the stouffville tribune thursday august 31st 1939 page three immiiniiiilimiimmilliniiininiminmimiiriimimnmiimihiimmnmilllimilllkuulfblllimnmih1linillllll town topics lulm schools reopen on sept 5 mr and mrs arthur hutch inson and two children of blackwater were visiting with his grandmother mrs henry vanzatsi on sunday miss maryon hastings in company with a party of young people spent sunday in mus- koka at bigwin inn lake of bays mr edward meyer and his daughter mrs taylor had a trip last week to flint mich where they visited relatives mrs taylor had previously been at lake simcoe visiting her brother allan for three weeks mr and mrs harold brant and daughter lola from oshawa were in town on sunday and called on mr and mrs kg tarr the betty beauty salon will be closed saturday sept 2 patrons please note mr h m fletcher is reorgan izing the uxbridge choral society teachers appear to be fairly plentiful this fall- a school in carrick townshipnear walker- ton advertised for one and re ceived 71 applications the huge electric sign in front of the stanley theatre is being favorably commented on by many people one can readily see what is playing while the layout provides illumination and general improvement to the front of the theatre build ing see more save money buy reliable used cars cars hepburn oc gasoline tax looks high but last saturday we read in dispatches from italy that on the calling of a half million additional extra men to take up arm in italy an emergency price of 95c a gallon was placed on gasoline this vir tually eliminated private motor ing so the countrys limited supply of motor fuel could be preserved for military use mr thomas birkett was called to moosejaw last week owing to the serious illness of his sisterin law mrs randal birkett he arrived in the western city the very day his sisterinlaw passed away it is expected that mr birkett will be absent from town here for a couple of weeks but his office will be open as usual in charge of his son mr gordon birkett the muston greenhouses advertised for public sale drew no outside buyers we are in formed by the solicitor mr fl button however it is stated on reliable source that the busi ness will be taken over by mr milton smith who has been in charge here at stouffville for a couple of years now mr stan muston will retire from the business mr tom hughes of toronto was in town on sunday visiting his sister mrs l e atkinson at the parsonage next monday is labor day business place close miss dolly thoman of kitchener has been visiting miss eulah brillinger miss lorna baker of rose- dale balsam lake whose home town is stouffville has been visiting with friends in buffalo most of this past month mr and mrs john quibell and verna hogan were visiting in bobcaygeon last week at the home of his sister mrs j crowe recent visitors with miss sadie stewart were mrs jack johnson and son of uxbridge and miss winnie stewart of goodwood mrs william watson and sister miss charlotte lehmai are on a visit to relatives and friends on manitoulin island they intend to spend a short time with two of their cousins who left altona in 1877 being members of the abraham leh man family 1937 ford stand tudor 1938 ford stand tudor 1937 plymouth delux tudor heater 1935 ford delux fordor 1934 ford coach trucks 1936 chev maple h d duals leaf 1931 durant special dual 31929 fords 2 duals 1 single also a number of other good reconditioned cars and trucks priced right for quick sale 1 fordson tractor gents bicycle new prizes being forced to abondon our old scheme of giving away priz es on account of section in the criminal code making it illegal we have installed another sys tem which is legal so you will be able to secure prizes on your purchases at our places of business at stouffville and markham df holden sons stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 a new house has been start ed on pine street being built by elwood betz son of f w betz contractor and builder few people will know pine street and for the benefit of those who do not we may ex plain that it runs south off main street almost like a con tinuation of baker avenue up to the present time only one house fronts on the street that being the property of mrs jack and for long years the home of the late dan miller the old baptist church dem olished fifteen years ago was described as on main street at the corner of pine street the new house on pine street is directly south of the residence of f w betz and faces mrs jacks the brick foundation was completed last week for the new place which is designed to be a neat cottage or bungalo town clerk j s dougherty is back in his office after a week spent at balsam lake he was one of a party including mrs dougherty and evelyn also mr and mrs robert burnett the men found fishing rather slow as the finny tribe refused to perform due to much rain and windy weather it was believed reeve a e weldon slipped away for a few days last week and visited the scenes of his boyhood days back in the lind say district mrs weldon has also been on holidays visiting her parental home in the same locality mr jos cadieux suffered a slight stroke last friday but is considerably improved again the family report mr cadieux is the father of the express driver and with his wife occu pies part of miss nora staple- tons residence in the westend he is 79 years of age we are informed that a mili tary guard has been placed on the post office building in the town of uxbridge there is a vacant room in the place which is supposed to be for military use and was occupied as an office during the last war down in the basement of the building is a target range also noted for its being left alone evidently uxbridge is designated as a customs office but even that un der the existing conditions is not enough- to keep people from laughing however if a state of war exists the government is taking no chances the senior womens insti tute will meet at the home of mrs lloyd turner on thurs day afternoon september 14 at 230 pm roll call some prom inent woman of present day address marjorie stewartrn talk on flowers by miss eva hoover cornet solo alice for- sythe picnic lunch and sports note change of day and date leola food shoppe home cooked meals lunches special chicken dinner sunday september 3rd phone 167 stouffville storeys digestive tonic invigorates the digestive organs improves the appetite a very effective treatment for indigestion dyspepsia biliousness stomach disorders flatulence j m storey druggist it is now reported that the 1940 automobile will not have the bustles in the rear and the mechanical changes will be numerous one of the good things is to be a new type of headlight doing away with bulbs and glare strange that so many people have had to be killed before a necessity of this kind has been invented in the little village of ripley last week a vote for the re turn of the open bar was taken 166 persons voted it back and 149 were against however there will be no open bar as the required twofifths was not obtained for its return ux bridge will vote on the issue the latter part of september but we hear from the northern town that the chances of the issue being carried is un likely ecialk to sept 9th 135 daily except sunday auo 16th to sift reduced return fare includes exhibition admission and coach trantfer to and from terminal tntid th grounds leave stouffvlle mansion house 825 am leave toronto bay at dundas 1015 pm standard time tickets and information at mansion house stouffville phone 161 gray coach lines during the past decade a con stantly increasing list of items has entered into the cost of living but there is one item of expenditure at least that has been cut down a generation ago families spent small for tunes on massive marble monu ments which towered high in local cemeteries in some modern cemeteries the monu ments are limited to a foot or 18 inches in other grounds the stone is limited to a flat plaque we understand there is no jim- it to the height of a stone that might be set up in stouffville cemetery although other sim ilar grounds in markham town ship have such regulation after all perhaps the latter is to be preferred many people feel that to erect stones running in to the thousands is a vertible waste although everybody re cognizes the desirability of a substantial marker of reason able proportion since the day of elaborate tomb stones is gone many monument works have passed on with the change the town of st marys for instance had two such works employing twelve men and today people in st marys buy their monuments through agents that call per haps it is better that present- day folk are forced to do some thing worthwhile in life in order to gain a lasting monu ment in the memory of people owing to the war situation ontario people who arrived back from england and the continent the last few days were more than delighted to be on canadian soil again indeed the congestion became so great that one could not get passage on any of the lines without waiting for two or three weeks miss phyliss klinck of stouff ville and miss innis william son markham returned on the letitia reaching mon treal sunday morning of course when they left england the situation was not so tense miss williamson is the school teacher at armitage mrs jas turner sister of miss nettie rae and mr frank rae is still in scotland according to the latest word while friends had communication from miss gladys miller two weeks ago she was then in norway ever since bible days man has been commanded to take up thy bed and walk but not always with the same rejoicing as characterized that greatest of all stories for instance chief quibell one night last week issued this command to a knight of the road who had parked on a comfortable couch on the veranda of a church street home having been sum moned to remove the stranger the cop approached the scene with all necessary caution hav ing in mind how some of these chaps resent interference and quickly pull a gun however as the cop approached he heard the soothing and sonorous sounds as from one in deep slumber although in the dark ness he could scarcely see what he was approaching drawing alongside the cot he shot his flash light into what he be lieved to be the face of the stranger only to find his head was well covered under a blank et he had taken possession of he was as the noise from un der the blanket inferred soundly asleep awakened from his glorious state the tramp was bidden to arise and follow me this he did and was led to the upper chamber of the council rooms where he was introduced to a bare table min us the comfortable springs and blanket he enjoyed on the ver anda it is only fair to state the stranger before parking on the veranda obtained per mission from the owner to do so but he later recanted through nervousnessthe tramp was perfectly civil and as was bidden flew his kite at the break of dawn after all it would have been much more human to have offered this roamer a bed of some sort which could be readily arranged in the furnace room of the council chambers for the winter months we have frequentlv heard the suggestion that a cot could be placed beside the fur nace to be used by those not so fortunate in life as the least of us in this prosperous village j sing a song of egg profits every poultry keeper is pleased to bear his hens sing and cackle that means eggs and eggs mean profits if you want to get more eggs from your bens and more money from egg profits feed fulpep egg mash feed it the fulopep way with whole oats and fulopep scratch grain get more eggs at less feed cost tul0pep jl egg mash jl quaker pn0rep hgcmash has proved its worth in getting high production from layers and keeping them up in body weight health and condition begin now to get more profit from your hens feed fulopep egg mash order today stiver bros congratulations are due the members of the horticultural society who united their effort to put on a winning exhibit at the north york society exhibi tion last week those most active in this undertaking were misses marjorie mertens ann lehman eva hoover mrs h o klinck and mrs d wood- burn at the cne this week this same group with mrs a farthing taking the place of mrs klinck and with the presi dent george saunders assisting combined their efforts to put on a lovely display of cut flowers in a space 6x9 feet stouffville had won first honors in their efforts at the ex on other occasion and had an excellent exhibit on this occasion winn ing second prize in a class of 5 next week the annual holi day time for the tribune there will be no issue of the paper on september 7 but we will re sume again on september 14 and will try and review any thing of importance from the preceding week you cant go wrong here used cars and trucks 1939 chevrolet sedan 1937 pontiac sedan 1936 plymouth sedan 1936 chevrolet 2ton truck duals 7 x 12 stake body 1936 ford pick up 1932 rugby 2wn truck duals 1931 chevrolet coach 1930 hupmobile coupe 1930 dodge sedan 1929 oldsmobile sedan 1929 oldsmobile coach 1930 1 ton panel 1928 whippet sedan 1932 chevrolet half ton panel 1930 chevrolet coach 1928 ford coupe 1929 chevrolet coach 1928 essex coach two steel dump bodies one crank lift dump and body see these articles ix hp gasoline engine 2 fordson tractors 3 6 hp gas engines single plow 1 1020 int tractor litter carrier 2 3furrow cockshutt plows 2 stewart clippers 4 can milk cooler 1 1938 frigidaire 5 2 furrow cock plow 1 2 furrow john deere plow 2 easy washers 25 cycle 1 beatty washer 25 cycle orchard disc broadcaster cultivator 1 9 spring tooth cultivator 2 wagon boxes milk wagon rubber tires 12 beatty grinder used furnace 1 vertelectric grinder 25 cycle clarex oval cook stove high closet and reservoir a number of cook stoves and heaters chas cooper claremont ontario