Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 20, 1939, p. 8

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page eight the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 20th 1939 w davey 8 stanton ave toronto- goodwood f l a s h mrs gearing spent sunday with her parents mr and mrs charles lee mr and mrs dudley white and children visited at mount albert during easter pleased to hear from our old friend george dowswell in stouffville who is always a boaster for goodwood and the native township along with other friends we received a card from j f reid on holidays in california well its all right john to see those flowers and the beautiful trees and it makes us long for sum mer again howard harper goodwood school trustee supported the resolution brought forward at the oea convention in toron to which called for more scripture reading in our public schools we will all support the trustee and others in this attitude the danforth flower shop has an attractive adv in this issue you toronto friends will not forget this when needing flowers the goodman at v shows this firm is quoting specials for spring we have what appears to be a very liberal offer from h b harris of 320324 gerrard e toronto who will show his film bulwarks of a nation for any lodge club or church raising funds for a good cause there is no charge says mr harris we have not yet had the pleasure of meeting mr harris who says he is a reader of the tribune we pass his offer on so that first come first served may be the order write direct to flash correspondent who will look after your requirements a man on the street said to us the other day by crackee those country correspondents in last weeks tribune should be complimented for their fine individual effort two pages of news from all over the district covered the section like a blank et so we say to them congrat ulations councillor walter beach has expressed his satisfaction to us for the boost and support in flash column on behalf of his ski promotion activity last winter as he points out one cannot satisfy everybody but we go on and do our best dis- pite a few knocks along the way thanks mr beach for your letter our record book gives us the dates of the following birth days and our best wishes to all sarah middleton superintendent of the junior 16 mrs bewell union- girls auxiliary mrs pridham them april ville 18 w baston goodwood secretary of the diocese of tor 15 neil tindall goodwood 17 onto made the presentation of william a stiner roseville a gold pin and certificate the 18 mrs ross thompson j auxiliary presented a beauti- ballantrae 20th nettie hack- ful bouquet and still another ney goodwood 19 jean har- 1l special 225 special australian sultana 1 raisins special thinshell soda crackers m special bulk hi black tea special all kinds bulk macaroni special pgsoap pearl soap huttons vfai hmn48ox t rl tonguf tin 10 mclarens jellypowdm pk old colony maplt syrup ftp 27 texas pure grapefruit juice 3 25 tiger catsup 8 kelloggs all wheat zxkl 2 25 dependable soap ivory ck 10 northern tissue 3 ron 25 jolly good prepared mustard 10 jolly good nut snack 19 lifebuoy soap ck 07 m mm s to p llmijcifta per april 17 bessie scott apl 29 at last the new church at has been completed and opened for services to the pastor in charge and officers and mem bers the correspondent sends his best wishes it does not re quire electric lights pipe organ and surpliced choir to get a blessing at church the humble humble and loveable god fearing folk make the best churches so in this quiet little church we trust many will come to know the lord even better and that his work may grow in that part of his vineyard by the time these news items are before our readers we hope our friend sam davis of ux- bridge district will be back home after a period here in the tor onto general hospital on east er sunday my friend sandy brown and the scribe assisted him into the hospital our friend was more than pleased to have a visit from two old boys of uxbridge township who he and members of the family have known for many years mr alex brown and the scribe took in the tuesday play off game between maple leafs and bruins and in the large gathering we noticed our friend miss hunter who is quite a hockey fan by the way this lady extends an invitation to all her friends to visit her new office at 15 toronto street its some time since the public school on the second concession where miss paisley is teacher was built but so far the correspondent has never seen this new structure little over a year ago we had a map con test for the village of good wood last fall the pupils at rosevilles new school were asked to sketch their building in each contest there were priz es given so now the second concession school pupils are asked to draw in pencil the ex terior or outside of their school the contestants will be of the senior class and if the pupils do not already know the rules in this contest we hereby give them drawing to be in pencil on a good paper or cardboard the picture of the school by outside view contest ants must be attending the school at the present time and drawing must be by the pupil only when completed the draw ing is to be mailed to the cor respondent with a personal letter accompanying same let ting me know who you are and your joy of being a pupil of this school drawing and letter to reach the correspondent not later than april 30th now try your skill names will be in flash column weekly watch the tribune each week three prizes given 1st 2nd 3rd the womens teen age and junior auxiliaries of st clem ents church toronto combined to bestow honor on mrs walter davey by making her a life member of the organization for i a number of years she had been from the deaconesses and other friends luncheon brought a delightful meeting to a close and one long to be remembered mrs davey has been a mem ber of the auxiliary for over twenty years business directory medical lsllllllliiil the trylon theme centre and perisphere of new yorks 150000000 worlds fair which opens on april 30th the peris phere is a huge globe as tall as an 18storey building and hous es the theme exhibit of the fairthe world of tomorrow fair attendance is expected to pass the fiftymillion mark dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdj- office over bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pk phone office phone resident 1001 1015 claremono every tuesday office over wilkinsons store phone claremont 1401 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am insurance sunday school lesson april 23 paul wins recognition for gentile christians golden text a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of jesus christ gal- 216 ed away verse 28 ghost and theworld of tomorrow worlds fair ot today new york 1850 round trip after april 27th attractive tours in new york including taxi to hotel assured hotel accommodation admission to fair grounds sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york and other entertainment 7050 f 1350 v 1700 9 2400 to a to a to to 1550 h 1975 2600 1 3650 reservations must be made at least a week in advance descriptive folder and complete information at mansion house stouffville ont the lesson as a wliole by h a ironside littd the fifteenth of acts is one of the great dispensational chapters of the new testament and contains the key to the divine program for this present age of grace and that o the coming jingdom a dispen sation is a stewardship or economy in gods ways with men in which he is dealing with them in a differ ent way from that in which he has dealt with them before some people decry what is called dispensational truth yet all bible students be lieve in it to some degree no one seriously contends that god is deal ing with men today in the same manner as he dealt with them un der law from moses to christ and it is clear from scripture that when the church age is ended and the kingdom age has dawned mans responsibility will be different from what it is now the word dispen sation is found four times in the authorized version and five times in the revision it is a translation of the greek word oikonomia from which we get our word economy and is translated also order ad ministration and stelwardship it refers to the ordering of gods ways with men verse by verse acts 1523 greeting unto the brethren which are of the gentiles after prolonged debate and earn est prayer for divine enlightenment the council of leaders in jerusalem drew up an official pronouncement which was sent to their gentile good to the holy to us assured that they had been divinely guided they considered their judgment to be that of the holy spirit when they declared that the ceremonial law3 given to israel through moses were not to be forced upon the gentile christians verse 29 if ye keep yourselves ye shall do well on the other hand in view of the gross wicked ness and immorality of the heathen world they felt it necessary to stress the responsibility of all be lievers to abstain from any con nection with idolatry and from all uncleanness this was but in accord with what paul always insisted on gal 21 i went up to jer usalem with barnabas in the letter to the galatian churches who were afterward sadly infected by the very legality against which paul protested he recites the story of the visit of acts 15 and adds that titus a greek christian was with them at the time verse 2- i went up by revela tion it was because god had directed him to go that he and barnabas took that memorable journey they interviewed the leaders privately before putting the matter before the entire christian body at jerusalem in order to be sure no mistake had been made on their part through misapprehend ing the mind of the lord but they found all were agreed that their ministry was in accord with the gospel as revealed to them by see h o kllnck obrien aver or your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglarj and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -aleo- automoblle and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday at brathwaites hardware phone 9601 office phone 3160 gray coach lines brethren in the regions where paul himself and barnabas had labored verse 24 saying ye must keep the law they admitted frank ly that certain men had gone from their midst to the gentiles insisting that they must bow their necks to the yoke of the jewish law but they denied absolutely that they had authoritively represented the church of jerusalem verse 25 being assembled with one accord all classes of chris tian thought were represented in that first church council but through the grace of god they had come to unity of judgment and so all could speak of our beloved barnabas and paul vorse 26 hazarded their lives tho jerusalem christians recog nized the devotednoss of the two great missionaries to the gentiles who had risked their lives in order to carry the name of the lord jesus christ to the idolatrous gentile world verse 27 judas and silas t shall tell you the same things i they selected two highly esteemed men sifted and approved from their own number to go with tho verse 9 they gave tho right hands of fellowship after a thorough investigation and full opportunity for free discussion all were agreed that there was nothing unscriptural or contarary to christs order in the ministry of barnabas and paul and this was confirmed by giving them the right hand of fellowship verse 10 they would that we should remember the poor it seem ed an almost superfluous suggestion as paul had always taken an inter est in the needy believers in judea for whom he gathered gifts from the gentile churches thus mani festing the unity of the body of christ the ffenrt of the lesson god does nothing at haphazard he is never taken by surprise he works according to a plan tho pur pose or counsel which ho has had in his heart from all eternity from moses to christ he was dealing with israel as his covenant people while in large measure he overlooked the ignorance of the gentiles acts 1730 he taught his earthly peo ple by laws and ceremonies which prefigured good things to come residence phone 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public o king street bast oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wc pollardkc port perry ont uxbridge ontario phone 264 mccullough button flbuttonkc hrbuttonba barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to iran l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone apostles to tho churches among the now- he is taking out from the gen- gentiles to confirm their written j tiles a people to his name acts testimony by word of mouth that 1514 these saved gentiles and all misunderstanding might be clear- she believing jews are thus united i in one body eph 36 when this work is completed christ will re turn and build again the tabernacle of david which is fallen down that will bo the time for the ful fillment of all the old testament prophecies in regard to israel when the gentiles shall come to their light and be blessed through thorn fail ure to see this led many of tho early hebrew christians to look with sus picion on gentile converts if they did not submit to legal regulations the gospel of grace frees tho soul from all such bondage when gods orderly plan is clearly understood

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