirely free of debt there are some outstanding debentures but we have invested in bonds sums to offset them the domes tic users paid in 712399 com mercial users 351758 and power consumers 1524 the number of customers are domestic 386 commercial 84 and power 5 the excellent showing for last year may pre sage a lower rate before long any rate reductions are usually brought along by the hydro later in the summer after the commission and their engineers have a chance themselves to estimate what reduction would be proper in order to wipe out any profits hydro at cost is the motto final leave towards the close of the even ing while refreshments were be ing served clarence was pre sented with a regimental signet ring mr albert allen who ably delivered the impromptu address expressing the wish of the entire group for his well- being clarence is the son of mr and mrs j s wideman formerly of peachs corners but now of almira war branch effort mounts high teacher resigns public school staff miss winnifred mcdonald teacher on the public school staff at stouffville for the past five years tendered her resig- melville soldier gets si rin about eighteen friends met at the home of mr allin lewis of the 7th con of markham on friday evening may 10 to tender a farewell party to pte clarence j wideman who was home the latter part of last week on what may prove to be his nation to the trustee board on monday evening it was receiv ed with sincere regrets the the members expressing their belief that a very capable and highly esteemed member of the staff and general conditions at mcdonald leaves the teaching profession the secretary was instructed to advertise for a new teacher confining the applicants to those with the necessary qualifications for this position inspector w h f rooney filed a glowing report on the staff and general conditions for the public school which was naturally received with grati fication by the trustees dr freel chairman trustees turn er nolan stover mcmuilen and macleod were all present lions club to sponsor big july 1st celebration here again this year o at the monthly dinner of the stouffville lions monday even ing it was decided to hold the annual celebration on july 1st and committees were set up to go to work on a program that would be the best ever present ed it was planned to hold an afternoon of sports in the park with an evening concert in the arena the meeting on monday was in the new village inn and the members were pleasingly surl prised with the transformation at the old mansion house both is to the furnishings and table service visiting in states mrs jos borinsky has gone to new york to visit her sisters there and incidentally to attend the worlds fair i the financial statement of the stouffville war branch up to march 31 1940 show receipts of 27555 expenditures of 273- 37 leaving a balance on hand of 218 this statement has been audited and found correct up to date 175 lbs of yarn have been purchased and all sent to the soldiers at exhibi tion park in the form of 320 pairs of socks 23 sweaters 31 pairs of wristlets 7 scarves two pairs of socks and a sweat er each have gone forward to the soldiers who enlisted from stouffville or district since april 1st 112 pairs of socks 12 sweaters have been forwarded and there are on hand 7 pairs of socks 2 sweat ers 6 pairs of wristlets and 3 scarves the total number of socks are 453 pairs sweat ers 44 wristlets 37 pair and scarves 10 the committee wish to thank mr george lee for delivering the goods to exhibition park the tribune for publishing re ports of war branch meetings etc and all who have contri buted in any way in helping to make this great work possible recent donations are mrs walls 50c miss chapman 1 mrs hutchinson and winnie 1 making a total of 5132 received in cash since april 1st fortyfour pounds of yarn have been purchased to continue the work four generations four generations were pre sent at the home of mr and mrs ira rusnell when the fam ily all gathered for mothers day they included mr and mrs chas haynes and family miss evelyn rusnell and mr gordon coulter all of toronto mr and mrs ken rusnell and daughter also grandpa reesor stouffville cora hoover mccarthy died on sunday following a serious and long illness mrs d j mccarthy 90 kingsway toronto died at the western hospital on sunday born on the 10th concession of markham she was the only child of mr and mrs joseph hoovei obrien avenue stouff ville the former cora hoover will be iemembered as a gradu ate in pharmacy and having been employed in the drug store of mr george collard she later married d j mccarthy who survives here there are no children the funeral on wednesday afternoon from toronto pro ceeded to stouffville cemetery