the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 4th 1939 page three town topics i phone ix votk persoxa1s 15301 william mertens is out on the old homestead with his brother joseph west of town and may spend the summer here seeding is quite general this week among the farmers ot this locality and the land is working well you are invited to see the war pictures this thursday evening on the screen in ratcliff s hall admission 25c auspices of stouffville war veterans during its antics the animal crashed its feet through a new wooden top being built for percv brillingers truck but no one was injured although there was plenty of excitement a scrapbook diary of a grandmother of a buffalo man revealed a summerless year when in 1816 there was snow in march april june and october there was frost in the other months no one however has come cross a record of a year without a winter e a grubinro optome trist and optician will be at his office in stouffville on monday may 8th bruce davis son of mr and mrs jack davis west of town is expected home from the toronto general hospital this weekend having undergone an operation there for appendi citis a week ago bruce is re covering nicely mr h w sanders informs us that the new annex to lakeview house jacksons point has made rapid advancement and will be ready for occupancy early in may the many guests will no doubt appreciate the new and more commodious accommodation to be found in the newly built structureand bookings will likely fill up rapid ly- this paper has been appeal ed to by several motorists dur ing the past week to warn children and grownups who de light to roller skate on the paved road that greater cau tion should be taken one of these days there may be a serious accident for there has now been several narrow squeaks and what a pity if some child should be maimed for life or perhaps killed we know the younger fry get a great kick over roller skating but it is a dangerous practise on the road and doubly so after dark children do not seem to realize that a motorist may be blinded by anothers lights they make no attempt whatever to avoid being hit they leave it all to the motor ist tenders are being called for a new post office building in the town of beaverton down in bowmanville the local news paper has protested their year appropriation of 3600 for im provement to the bowmanville wharf as unnecessary and wasteful on the part of the government surely beaver- tonians will not be uncharitable as the bowmanville town after all while these small town ports are not used for navi gation a post office is useful and appreciated in most any town or village town constable quibell is wearing a natty new uniform when on duty these days with the spring reopening of mercantile stores three even ings a week the stouffville creamery announce that their business is also open on these nights for the accommodation of those delivering cream railway engineers running between montreal and brock- ville receive for one calendar day wages of 2070 we learn from the report of john mcdougall who was engaged to submit a special report to the senate committee saturday evening weekly lets go to church program featured st andrews mark- ham and zion churches with rev d h woodhouse conduct ing devotional service and miss olive harrington and mr and mrs chas whittaker provid ing music the uxbridge bible class orchestra will be in stouffville next sunday morning when their teacher mr t g gold will deliver the sermon in the united church stouffville and markham farmers contributed upwards of 100 into police court at new market last week on various charges laid under the motor vehicles act fines alone totalled 75 with costs in each case against the guilty ones all were minor offences for not having license plates or drivers permits offenders were picked up at ringwood when the county police stationed them selves at this point catching motorists from every direction the number of local fisher men who turn out for the 1st of may is gradually growing less but a few of the old stand- byes were on the job as usual last saturday shiner davis and massey mowder were in their accustomed place at ux bridge mill pond and each caught a few nice brook trout despite the fact that some claim there were more fisher men than trout in the big pond nothing of a spectacular nat ure was brought back but with diminishing stream it is al most sensational to catch a trout at all in these parts backrite tablets for the kidneys for backache tired feeling dizziness rheumatism head ache bladder troubles they help to cleanse the blood and also act on the liver the ideal spring tonic for cleansing the system j m storey druggist the main street traffic or something else distracted lloyd browns horse when he drove to town from gravel hill one after noon last week and when the animals nerves got the best of itself there was no holding him by the reins and the horse jump ed the sidewalk in front of leslie rowbothams shop running south between the shop and the next building here it came into contact with ia narrower passage but the horse raced through leaving the spring wagon behind it circled back to main street and struck for home as if besieged by a hive of bees local stores are now open tuesday and thursday even ings for the convenience of the busy farmer who will be able to stay on the land all day and shop at night if he wishes it that way shoppers should keep in mind that early buy ing on saturday nights is great ly appreciated some folk have the habit of visiting all even ing and when eleven oclock comes around they rush in to buy this is not fair to the merchant who has had a very long day do your saturday shopping early and by so doing cooperate all you can a total of fortynine young men of the district have join ed the scarboro markham and stouffville gjrain club accord ing to agricultural representa tive cockburn this club which is backed by the kiwanians rf toronto distributes two bushels of grain to each of its partici pants from which harvest these junior farmers will be judged in the fall twentythree have received vanguard oats a new variety resistant to stem rust eleven have secured erban which is resistant to leaf rust three alaska three victory four banner and five barley father and son banquets and church meetings of one kind and another have been quite an undertaking over the past few years and was introduced in stouffville united ohuroh two weeks ago when a mother and daughter night was held dur ing the regular church hour last sunday it was changed to a father and son service both of which were described as quite successful and worth while the speakers at the mothers meeting were mrs herbert lee mrs ball kath leen kellington and betty sanderson at the male service r hodgins garfield kelling ton also ken klinck and ted cadieux spoke twentyfive dollars and costs was the fine imposed upon the franklin house hotel of mark ham monday when this estab lishment was charged in county court with operating a slot machine it is reliably reported that rev d h woodhouse pastor of markham united church and cedar grove zion has answer ed a call to arnprior congrega tion rev woodhouse is just completing his fourth year at the markham charge mr and mrs jas h ratcliff enjoyed a short holiday last week visiting in hagersville and fergus special train accommodation will be provided out of stouff ville for may 22nd on the occasion of the visit of the king and queen to toronto for those who do not wish to drive their children to toronto by motor car the railway would seem to be the most feasible manner of transportation train hours will be announced in due course states agent robert johnston at the cnr on sunday april 30 mr and mrs g l williamson markham celebrated their twentyseventh wedding anni versary mr and mrs william son are wellknown through out markham township hav ing farmed on the peachs sideroad some twenty years ago on the property now occupied by walter brignall on the occasion of their anni versary mr and mrs william son were guests in toronto of mr williamsons sister mrs charles robinson who along with her husband was cele brating a similar event mm mm mm maw ehamm multiuse a smooth flowing quick drying high glots enamel that will add sparkling beauty to your home for wood or metal surfaces inside or outside 26 glorious colors to choose from neuglos a washable semigloss enamel to beautify your walls furni ture woodwork easy to apply dries quickly has no unpleasant odor in a wide range of beautiful pastel shedes buy now for future needs take advantage of these 39- thrifty low prices brathwaite hardware time out for recreation and sports during the summer months has again been declar ed by the merchants of stouff ville and this week inaugurat ed the wednesday halfholi day and tuesday thursday and saturday openings as in past years the hours in which people may do business at the local post office on wednesday are 8 am to 1210 and 5 pm to 645 pm this triple open night system is a convenience to the farmers in the district who make stouffville their shopping centre and encourages more trade in our fair town stouffville and markham were hard hit in newmarket police court last week when no less than seven persons from this area were charged with various infractions of the law the line up of delinquents was as fol lows oliver larkin stouffville no operators license 10 and costs thos blizzard markham no operators license 10 and costs ed timbers markham no operators licenseremanded for sentence alex berg whit church bad brakes 10 and costs given one week to pay lloyd turner stouffville no operators license 10 and costs letting person under 16 drive his truck 5 and costs owners name not on truck re manded for sentence bob johnston stouffville no oper ators license 10 and costs r a bruce markham no opera tors license 10 and costs ninety young porkers what a lot of squealing ninety pigs six weeks old could pro vide well thats exactly the number of young porkers rais ed this spring on the farm of mr c h doner gormley most of them were sold off at six or seven weeks old and found new homes through advertisements in the tribune mr doner has nine mother pigs responsible for this large kindergarten class whose owners will strive to cultivate them in the effort of being good feeders and ulti mately good bacon for the breakfast table quality service seed grain clover and garden seeds and fertilizers fulopep chick starter fulopep growing mash fulopep developer fulopep fine chick feed 98 pounds five roses flour 255 98 pounds ivory flour 215 fertilin a combined fertilizer and soil pest destroyer 1 pound packet 15c 5 pound packet 50c 10 pound packet 85c 1ver bros coats called for and deliverd furs ihomasvoc master furrier designers and creators of exclusive fur coats and wraps repairs restyling cold storage est 191 3 33 melinda elgin 1991 in stouffville without additional charge or happy carefree motoring change over now to mclaughlinbuick its time to end the worry and expense of driving an old car time to step out in a new buick and enjoy life travel in smarl style know the thrill of owning this beauty of a buick it has the look of tomorrow look of action in every trim line and contour travel in luxurious comfort youll find that buick rides like a cloud rough roads arc gently smoothed by the full- float action of rearcoil springing even the turns are banked for you by buicks kneeaction and if you like action just take the wheel of this new buick feel the mighty surge of power from its dynadash straight eight engine as you breeze along at any gait you choose the longer you own your buick tbc more yon will respect the fine and honest craftsmanship beneath its beautiful exter ior drive a mclaughlinbuick today and discover how easy it is to own on the general motors instalment plan no other car in the world has all these features dynaflash valvein head straight8 engine torquefree rear- coil springing handi shift transmission roomier unisteel body by fisher tiptoe hydraulic brakes torquetube drive flashway direction signal selfbanking kneeaction front springing catwalk- cooling greater visibility crown spring clutch linbuick miotb chas cooper dealer claremont charles ward associate dealer stouffville