page six the tribune stouffville ont thursday oct 19th 1939 t m itib jmm jm toronto- goodwood f h w davey 8 stanton ave robert feaster visited mount dennis recently mr and mrs george lee were in aurora visiting their daughter andrew morganson is doing some nice work on the new home for mr and mrs butler new residents lang blueman is digging his potatoes with lots of help at his scugog farm mr and mrs- hedley hill and son of newmarket were in oiillia over thanksgiving mr and mrs james davie and mrs mauder were also vis itors at the hey ward home george todd is shipping veg etables these days in quite large orders sorry that mrs holmes is laid up but hope for her early recovery goodwood had the first snow storm of the season last satur day it was furious but turned to water as fast as it fell welcome to the new baby at the bruce taylor home mrs cook is looking after it well we hear mr and mrs charles lee and audrey of this city were visit ing the heyward home in mount albert recently toll bros will be at riverdale united church with their lec ture which was given in stouff ville last week its worth hear- ing fred haigh is doing a little tinsmithing these days al though retired fred loves to keep the blood circulating in this manner reading the in memoriam for mrs john lehman recalls to us a sunday morning scene of a few short years back mr and mrs lehman were to be iseen on their way to morning worship at the mbc church its a grand picture in our minds to this day messrs foskett feasby and feren three well known figures around goodwood tripped to norway point muskoka the other day nothing like a good holiday now and then and these fellows sure enjoyed them selves we are paying 41c a dozen for eggs in toronto just now and 110 for a 75 pound bag of potatoes these prices are in sharp contrast to those paid in goodwood to the farms there 50 years ago then eggs brought 16c a dozen and potatoes 41c a 90 pound bag if you have not signed up for war work out around goodwood you better contact mrs jack todd right away everybody is preparing to knit socks but not for mr hitler most folks would rather sock him in the eye we imagine oh yes we forgot to say that we the correspon dent can knit but then we came from goodwood we were privileged to attend goodwood united church an niversary last sunday and to listen to two splendid discours es delivered by rev w e smalley of stouffville the church was appropriately decor ated with beautiful baskets of lowest prices are here ladies snuggies 25c ladies vests 25c comforter batts 35c electric light bulbs 2 for 25c mens doeskin shirts 100 boys golf hose 25c mens cotton gloves 15c kapoe 35c self seal envelopes 10c stouffville 5c to 1 store auction sale farm stock and imple ments the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at lot 6 con 9 whitchurch on friday oct so the property belonging to chester welsh brown horse bay mare brown mare heifer shorthorn calf by side jersey and holstein calf by side jersey due to freshen about december 3 shorthorn due about dec 28th ayrshire full flow shorthorn due about april 25 2 yearling heifers 2 sows due about time of sale sow due about nov 4th 50 laying hens binder massey harris mower deering cultivator drill m h disk outthrow set of harrows 3sections wagon waggon rack wagon box scuffler single plow mccormick gang plow set of double harness cream separator about 10 ton mixed hay quantity of corn quantity of potatoes cobblers and hustlers steel drum galvanied open steel drum scythe forks chains etc terms cash sale at 1 pm geo storey clerk a s farmer auctioneer flowers and fruit and vege tables among the old friends who we were able to contact in the church were geo dowswell and miss lillian calvin staf ford ed davis mrs feren and many others the hot fowl sup per on nov 15 is an event of importance to be looked for so keep the date open birthday greetings to mrs wm beach at lake mussel- man to james h ratcliff stouffville and to marion white isaac shaver grace wagg lloyd wagg and charles d jones all of goodwood arrived at last as we push these items off the end of our pencil word arrives that mr and mrs f c butler late in coming were arriving in good wood to take up their new home in the taylor house first west of the latcham residence now they are there bag and baggage and we imagine mr butler not enjoying the best of health will rapidly come back to normal when he gets a good supply of that wonderful ozone around goodwood untainted with city smells harper the potato king has his crop up and it totals 3000 bags toronto orders are now being filled rapidly by truck we hear that lyman field was helping to lick up the spuds last week on this large acreage of tubers we are informed by cnr headquarters that the down train through goodwood on sunday evenings must stop for passengers it is due in the village at 812 and passengers would be wise to have a flash light for signalling yes siree we were delighted to hear from brougham the other clay we learn that mrs d seebeck well known to goodwood as maggie arm strong celebrated her 74th birthday and may we add that we all wish for her many more of them in happiness we learn that mrs b a eary of cheboygan mich has been in the oshawa district on a visit but returned home a few days ago accompanied by mr and mrs e woodward of brougham and miss annie and elmira caverley of oshawa they will make many calls on the route roseville tips with our wife and daughter the correspondent was the guest of mr and mrs d mcdonald on sunday we just missed the editor who stopped for gas at jack raes but you see all the news hounds were in the section miss nora james of roseville is home for a time while mrs etta ellis is away from the hamlet for a couple of weeks mrs kendall had her rooster hitler by name for thanks giving arthur smith of roseville is picking apples at queensville arthur brown would have attended markham fair but like many others short of cash he stayed home mrs eva murphy and miss j stiner are busy picking apples sunday school lesson 1 children i verse 10 righteousness some should beatitudes to persecuted for sake strange that try fo relegate the the coming kingdom the world of tomorrow worlds fair of today new york round trip attractive tours imhiwy0rlt including taxi to hotel assured hotel accommodation admission to fair grounds sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york and other entertainment 1025 w 1300 w i675 w 2250 to- a to v- a tov vakvjto 1400 it 1850 m 2400 3400 reservations must be made at least a wecfc in advance descriptive folder and complete information at mansion house stouffville gray coach lines a lesson for october 22 the 1iti7kxs ok the k1xg1ki golden text let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven matt 516 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the sermon on the mount to which we now turn our attention must not be taksa as the proclam ation of the gospel of the grace of god whereby needy sinners are sav ed it is rather the announcement of the foundation principles of the kingdom of god principles utterly diverse from those- on which earthly dominions are established it gives us the law of love prevailing in all departments of life manifestly this can never be full accepted and act ed upon by an unregenerate world but when people are born again they can see and enter into the kingdom of god even now while the king himself is rejected to these the will of god is paramount and they find in what seems to unsaved men an utterly impracticable stand ard of living the ideal manner of life for those who are content to be identified with christ in his rejec tion just as it is a mistake to try to force these principles on the world of unsaved men and women so it is as great a blunder to insist that they have no binding authority over the consciences of christians today but are intended solely for the remnant of israel in the coming tribulation days after the rapture of the church will those pious israelites have a higher standard of godliness and be called to a greater self- abnegation than believers today surely not for in us is fulfilled all the righteous requirement of the law as we walk not after the flesh but after the spirit rom s4 and in the same way these heavenly principes will dominate the lives of all who walk in the spirit acknow ledging the lordship of the one who is still rejected by the world but is recognized by faith as earths rightful king the historical setting it seems likely that this great message was preached on the mountain back of capernaum rath er than the horns of hattin as older authorities held certainly it was early in christs ministry and so possibly in a d 27 or 28 verse by verse matt 51 he went up into a mountain in this elevated posi tion he could gather a vast multitude about him who would be within range of his voice he addressed himself directly to his disciples but all were permitted to share in the instruction verse 2 he opened his mouth and taught them they were listen ing that day to the master teacher of all the ages and he so spoke as to be heard by the assembled com pany verse 3 the poor in spirit these were those who had no spirit ual assets who recognized their deep need and so were ready to take the lowly place that belongs to all who share in the blessing of the kingdom of heaven verse 4 they shall be comfort ed it was foretold of messiah that he should come to comfort all that mourn isa 612 he was the incarnation o the god ol all comfort 2 cor 13 verse 5 blessed are the meek meekness is not natural to the fallen sons of adam it was christs own essential characteristic matt 1129 and is reproduced by the holy spirit gal 523 in those who are subject to his control these are the ones who truly inherit the earth getting the most out of life even now and they shall share in christs reign in a coming day verse 6 they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness when we desire that righteousness which pleases god above all else we may be certain that he will satis- by us matt 633 verse 7 the merciful shall obtain mercy this is a divine principle elsewhere insisted on in holy scripture with the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful was davids word long before 2 sam 2226 psa 1s25 he who deals harhly and sternly with others is likely to be so dealt with him self if failure comes verse s the pure in heart shall see god impurity blinds the eyes of the heart and hides the face of god from the soul when the heart is cleanesed and the eye is single god delights to reveal himself if i regard inijuity in my heart the lord will not hear me psa i6l verso 3 the peacemakers shall be called she children of god these are they who seek the things which make for peace r horn 1419 who endeavor to follow peace with all men hen 121 it because the peace of god dwells in their own hearts phil 46 7 such aie manifestly gods business directory age no one will then be persecut ed because of righteousness it is now in a scene of contrariety that the godly suffer persecution 2 tim 312 when christ retunrs a king shall reign in righteousness isa 321 verse 11 when men shall say all manner of evil against you falsely the child of god is warn ed to be careful not to suffer as an evildoer but if he suffer as christian he is not to be ashamed 1 pet 45 16 god blessing rests on those who are suffering wrong fully because of their faithfulness to his word and loyalty to himself verse 12 great is your reward in heaven observe it is not reward on earth he has in view this only emphasizes what we have already noticed that these words are for the encouragement of believers now while their lord is rejected veise 13 the salt of the earth salt preserves from corruption even so it is the children of god in the earth who are the salt of society who save it from complete ruin how careful should we bo to maintain our testimony verse 14 the light of the world our lord uses this figure to express his own relation to the world john s12 95 those who follow him are also to shine as lights in this dark scene phil 215 verse 15 under a bushel this is a merchants measure and may be taken as a symbol for business we are not to allow our temporal inter ests and daily occupation to hinder our shining brightly for christ verse 16 that they may see your good works there is no au- tinomianism taught in scripture we are not saved by works eph 2s9 but we are created in christ jesus unto good works eph 210 to profess to have faith in christ while walking in sin is to deceive ourselves true faith worketh by love which is the ful filling of the law gal 56 rom 1310 the heart of the lesson those who are christs are to be characterized by his spirit the beatitudes show us the life of which god approves and upon which his benediction rests our lords minis try here is intended to search us to the depth of our being and to en able us to judge every attitude of our hearts and all our behavior in the light of the meekness and gentleness of christ 2 cor 101 remember these words werj spoken by the lord jesus directly to his dis ciples it is he who works in us both the willing and the doing phil 213 medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdj- offlee over bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pm phone office phone residence 1001 1015 claremont every tuesday office over wilkinsons store phone claremont 1401 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ofllco in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block tumbles from tree farmer breaks arm james muirhead 6th con cession of markham suffered a fractured left arm when he fell from the tree while pick ing apples on his farm last wednesday afternoon mr muirhead who is a mem ber of hagerman school board was found unconscious on a sofa in his kitchen by his daughter jean when she re turned from agincourt contin uation school g w baker sons uormley ontario stouffville phone 6301 dealers in cement stuco manufacturers of concrete blocks and tile blocks sold in yard or delivered silos a specialty stouffville marble granite works p tarr proprietor phone 8002 maternity home obrien ave stouffville reasonable terms mrs c meobry rn phone 271 special reduced prices on permanent waves phone 176 for appointment exposure to the sun plays havoc with your hair come in and let us tell you about our scalp treatments and oil shampoos maries beauty shop brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical cases taken service nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 ambulance registered a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday friday 9 to 12 am insurance see h o klenck obrien avet or your insiwance needs in fire life automobile burglarj and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday at brathwaites hardware phone 9601 barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wc pollardkc port perry ont uxbridge ontario phone 264 mccullough button flbuttonkc hrbuttonba barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to loan miscellaneous l e oneill stouffville funeral dntector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phon r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 lehmans shoe store phone 4301 stouffville footwear for all the family womens hosiery boots shoes rubbers mitts socks gloves