page four the tribune stouffville ont thursday sept 28th 1939 stock adjustment sale limited supply of each item olives rose brand reg 59c 49c maple syrup bottle reg 49c 39c jelly sheriffs bottle reg 25c 19c floor wax wilberts reg 49c 29c connors fish cakes reg 14c prepare mustard reg 15c 10c 12c hires root beer reg 31c 25c shrimp soup reg 2 for 25c dill pickes bot reg 10c 7c 10c bartlet pears reg 18c 13c brights tomatoes reg 8c 6c canadian crab reg 29c 19c peach jam reg 29c 25c no rub furniture polish sandwich pastes reg 10c 2 for 15c reg 39c 25c fruits specials blue concord grapes bkt 23c cooking onions 10 lbs 25c elberta peaches bkt 25c banans per doz 25c apples 6 qt bkt 15c red grapes 2 lbs 19c dominion stoftes umittp ringwood miss helen burkholder spent the weekend with relatives in breslau mr and mrs ralph bruels are at present in sault st marie we are glad to see myron anderson out again following his iecent illness we are sorry to report that art bassetts younger daughter shirley is at present in the sick childrens hospital toronto we hope she may soon be home with her parents mr and mrs john gillham and miss margaret of toronto were sunday visitors with the formers parents mr and mrs david gillham rev e morton occupied the pulpit last sunday evening in the absence of our pastor rev s h cockburn who is spending a week in ottawa mr and mrs abner summer- feldt and son john attended the anniversary services at union- ville anglican church last sun day an event of unusual interest in ringwood will be an auction sale this saturday of the furni ture of the prlscilla pipher home no doubt there will be lots of buyers and we hope prices will rule well about seventyfive neighbors and friends gathered at the home of the newlyweds rev and mrs cockburn last wed nesday evening toresent them with a miscellaneous shower a short programme was given after which lunch was served all report an enjoyable evening recent visitors to the mitchells at locust lodge have been dr a s anderson and wife of edmonton dr and mrs t h prust of the same city prof m h long and family of the university of alberta dr crombie nixon child specialist of hollywood california mrs bethesda mr and mrs clarence atkin son were in thornbury over the weekend miss mary grove of dicksons hill spent a day or two with miss joy grove mr and mrs alfred robin son had tea on sunday with mr and mrs shaffer mr gordon bolender student of toronto normal school was home over the weekend mr will clarke of toronto spent a few days with mr and mrs hunt mr levon vassoyian spent sunday with mr and mrs chas atkinson and family the wms will meet next wednesday at the home of mrs j gibson mr clarence bolender at tended the mbc conference at new dundee last week mr and mrs lome heise spent the weekend under the parental roof mr and mrs robert meed of markham called at the home of mr and mrs a b sheffer on saturday mr and mrs wm empring- ham entertained mr and mrs russel sproxton and family to dinner on sunday the anniversary services were well attended on sunday our pastor rev mr orr preached at both services service next sunday will be after the sun day school at 3 oclock sunday visitors with mr and mrs john empringham were mr and mrs percy allin and miss lottie atkinson of aurora and mr and mrs herbert oliv er and miss janette empring ham of vandorf sunday visitors with misses selena and flossie atkinson were rev and mrs l e atkin son and thelma of stouffville and mr and mrs f j atkinson and mrs jenkins of richmond hill the jr institute met last week with a large attendance the vandorf w i provided the pro gram mrs e starr of pine orchard branch spoke on temperance a motion was passed at the meeting that our members begin work for the red cross society green river rd mcaree of toronto wife of the globe and mail columnist mr louis brownsberger is leaving this thursday night for winnipeg where he will spend the winter at the home of his son earl our citizen 79 has liv ed within a hundred rod of where he was born all his long life mr and mrs george ryckai were holidaying last week mr and mrs thomas william spent a few days of last week toronto with friends and rela tives the ladies aid meeting wa held this week at the parsonage at whitevale word for roll call teach miss lois draper and miss freda johnston of toronto spent sunday afternoon in the vicinity mr and mrs h b michell entertained on thursday even ing in honour of mrs alfred michells birthday congratulations to mr and mrs charles ireson of toronto who are happy to announce the birth of their daughter mrs ireson nee vera turner was formerly one of our neighbours s s no 11 joined in the school fair at brougham last friday the many lovely exhi bits and keen competition very surely tells to advantage the efforts shown on both teachers and pupils parts group one of ladies aid is presenting the greenwood dramatic club in a drama with the help of scottie to be held in the church here on wednesday evening october 4 ponular prices will prevail 25c and 10c mrs john a white who has been very ill and in bed the greater part of the last ten months is quite a little better mrs white was able to attend the wedding of her grandson archie white to miss thelma rudman recently glasgow mr norman davis atha spent sunday with his parents mr and mrs ralph davis mrs gayler of toronto has been spending a few days with her cousin mrs henry slack rev d mcgregor had tea at the home of mr and mrs jesse davis on monday evening we are sorry to report that mrs john davis is seriously ill the comunity wish her a speedy recovery master billy mcmullen of stouffville is spending a few days with his grandparents mr and mrs louis slack miss ella slack and mr floyd tindall spent the weekend in toronto at the home of her sister mr and mrs morris e hornsby send the tribune to absent friends ioe30i loexot x0e30i x0e30i i0e30oe30i xoraoi x0e30i m our early fall specials i factory yarn this is the time for knitting for home use and also for the soldiers we carry lehmans and turnbulls yarn in 2 and 3 ply per skein 32c wallpaper we are still continuing our sale of sunworthy wallpapers at a 20 reduction make your selection early as our stock is rapidly decreasing and your choice will be limited cotton batts there has been a decided advance in the price of all cottons and the batts are no exception but our price remainsthe same 2 lb batts 75c one lb batts 30c 35c 42c 50c one half batts 18c cotton prints a very complete showing of prints in most attractive patterns for school or house dresses priced at 16c 20c 25c 20c and we can supply you with the best patterns obtainable hoilywood mccall or butterick silk hosiery there has been a sharp advance in the price of silk hose during the last two weeks but we are still main taining our old prices while our present stock last buy now while the prices continue 69c 75c 95c turkish towelling exceptional quality and attractive colourings feature this towelling and the prices are also exceptional per yard only 15c 19c 25c 29c womens and girls aprons fresh new washable pinafores that can be laundered repeatedly prints organdie and factory cotton in coverall and bib styles as well as the fancy tea aprons nice details such as pockets and ruffles and splendid value 19c to 79c blouses and pullovers a wide range of all wool blouses and pullovers in attractive weaves and colours moderately priced all wool blankets all wool blankets fine quality with pink or blue borders per pair 725 heavy pure wool blankets high est quality size about 64x84 per pair 1095 these are all prewar prices yama cloth pyjama cloth highquality goods for pajamas and gowns that will ensure comfort and restful sleep for the cold winter nights in floral patterns and stripes full 36 wide per yard 32c fin quality flannelette in attrac tive patterns and in white 16c to 35c towels and towelling fine absorbant quality bath towels in plain or rainbow colours all generous sizes 25c to 75c flannelette blankets better stock up with these fine quality flannelette blankets at pre war prices we were fortunate in having ordered our stock previous to the advance in price due to the war and we are offering this lot at reg ular prewar prices double bed size in ibex kandie and wearbest blankets separately whipped per pair 235 other lines at 195 200 225 229 authentic scotch tartans these scotch tartans are always popular and especially so this season tor school dresses and skirts they are canadian and english manufact ure and are ideal for fall and winter wear per yrd 45cand 35c all wool and rayon and wool scotch plaids gordon royal stewart princess elizabeth cameron tartans splendid quality 125 165 195 table oilcloth remnant sale we have sorted out all remnants and short ends sizes up to li yrds and marked down for quick sale make your selecion early w h shaw store this store open tuesday thursdayand saturday evenings closed wednesday afternoons xocxox loeuoe xocaox x0e30i x0e30i x0e30 vandorf attend deputy reeve jess cooks two big sales september 28 and october 3 mi and mrs russel sproxton and family had sunday dinner with mr and mrs william empringham at bethesda will the person who picked up a pair of pinchers which were lost near wesley church corn ers please leave at mr switzers next sunday win be com munion of the lords supper at the regular service in the morn ing mr and mrs herb oliver and miss lottie atkinson mr and mrs allin of aurora were guests at mr and mrs john empringhams bethesda on sunday the october meeting of the ladies aid will meet at the home of mrs a pattenden on october 4 mr and mrs wm morley entertained mr and mrs louis brillinger of bethesda dr geo and mrs covey toronto mr and mrs roy morley to a hot fowl supper on the occasion of their 55th weding anniversary on saturday evening we wish them better health for years to come atha at orono and port hope fairs the hereford cattle own ed by misses whitson won many prizes last week sunday visitors with mr and mrs fred draper were mr and mrs b bain and mr and mrs w cullins of newmarket rev arthur and mrs greer of newmarket had tea on saturday evening with mr and mrs arthur carruthers mr and mrs fred draper and baby also mrs albert draper were in toronto monday to see mrs curtis who is in the gener al hospital we wish her an early recovery on friday evening the friends and neighbors of mrs frank sebeck gave her a farewell party and presented her with a grand set of dishes also a blanket and kitchen utensils over fifty gathered for the occasion mrs sebeck is moving to claremont a big crowd and top prices ruled at the auction sale of the farm stock and implements the estate of the late frank see- beck the binder sold to a scar- boro man for 175 a mower brought 75 and other imple ments equally good a roan mare 8 years brought 100 and another 3 years old sold at 102 and a filly for 75 good prices we estimate the high priced cow with calf was knocked down at 85 while the average for the cows was 65 pigs run ning in weight around- 50 pounds realized 850 and two sows sold at 30 each the hay sold in the mow at 650 arid 7 a ton total sale realized slight ly over 2000 everybody was pleased that mrs sebeck had a good sale thanks auctioneer farmer stanley theatre phone stouffville 100 thursday friday saturday sept 282930 dark victory with bette davis mondav tuesdav wednesday october 2 3f4 bob burns in i f m from missouri gladys geo judith barrett musical betty boop sports reel thur fridav and saturday october 567 tailspin starring alice faye con bennett joan davis jane wyman charles farrell nancy kelly mongolia 8th line markham mrs simeon wideman of bethesda was the guest of mrs wm wideman last week mr and mrs walter byer and mr and mrs allan wide- man were visitors at kitchener over the weekend mr and mrs ivan leadley were city visitors on sunday mrs leadley remaining for a few days quite a number from the local mbc churches attended the recent conference at new dun dee the wms of the united church held a quilting at the home of mrs kirk on wednes day david cober is erecting a large new greenhouse which will enable him to better take care of his ever growing business it s conveniently situated close to the highway dave scott is making re pairs and alterations to his blacksmith shop which will make it lighter and warmer black smith shops are becoming fewer and dave is one of the few real mechanics still doing business mr and mrs gamble of tor onto accompanied by mr and mrs gamble jr and son of sudbury spent a few days with mr and mrs robinson mrs gamble and mr robinson are brother and sister mr ii wright and donald spent sunday in toronto mr and mrs ed wideman and daughters were in toronto on sunday the singsong was held at the home of mr and mrs doughlas booth this week mr and mrs darby nee evelyn green spent sunday at the home of her parents miss verna zeller and mr grenvillle draper had tea sun day evening with mr and mrs bernard burnell of claremont mr and mrs ross harper and family of lemonville spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs douglas booth mr and mrs brown of whit by spent the weekend at the home of mr and mrs clarke bunker sunday guests with mr and mrs g thompson were mr and mis frank carter of brougham and mr and mrs stanley thompson and kathleen and john miss pingle of albany and mrs pingle of toronto spent a few days recently with mr and mrs douglasb booth friends in this community all wish mrs wright a speedy re covery mrs wright is in the general hospital toronto hav ing undergone an operation lost one man dark hair blue eyes rugged constitution last heard of visiting a girl friend in peterborough mr and mrs bernard san- ford and mrs wild of syracuse new york spent sunday even ing at the home of mr and mrs c bunker mrs o zeller and verna spent one day last week visiting with relatives in claremont mrs john harper of toronto is visiting at the booth home this week there are cars boats and airships but what do you cal the locomotive that climbs a telephone pole or ie would have had not the telephone pole given away under the strain perhaps one of our lads can give us the name of this modern invention last sunday our superintend ed addressed the visitors es pecially so eloquent did he wax that the regular attendance al most wished they were visitors a very interesting essay was read on the impression visitors have received as they entered various sunday schools come and let us welcome you the mongolia pupils well re paid- their teacher for his trouble in preparing them for the school fair by bringing in four dollars and sixtyfive cents as a total celeste bright re ceived the highest no of points with phyllis pugh following a close second we wish to con gratulate celeste in receiving first prize in her public speak ing and phyllis in receiving 1st in the weed naming contest moving west m rwllnson ltd established 54 years special rates on household effects in pool cars to winnipeg and west to coast long distance moving and first class warehouses for storing household effects 610 tonge street toronto telephone klngsdale 5135