fcsffs page tiro the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 4th 1940 ionf fmu ribuni established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to ten pages average circulation 1375 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 5200 in uj3a 9250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher editorial comment canadians hoodwinked we were amazed in looking over some recent edi tions of the american and canadian editions of liberty never have we seen such insufferable hyprocisy openly dis played liberty also sells some advertising in its canadian edition to canadian firms we doubt if any of these firms would support such a publication if they appreciated how their dollars are being used to undermine british prestige in the united states to misrepresent the allied case to create suspicion and distrust about britains motives we actually saw a canadian government advertise ment in one issue of liberty thus even the taxpayers money is used to subsidize a most insidious antibritish campaign in the united states bather tough on canadian taxpayers it is not about time we woke up to the fact that the minds of young canadians are being poisoned by anti- british propaganda pouring in by the ton from the united k states while our own mass of periodical literature is able fe to survive only because of the stubborn public spirit of a if handful of canadian publishers we have not forgotten leither that only a few months ago that grand old publica- gtion the canadian magazine fell by the wayside because sit could not keep up the pace with such unfair competition we presume it is only because these other publishers have terests in other business and technical publications that jy are able to indulge in the luxury of rendering the can aan people the public service of giving this great domin- ours magazines of truly national character t ft make use of your agricultural representative p continuing its drive for increased wartime grain i production in 1940 the ontario department of agriculture lis advising all farmers to contact the agricultural repre sentative in their own county as to the variety of oat that will give them the greatest number of bushels per acre in their own particular area newmarket and uxbridge are the centres in york and ontario counties much has been heard and will be heard of the van guard and the erban oat in some districts and under cer tain soil conditions the vanguard is superior while in other sections the erban tops vanguard this is where the agri- cultural representative can be of untold value to the farm ed as a result of grain variety experiments on 367 farms in ontario in 1939 the agricultural representative is in a position to give excellent advice on varieties that will do well in given districts it will pay any fanner to consult him the vanguard is a late oat resistant to stem rust and has done well in the majority of eastern ontario counties the erban is a medium early oat and is resistant to crown or leaf rust the department of agriculture also points out that farmers who have produced heavy crops from other varie ties and who see no reason to change should make sure they get the best possible seed of that variety lower incomes if taxed will harass small business we hope the dominion government will not see fit to lower the income tax to take in persons below the pre sent 2000 earners in the case of married persons and the 1000 as in the case of unmarried people even if persons receiving less than this amount must be taxed it should be imposed in some other form than a tax on income per sons with small incomes would be harassed with govern ment officials for they do not keep books as the government demand larger earners to keep and hence there would be no end of trouble and inconvenience better far to im pose a definite tax of say 10 or 15 per year for all em ployables under the present exempted rate than to worry every small business man about the exact number of dollars he gets in he cant show it in book form perhaps but he does know he just receives enough to pay expenses and exist with war costs mounting daily the government is searching diligently for a new tax sources the difficulty of trying to finance the war on payasyougo basis is seen in contrast between war expeniture of 1 million a day and in come from new taxes imposed in the ilsley war budget of last september estimated to raise only one sixth of this amount 666 one suggested new revenue source which has re ceived much public discussior is a broadening of the in come tax base to include a substantial proportion of the million and a half wageearners not presently taxed on their ijcomes the suggestion sponsored in many quarters is f exemptions of 2000 for a married man a single man be lowered serviceotury officials are not enthusiastic over stouffvp f extend the tax to lower wage iko hmraii greatly increase the cost and he tax with very little commensurate revenue county levies paid promptly twentysix york municipali ties pay up before time limit placing parent in financial clover york countys twentysix municipalities set up a new financial record this year by paying every cent of their 93507898 county levy before the time limit for payment had expired it was the first time in twenty years that every municipality has assumed its responsibility within the time limit and as a result the county finds itself in the best financial condition in its history drastic reductions in relief rolls in the larger suburban municipalities and a promotion of farm industry is attributed with filling the municipal treas uries with the required funds for levy payments york town ship the largest and hardest hit of all the municipalities in the county were able to collect approximately 97 per cent of their current tax bill levies prepaid all but eight of the twenty- six municipalities prepaid their levy one or more months before due and received a 5 12 per cent discount the others will have their money in the county treasury by the christmas weekend the finance committee as a body was unanimously of the opinion that the pay-as-you- go policy of treasurer w w gardhouse and the discount inducement for prompt payment was to a large extent respons ible for the favorable condition of the county when it is con sidered that levy arrears totall ed 100000 to 200000 a few years ago and bank interest were tremendous the achieve ment of the new policy is all the more remarkable in the opinion of committeemen not a cent owing the finance committee is proud to report that none of the municipalities owe the county one solitary cent declared finance commissioner william armstrong it certainly is a lot different from the old days when arrears were outstanding until late the following year and sometimes for two years and whenever there were arrears there had to be loans from the bank and those loans cost the county plenty in bank interest although york county coun cil slashed its county levy to the proverbial bone last year the sudden increase in financial standing of many of its mun icipalities may result in a fur ther county reduction flying britsh bomber richard ward left toronto last march to join the raf passing all exams with flying colors he was assigned to bombing squad rons and now has the rank of acting pilot officer sunday school less on war supplies being ordered if anyone thinks the war supply board has not been or dering any supplies for canada take a look at this list over 46000000 has been spent between sept 1 and nov 21 this includes 125 airplanes valued at near ly 15000000 40000 per day for foodstuffs which totals nearly 4000000 to date 8000000 for clothing which includes 132000 pairs of boots 191000 pairs of socks 180000 suits of underwear 226000 blankets and 40000 new style uniforms 10000000 for construction projects including coastal de fences 2500000 for fuel 1500000 for machinery 450000 for motor vehicles including 443 motorcycles 5000000 for miscellaneous supplies markham surveyor dies in toro one of the surveyors of the town of markham adam arm strong toronto died last week in toronto east general hospital after an illness of two years he was 77 years old born in markham mr arm strong at the age of 17 assist ed in laying out the towns boundaries he came to toronto 27 years ago and before his retirement six years ago was in the engineering department of j verse by verse the t eaton co mr armstrong was a member of queen st e united church and active in the oddfellows lodge he is survived by his wife katherine and two sons harold an official in the toronto wel fare department and douglas in the canadian press he is also survived by two brothers robert and oscar both of toronto and four sister mrs john hodgins and mrs j cavanaugh both of toronto and mrs seebeck of brougham another sister lives in buffalo the funeral was conducted on sunday from trull funeral par lor by the rev samuel john stone of queen street east united church interment was made in st andrews cemetery in markham 11sson for january 7 the christians confession of faith golden text thou art the christ the son of the living god matt 1616 the lesson as a whole wo now come to the great turn ing point in matthews gospel hitherto the lord has been deal ing entirely with matters relating to the kingdom of heaven now for the first time he speaks of the church though not entirely as dissociated from the kingdom but rather as connected with it in the new phase it is to assume after his rejection and his ascension to heaven in peters great confession we have the sure foundation upon which the church was to be built the earth ly kingdom or rather the heavenly kingdom to be built on the earth is to be founded upon the truth that christ is the son of david 2 sam 712 13 the nations of the world are to share in the blessings of that kingdom because christ is the son of abraham the seed in whom all peoples shall be blessedgen22ls but the church of our lord jesus jesus christ is built upon the prec ious truth that he is the son of the living god to say that peter is in any sense the rock upon whioh this divine edi fice built of living stones rests is to deny what he himself teaches in the second chapter of his first epistle vs 47 paul too adds his testimony that there can be no other foundation save jesus christ himself 1 cor 311 this is that foundation of the apostles and pro phets to which he refers in ephe- sians 220 municipalities pay levy in full for the first time in 20 years every dollar of the york county levy on its 26 municipalities has been paid up on the dot on dec 20 935000 was due the treas ury from county municipalities more than 65 per cent of that amount was in before the due date it is an undeniable indication that old man depression has had a severe blow said reeve wa armstrong etobicoke chair man of the county finance com mittee today at the bottom of the slump 1932 more than 800000 was still outstanding even in more prosperous matt 1613 whom do men say that i ithe son of man am specula tion was rife as to the actual ident ity of jesus and whether he was only what he seemed to be or poss ibly a reincarnation of another the lord desried to put his disciples on record as to their apprehension of the mystery of his person 1 tim 316 verse 14 some say that thou art they at once began to tell how various ones supposed him to be john the baptist risen from the dead as herod had thought 142 or elijah who was to herald the coming of the great and dreadful day of the lord mai 45 g or jeremnah who many supposed was to reappear and was to fulfill the great prophecy of isaiah 53 basing this on jeremiah 1119 as explain ing isaiah 537 or one of the prophets possibly that prophet whose coming moses had predicted in deuteronomy 1818 verse 15 but whom say ye that i am had they learned through observation and the spirits illumin ation who he really was verse 16 thou art tho christ peter unhesitating- the livinf god years there was often half a million dollars owing the county by the end of the current year the county is now operating on a strictly payasyougo pol icy reeve armstrong declared not one debenture has been issued since 1933 we are guaranteeing millions of dollars worth of municipal debentures and our finances are in the healthiest condition they have been since the turn of the century send the tribune to absent friends ly declared ms own faith and doubt less spoke for all the rest judas excepted he had discerned in the lowly jesus the promised messiah verse 17 flesh and blood hath not revealed it not by mere intui tion or by logical reasoning had simon peter come to this conclusion it was god the father himself who had enlightened his understanding and revealed to mm the truth as to the person of the lord and hu divine sonship matt 1127 verse is i will duild bt church note he does not say i have been building or i am build ing but 1 will build the assem bly that which he calls my church was still in tho future the building of this spiritual temple did not be gin until after he had ascended to heaven and the spirit of god came as the promised comforter in this house peter was was to be a living stone the name given him by jesus means a stone a piece of rock but on this rock that is this great truth just enunciated his church was to be built christ not peter is the foundationrock on which the church is founded verso 19 the keys of the king dom of heaven having spoken of the church jesus reverts to the kingdom whose course he had preiously outlined in the parables of chapter 13 the keys of this king dom were entrusted to peter note he did not give peter the keys to heaven such a notion is the gross est superstition a key is designed to open a door on pentecost peter opened the door of the kingdom to the jews in cornelius house he opened the door to the gentiles binding and loosing refer to discip linary action in the kingdom verse 20 tell no man this may seem strange but as it was now evident that israel had rejected him it was not the time to proclaim his messiahshlp and declare that he wa3 the christ when he was rais ed from the dead peter declared this truth with power acts 236 verse 21- trom that time forth a new period of our lords ministry had begun henceforth he stressed his rejection and approaching death to be followed by his resurrection verse 22 be it far from thee lord now we have a solemn ex ample of how easily one who has been divinely illuminated may fall into serious error if acting on merely human principles verse 23 get thee behind me satan what a poor rock peter would have been on which to build the church he became unwittingly the mouthpiece of satan when he advised jesus agaiinst going to the cross verse 24 let him deny him self the path of discipleship is one of constant selfabnegation the lord was preparing his followers for the responsibilities that would be theirs when his prophetic words concern ing himself were fulfilled they would be called upon to ignore fleshly claims and to take up the cross which meant accepting the place of rejection with him and thus they were to follow in his steps the heart of the lesson it is allimportant that men have a right understanding of the nature and personn of our lord jesus christ only as he is recognized by faith as the son of the living god coequal with the eternal father do we dare trust our souls to him as our saviour jj there is an unbridgeable gulf be tween tho highest of all created be ings and the creator himself the church of christ is not founded on any man no matter how holy en lightened or devoted he may be it rests securely upon the revelation of the truth so clearly declared by simon peter and just as the church j is built upon this blessed reality so does the salvation of each individu al soul depend upon the fact that god became man in order to give himself a ransom for our sins m v 4 on a pick and shovel job in francl in addition been spent for ment some of the 25000000 has railway equip- suppliers have been put out because they have been made to sharpen their pencils on some of the contrast but the canadian people are de pending on the war supply board to stop any ideas anyone might have about profiteering wood hardwood and softwood also limb- wood sold and delivered in any quantity prompt deliveries phone 157 ken betz i britlih war offlca photocrown copyright rocrved courtejr canadian pacific a working party from a scottish regiment sets out for a day of shelter building in th front n trenches ingrancc ul ne i v j