ten pages 1300 copies volxlviii no 5 the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 4th 1939 a v nolan jp publisher daylight saving rejected by council after giving serious con sideration to a petition filed with them the village council on monday evening refused to call upon the people to observe daynght saving the petition presented by messrs f l button delbert holden and d hodgins contained 52 names for and 33 against any change of time mr button formally presented the document and said that if we believe in demo cracy we should have daylight saving because of the numbers signed in favor he suggested starting may 14th and ending sept 1st i appreciate what the farm er says when he states that he cannot work on daylight saving time but i think they would get used to it prophesied mr button he pointed to the yonge street towns having all adopt ed it as far north as new market mr holden said he had heard some farmers say they really liked the fast time best the only complaint in mark- ham is that the village should start it earlier each year he de clared reeve weldon thanked the deputation and promised to scrutinize the petition but af ter doing so the vote was unan imously against a change in time it was pointed out that the larger business places al most to a store are definitely against daylight time the en tire block of merchants from mill street to church street are opposed to it council be lieve council were swayed noticeably by this fact councillor rusnell told the deputatioji that evening church service would be starting at six oclock farm time and mr button declared places were getting over this difficulty by changing the hour of worship to 730 the merchants were dis satisfied the way daylight time worked out here in war time and i dont think they have changed any by the looks of the petition said councillor tait who stoutly maintained they are the real ones to consider in this matter councillor r e brown ant councillor jack silverthorn both signed for the new time but believed they had been in error and voted against their own petition at the council i am willing to submit the matter to the ratepayers next january if there is any real de mand later in the season said reeve weldon as it is we could not enforce daylight time because the larger stores are opposed i think daylight saving is a mistake he said express ing a personal view councillor brown said that he had not had time to give the question serious consideration when he signed the petition but now he was quite sure it would be a mistake to try and make stores change their hours when they are opposed to it and do not want it the council decided that any petition that did not have two thirds of the business places on would not be impressive this petition while showing a big margin in favor carried names of people who were not tax pay ers and were really not entitled having a voice in changing the working hours of mer chant it was declared tribune awarded toronto star trophy once valu- joseph t clark late editor ofthe toronto daily star in whose honor the trophy is named mr clark was editor of the pickering news and never lost his interest in the weekly newspapers which he considered a able medium of public opinion gregory clark son of the late joseph t clark for whom the trophy is named and a newspaper feature writer in his own right is seen holding the trophy thieves throw out books and 25 in good cash lady luck meets up with un fortunate motorist return ing to the west our appreciation the tribune is deeply indebted to the scores of friends who offered us con gratulations on winning the jt clark memorial cup this paper is delight ed to have been able to bring the honor to stouff ville it appears to have been of sufficient import ance to call for a front page double heading in the tor onto daily star carrying the message in story and illustration to half a million readers of the daily star and the toronto star weekly we are deeply in debted to the star for their generous boost aceorded the weekly press friends and firms far and near have sent in congratu latory messages in such numbers as to fairly j swamp our facilities to answer to all of them we say again thank you b13 daily tells of tribunes achievement a v nolans paper passes rigid test gregory clark presents trophy died miss anna stapleton on tuesday may 2nd at the home of her niece mrs jos d winterstein rr3 stouffville after a lingering illness rest ing at the above address funer al friday 200 pm and at 230 public scryice at bloomington christian church interment bloomington chris tian cemetery experiences a thrilling escape mrs dent law of this town realizes that- she had a miracu lous escape from being shot yesterday afternoon while working in her home mrs law was engaged in the summer kitchen a board structure when a bullet came tearing through a crack in the boards smashing an electric light bulb close to her head constable quibell is investigating toronto daily star a competitor in the stars own field walked off with the trophy donated by the stars president to the canadian weekly- newspaper association for the best allround weekly newspaper published in village or town of less than 1500 pop ulation the stouffville tribune and a v nolanjp its pub- and showed great care of typa and machinery good printing and excellent layout it was remarkable for the amount of correspondence from the town and its neighborhood its rural correspondents were of ahigh order and well trained its sel ection of news was expertly suited to the interest of its local readers and there was minimum of filler material the three judges of the con test which included country weeklies fromall parts of ont ario and quebec and which narrowed down to about 20 rev eber rusnell has re covered all the money stolen from the trailer of his car when thieves broke in after the trail er was ditched enroute home from stouffville to western canada while passing through the usa when mr rusnell left he wreck to get help some miles away from the scene all his clothing and other articles were lifted evidently by a passing motorist in a box they remov ed filled with books were fivo five dollar bills layed between the pages of a bible the next day as mr rusnell journeyed westward he came upon a pile of books discarded in the ditch and as they appeared familiar he stopped and to his surprise recognized the literature as his very own eagerly opening the bible from the pile he found the stolen money as in answer to his prayers it would seem that the thieves were going in rusnells direction but having no use for books they dumped them on the roadside with such happy re sults to their rightful owner the experience of this form er stouffville boy is a rare one and he is bound to say that the lord looks after his own when passing through the wilderness the michigan police were i working on the case but would may 22 a holiday in accordance with the wish es expressed at a public meet ing of business men held recent- tf an solution co never have solvedthe thing ofthe lols were adam sellar of the siau ganugu gleaner que g the rural editors in ottawa on friday night and greg clark son of the late editor of the markham robbers sentenced kirkland lake northern news we must express our thanks star in whose memory the troigjs c tnh s beautiful trophy but the star she of the newmaiel has aiways tak a ver iivel v 1 lml tn f i interest in the country week- era to carry home to his t u4 u stouffville neighbour who was absent from the convention the reason mr j e atkin son named this silver cup the joseph t clark trophy said gregory clark was due doubt less to the fact that the most familiar memory of joe clark in newspapermens minds is that of him sitting at his desk editor of a powerful modern 3jjf n sliklv a diphtheria toxoid clinic rilji l t ss will beheld on friday may lies and i wouldnt be surprised if the toronto stars rise to power wasnt due to taking its tips from the rural press george lake of timmins commented on the fact that continued on page nine reeve has been asked to proclaim monday may 22nd a public holiday for stouffville it being the occasion of the visit of the king and queen to tor onto this falls so closely on the heels of victoria day may 24 that the latter may only be ob served during the afternoon of may 24 which is the usual wednesday halfholiday as well had mr rusnell not been lucky enough to meet up with the- discarded portion of the loot population on the increase board of health notice william k welsh 26 and thomas roberts 34 were sen tenced to 10 and 12 years re spectively for robbing the canadian bank of commerce at markham of 980 on march 24 and other crimes surround ing the attack on markham judge oconnell told the pair that unemployment or anything else would not excuse young men in carrying loaded weap ons prepared to shoot if opposed mr louis schell of toronto spent sunday with his sister mrs lloyd mover strewn all about him on the floor and another one spread out on his desk subject of in tent scrutiny when i would so find him and taunt him with still being the editor of the pickering news from which journal he came to toronto he would lean back and sayno my boy public opinion is like a river sometimes it flows placidly sometimes it is swol len in flood and hidden rocks of prejudice menace us and there are backwaters and ed dies but if you want to sample the river of public opinion dont dip into the flood go and sample the sources the springs the country weeklies passes stiff test the stouffville tribune won the trophy as the best allround weekly newspaper published in i town of 1500 or less popula tion on the following counts its appearance was excellent rev chas endicottdd who will address the united church congregation this com ing sunday evening can day too late 5th at the school at 2 pm cards of instruction will be sent this is the time of year when to all parents it is recom- people wish to have their old mended that children of nreltin cans and other rubbish re- school age should be given in jections as well as the school children dr h b freel moh mrs maria hoover goes to last rest the funeral of the late mrs maria m hoover took place on monday at the home of her daughter mrs alex torrance mrs hoover was the eldest daughter of her pioneer par ents john and suzannah sewell she was born in scarboro but lived most of her life in mark ham and locust hill left is one sister mrs m strongman of toronto one brother john sewell of markham and a dau ghter mrs alex torrance moved from off their premises unfortunately the town dump lies in such a bog as not to be reached until the end of may usually this is an unfortun ate situation and should have some further consideration with a view to getting a more suit able location or providing a road to the grounds that could be used at least by the first week in may that big bag of wheat in price pughs window the past week drew all kinds of guesses as to its weight which actually tipped the scales at 250 pounds mrs h n foote estimated it at 249 pounds mrs john green the population of stouffville has increased by 32 from 1160 to 1192 assessor george storey announced to the village coun cil on monday evening the assessor also revealed in pre senting the roll for 1939 that the general assessment had advanced 9800 to a total of 642843 the exemptions total 167400 for school building churches public library muni cipal hall park cemetery the number of school children totals 204 down 3 from last year the dog tax collected is 140 an increase of a few dollars the added assessment mr storey said is due to new build ings and will bring in an in creased tax of 350 equal to- half a mill rev c e mcleod asked the council for compensation for damage allegedly caused by town employees breaking his drain tenders for road oil three in number were very close it was moved by councillors brown and tait that oil be purchased from the ae jupp co at 115c per imperial gallon n m maclean reminded the council that the parks com mittee were out of funds the assessment roll was accepted and mr storey order ed to be paid 25 for collecting dog tax public liability insurance was renewed with thos birkett costing 11630 while work mens compensation insurance was paid of j5040 a bond for the assistant treasurer and collector was taken out costing 835 hospitalization for april amounted to 1860 a number of small accounts were also paid warning i notice is hereby given that by- iaw prohibiting shooting off fire arms within tho corporation will bo 255 and mrs j h coates 2571 enforced in future the minimum these three nearest guesses were penalty for the first offence is io prize winners if c qulbill constable