page four the tribune stouffville ontario thursday march 2 1939 profit by our mid- winter clearing sale auto assessories price lashed come in today central garage w s widdifield general motors dealer vandorf sorry to report mrs jim graham is on the sick list the sproxton boys spent last week in bed with the flu and bronchical coughs mrs roy morley has been suffering from an attack of flu we hope this epidemic soon moves on or better still ends congratulations to mr carl greenwood and his bride form- erally miss cole of ravenshoe who were married last wednes day and will make their home on the greenwood farm we have more than our share of snow in this district many of the sideroads being blocked and some main roads were not passable before sundays wild storm mrs c greenwood who had the misfortune to break her leg in two places was brought home from york county hos pital the latter part of last week claremont trip to new york city james stephenson farmer of this district was bereaved last week in the death of his father who died at his home in colum bus aged 88 years john steph enson was well known in pick ering born on scugog island where he was educated and farmed for several years later he moved on to the farm south east of myrtle about 1896 he green river many very happy returns to all our friends here who cele brated their birthdays this month some of these are mary and ross carter mrs h percy mrs john beckett mrs frank wright miss mary postill mr fred wright mrs melville draper mr alfred michell and went to pickjering township j george williams dont look where he bought a farm on the now but none of these are base line south of the village showing signs of anv extra of pickering some years later i vears v well happy birthday he sold this farm and bought anyway and many of them a place on the kingston rd a mile east of the village now owned by w c thomson he then retired in the village of columbus he was a man who was very highly respected and during his whole life he was a very active member of the methodist church and of the united church after union he was a member of the ioof he is survived by his widow four sons james of claremont thomas samuel and ernest of oshawa and two daughters mrs h g wilson of columbus mrs harris of orono mrs r ellicott of brougham two sons and one daughter died some years ago hearty congratulations to mr and mrs john michell who on the 22nd celebrated their fortysixth wedding annivers ary before the happy day for them was ended their son edward telephoned his good wishes from montreal mr and mrs william booth celebrated on st valentines day the fourteenth their fifty- seventh anniversary one of their sons frank and family of brooklin motored back home with a lovely cake to help en liven the day mr and mrs william gray sr are not to be outdone either just before the turn into the new year they also were married fiftyseven years now arent these worthy of a proud handclasp and honourable men tion and a tiger from the the march meeting of the galleries womens institute will be held mr roy carter is enjoying altona victoria square district pioneer buried tuesday over sixty young people gatherd in the united church last week to tender a shower to mr and mrs dave coates re cent newlyweds a tasty lunch was served by margaret spenee- ly and alma pugh on thursday evening a young mens banquet was served in the united church by the womens association last week mr dick cooper acquired a hardware business in the town of waterford from mr j eydt mr cooper whose marriage to miss grace tom- linson will take place on march 10th will take up his new resi dence on march 13th mr and mrs ted tomlinson left this week to take up resi dence in geraldton where ted has secured a position having given up his business in peter borough miss virginia white return ed recently from a business at the home of mrs d crosier on wednesday afternoon mar 8th motto the best that we can do for one another is to ex change our thoughts freely roll call useful articles from odds and ends and demonstrat ed paper some practical points in house furnishing and window decoration mrs e lehman paper preparing homegrown fruits vegetables and meats for use the year round mrs m dunkeld dis cussion program in charge of group 7 under the leadership of mrs n bunker the w i oyster supper has been postponed to march 17 it was decided on tuesday the twinkling star class met at the home of misses irene and erla crosier on monday evening mr and mrs fred mcnair had dinner with mr and mrs wm mcnair on sunday the pleasure of being away down south postal cards and other communications from miami florida reports much nicer weather than we are hav ing we are sorry to report a few on the sick list here but some have recovered the ladies aid held their meeting last week at the home of mrs thompson the meeting took the form of and using the leaflets of the world day of prayer we wish to extend our sym pathy to the family of the late dr ira freel quite a number of our ladies enjoyed a very delightful after noon recently when they were entertained by the brougham wms owing to heavy fall of snow quite a number of cars had difficulty in getting down the townline here on sunday after noon seven or eight cars at one time were held up 30e30i 30e30i ioe30e 30e30i ioe300e30i i0e30z 30e30e 30e30i we are continuing our monster end of season sale it is time to redecorate silk hose in order to reduce stock we have placed on sale this lot of mercury and vanraalte silk hose chiffon and service weight all sizes regularly 95c sale price 69c regularly 75c sale price 59c silk wool wool hose excellent quality all wool and silk and wool hose penmans and mer cury make regularly 89c and 75c for per pair 59c and we are showing a most attractive line of new spring wallpapers that for charm and serviceable qualities cannot be surpassed good wallpaper is the cheapest furnishings you can put in your home many of our new wallpapers show a modern influence not extreme but very delightful backgrounds for furniture and drapes make your rooms liveable and com fortable with appropriate wall coverings priced at 9c to 50c canvas rug patterns w many new and attractive designs including floral land scape and anintal patterns size about 28x40 29c size about 24x40 20c all wool blankets just a few pairs of these fine all wool blankets they are double bed size with blue or pink borders and are finest quality regularly 1075 and s1095 sale price 820 bathroom sets consiting of bath mat and seat cover in green and white and blue and white set 195 wool and cotton hose these are nice weight for the cold weather and are good serviceable quality regularly 59c sale price 49c good quality every day hose wool and cotton regularly 49c sale price 39c corsets and girdles have you seen the very special values we are offering in foundation garments they are first quality and are really astonishing value at the price 79c 89c cotton batts economy batts 1 lb opens to 72x 90 soft and fluffy each 35c monarch batts pure white 1 lb 50c giant daisy 2 12 pound com forter batt 75c an attractive offer in glassware a fruit set consisting of one bowl and six nappies in pink glass in smart new design per set 49c womens hats felts and velvets in smart and attractive styles prices to s295 to clear at each 100 w h shaw store this store open wednesday afternoons phone 9512 je30i xoc30i lonoc x0e30x ionoi i0e30i mrs frank goforth of scar- box spent the last two weeks with mrs w m haig miss dorothy oliver is enjoy ing a months vacation among her many friends here mr william denny is confin ed to his house with a sprained ankle glad to report miss h hop per and mrs wm denny and mr robert hopper are recover ing from recent attacks of flu with lanes and sidei fill ed with snow everything has been quiet in our village the last few weeks mrs e casely and mrs a frisby were called to the bed side of their father mr cald well of barrie who is serously ill with pneumonia regular weekly prayer meet ing and joint service for the world day of prayer had to be cancelled while the w a pot- luck supper scheduled for last wednesday night was postponed for a later date mrs allan hoover fell on the slippery street in toronto fracturing her ankle in two places she was removed to the general hospital where the bones were set and she is now home but not by any means re covered we hear that mrs murray- avis and her three children at victoria square had a narrow escape from asphyxiation a week ago sunday from coal gas mrs avis was aroused at 5 oclock by one of the children arising she fell over and later discovered all the children ill it was several hours before mrs avison was able to attract the attention of a neighbor who rendered the necessary help fortunately all recovered without undue harm mrs grace boynton lifelong resident of this district passed peacefully away at the home of her son stanley on sunday evening february 28th mrs boynton was in her 86th year but had enjoyed good health all her life until recently and was ony confined to her bed four days before her death she was of a quiet unassuming disposition loved and respected by a host of friends her hus band predeceased her over thir tyfive years ago she leaves to mourn her loss one brother five sons one daughter and seventeen grandchildren mrs boynton will be greatly miss ed in the victoria square church where she has been an active member and regular attendant all her life the funeral was held on tuesday afternoqn to victoria square cmjetery we extend to the bereaved family the sympathy of the commun ity goodwood ginger todd is ill with the flu and threatened pneumonia others ill are mrs walter todd and mrs jos middleton fortythree came to town on the ski train last sunday it was noon on tuesday when the provincial snow plow reach ed goodwood from the north it continued on to stouffville while only nine people got to the united church sunday even ing there were 43 at sunday- school and 18 more in the baptist church the roads and storm were too much to face elwood baston has returned from windsor after tiaving a pleasant week with his sister mrs gordon blight miss jean thaxter is back on duty at c w watsons after having had an enforced stay in clarksburg owing to having a bad cold morley symes who is re modelling the masonic hall in stouffville went to work on tuesday by train he was look ing for the parlor car but none was on the train the play truth takes a holiday presented on behalf of the library was well rendered last thursday night it was a pity the storm was so bad and the roads blocked all of which accounted for the small crowd iobtoc 30e30i send the tribune absent friends its just like a letter from home bethesda cheer up only 18 more days j til the first day of spring miss blanche atkinson spent the weekend with miss bernice cutler of vivian we notice carls car on the road quite a bit lately we won der why a large number from here enjoyed skating in stouffville arena on saturday night the wms are holding their meeting in the church on wed nesday afternoon mrs william hunt visited on friday with her brother mr james phillips who is in a tor onto hospital there were five faithful pup ils at sunday school on sunday in spite of the weather and roads some of our farmers will soon be preparing for the maple syrup season such thoughts make the atmosphere seem a little warmer your correspondent wishes to thank the person or persons under the name of scribes assistant who so kindly wrote the poem printed in the tribune last week it was very much appreciated we wonder if harry pugh and his wife competed in a geography match after seeing the paper last week no matter if he did win it was his wife who carried off the honours at the jr institute last week and the error was a misprint mrs e clubine entertained her sunday school class to tea on saturday evening in honour of the hancock girls who are shortly leaving the community after supper more friends ar rived and a very happy evening was spent the girls were re cipients of two boxes of sweets and a paper read by miss ina brillinger the recent snow storms are keeping our men folk busy shovelling snow from the road and it seems as if the weather man is trying to keep one step ahead for just as the men put up their shovels and admire their work a few snowflakes to fall followed by many more and next day down come the shovels again did you read the poem in last weeks issue entitled teople will talk it had some fine philosophy in it there was one very comforting thought about it folks for while you and i are being talked about somebody elses good name is being pre served some of our folk who have been feeding the birds this win ter have found that not only our feathered friends are hun gry for on the feed board have been found j saucy squirrels mice and even the family cat have you a sheltered window sill or is your old christmas tree lying outside unnoticed try put ting out a few crumbs and piec es of suet and you will be well paid for your kindness in watch ing the birds enjoying a meal dicksons hill we are sorry to hear that mrs william risebrough and her niece nellie moore have been very ill with the flu mr don moyer was home for the weekend accompanied by his friend mr robert kerr of toronto mr and mrs lloyd moyer of stouffville and mr and mrs roy moyer were the guests at a birthday dinner for mr harvey moyer on sunday we are indeed sorry to report that mr simeon hoover is confined to his bed with a severe attack of flu miss edith hoover of tor onto spent wednesday after noon as guest of her sister mrs clarence barkey sunday night placed some of our young men in very peouliar circumstances mr reg gibbons was stormstayed at anthony hoovers and did not go home till morning also our editors son was detained in markham owing to the terrible storm miss margaret moyer and mr bruce wideman brought honors to dickson hill at the markham high school com mencement margaret winning a prize for general proficiency and bruce carrying off a tropll for senior championship in athletics congratulat ions