page six stouffville tribune thurs dec 21st 1939 w davey 8 stanton ave mr and mrs c meader visit ed their parental heyward home east of mount albert on sunday mr m desoit of sask was the guest at the home of mr nd mrs alex brown on sunday mr and mrs ed mcnelly visited mr and mrs charles lee on sunday also there daughter mrs gearing was home sorry to hear of mr staleys illness hope for big improve ment soon mr and mrs george visited unionville on sunday send a christmas card to the soldier boys god bless them ail our friend lang blueman has added another poultry house at his farm at scugog island mr and mrs wellington smalley visited mr and mrs gordon wilson on sunday howard feasby is spending a few days at the smalley home mr and mrs andrew wilson margaret and william redman spent saturday with mr nd mrs norman feasby caution the adventurous lads at goodwood have been making use of ice covered ponds one of broadview avenues busy spots is the store of mr and mrs alex brown mrs kendall roseville has the new 1940 markers on her car for the 5jwssii krn little nipper only 1495 i q give wim or her a radio for their very own new 1940 lowpriced radios here are two new big little rca victor models that will make grand gifts as per sonal radios for members of your family and other folks on your christmas lists think what a thrilling gift the little nipper or model al would make for shutins domes tic servants college students and all sorts of other people among your friends and family vcl vj model al only 3995 all these features and more every inch of these models is crammed with typical rca victor value each has surprisingly good tone excel lent volume smart in design theyre ideal for bedroom den or kitchen chas cooper claremont ontario low down payments easy terms if in doubt about a gift the folks at home have tribune sent for a year mrs john lemon of detroit is visiting mrs sandy browns mr and mrs cairns have rented the seneca millar farm mr cairns visited mr nor man adams on thursday night to listen to the hockey miss e davey mr p h dav ey miss jane davey miss myra jefferson and miss joy blizzard visited stouffville to see the lion parade miss joy blizzard niece of the correspondent spent the weekend at the home of the scribe toronto visitors to the santa parade in stouffville were some what disappointedthey expect ed to see the boys band out in uniform and in the parade be ing inside and up stairs one could not get good results of the carols a homemaking club is be ing organized in goodwood open to women 12 to 26 years of age now girls heres your chance to do some good work apply to mary cooper miss dora todd and friends were at her parents home last weekend dora informs the correspondent she will not be able to be present at the bap tist christmas entertainment best wishes to baby alvin wesley born on oct 20 1939 in the island lake district also thanks to my little friends eileen and eldon irwin for their lovely christmas card mr jake morgan again visit ed his brother george on satur day coming from norval mr george was propped up in a chair on wednesday at the close of the year the scribe leaves for his old home village for a sunday visit with old friends cheerio everybody merry christmas and a very happy new year the annual ratepayers meet ing in the various townships will be held on wed dec 27 in goodwood and section schools these meetings should be well attended by both ladies and gentlement a chance to hear what is doing through the county after the close of the w a meeting at st clements church on jones avenue the members of this branch were invited to afternoon tea at the home of miss davey sister of the cor- responent on stanton ave miss davey mrs w davey and daughter anne are life mem bers the correspondent and wife wish to extend their christmas and new years wishes to the editor wife and family to the tribune staff and correspon dents and to all our many friends may the christmas at this time be a very happy one that picture in last issue on the front page caused much interest to our toronto readers our friend morley pugh in 48th highlanders in full regalia well known to the correspondent in the service of his country as he leaves us nothing but the very best wishes to him and may he be spared to return to his wife and kiddies birthday greetings to our canadian win wheat crown business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mato phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdjj office over bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pm phone office phone residence 180 18002 cliiremont every tuesday ofllce over bakers store phone claremont 1401 freshman at the agrlcutural college of the university of alberta francis lloyd rigov of wembley alta was named king of the wheatfields at the international hay and grain show held in chicago the 21yearold king was not present but the prizewinning wheat was properly dis played by ouilda mcdaniel 16 attractive 4h club member from love county oklahoma friends who were once christ mas babies alf pugh stouff ville grant drury altona ethel peg brown altona beatrice tompkins altona geo e davies musselmans lake helen tindall goodwood mrs irwine lockie toronnto mrs viola reid crapper mrs kidd goodwood miss verna maye goodwood councillor walter beach goodwood prepare for election in markham township sunday school lesson for december 24 a little child shall suggestions for christmas gifts for girls overshoes overshoes fur trimmed or rubber cosy feet slippers for women slippers in leather or felt overshoes wool jersey goloshes high or low heel velvet fur trimmed orthopoedic shoes in fine black kid for boys slippers overshoes mitts for men brown leather romeos fine socks and heavy overshoes in one two and four buckle also wool jersey zipper mitts gloves spats skating outfits merry christmas stouffville lehmans shoe store phone 4301 ontario lesson golden text lead them esson as a whole what jcould be more wonderful than that god came down to earth as a baby could anything tell out more perfteetly his deep yearning over mankind and his earnest desire to have men love and trust him almost everyone even the most de praved loves a baby no one need fear a baby and the babe of bethlehem was the per fect manifestation of the heart of god who would have all men know that he became incarnate not to con demn but to save by becoming a little child him self our lord has changed the thoughts of untold millions as to the value and preciousness of the little ones christianity makes more of the children than any pagan re ligion system ever did it rebukes crime of infanticide which was accepted as a matter of course even among the cultured greeks and the highly civilized romans veisc by verse mattl18 before thev came together the scriptures are clear about the virgin birth of jesus his mother imary was engaged to jos eph but had not yet beer married to him when he learned that she was tobecome a mother through dir ect operation of the holy spirit and altogether apart rrom natural gener ation verse 19 minded to put her away privily if mary was not a virgin the penalty for her condition according to the law was death jos eph thought to save her from this verse 20 fear not to take unto thee mary thy wife the wonder ful mystery of the incarnation was revealed to joseph angelic ministry verse 21 thou shalt call his name jesus jesus from the greek and joshua from the hebrew are one name and the meaning of jehovah the saviour verse 22 that it might be ful filled this is a distinctive phrase in tliis gospel used often because the object of the inspired writer is to show that jesus is the messiah promised in the prophets verse 23 they shall call his name emmanuel god with us isaiah made this prediction nearly seven centuries before the fulfill ment the name given is an intim ation of the mysterious union of the divine and the human in the vir gins son verse 24 took unto him his wife he married her notwithstand ing hor condition that she might the place in israel of a wedded wife ere sho becamo a mother verse 25 ho called his name markham township council held its last meeting for the year on friday and fixed dec ember 22 as the clay for nomin ation of candidates for election to the council for 1940 nd dec 29 as the date for polling unemployment relief costs the council was informed were 500 higher in 1939 than in 1938 the meeting marked the end of the nintieth year after the formation of the townships first council from what could be learned the old council all stand for re election from reeve james ren- nie down no opposition is moot ed so far as the tribune can learn jesus obedient to the last detail by calling the child jesus jos eph evidenced the reality of his own faith we now pass over some thirty- three years to hear our lords own teaching concerning children and the kingdom chap 1s1 who is the great est in the kingdom of heaven we see how feebly the teaching of our lord regarding the true character of the kingdom had been apprehen ded by tile disciples verse 2 jesus called a little child in obedience to that call the little one came tohim and he drew i the attention of his discpies to it it was an act of faith the child came because he trusted the one who bad him come verse 3 become as little chil dren to enter the kingdom all must receive his word in childlike simplicity and act upon it in faith this is to be converted verse 4 whosoever therefore shall shall humble himself as this little child it is humbling to the pretensions of the natural man to have to yield to the call of christ and to be saved by faith rather than by personal effort vres 5 receiveth me the principle hert enunciated is all im portant to receive even a babe in the name of jesus is to acknowledge him in faith and therefore to re ceive him verso g whoso shall offend one of these little ones to offend is to cause to tumble chrint christ pronounces al solemn and terrible judgment upon anyone who mis leads a child chap 1913 brought unto him little children eager parents de siring the blessing of jesus upon their chidren attempted to bring them to him but the disciples fear ing ho would only be disturbed for bade them verse 14 of such is the king dom of heaven the answer of jesus will stand forever as the outstanding expression of his love and concern for the little ones and as an encouragement to parents everywhere to bring their children to him in faith verso 15 he laid his hands on them what a privilege it was for those children thus to feel the touch of his hands and hear his words of blessing and wo may bo assured today that though now unseen he still reaches forth his hands to the children wo bring to him in faith e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and ot the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday friday 9 to 12 am insurance see h o klinck obrien are r your insurance needs in fire lite automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 26902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automoblle and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday at brathwaites hardware phone 9601 barristers mccullough button flbuttonkc hrbuttonba barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to loan miscellaneous l e oneill stouffviiim funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phont r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffvlllo maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 lehmans shoe store phone 4301 stouffville footwear for all the family womens hosiery boots shoes rubbers mitts socks gloves