the tribune stouffville ont thursday jan 25th 1940 page three town topics veterans are asked to attend meeting on january 29 at 8 pm important business mrs harold quibell returned monday morning from a visit to her parents mr and mrs albert brooks hastings visitors with mr and mrs john beach who recently moved to town from gormley were mr l b heise and miss heise of victoria square mrs j cherry and miss cherry mrs clemes of gormley and george beach and family of aurora the final few hundred tons of cabbage went out from this dis trict at the fancy price of 25 per ton however a very good price prevailed all through the season and growers generally were well satisfied with the re turns next week the tariff will be taken off the new imported cabbage so that local producers have nothing to fear a farewell party was tender ed mr and mrs j h mcdonald who are shortly giving up their residence at the corner of main and albert streets to live in tor onto the evening was sponsor ed by friends and neighbors of the couple at the home of dr s t and mrs bodendistel and a gift of a handsome cellarette was made memories of the short few years lived in stouff ville will ever remain a happy part of their lives all music lovers in stouffville and vicinity will be delighted to know that the senior womens institute have secured the splen did uxbridge choral society of 60 voices under the distinguish ed choral conductor dr h m fletcher for their concert on friday february 9th in the united church the program is an exceptionally fine one em bracing practically all school of music 12 choral numbers sacred secular opera humer- ous male and ladies choruses the distinguished and well known violinist and radio artist anthony remouch will play four numbers the bible school- orchestra of uxbridge will ass ist in the program the en tire program will appear in next weeks tribune the pro ceeds will be donated to the war branch v whitchurch hockey league is apparently in for quite a close season this year the second double header being played in the local arena here last thursday night with two more close scores being registered king city 4 and church hill 1 lemonville 3 and vandorf 0 standing to date w l t pts king city 1 0 1 3 ringwood 1 0 0 2 lemonville 1 0 0 2 white rose 0 0 11 church hill 0 2 0 0 vandorf 0 1 0 0 thursday night of this week will find ringwood opposing white rose while lemonville will battle it out with church inn found a ski on 8th of whit church owner apply to oscar madill town a recent milk test made by the provincial health dept gave the local dairy an al test a report received a few days ago revealed 25 years ago the people of this district made 85 per cent of all bread they used today com mercial bakers supply almost all of it instead of loafing at home we prefer to do it else where mr s rattle of milliken mrs clifford penson and daughter laura of melita man visited on monday at the homes of mrs a eckardt and mr and mrs we risebrough in forwarding his renewal for the tribune a few days ago mr emerson sheffield of dodsland sasks reports the weather 32 below zero while at prince albert the main town in his dis trict it touched 42 however the winter has been fine except ing for the odd cold dip that was too much for comfort mr emerson if we have things right once worked in stouff ville and learned the undertak ing profession with the burk holders he says the home paper is like a letter to him every week at the unionville bonspeil last week a stouffville rink skipped by m e watts won the prize for two wins with a plus of 41 the local quartette of rock throwers who with their skip were thomas birkett harry brillinger wm slack played three games losing only the first one which must have sharpened the lads up for there after they trounced the next two teams badly another event of entertain ment of major proportions will be staged in the local arena next wednesday night when the stouffville veterans take over the big skating house for the evening there will be races for young and old with good cash prizes a special race will also be held for couples the local band will be in attendance to supply the music stanley theatre phone stouffville 100 thursday friday saturday january 25 26 27 big double bill winner takes all tony martin gloria stuart down on the farm the jones family january 29 30 31 tome meets the boss the bumstead family comedy and shorts messrs samuel and christie armstrong were called to tor onto last week owing to the death of their sister mary ann woods who died suddenly at her home 278 wi throw avenue on wednesday january 17 daughter of the late christie armstrong prominently known in town for many years back in the early days mrs woods is survived by two married sisters both living in western canada and by five brothers sam chris of stouffville and will of toronto and by by andrew and david in western canada the latter being in british col umbia mrs woods husband died twelve years ago but three sons dawson fred and chris survive the mother who is quite well known in town especially among those who attended school around the turn of the century backfired february 12 3 fountain rhythm gene autry may leave cabinet protests made by soviet min ister to stockholm mme alex andra kollantai have only re sulted in an increase in the flow of volunteers to finland it was reported from copenhagen hon ian mackenzie above minister of pensions and nation al health is likely to leave the federal cabinet before the next election it is reported in otta wa it is said mr mackenzie may go into the senate he may replace senator j w farris said to be slated to succeed chief justice martin of british columbia the chief justice will be 75 in may and it is under stood will retire e a grubin ro optome trist and optician will be at his office in stouffville on monday january 29th the lions club banqueted at the mansion house on monday evening and attended to routine business the dining hall is now en the second floor of the hotel the main floor being occupied by d f holden sons garage who recently purchased the building hardings barber shop retains their tonsorial parlor in the southwest corner of this floor mrs schell is visiting her sister mrs elijah lageer on church street for a few days mr herbert lageer of tor onto visited his mother mrs e lageer on monday last mr sam borinsky was among the successful students to pass the christmas xams at osgoode hall congratulations sam mrs john r hoover who lived for many years east of stouffville in pickering is re ported to be recovering from quite a severe illness bordering on pneumonia she is with her son edward who a few years ago took over a property at woodbridge mrs hoover is a sister of our mrs john watson and aunt to c e watson our school principal mrs wm risebrough 8th con markham was bereaved recently when her sister mrs george colwell died at her home in saintfield east of uxbridge town on januar y 15 in her 50th year after an illness of only two weeks the funeral took place to foster memorial cemetery scott on wednesday january 17th services being conducted by rev j c robinson of l a sic a 1 p the late laura ottolene hill was born in scott township in 1890 a daughter of the late thomas hill and harriet thorn ton and in 1923 married mr george colwell for three years they resided on quaker hill and fourteen years ago moved to saintfield to mourn her death are left her sorrowing husband and three sons richard ross and bruce all at home four broth ers ray and herbert of scott township lome and louis of birch hill sask and two sist ers mrs wm risebrought of markham mrs oscar welsh of sandford also survive if you happen to see our east ender mr dan gibner it is not necessary to ask questions or draw any hasty conclusions because of his wonderful pair of black eyes dan was assisting to carry chicken crates from a truck when he slipped and came down on top of a crate his head struck the edge of the crate across his nose which was fractured the nose looks as though it belonged to one of those prize fighters and the eye too mr george saunders wishes to announce that he will reopen his physical training classes in ratcliffs hall next monday evening january 29th at 730 pm all interested are asked to attend up to 16 years of age a class for young men will be held at 815 mr saunders is com mencing his seventh consecu tive year as leader of such class es and his time is again at the disposal of all boys and girls too who are interested in these helpful exercises manufacturers clearance of winter coats we have been able to obtain a large quant ity of coats for almost half price all wool materials nicely trim med with fox persian and sable etc priced from 1250 up we also have a few mens and boys coats greatly reduced dresses ladies dresses in new shades and prints in latest style also a few fall dresses left to clear at 195 ski suits auwool blanket cloth ski suits well inter lined greatly reduced now ah our winter goods reduced to clear now to make room for spring merchandise quilt patches 7 lbs 110 h golden phone 273 stouffville are fire drills a farce in our school have you ever given serious thought to the kind of fire drill held in the school your children attend one fire drill in five years is very inadequate and actually dangerous the first essential in event of a fire in any school is to have the children leave the building in an orderly manner and to reach the point of safety without injury questions of fire fighting of salvaging wear ing apparel or of attempting in anyway to save mere material things are secondary to the safety of the children fire safety for school child ren must provide a definite pro gramme by which the location of all the available exits will be known to all the children to accomplish this it is necessary to have frequent drills well planned properly supervised and intelligently coordinated when an actual fire occurs the selection of the proper exit should be made without any hesitation frequency of drills is more important in the prim ary grades by the time pupils have reached high school the panicky feeling of a drill sliould no longer exist every school is different the age size of the children change yearly and the teaching staff and building employees do not remain the same it is necessary therefore for each school to consider the question of remov ing the children from the build ing drills for this purpose might be subdivided as follows plan purpose procedure plan definite detailed plans must be prepared explained to the teaching staff and to others who may be called upon to act in a supervisory manner and they should be modified as little as possible from any standardized drills used in other schools in the district purpose the purpose of any drill is to perform the operation a sufficient number of time so that it is possible in an emerg ency to carry it out in a natural unhurried manner drills there fore should be started during the beginning of the term procedure in executing fire drills consideration should be given to the health of the child ren but except at such times when there are epidemics of colds the short time that the children will be out of doors sel dom endangers their health even in severe cold weather the wise course is to resolve that the school children of your com munity be prepared to meet the fire emergency a d jennings fire chief quality service fulopep breeder mash ful o pep breeder mash was fed to nine flocks of which actual records were kept these nine flocks produced 41265 eggs which hatched 30875 chicks or an average percentage of 747 pc in checking these with a leading canadian hatchery the follow ing was received you will be interested to know that 63 flocks on home mix from 479000 eggs produced 318000 chicks or a hatch of 664 pc or in other words ful o pep breeder mash gave 83 pc higher hatch than flocks on home mix qoc laying mash 18 pc protein laying mash qoc laying mash is not as good as ful o pep egg mash but is just as good if not better than most laying mashes on the market today qoc laying mash is low in price but not in qual ity try a bag today at s225 buy your feeds by the ton or truck load oilcake meal soy bean oil meal schu macher feed stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville intelmediate hockey next tuesdaystouffville at markham mr geoffrey silvester of calgary alta and miss wini fred silvester toronto were guests of their cousin mrs leaney on monday the stouffville junior farm ers will conduct an excursion from here to canada packers on thursday feb 1st the trip is open to anyone and tickets are now on sale at 1 per person for the bus which will leave main street stouffville sharp at 830 in the morning a demonstra tion of rail hog grading we understand will be featured and following a dinner provided by the company the group will be taken out to weston experi mental farm where feeding and other sections of the hog busi ness will be shown anyone wishing information or tickets for the trip may obtain same by calling any member of the junior farmers or at the tri bune office proud of husband one of englands proudest and happiest women is lady harwood wife of rear admiral harwood who commanded the brilliant british action against the german pocket battleship graf spee save you dollars below are some of the many dayin dayout prices at our drug store which consistently bought actually save you dollars these items are of best quality and at lowest minimum prices noxeina healing skin cream reg25 for 1c cod liver oil fine quality 16oz 49c kmshen salts big size trial pkg 69c hot water bottles big special 39c bronchial cough syrup prompt cold relief 49c thermogene 49c 98c templeton rheumatic caps 50c 1 fruitatrves 22c 39c vicks vapo rub 43c musterole 35c mentholatum 29c 55c colgates tooth pdr 19c drene shampoo 15c 33c and 59c hinds h a skin lotion 10c 45c zam buk 4yc bile beans 47c lysol 35c 65c 125 cold tablets anacin tabs 22c6998c cbq stop tabs 25c alka seltzer 29c 57c bayer aspirin 22c 39c 98c cetyloid tabs 2 doz 35c cough syrups cod liver extract with tar 8oz bottle 35c white pine and tar 4 oz bottle 25c buckleys mixture 40c 75c passmores 2 min aid 49c cherry cough syrup 4 oz bottle 25c open all day wednesday during the winter months roadways drug store phone 2301 stouffville