page two the stouffville tribune thursday july 27 1939 2 ftmrfftriu ribmt established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to ten pages average circulation 1375 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher notes and comments three great killers are the speeder and the glare menace drunken driver the beer at picnic illegal according to a recent ruling of ontario courts having and serving beer at picnics is contrary to the liquor act and in this connection a magistrate in norfolk a few days ago imposed a fine of 100 or a term of three months in jail upon a citizen of the village of langton for an infrac tion of the law in this regard it is common practice of picnic parties to imbibe on these occasions and many of them perhaps do not realize how serious an offense it is to flout the law in this way picnickers might well be warned that booze may only be consumed in private residences stouffville the place of contentment a recent visitor in town mr j m walton auroras leading citizen and chief magistrate who has a gift of language that would have made him a great success as a writer immediately after his visit to stouffville the follow- ing complimentary article came out in the aurora banner which we suspect is from the pen of mr walton who has given to the country columns of history written in his own inimitable style which reveals itself again in this article which says a visit to our good municipal neighbour the village of stouffville will give a great deal of information and plea sure to any visitor this village is situated in the most productive part of york couny it is surrounded by fine market gardens and beautiful farms stock raising and all kinds of agriculture are carried on with success lying immediately south west of the pine ridges of the north part of the township streams of the purest water are found everywhere from the springs in the hills the town draws a bountiful supply of water from these hills for all town purposes their main street is fo perfect pave ment a great change from a few years ago when bogged roads were experienced in the main street not many towns in the province have finer homes and better kept grounds while there is no great wealth there is a general distri bution of the comforts of life seldom excelled and they have no relief problems whatever their stores look to prosper and the shopping service is good their streets are usually filled with the cars and wagons of the shoppers from the district they are justly proud of their school it is situated on large and beautiful grounds and contains eleven rooms three large rooms were recently added for manual train ing science and domestic science so that their school facil ities are excellent a visit to this building will repay any person interested in education the great surprise is that their recent addition of three rooms with the necessary heating for the enlarged building cost only 18000 of which the municipality needed to raise only 12000 this was done by local investors who subscribed 3 percent bonds at par over the counter of the town treasurer this included the equipment for municipal economy stouffville has the province beat en and it reflects great credit on the men in charge of their school and municipal affairs their- venerable clerk john dougherty is proud of his office and record of his town the municipal building is central and very commod ious it includes a fine fire proof vault for the storage of all their records any person wishing to study municipal or community problems will find stouffville a good place to go penalize the car built for high speed eight lives lost on no 7 highway within ten days can readily be traced to high speed motoring it may be that the only thing to do about the terrific slaugther going on all over onario is to place governors on all cars that would curtail their speed to 40 or 50 miles an hour for a long time we have felt it was a big mistake for motor manufacturing companies to everlastingly be pro ducing cars of greater and greater speed and dangling this before the buying public as an added feature no sane dri ver needs or wants a car because it can go 70 or 60 for that matter sb why make them how would it be to double the license fee on all cars made to go over a given speed of say 50 miles an hour unless something like this is done the slaughter in this province of innocent persons will amount to the mortalty of a good sized war over a few yeais prosperity returning as the stars come out at night first one or two and then the rest inlarge numbers so come out the signs that canada is coming into a measure of prosperity again in dications are that better times are on the way and the as the weeks go by these indications grow stronger ottawa reports that canadian exports have jumped tremendously new homes new offices new factories are springing up noticeably throughout the country supplem enting a report recorded up a few days agothe ontario minister of labor hon n o hipel now says his depart ment has approved in the last three months some s2482885 worth of projected factories shops and office buildings in the city of toronto the building trades em ployees are going to work with full dinner pails reports are more persistent that british and foreign capital is on the way to canada for large industrial devel opment many canadian business houses reading the signs are laying in increased stocks in readiness for accented buying by the genera public in the fall officials of the canadian national exhibition who have contact with all types of canadian business declaie that executives are op- tomistic are buying more space at the exhibition grounds to exhibit their wares only the uncertainty as to what hit ler may start holds back a tremendous rush they feel the wheat crop in the west seems safe now and its a bumper one with the price set at 70 cents travellers from the west say that citizens out there are already beginning to spend as they havent done in recent year nodifference where pupils write same marking standard says chairman of entrance examination board complaints made against the richmond hill high school entrance board in this paper two weeks ago are answered by principal james stewart chairman of the entrance board who maintains that our misinformation regarding the subject is complete for years now we have been hearing time and again that if you want to get through on an easy ticket just try exams at lemon- ville and avoid stouffville which is attached to richmond hill as a consequence our misin formation to the contrary pupils have actually travelled from southeast of stouffville over to lemonville and tried there true pupils are expected to write at the nearest centre to their place of residence but this is not really enforced however we are pleased to give mr stewarts explanation to our readers as it may help to put at rest the popular idea that one inspectorate is easier on marking than another here is what he says sir your front page editorial do entrance pupils shun local school of your issue of july 6 has come to my attention your misinformation regard ing this subject is complete 1 entrance candidates their teachers and inspectors have no choice as to where the candidates shall write depart mental regulations require them to do so at the entrance centre nearest their place of residence 2 the alleged low standards maintained at markham do not exist are you aware that the department furnishes each entrance board with a set of instructions in great detail for marking entrance answer papers these are uniform throughout the province and i am assured they are rigidly adhered to by the affiliated entrance board of markham aurora and newmarket 3 the alleged high standard required by the richmond hill entrance board is just as non- existant the same department marking instructions are just as well obseived also it is not true that stouffville candidates have fared badly here they have always met with high per centage of success this year every stouffville candidate both village and rural passed 4 theie is no good reason for the stouffville school board desiring rural entrance candi dates to write at stouffville the expense involved has no compensations i do not care where they write none of them ever attended high school here so that the standards maintain ed by the entrance boards con cerned are a matter of com plete indifference to me hoping that you may be en lightened and reassured by the above and that your sense of fairness may require you to publish it with prominence equal to that afforded the original editorial i remain sincerely yours james stewart chairman entrance board richmond hill a sunny smile on a sandy beach miss toronto of 1939 to attend richmond hill street dance on wed aug 9th miss toronto the queen city 1939 beauty contest winner will be an honored guest at the annual lions club carnival and street dance at richmond hill on wednesdy evening august 9th there will be a band con cert on the street starting at 7 pm dst and the midway of games features and novelties will open at that time com mencing at 9 pm russ creighton and his canadian mountaineers will provide music for the monster street dance miss toronto will make the lucky number draw and 8200 will be given away in prizes dont miss richmond hill street dance wed august 9th there are many different ways to wile away a holiday at musselmans lake you prefer to roam the woods over the countryside swim sail or perhaps just enjoy the fresh air on the long beach taking a sun bath as you read your popular magazine beer room vote set for sept 21 september 21 has been set by the ontario liquor control board as the date for the tak ing of a plebiscite on the ques tion of granting a license for the establishment of a beverage room in the town of uxbridge it was learned iast week a petition bearing the names of 25 per cent of the voters asking for the vote was present ed to uxbridge council recently and then forwarded to the liquor control board church people in the district are working hard against the establishment of the beverage room whereas a section of the businessmen are reported as in favor of the license being issued it is contended that such action will improve business and tend to do away with boot legging which it is charged is flourishing in the district baseball in the park here saturday afternoon ostranders vs stouffville uxbridge doctor found guilty on all charges with dr rbe wilson of uxbridge being found guilty on three separate counts in police court last thursday creating a nuisance assault and obstruct ing an officer and the physi cians own announcement that he is giving up his practise there our neighbor town may again pursue its normal course various sittings of the police court have found a packed hall on each occasion naturally when plain ordinary citizens get into court in a rural community everybody is intei but when one of the medical pro fession and a daughter of a lead ing merchant are implicated why pandemonium fairly reigns pink teas and other assemblies have an inexhaust- ive subject before magistrate ebbs in uxbridge music hall wilson was convicted on all three charges and assessed a total of 95 he was said to have creat ed a nuisance in dr rennies office in port perry and re sisted arrest when he put a cauliflower ear on the town cop in the scugog centre on another charge miss dora brownscombe testified that the doctor had entered her home unbidden and struck her on the forehead citizens tell the tribune that dr wilson is a clever physician and although there only a few years built up a large practise he has restored people to health who had been ailing for years and could get no help from any other source said our informant now you can have sliced bread your usual loaf may now be had ready sliced just the thing for picnics gatherings and anything where quality is issued saves time cuttingand be sides sliced bread from us goes farther because our slicer does the work so evenly try a sliced loaf at only lc over regular price the stouffville bakery 30e30x lobor 30e30e 30e30 the le ola food shoppe cakes and pastry baked to your order we serve home cooked dinners and lunches neilsons ice cream phone 167 stouffville welcome to the large summer colony at musselmans p g tarr stouffville granite marble works phone 8002 monuments of distinction tribunes small advs are cheap and profitable special cottage and community night dance and progressive euchre cedar beach gardens musselmans lake every monday night frank busseri and his orchestra uspot dances and lucky number dances prizes for euchre o i admission 25c per person 8 o l d v i dancing nightly 30doe nonce 30e30x o n o o 0 o n n o o d a million partner ar oil qnhe of them partnership with the sun life of canada is a deed of security for you and yours your representative j l abell ringwood ont lifiimdla