page six the tribune stouffville ontario thursday march 9 1939 birthday greetings to miss ann davev oscar armstrong mr william davey mr f j robinson mr bryan all of whom celebrated between march 9 and 14 others born in march are mrs d mcdonald thos arbuckle and daniel norton the correspondent this week received a letter from the librarian of the goodwood library and we certainly were pleased to get more details of the concert in the hall in aid of the library all in all some 1755 in proceeds were taken in despite bad roads while the correspondent re ceives many letters from read ers of the tribune even from texas vancouver chicago winnipeg saskatchewan man- itoulin island on tuesday a letter came from the capital at ottawa intimating that mrs g a mcmullen of palmerston gardens toronto has been visit ing her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs r e gilmore 334 first avenue ottawa mrs mcmullen expects to return to toronto in march both these family names sound very fam iliar to stouffville and ballan- trae people mr wilbert gower of stouff ville we hear spent the weekend in toronto with mr and mrs ernest gower the ski special each sabbath certainly has livened up things at the c n r depot with mr reid at his post and the passengers coming and going the train crew waiting over the farmers sleighs coming and going certainly peps up the countryside the young pleasureseekers their music and sweet voices young man with an accordian played from scarboro to good wood and also on the return the old southern songs of bye- gone days were sung by all and we noticed our passengers pick ed up at stouffville on the home trip joined in and enjoyed them selves in these songs nearing the danforth the old familiar hymn abide with me if we can bring the public in the win ter to the old home surely there must be a way to take them also in the summer time how about establishing a golf course the storm on sunday feb 26 certainly was a humdinger to those travelling on the railway but the scribe managed to get home but oh we had it on some of these young fellows visiting at markham who did not reach home till next day we have not always a good chance to blame the delay on the weather youtlehjoygolhgahvwheri by motor goagh f and fares are low continentwide v daily service mansion house stouffville boston 2155 louisville 2325 denver 4325 montreal x 1280 memphis 2760 x 5 day excursion gray coach lines coal and feeds place your order today so that you will not be disappointed on that truly good reading coal dealer for national concentrate and natural minerals poultry feeds cod liver oil salt all other animal foods s whastings stouffville phone 169 help your farmers by using more butter its cheap and farmers should ship their cream to us for best results stouffville creamery round trip bargain fares from stouffville mauch 10 to cxr stations in tlio maritime provinces province of quebec new brunswick prince eilwnrd island nova scotja march 1718 montreal 750 to quebec city 1 1 r0 to stb axve 1e 11eaupre 1210 tickets fares transit limits and information from agents canadian national adv xo t79g a number of young people from stouffville visited maple leaf gardens last saturday to cheer the motor city hockey team to victory dan wagg was at the gener al hospital toronto last fri day to visit a friend who comes from the home district well this was a kindly act unfortun ately the scribe did not get the name and ward may i say to my many friends out home who know or have friends who are from the home district con fined in any city hospital to just drop a line to me about it and a copy of the tiibune will be at their bedside within 48 hours to one who knows what hos pital confinement means es pecially away miles from your relatives it is a pleasure to get the home news pleased to report our friend miss minnie lee who has not been very well is now improved miss lee has been in toronto for some time lang blueman sold his prize beef cattle last week and is be ginning to stock up again on his farm at scugog island toronto folks are watching auction sales these days so our advice to these folks keep your eye on the sales in the tribune mr and mrs c meader visit ed mrs meaders sister who lives at bowmanville mrs charles blueman of woodstock is reported as being ill sunday school lesson forthcoming marriage the marriage is announced to take place on saturday april 8 of miss glenna davis of toronto daughter of dawson davis and the late mrs davis of stouffville and seldon f abell son of mr and mrs j l abell of ringwood the couple will reside in toronto e doctor branded nuisance convicted of carrying weapon illegally after firing shots during phone tirade charged with threatening bodily harm to john lowe once mayor of uxbridge and carry ing fire arms without a permit dr rbe wilson pleaded guil ty when he appeared before magistrate frank s ebbs in police court at uxbridge on the first charge he was given the opinion of fine of 20 and costs or one month in the county jail while on the second charge he was assessed 25 and costs with the option of one month and ten days evidence revealed that dr wilson had phoned lowe one time reeve and mayor of the town early in the morning and threatened violence firing sever al shots near the phone to back up his threats he had also call ed mr lowe several uncompli mentary names if was reveal ed according to the evidence of john lowe he had received a telephone call at four am one morning from dr wilson who immediately began using abus ive language he hung up and ftent back to bed he said ac cused had fired a revolver near the phone three or four times and had started the bullets are going to be meant for you lowe the witness said accused also declared he was going to break me and have me run out of town lowe told the court the phone calls continued every- few minutes until about eight oclock in the morning it seems too bad a man of your abilty should find himself in this court again on a charge of this kind magistrate ebbs remarked i was under the im pression that the last time you appeared in this court on a charge of making a nuisance of yourself you had learned your lesson instead of getting better you have been getting worse to such an extent that you have worked yourself up to the un enviable record of being the number one nuisance of the locality twentyone out of twentysix municipalities in york county have agreed to serve summons es at the expense of the various municipalities instead of add ing the service to the cost of the court lesson for march 12 peter delivered from prison golden text prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him acts 125 the lesson as a whole the wise of this world may ridicule the christians belief that there is a loving personal god who hears and answers prayer an eminent psycholo gist declared some time ago that we now know that no god of any religion has ever answered any prayer that any of his devotees addressed to him but any believer who has walked in fellowship with the lord knows the reality of what the savants of the schools deny peters experience as given in this lesson may seem like myth or legend to the unsaved who know nothing of spiritual realities but the man of faith understands that with god all things are possible even the incredulity of the praying group in regard to the answer in peters release is so true to form and fact that we might easily mistake the story for an event of today rather than of nearly two thousand years ago the historical setting upon peters return to jerus alem from caesarea he rehears ed the story of gods dealings in regard to cornelius to his brethren in such a way as to gain their hearty endorsement of the work of evangelizing the gentiles following this a mighty awakening took place in antioch a distinctly gentile city where many of the heathen turned to the lord barnabas and saul fostered this work later persecution broke out again in jerusalen herod kill ed the apostle james and put peter under arrest his miracu lous deliverance is the subject of our lesson this was prob ably in ad 42 verse by verse acts 125 prayer was made without ceasing this is the will of god for his people 1 thess 517 in every hour of need he would have us bring the matter directly to him relying upon his love and pow er verse 6 sleeping between two soldiers peter was under guard day and night and quite helpless to effect his own de liverance verse 7 the angel of the lord came it was a super human visitor who came upon the scene he aroused peter raised him up and commanded him to arise immediately his bonds were loosed verse 8 so he did as one instruction after another was given peter obeyed implicitly but as a man in a dream for he was not really aware of all that was taking place verse 9 though he saw a vision peter was in that state of mind where he thought of these strange events as a subconscious experience occurr ing in an exalted spiritual state but he was soon to know that god had actually undertaken for him in a miraculous manner verse 10 the angel depart ed from him after leading the apostle out of the prison house through a great iron door that opened to them of its own accord the angel suddenly disappeared leaving peter a free but dazed man scarcely able to understand the reality of all that had taken place verse 11 now i know having come to himself he now recognized the marvel of his deliverance by angelic power whereby he has been freed from herods clutches and from the death which his jewish en emies hoped would be inflicted upon him verse 12 many were gath ered together praying he sought out the place where the church had met for intercession on his behalf this was the house of mary the mother of mark the author of the second gospel who may have been in timately related to peter verse 13 peter knocked at the door of the gate as the assembly were engaged in pray er they were startled to hear a knocking at the door rhoda a maidservant hastened to an swer verse 14 she opened not the gate for gladness recog nizing peter the maid was so excited that she neglected to admit him but hastened to tell the rest that he stood without it was the answer to their pray ers but seemed too good to be true verse 15 it is his angel they could not believe the good news but declared the girl was demented when she insisted that she had heard and seen peter they asserted that it must be his angel meaning his spirit taking it for granted he had been slain verse 16 peter continued knocking they were aston ished the importunate and continued rapping of peter brought them to the door and they were amazed to find that rhoda was right after all and god had answered their prayer in a way far beyond their expec tation verse 17 he declared unto them how the lord had brought him out the agent was an angel but it was the lords doing after telling the wonderful story peter bade them carry the good news to james the brother of the lord and to other elder brethren after which he slipped quietly away the heart of the lesson god is better than our faith while it is true that he has said he will do for us according to your faith nevertheless he is not restricted n the exercise of his lovingkindness by our failure to lay hold on his prom ises the church in jerusalem prayed for peters deliverance but they had a very faulty ap prehension both of gods power and his readiness to hear and answer at the best perhaps they hoped grace might be giv en the apostle to endure a long imprisonment with eventual de liverance or to triumph in the hour of death but while they prayed god answered and did exceeding abundantly above their asking or thinking and so it often is today our faith at the best is a poor feeble thing his grace is an allsuffic ient dynamic energy that re strained by the feebleness of our apprehension or the poverty of our expectation threatens drastic action hachiro arita japanese foreign minister has instruct ed his ambassador to russia to inform the soviets drastic action will ba taken by japan unless russia forfeits her fishing rights in siberian waters watch for your neighbors picture at the free talking picture to be shown in stouffville this fri day afternoon march 10 local scenes taken in markham or whitchurch are expected on the screen hence you may see your neighbor in action in the field allischalmer tractors and har vesters are bearing all the ex pense of providing the enter tainment as a means of showing local farmers their features in tractors and combines there will be entertainment for the farmers wife and family too and all are cordially welcome the program is to start at 2 pm in ratcliffs hall if it is more convenient you may seethe program at new market this thursday after noon at the same hour it is ex pected the crowd will be big in stouffville on friday so be on time and get a good seat business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mala phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdjqv office over bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pn phone office phone residenc 1001 1015 claremono every tuesday office over wilkinsons store phone claremont 1401 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am insurance see h o klenck obrien aver or your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday at brathwaites hardware phone 9601 office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public o king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wc pollard kc port perry ont uxbridge ontario phone 264 mccullough button f l button ko rog button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to iran l e oneill stouffvtllh funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone rosldence phono r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000