page eight the tribune stouffviue ontario thursday may 18 1939 goodwood f l a s h w davey 8 stanton ave hope mrs george stewart is feeling better send in your news items to toronto flash column mrs s cook visited the city on saturday last mrs gearing visited her par ents mr and mrs charles lee last weekend siloam is to have one of hali- days ready made houses for carling alcock to our newly weds mr and mrs bruce taylor we extend our best wishes mr warren beach is helping fergus gleason to put a foun dation to his house lumber obtained from the walter janes barn sorry our friend edgar smalley is laid up with an attack of lumbago the 116 battalion are sending their representatives to ottawa and toronto for the kings vis it glad to know our friend andy morgason is visiting the city come up and see us some time sorry to hear our friend miss morgason is not in the best of health heres hoping she may improve with the warm weather so pleased to hear of the kind ly act of our folks out home in assisting to clean up the grounds at the dowsell home to- the lavender family in their loss we convey our deep est sympathy mrs lavender was well known around good wood rev bruce peglar mentioned in last issue is the present rector of the anglican church at mount forest not at brant- ford as stated mr william davey jr son of the correspondents brother william in ottawa spent the weekend at the davey home in toronto william attends mcgill university montreal we are informed the baptist anniversary services will be held sunday may 28 when jc reid of lindsay will be the speaker and the ratcliff male quartette of stouffviue will supply the music big time in the town hall this friday night when the play truth takes a holiday will be repeated now that the roads are dried up and toronto being on fast time put some gas in the old bus and patron ize this show your support is needed in our happy recollections of other days we turn our thoughts this week to the pastorate in goodwood of the rev a e lunau who came to the charge in 1913 serving four years these were the uncertain and difficult war days still our old friend cherishes many happy recollections there is outstand ing in his memory the many children in the siloam area who gave their lives to christ under his ministry also the happy relationship existing be tween baptist and methodist off that day and which still continues now in the evening time of life mr and mrs lunau reside at 495 concord ave and it is our happy privilege to have become intimate friends with them they still count many fine people around goodwood as the best they ever met we know the folks out home will be happy to learn that this venerable couple are well and wish for them many years of happiness to come birthday greetings to geo wallace siloam james d tompkins siloam doris smalley sandford thos w davey toronto all born be tween may 13 and 19 mrs e j hill mr and mrs t headley hill and son of new market visited hamilton on sunday last the davey family visited their summer home at island grove lake simcoe on sunday mr and mrs cephus meader and family visited mr and mrs tobias heward at mt albert on sunday mrs heward is an invalid and sister of charlie lee of goodwood oh oh the highway from stouffviue to uxbridge is to have some crushed gravel well thanks a lot but why not make a job of it we know the folks at uxbridge to stouffviue would be tickled with a paved top also one of the weekly comments of our folks here is that we would visit our home viuages more but for the bad road heres hoping mr kellys smile will be broadened to take in ux bridge twp from stouffviue north with a hard top see editorial column for further comment everybody happy showers of letters received by the correspondent from the teach er miss paisley and scholars of the 2nd line school thanking us for their prizes and treats yes siree friends when you make the kiddies happy why sure you are happy so to the follow ing who have sent their lovely letters the correspondent sends his thanks miss grace paisley teacher marie mcguckin geo dowswell phyliss mcguckin ileen dixon doreen wagg gor- on yakely neil mcgillivary ronald wagg murray taylor roy dowswell grace morgason harold morgason the scribe hopes the winners of first and second prizes are receiving their tribune each week also the above pupils i hope will read it also watch your 2nd line news items sunday school lesson goodwood baptist anniversary anniversary services in con nection with the goodwood baptist church will be held afternoon and evening on sun day may 28 the speaker will be rev p c reed of lindsay the ratcliff quartette will sing at both services a hearty wel come is extended to all possibly one reason they call them storm windows is because the little woman has to storm so much at hubby to have him take them off lesson for may 21 beverage alcohol and the home golden text do not drink wine nor strong drink thou nor thy sons with thee levl09 the lesson as a wholly we com again to consider the evils of intemperance and the im portance of a right attitude toward the liquor question we learn so slowly few of us are willing to pro fit by the sad experience ol others there is a selfconfidence in human nature particularly youthful hu man nature that makes us feel that we ourselves may trifle with things that have ruined millions and yet get through without serious loss the distance is not far from the first glass of liquor carelessly tossed down by the young man or woman in order to keep up appear ances tith a group of frivolous companions and the wretchedness and disgrace of the drunkards lite and death therefore the need of frequently considering the perils of alcohol and the importance of learning to say no to the voice of the tempter he who does not take the first drink will never run any risk of becoming a drunken sot only conscienceless or un principled people will condemn the one who resists temptation because he prefers virtue to vice and sobriety to sottishness verse by verse jer 355 the house of the rechabites these were the descen dants of jonadab the son of rechaib a nomad and pastoral family in is rael who had been commanded by their ancestor to live in the open country in tents and to refrain from either drinking wine or hav ing anything whatever to do with the production of the vine from which it came because of the marauding armies of the chaldeans they had moved into jerusalem for safety to test them jeremiah offer ed them wine to drink verse 6 we will drink no wine they refused to taste the wine because of the prohibition put upon it by jonadab their father loyalty to whom was more to them than the demands of appetite verse 7 that ye may live many days jonadaho realized the physical blessings and healthfulness of an outdoor life as contrasted to the softness and luxuriousness which have often ensnared the city- dweller he knew too the value of abstemiousness as opposed to the curse of drunkenness verse s and 9 thus have we obeyed the rechabites in their loyalty to their ancestors command are an object lesson for those of us who profess to own the authority of our lord jesus christ and would be subject to the instruction of the holy spirit as given in the word of god verse 10 we have obeyed these men of a farol time may well speak to us they obeyed the com mand of their father and profited by so doing we may be assured that obedience to the revealed will of god will be for our lasting gain eph 515 walk circumspect ly that is walk looking in a circle be careful where you place your feet both for your own safety and as an example to those over whom you have any influence and who are likely to follow your steps verse 16 redeeming the time it might be rendered buying up opportunities the days are evil sin is everywhere active christians should be on the lookout for oppor tunities to witness for christ and to assist others to walk in right paths instead of hindering them verse 17 be ye not unwise the wise man is the one who fears the lord and seeks to glorify him the foolish man is the selfconfident blusterer who throws off restraint and takes his own careless way imagining he is seeing life when in reality he is on the road that leads to death versels be not drunk with wine the spirit of the wine cup exhilarates for the moment and a man under its influence is lifted out of himself and becomes abnormal but this evil spirit is to be avoided by the christian be filled with the spirit when the holy spirit has his right of way in the heart and life of a believer that man is also lifted out of himself but in a high and holy way so that he be comes not abnormal but but super normal verse 19 making melody in your heart when the spirit of god has control of the life it becomes lyrical and filled with glorious harmony verse 20 giving thanks always for all things because all things work together for good rom s28 the christian can receive them all with thanksgiving that god is working out his own plan for each life verse 21 submitting yourselves one to another this is one of the maternity home obrien ave stoultvule reasonable terms mrs c meabry phone 271 brierbush hospital government licensed main street east stouffviue maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registered nurses and 24 hour mrs e service r good phone 191 lehmans shoe store phone 4301 stouffviue footwear for all the family womens hosiery boots shoes rubbers mitts socks gloves yt nrr permanent waves 250 to 1000 shampoo haircut and finger wave included hot oil treatments facial manicuring east end beauty shop phone 176 we placed a special order with one of canadas leading manufacturers of quality mattresses to get a reduced price royal sovereign matresses on these superior strap handles for easy turning sleepmaster haoi in canada toduct tapetrimmed hand- tailored roll edge mattresses of this quality regularly sell for 2995 you can buy one colors blue green peach burgundy brown and orchid dont delay if you want one- the quantity is limited for 195 we also sell the famous mamttssis come in and see fhem you will recognize exceptional value for the price when you ee this raattrem built by th canadian feather mattraft company limited toronto manufacturers of quality mattresses for fortyflvo years we consider that this mattress at the price above enables us to offer our customers value that cannot be surpassed by any store in canada l e oneill furniture dealer stoufsville ontario evidences of a spiritfilled life god ly submission to one another the fear of god chap 61 obey your parents the apostle has been addressing himself to husbands and wives in chapter 5 verses 22 to 33 now he addresses children in the home and exhorts them to obedience this is right nature itself proclaims the rightfulness of such subjection and gods word enforces it verse 2 the first command ment with promise that is in the giving of the law this command ment to children was the first to de clare a blessing upon obedience verse 3 that it may be well with thee the blessing was a double one god pfomised that it would be well with the one honored his parents and he should live long on the land verse 4 the nurture and ad monition of the lord the chris tian home should be a place where the cbildren are brought up under holy influences and where the parents are careful not to vex need lessly those under their care the heart of the lesson life at its best is not found in the path of selfindulgence but rather of selfsacrifice no one is truly happy who makes self and the gratification of his own desires his objects the deepest joys are found in yielding oneself to christ and living an unselfish life for the blessing of others nothing is lost by selfdenial for the glory of god so the christian should ever be an example of temperance or self- control in order that he may live daily in the enjoyment of the divine favor himself and so behave him self that no one following him will he in danger of going astray business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mala phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdji office over bank ot commerce office hodrs 9 to 12 noon and 130 to b3 pm phone office phone residence 1001 101s claremone every tuesday office over wilkinsons store phone claremont 1401 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university ot toronto office in grubtns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvlll monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am uxbridge tp council uxbridge township council met on saturday members all present and reeve ashenhurst presiding a copy of the town ship bylaw giving the wood- bridge and vaughan telephone co the privilege of using the highways in the township for poles etc as approved by the ontario municipal board was read the treasurer reported he had since last meeting of coun cil received the 1938 road ex penditure subsidy of 378521 nathan linton live stock valuer reported a lamb killed by dogs belonging to john kidd the principal business done was passing the following accounts howard forsythe shovelling snow 1630 ira stiner shov snow 2510 j e wagg shov snow drag 2180 robert redshaw shov snow 2930 ed redshaw shov snow 41 marshall sharrard shov snow 2620 hilliard armstrong shov snow 4450 ag clark shov snow 5380 w j hack ney shov snow drag 10 thomas dawson shov snow 7 harold dickinson shov snow drag 1040 b mc guckin shov snow drag 1020 howard hockley shov snow drag 920alex wagg drag 10 samuel bacon drag 10 alfred mcdonald drag 660 w smalley drag 450 geo wilson shov snow and drag 760 stephen schular continued on page nine insurance see h o klinck obrien aver or your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffviue 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -alao- automoblle and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffviue every wednesday at brathwaites hardware phone 9601 barristers ofiice phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public o king street east oshava ontario resident partner branch office wc pollardkc port perry ont uxbridge ontario phone 264 mccullough button flbuttonkc hrbuttonba barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffviue money to iran miscellaneous l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000