page eight the tribune stouffville ontario thursday april 6th 1939 classified advertising peed cabbage for sale deliver ed w yague phone 2813 for sale 11 pigs 6 weeks old phone stouffville 1505 clifford winger gormley ontario house for sale centrally located on main street mrs levi hoover on premises for sale small pigs ready to wean also two sows and quant ity seed buckwheat h st john phone 1103 for sale a low set democrat waggon inch and quarter steel tires in good condition james drew church street markham attractive gray mare for sale 9 years this spring excellent farm horse j crawford phone s623 aurora or enquire at the tribune for sale good single cart extra good fred pilkey phone 9709 alfalfa seed for sale apply to c wagg phone 2102 girl wanted for housework on farm phone 4712 baled wheat straw for sale apply r r- johnson phone 7430 markham cabbage several tons of cab bage for sale by dozen or ton apply william harding barber sho wanted old style box stove for wood square style j crawford phone aurora sg23 or the stouff ville tribune office miaox 0 xoxaoi aotaoc aoi government supervised o b o o g i o n o o i o l k530e30e seed cleaning a complete approved line of cleaning grading separating and treating machinery kept in perfect mechanical condition and operated by experienced workmen gives you everything to be desired in seed preparation grain or seeds picked up and returned at very moderate cost know what you sow this year seiling chicks tops as the name implies our brooding offer gives you these outstanding chicks at the price of ordinary chicks as an intro ductory offer they are the only chicks that are guaranteed to live three great chick starters dixeteria 16 per cent dixie 19 per cnt and mfcsrf shurgain 19 per cent feed your broilers on a 19 per cnt starter for maximum growth and your pullets the 16 per cent free choice feed for rugged developement dicksons hill mills established 1842 stouffville ontario markham ontario xoeioe aoiaoi xoexok o d o o a o o a ms x0e30i loaoi used cars you can mi can u trust at bargain prices 1939 2 1938 u 1937 1928 1928 1928 1937 h 1937 2 1936 u 1934 n 1934 1934 11 1932 u 1931 2 1929 1928 3 1928 1932 1931 1927 1936 1936 1934 ti 1936 1933 pontiac sedan chevrolet sedan pontiac sedan chevrolet sedan pontiac sedan oldsmobile sedan chevrolet coach chevrolet coach chevrolet coach chevrolet coach ford coach oldsmobile coach chevrolet coach chevrolet coach pontiac coach chevrolet coach pontiac coach chevrolet coupe hupmobile coupe essex coach 1937 buick sedan master master deluxe d o 1934 ford coach 1930 ford coach 1929 ford coupe 1928 essex coach d o d 1933 1932 1930 1929 chevrolet 2 ton truck duals stake body chev 1 12 ton truck singles stake body chev 2 ton truck duals hydraulic stake gmc half ton panel chevrolet panel half ton gmc truck duals 12 foot stake body rugby truck duals stake body chevrolet one ton panel chevrolet- half ton panel implements q o w k 40 mccormackdeering tractor 1020 mccormack- deering tractor fordson tractor fenders spade lugs gov pulley fordson tractor 3 furrow cockshutt plow 11 disc cockshutt drill 9 tooth spring tooth cultivator 9 tooth spring tooth cultivator with seed box 2 5 fooc mowers 2 10 ft rakes 1 9 ft rake fanning mill 2 furrow sulky plow single plow 2 wagon boxes scuffler 3 sets harrows 12 beatty grinder 2 refriger ators miscellaneous no of stoves boat and trailer large stock used tires used parts for ford chev durant etc charles cooper o d o cla1 mo oni i fo a telephone 102 and 103 o 3 0e30e 30c30c aotaoz lonoi j for sale quantity cobbler seed potatoes and a few dooleys geo cober phone 3615 black cow due middle of april 4 years old jos e wide- man phone 3c16 wanted young mail of 20 wants employment in service station apply tribune office wanted girl wants job in town write miss v banks markham rr2 or phone stouffville 200 desirable home in markham village open for invalid or con valescent at reasonable terms apply at tribune office wanted a young girl to help with springcleaning and general housework apply mrs charles smith unionville phone stouff ville 5214 additional locals note there will be two show ings of alexanders ragtime band at the staniey theatre this good friday evening a meeting of the local curl ing club is called for next wed nesday night april 12th at 8 oclock in the rink office p g tarr the new monunent man is introducing himself to the public through the advertis ing columns of this week miss elva mowat left for campbellford last sunday to nurse her grandmother mrs stuart who is seriously ill place your order for cut flow ers and flowering plants with donald lewis phone 2204 easter time is the time to or der lost between stouffville and uxbridge tire and rim size 33x4 pair horse blankets two robes phone 8410 stouffville wilmot brown rr no2 manure for sale h gallagher 6th con markham old cooney place for rent five room house next mennonite church possession at once apply to mildred barkey phone 806 for saile quantity of mixed hay also quantity of mangolds arthur fuller phone 2113 wanted single man for farm employment steady work o brown phone 7809 for sale quantity of sawdust also six turkey hens and one gobbler a bartholomew stouff ville for sale one dark grey geld ing hd rising 3 years apply to e ewart east half of lot 28 con 2 whitchurch new market po seed grain for sale velvet barley and improved banner oats archie fleming phone 602 wanted several acres of land suitable for gardening and chick en raising with good house and barn perferably in or near village stouffville apply box p tribune office dodge sedan for sale reasonable this car is in excel lent condition i can highly recom mend it to anyone len keeping four doors east of presbyterian church horses for sale 12 registered clyde mares on tario bred six in foal some not bred also several other horses a select lot from 3 to 7 years old some mares fit for show purposes they are priced to sell to farmers quickly g m forsyth phone claremont 3101 baby chicks quantity and price both right get your orders in early custom hatch ing two new machines especially for duck and turkey eggs jgrlce for duck and turkey eggs 350 per 100 hen eggs 250 per 100 unionville chick hatchery phone 2920 or 3902 stouffville phone is 2620 baby chicks barred rock and new hamp shire chicks from large eggs laid by our own bloodtested flock day old chicks 10c hatches each week henry miller phone stouffville 4914 in attendance at a reception given by mrs hepburn wife of the premier at the king edward hotel last thursday afternoon were the following from stouffville mrs alex grubin mrs w h shaw mrs george lee mrs j borinsky and miss lucy waters the stouffville junior insti tute will meet at the home of mrs j h silverthorn on april 12 at 230 pm the roll call to be answered with a helpful housecleaning hint the guest speaker will be mrs sh foote who will speak on the new school system mrs ross winterstein will entertain with readings everyone welcome the death of levi armstrong in his 68th year last week in toronto recalls the fact that some thirty years ago mr arm strong conducted a bakery bus iness in stouffville on the site where the public library now stands mr armstrong sold out to jesse davis and many local people will remember the bread business as conducted in those days the stouffville creamery points out that persons can get their transportation paid to town from local fanning cen tres if farmers would only bring in their cream because they pay producers for delivering their own cans to the creamery in addition you can get your test right on the spot and the cash too if you wish for sale childs gocart in good condition also an alladin lamp mrs clias alsop phone stouffville 3s03 orchard grove poultry farm r o p sired chicks white plymouth rocks and s c white leghorns all breeders blood tested for bwd female in all matings are selected for large size and good typo and production of large eggs all white rock chicks are sired by second and third generation rop cockerels with high re cords our yearling leghorn hens mated with second generation rop cocks with records up to 267 large eggs our yearling pullet leghorns are mated with hansons double pedigreed 300 egg cockerels both sires and dams over 300 large eggs chicks from the above matings at reasonable prices order now for march april and may delivery a d grove phone stouffville 4802 moving west m rawllnson ltd established 54 years special rates on household effects in pool cars to winnipeg and west to coast long distance moving and first class warehouses for s t o r i n g household effects 610 yonge street toronto telephone klngsdale 512- in memoriam in loving memory of a dear husband and father melvin tindall who passed away april s 1937 sweet memories will linger forever time cannot change them its true years that may come cannot sever our loving remembrance of you lovingly remembered by wife and family in loving memory of our dear husband and father jacob grove who left us april 2 1930 our hearts still ache with sadness our eyes shed many a tear god alone knows how we miss you as it ends the ninth sad year happy hours we once enjoyed how sweet their memory still but death has left a loneliness the world can never fill lovingly remembered by wife son roy and daughterinlaw orange pekoe blend sa1ada la district young people meetings a lenten fellowship service for rural ypus of this dis trict was held at the united church monday evening the theme used throughout the service was sacred gardensthe garden of gethsemane and the garden of golgotha were taken by miss florence barkey of lemonville and mr gordon bailey the garden of resur rection was dramatized by bet ty sanderson kay kellington ruth lehman warren stewart and donald rowbotham with marguerite grubin and lillian piper singing breathe on me breath of god between the scenes miss lindsay read the poem our garden go to chur easter services appreciation card of thanks at this time we express our sincere thanks and deep apprecia tion for the many acts of kindness expressions of sympathy and gener ous assistance extended to us by our relatives friends and neighbors during the illness of a beloved mother and our sad bereavement marjorle and george stewart card of thanks to the choir the womens association of the united church the senior womens institute also to neighbours relatives and friends of toron to stouffville and vicinity i ex press my sincere thanks for flowers- fruit cards and num erous gifts during my stay in the hospital and since return ing home with deep appreciation luella gayman fowl wanted fowl wanted highest market price paid for hens and other poultry sam golden apply at e pennccks stouffville christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday april 9th 1939 200 pm holy communion everyone welcome sixth line baptist church stanley medhurst pastor sunday april 9th 1939 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship service subj the empty tomb communion and reception of new members 700 pm gospel service subj what will you do with jesus miss grace middleton of brantford will sing at both services young peoples on friday even ing in the church musical program mrs alex ratcliff will give a short talk everyone welcome bloomington ringwood christian churches rev e morton s h cockburn sunday april 9 1939 special easter messages and music both morning and evening followed by the ordinance of the lords supper blooniington 1100 am ringvtood 700 pm todays text and he said unto jesus lord remember me when thou comest in to thy kingdom and jesus said un to him today shalt thou be with me in paradise luke 234243 stouffville mennonite church rev h shantz pastor sunday april 9 1939 1000 am sunday school in the main auditorium one of the male chorus will speak 1030 am male chorus of the messiah bible college grantham pa you will enjoy hearing this chorus of 28 voices 700 pm gospei service there will be special singing at both evening services 230 pm mongolia s s 700 pm altona the pastor tuesday evening april 11 at 8 pm rev levi atkinson will speak at mongolia on his mission ary experiences this meeting will be held at the home of mr and mrs harold wright everyone welcome prayer meetings at both appoint ments on wednesday evening stouffville united church l e atkinson minister sunday april 9th 1939 good friday 1100 am a special good friday service will be held in the church for all who can attend easter sunday april 1 1030 1100 am morning worship subj there is no death 230 pm sunday school and bible class 700 pm evening worship subj easter the proclamation of a great faith there will be special music by the choir at both services wednesday 8 pm prayer and fellowship service wednesday 8 pm prayer and fellowship service the annual easter thank offer ing meeting of the evening auxil iary will be held in the churoh on thursday april 13th at s pm miss helen day of toronto will be guest speaker all ladies of the congregation are invited stouffville presbyterian church- w h fuller b pastor sunday april 9 1939 200 pm sabbath school 300 pm gospel service the public are invited to join us in our services lemonville ballantrae bloomington united churches rev w s irwin pastor friday march 31 8 pm the ypu is called to meet in the lemonville church by the president miss florence barkey the convenor of the missionary department miss betty hamm has charge of the pro gram everyone welcome sunday april 2 1939 gospel services 1045 am ballantrae 230 pm bloomington 700 pm lemonville sabbath schools 1000 am ballantrae 200 pm lemonville who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth mai 32 the door of gods mercy is open to all who are weary of sin everyone welcome stouffville christian church r k vickers pastor sunday april 9th 1939 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship subject 700 pm gospel service the pastor will bring suitable easter messages at both services tuesday all members are asked to be in their place for sr endeavour at 8 oclock church hill 200 pm sunday school 300 pm gospel service thursday senior endeavour the public always welcome stouffville baptist d macgregor pastor the happy hour friday 7 pm the meeting for girls and boys sunday april 9 1939 1000 am bible school a lantern lecture on the cruci fixion and resurrection will be given special music subject the first begotten from the dead the baker hill male quartette will assist us in this service 700 pm gospel service subject shall we recognise our loved ones after the resurrection como and worship the risen christ wednesday 8 pm prayer and praise service como and receive n blessing dickson hill and mt joy mennonite churches rev p g lehman pastor sunday april 9 1939 dicksons hill 1000 am mr harvey in charge 1100 am bible school mount joy campaign close 1000 am bible school 1100 am and 730 pm rev r p ditmer will preach special easter music will be rendered you are cordially invited o attend