page two the stouffville tribune thursday july 20th 1939 stye toirffnttfc rtbmu established 1888 a member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario 8 to 10 pages circulation 1325 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher notes and comments it is a surprise how some owners of mail boxes on routes out of town keep them so untidy and inconvenient for the couriers to deposit their letters and papers in some are quite close to the road handy for receipt of en closures others are as far from being convenient as pos sible to have them placed some are dilapidated and unfit for mail ready open for wind and storm to cany away or destroy contents others are six feet in the air and then again it requires knee drill to place letters in them many so low jonathan swift clergyman and humorist said in the year 1735 it is pleasant to observe how free the pre sent age is in laying taxes on the next succedmg generations have said much the same thing but we doubt if any generation has been so prone as the present one in doing this families organizations municipalities govern ments are forever craving for something they have not got and to obtain the thing they want a mortgage is placed on the future few of us live for the present we are occupied in striving to pay for the past wouldnt it be wonderful if in some manner all debts could be eliminated and the people of the world could start off with a clean sheet 1 twentysix villages pay no hydrant rental no one knows better that our reeve and councillors how hard it is to make ends meet on the tax rate struck each year needed improvements and repairs in the village frequently have to go undone because the funds are too low thus we are ever casting an eye about to find a place to get added revenue or to be relieved of some obligation that has been costing real money a means of saving one mill to the tax payers in stouffville drop the annual pay ment of 600 made by the general account of the village to the water account the funds are not really needed in the water account where added revenue if required could readilv be obtained by slightly increased rates for water there are fiftyfour villages in ontario enjoying a domestic water system and twentysix of them make no charge whatever to the town for hydrant rental on the other hand it is interesting to note from figures in the annual report of municipal statistics that the village of markham with only 48 hydrants charge the ratepayers 1200 per annum for the service stouffville with 60 hydrants have been charging the town 600 only sixteen villages charge over 1000 the highest being the village of waterford charging 2300 the system has a heavy de benture debt of 42000 and the high hydrant rental is probably imposed as a means of meeting the expenses of the system with the system in stouffville entirely paid for would not the village council be justified in discontinuing the payment of 600 per annum for water apple growers of ontario are seeking an approved marketing scheme the plan is to expand the voluntary effort adopted last winter of an assessment of one per cent per hamper used to advertise ontario apples this fund was supplemented by a grant from the department of agriculture and resulted in accelerating the sale of an overstock of the fruit it is now proposed to take in every apple grower in the province within the provisions of the ontario farm products control act even the smaller growers will come into the scheme for edward walls of stouffville has been notified and requested to contribute his quota to this scheme incidentally mr walls is a little suspicious that it will not do him much good and unless compulsion is used he will not adopt the plan of sending his money in few failures indicate generous marking the scheme of education is changing rapidly throughout ontario written examinations at the close of the school term are becoming less and less important this is indicated by a report just out from the depart ment of education that one in every four pupils have been granted certificates at the close of their second year at high schools without trying an examination teachers recommended them on their years work the percentage of failures this year was very small and indicated that the standard of marking was anything but severe the province over the entrance exams themselves were fair to a little easier than might have been expected w d herridge founder of the new democracy party has become active speaking before the toronto district trades and labor council he said the two old parties must go and urged new democracy candidates be nominated in every constituency hon r b bennetts brotherinlaw seems undeterred by the fate which over took harry stevens new party a few years ago estimat ing that more people than ever are dissatisfied with the way legislation is being made and will be more easily changed r g business licenses a provision of the municipal act which may be overlooked by many municipalities is explained in the following by an amendment to section 439 municipal act enacted by 1938 statutes- chapter 22 section 12 muni cipalities have power to pass bylaws requiring persons who are no licensed as transient traders who after the return of the assessment roll commence to carry on any busi ness in premises in respect to which they are liable for business assessment to pay a license- before commencing such business the amount of the license fee is to be a sum computed by reference to the tax on such business assess ment which such person would have been required to pay for the current year in respect to the premises on which he has commenced business if he had been previously ass essed and made liable for such tax the license fee shall be either one half the amount of such tax for the whole year or a proportionate part of same for the balance of the year after he commences busi ness whichever shall be the greater it should be noted that this license fee is in the nature of a straight tax and s not a credit on future taxes as in the case of the regular license fee for transient traders will beer barrels roll in uxbridge councillor charges false pre tences in getting voters listed on petition are you in favor of the sale of beer and wine under the pro visions of the liquor control act is the question to be answered by uxbridge voters on a date to be set by the liquor control board the petition signed by more than 25 per cent of the voters list asking a vote was submit ted to town council last week the town clerk rejected 28 names and reported the rest in order in order to secure a vote un der the statute the petition must have 282 valid names it now has 291 the clerk reported under the statute a vote fol lows council took no action when councillor r h halbert charg ed some names were secured by false prentences and misrepresentation he de manded to see the names to check them a member of council has no night to check validity of nam es and council has no right to accept or reject any names that is the responsibility of the clerk the clerk declared i know of cases where people were fooled into signing who did not know what it was at all said councillor halbert and they just have a margin of nine names if these highpressure salesmen made false statements securing the names i maintain a court of law will rule the peti tion of no effect and if i can check over the list i may find the names of some who will want it taken off they couldnt withdraw their names now said the clerk i demand to see the names said mr halbert youd be better off not to see them but i have no objection to you looking at the petition said mayor r turner the clerk doesnt mean to suggest surely that if my name were on and i didnt sign it that i could not have it removed asked councillor robert harris councillor f willams wanted to know why one name head ing the list should be ruled valid when he is no longer a resi dent of the town the clerk re plied the man in question lived in uxbridge when the last voters list was made up three years ago find carrier pigeon a dead carrier pigeon appar ently blown off its course and injured during a recent storm was found by jack swinson uxbridge farmer in his potato patch sunday morning there were two leg bands numbered 388a and 876 one of the bands bore the words from toronto to montreal goodwood man heads clan at the recent picnic of the middleton clan held at clare- mont fred middleton of good wood was elected president the prize awared to the oldest person on the grounds went to mrs c middleton age 89 of toronto the youngest twins were harold and gordon middleton huntsville the most newly wedded couple were mr and mrs john middleton who had been married some six weeks the prize for the youngest child on the grounds went to 14day old june tweedie of pickering officers elected for the coming year were honorary presidents mrs c s car- ruthers toronto and g l middleton brougham presi dent f j middleton good wood secytreas mrs gor don middleton huntsville sports committee mrs mamie farr woodbridge mrs c o johnston coldwater charles hewitt peterboro adam spears whitevale and armour middleton toronto following a deliberated con test the annua picnic for 1940 will be held on july 1 at wood- bridge wrong butter grade 50 fine and costs on june 12 1939 two cream eries in eastern ontario were each fined 5000 and costs for having in possession for sale and selling creamery print butter that was not correctly marked as to grade in each in stance the wrappers were marked first grade but the actual quality of the butter was second grade due to an old or stale flavour and uneven or streaky colour first grade butter must be clean and sound in flavour and the colour even or true throughout the package it is the responsibility of all creameries in canada except in the provinces of nova scotia and prince edward island manufacturing and selling creamery butter to mark the package so as to indicate the correct grade of the product in accordance with the grade stan dards provided by regulations under the dairy industry act the terms used are first grade second grade third grade and below third grade and the designation of grade must be placed conspicu ously on the main panel of the package in order that consum ers may readily see the parti cular grade offered for sale officers of the dominion de partment of agriculture are constantly checking the quality of creamery print butter in the wholesale and retail trade and were responsible for laying the charges in the above cases many drivers lack common sense elmination of highway acci dents can best be brought about by the education of motorists in the opinion of members of toronto and york roads com mission members of the com mission approved installation of several improved traffic aids last week but insisted that the reduction of accidents depend- e primarily on common sense driving installation of trafficactuated lights at lansing road and yonge highway was approved by the commission the new modern light will cost 2500 and will replace the present lights which were described as erratic the commission also approved erection of reflector- type signs at lansing side road and bayview ave and on in dividual posts at the agincourt cutoff it seems to be a matter of public education that is requir ed declared dave spence mp chairman of the commission the public should know that we are trying new safety mea sures all the time and that these are erected for a purpose he added make employees members sixteen employees of the good roads system were made mem bers of the ontario safety league to improve their know ledge of traffic con ditions and preventive measures by order of the commission harvey rose county engineer explained that most of them spent much time on the high ways and membership in the league would help them in their work supporting members of the commission in their contention that motorists should be more attentive to signs mr rose re vealed that 50 per cent of the black ana white checkerboard signs on deadend roads had to be repaired yearly the signs are 10 feet square large enough to be seen he thought but yet they do not heed them until it is too late mr rose said a more graphic portrayal of the perils of careless driving through the use of billboards was urged by r r leslie city member of the commission he referred to the signs in the us where a sketch of a bad accident was shown together with a largesize figure of a traffic officer pointing the fin ger accusingly at everyone who drove by j ray price men tioned a state where crosses were erected at points every time there was a fatality he saw 12 crosses at one spot he said trucks to have 16 lights all large freight trucks must carry 16 lights after sept 1 by order of the department of highways mr leslie owner of a cartage business informed the commission the trucks must have six lights at the back and three red and three green lights on tractors he said mr leslie pointed out that improved machinery used by the commission now enabled them to paint the centre white strip on 20 miles of highway per day compared to five miles a day formerly we will soon have all our roads painted which should be of considerable help he said cattle crossing signs are al most completely ignored by drivers mr rose declared one of these days someone is going to hit a cow and their car may be overturned we cannot put lights at every intersection because of the cost declared mr spence we recommended lights at don mills road where the multiple fatality occurred some time ago but they were not approved by the department until last week york county is not worse than other sections of the province for accidents and it must be re membered that it comprises 30 per cent of the population and includes toronto mr spence said tribunes small advs are cheap and profitable this new saves your 2 wa type oil ir engine i nys fast flowing it puts a protective oil cushion be tween dry parts the sec ond you start thus it helps reduce starting wear which can cause up to yq of all engine wear tough bodied gold en shell resists forming sludge and carbon under the heat of steady high speeds golden shell is made in a new way that takes the bad things cut of oil sold in sealed bottles sold at a price below the other premium quality oils boadway service station stouffville phone 265 golden shell now you can have sliced bread your usual loaf may now be had ready sliced just the thing for picnics gatherings and anything where quality is issued saves time cutting and be sides sliced bread from us goes farther because our slicer does the work so evenly try a sliced loaf at only lc over regular price the stouffville bakery 13 ionoi ioe30x zobxot aodo n o special cottage and community night dance and progressive euchre cedar beach gardens musselmans lake each monday beginning monday july 10th 1 o d o d o d o frank busseri and his orchestra jj spot dances and lucky number dances f prizes for euchre admission 25c per person l e dancing nightly 30e30e aocaoc 30exoe d 2 anilliuion are mi one of them nieirs a partnership with the sun life of canada is a deed of security for you and yours your representative j l abell ringwood ont siuiiiofefcaiiadla