the tribune stouffville ont thursday jan 25th 1940 page seven glaremont by staff correspondent mr walter hardy has moved into the residence recently vac ated by the miller family mr and mrs earl underhill of aurora recently visited the formers aunt mrs cook the young people of the united church enjoyed a skat ing party last wednesday even ing mr and mrs a loyst have taken up residence in the house vacated by mr and mrs bur- hell lucky numbers in the boose grocerv draw are 2226 2109 2130 2l8021792100 eggs continue to bring a very low price on the local mar ket and farmers are claiming that the price scarcely pays for the feed mrs emerson ormerod of cannington formerly of clare- mont is not improving in health mrs david pugh her sister has gone to cannington to act as nurse mrs howard mothersill of oshawa was called to toronto recently to her mother mrs wil son who has been in very poor health a number of the local young people gathered on wednesday evening to tender a shower to mr and mrs ab loyst mrs loyst was a former oshawa girl the mission band of the claremont united church met at the home of mrs rawson on saturday at two oclock instal lation of officers took place mrs fred morley who has been called in to various homes in the community lately in the capacity of nurse is at present waiting on mrs levi storey east of the village the ward family east of the village and who have been so ill of late are slowly improving mr jud ward has developed a boil on his ear which is proving very painful the bypu of the baptist church were invited to hold their meeting on monday even- ing at the home of mr and mrs morgan evans during the evening the party enjoyed an old fashioned sleighride the first of the season the womens institute meat cookery demonstration will be held on friday january 26th in the baptist church school room a 10c collection will be taken to defray expenses the w a of the united church held their regular meet ing in the basement of the church on thursday afternoon this was followed by a potluck supper after which the business meeting of the chuich was held undergoes operation miss irene lynn who has been in weston for some time was removed to the hospital to un dergo an operation for appendi citis according to her father mr fred lynn of this place no alf- way grease obs m sheuubrication is the way to keep your car in perfect lubrication order we use chekchart for every point apply the correct lubricant to every part without extra charge we also clean windows brush upholstery shine metal check battery tires and lights shellubrication service as done by our trained men gives you more than your moneys l worth well welcome kuril the chance to prove it mwiy bo ad wax service station stouffville removed to hospital miss emma underhill suffer ed a slight fall in the kitchen of her home on thursday which at that time seemed only trivial however complications set in on the injured knee and miss un derhill was removed to brier- bush hospital stouffville bossie kicks over mrs john pallister north of the village had the misfortune to be severely kicked by a cow recently the animal landed out striking the lady in the head and once in the ankle but we understand mrs pallister suff ered no broken bones and is able to be about isobel cooper weds a quiet wedding was solem nized at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs frank cooper on monday evening when their daughter isobel ward cooper became the bride of william james benson of claremont rev i kennedy officiated the bride was attend ed by mrs ken reesor while charles cooper brother of the bride acted as groomsman pickering snow problem heavy snows this week are going to present pickering township with a problem again this year the township has soi far depended on shovelling much of the work being done by relief labour last years bill for such service according to road supt ward was around 9400 a month which is certainly not large however the rate payers are demanding that all the roads be plowed out as has been the case in surrounding townships and the question of purchasing a snowplow which appears to be shelved for this winter will no doubt become ac tive again next fall we under stand that the company which the municipality would prefer to makesuch a purchase from is unable to tender on the job be cause of a present wartime strain on their steel supply a preference is held for this par ticular plow as it is the same make as the township grader and would therefore be more suitable the department which pays a percentage on such road machinery insists that tenders be called and so the matter stands writes from overseas many claremont and district residents will remember the name of jenny gee a former resident of the village and one who attended the greenwood school a letter was received this week from this onetime citizen by one of our townsfolk and which was written from london england where she is now resident we quote the let ter in part i think the most trying part of the war here so far is the complete blackout at nights it is not so bad when there is a moon but at present it is pretty bad but still we have a lot to be thankful for if there are no airraids we had several scares the last fortnight but none since as they have decided not to sound the sirens unless they are attacking that area so far we seem to be holding the supremacy in the air and so are able to sleep nights everyone here in london seems to be very optimistic about the result thought it may take time everyone is eager to help all they can my sister and i have taken a course in first aid at home nursing we just have our gas lectures to attend to qualify for a first aid post my brother is in the army so far on the home defense my son norman signed up saturday last but will not be called up for a time he wants to go in the navy new ontario warden leslie a mcmullen reeve of the township of brock is the new warden of ontario county the firstfrom this twp in 27 years he was elected at the opening session of ontario county council last week his oppenent was reeve irwin t crmiston reeve of the town ship of east whitby in the open voting the new warden polled 15 votes and mr ormi- ston 10 the reeve and deputy- reeve of pickering and the reeve of east whitby had- she a victoria january idyll vancouver islands reputation as canadas evergreen playground is upheld by this idyllic scene photograplied january gth at victoria bc the lamb is a real one only six days old it was born january 1 on the farm of e j t woodward near victoria the pretty little lady is sally two-and- ahairyearold daughter and only child of commander r a tony wright rcn and mrs wright esquimau the flowers were picked in the gardens of the empress hotel canadians and americans are visiting victoria in large numbers this winter the ideal weather permitting them to enjoy winter golf tennis flsliing riding and hiking under splendid conddtion3- seems to want to go home guests were loath to leave the happy hospitality sir william cut the large birthday cake he then went back to the drawing room to re ceive more guests later he was at the teatable deep in conver sation with mr morgan baker provincial member for north york and his grandson colonel w p mulock federal member for the same riding county council wont acceit 107750 boost york county council has re fused to accept the 1940 budget of the toronto and york roads commission because the major ity of members felt proposed expenditure were too high de finite curtailment of roads ex penditures must be made during the war period it was stated if the county is to maintain its contiibutions for patriotic pur poses the countys share of pro posed expenditures was set at 282750 in the budget compar ed with only 175000 last year an increase of 107750 total expenditures for road purposes would be 727000 with the government and toronto paying a share of the figure privilege of casting two votes by virtue of the populations of their municipalities both candi dates were allowed to address the council before the vote was taken when the result of the vote was announced by the scrutineers reeve a m irwin of whitby and reeve fred clay ton of thorah the new warden was escorted to the chair by reeve ormiston who placed the gown of office on his shoulders new faces around the council board were those of osca downey reeve of whitby town ship heber down deputy reeve of pickering and dr c j de- vine reeve of beaverton to fill a vacancy on the coun ty road committee there was a keen contest with four in the field wm letcher reeve of port perry john a macdonald reeve of mara township john s mcdonald reeve of reach and robert ashenhurst reeve of uxbridge township the hon or went to john a macdonald the warden and council greeted a number of exwardens and invited them to the plat form they included malcolm forsyth of claremont james read of whitby and john low of uxbridge town two other exwardens w m letcher port perry and fred clayton of thorah now members of the council were also asked to stand and receive a welcome brougham mr george davis has secured a position in toronto another of our local sports this time gordon philip was successful in getting a red fox one day last week mr and mrs robert malcolm and son of queensville were re cent visitors at his home here mr hugh gannon has pur chased a dodge car we are glad to report mr oscar wilson improving after his attack of pneumonia the firemans annual con cert and dance on friday night last was a decided success and the program put on by the johnston entertainers was a real treat the wms met at- the home of mrs t c brown on thursday afternoon with an at tendance around 30 a very pleasant afternoon was spent by all owing to the severe cold weather of the past week a number of local citizens ex perienced considerable trouble starting their cars and trucks if you have any trouble along that line call mr d mairs drawing rooms and library one bouquet was from the black watch association mrs g w monk in a soft grey gown received with her brother and sir williams daughters mrs arthur kirk- patrick wearing a violet chiffon frock and mrs h h oflynn in a sapphire blue frock assist ed in welcoming the guests upstairs sir williams two parrots tommy and joe kept up a clatter of o rose rose is the housekeepers name what is it theyre say ing a guest asked sounds to me like dont go dont go i guess youre right remark ed col reginald geary no one send the tribune to absent friends wood hardwood and softwood also limb- wood sold and delivered in any quantity prompt deliveries phone 157 ken bbtz n long lefe counts when i0w cost counts sir williams 96th greetings gifts and good wishes were showered upon sir william mulock at his birthday party on friday afternoon when a continual stream of guests came to the spacious gracious house onjarvis street toronto to extend their felicitations on sir williams 96th birthday and feel again the joy of this annual january party so redo lent of friendship of long stand ing the wide hallway was an avenue of beautiful bouquets and baskets of flowers and gift bouquets were set about in the c f 5 when quality counts when sound buying counts qe it- ttu it- bail it when long life low cost and high quality count most sound buying is important and all these vital factors point to the new 1940 chevrolet as your soundest motor car buy for years of depend able service eye the new chevrolet try it on the road and youll buy it for outstanding value its the only car that brings you the beauty of royal clipper styling the performance of a super- silent valveinhead engine the ease of vacuum power gearshift- ing the comfort of perfected kneeaction at the lowest cost for purchase price gas oil and upkeep see it today and convince yourself that when sound buying counts chevrolets the choice on special de luxe models x6b w s widdifield agent stouffville