the stouffville tribune stouffville february 2 1939 page three gmmamwambammommm town topics mrs david snider is spending a few weeks in aurora at the home of mrs will march uxbridge hockey league concluded their schedule on tuesday night as was the local junior oha round mr norman baker local boy filling the tellers cage at the bank of commerce will go to king city on monday on a threeweeks relieving job you can receive the family herald and weekly star for 75c per year or four years for only 200 though the tribune a canvasser is reported to be offering this special in the dis trict with the assurance that it cannot be obtained from any other source the rates quoted have been in effect with this paper for over a year reserve your order for the tribune who is on the spot to make good the subscription in the event of difficulty regular meeting of markham township council next monday february 6 mr donald moyer was home from macmaster university visiting with his parents for a few days last week stouffville curlers took a re turn match against locust hill in the district tournament last friday night stouffville club have yet to lose a game in this schedule after six years on the local staff of the bank of nova scotia mr jim lawson is being transferred to the branch at belmont in the london district jim left high school here to enter the bank as junior clerk but later he became the obliging teller a total of 639669 was rais ed by the stouffville united church and its organizations in the year 1938 according to the financial statement issued last week of this sum 146318 was apportioned to the missionary and maintenance 336323 to local purposes of the organiza tions listed the womens missionary society made re turns to the figure of 43373 which included a bale valued at 100 the membership of the church was increased by 12 over the past year and stands at 342 six members were removed by death in the twelve months perhaps the youngest organiza tion of the church the cgit group made possibly the great- est strides in 1938 led by three of the local school teachers miss e hogg miss r miller and miss m hostrawser the mem- beship has risen to 40 with re ceipts during the year totalling 7745 the girls are affiliated with the wms and aim to train themselves for better christian service in the com munity and to open up nevr horizons storey s special cough mixture an excellent remedy for coughs colds and bronchial affections relieves irritated conditions of the throat j m storey druggist whitchurch hockey league games scheduled for this thurs day night will be lemonville and vandorf bloomington and king city the local bushleague schedule is getting well advanc ed and is beginning to create considerable interest in whit church circles come out and see the boys on thursday night the annual meeting of the presbyterian congregation in stouffville postponed because of severe weather last week will be held this friday in the church the gathering will assemble at 630 when supper will be served to be followed by reports from the various organ izations telling of the years activities attend the veterans skating party on wednesday feb 8th the town of elora has en dorsed a bylaw the vote of the people to raise 12000 for a new high school addition miss k houston former member of the continuation school staff was the guest of miss gertrude todd over sun day the fact that attorneygen eral conant believes there should be a general shifting around of our sunday observance laws is not sufficient he should make certain that a great many other people think the same way mrs frank miller is offering for sale some choice pieces of household furniture on the mar ket square this friday after noon at two oclock beds stands chairs and general house hold articles also rugs and car pets terms of sale will be cash a s farmer auctioneer the town of collingwood has made application to be placed under the care of the depart ment of municipal affairs the town having become insolvent guaranteeing the bonds of a new elevator for 800000 is credited with sinking the municipality said bonds having fallen in arrears dr st and mrs bodendistel attended the annual convention of the ontario veterinary association held at the royai york hotel last thursday and friday dr bodendistel heard some very instructive and illum inating addresses on some of the problems confronting the profession james brodie shipped six breeding ewes from his famous flock to wisconsin usa last week the animals left by cnr express two in a crate as with humans so is it among sheep two in a crate is appreciated and so they do better in pairs on a journey of this kind bruce county council has petitioned the ontario govern ment for a closed season for deer hunting in that county no doubt the request will be acceeded to as the councillors should be in a good position to know how past the fleet footed runners are deminishing our elderly east end citizen eli stouffer advertised a half ton of pop corn for sale through the daily press but he informs us that he didnt sell a pound probably the great quantity frightened off the buyers who must be few who would buy in any great auantity anyway the results leaves mr stouffer with a real crop problem where he hasnt made expenses for the year the wideman marble and granite works advertised for sale in this issue is no doubt the longest established business in stouffville it is well over 60 years since it was moved from ringwood to town for the pre sent owner mr l c wideman who is now 87 was only a youth he may be seen daily still at the marble shop which is man aged by his daughter miss cora since the death of bart a marble cutter has been engaged to do the mechanical work and the long established business is well booked with spring orders whoever buys the business should enjoy a steady patron age that is not harassed with cutthroat opposition miss ted hoover was out from toronto over sunday visit ing her parents mr and mrs lud hoover miss hoover is secretarytreasurer of stouff ville old boys in toronto and informs us the organization is looking forward to a large turn out at the annual banquet next saturday evening in haddon hall dickson hill mills is looking forward to celebrating its centenary in only three years the business was started in 1842 and of recent years has been enormously expanded un der the direction of mr alex jones proprietor in a young country like ours it is given to few concerns to see one hun dred years of business 10 acres of hardwood bush will be offered for sale today february 2 at lot 28 con 9 whitchurch belonging to geo paradine a second wood sale will be held on saturday the 4th at lot 16 con 6 uxbridge the linten bush now owned by f w betz of stouffville this is a golden chance to buy a wood lot which is not frequently offered these days quality service big value ivory flour always dependable for baking delicious bread and rolls 98 lb bag only 2 no wonder we fill the egg basket wfget ful0pep egg mash quaker 0 for more egg money make your weekly egg check larger by giving your laying hens the feed that will help them lay more big easily marketable eggs eggs with sound shells that gade high and bring top prices a egg v mash st supplies all the elements that lay ing hens require to make eggs and maintain body weight and health stiver bros a e o d o ioexoi n c ew wars o fl o o d o at big reduction slightly used 1938 de lux chevrolet sedan only 3000 miles 1938 master chevrolet sedan only 5000 miles 1937 pontiac coach 19000 miles like new these cars will be sacrificed for quick sale they have been well cared for and are like new 1934 chevrolet sedan delivery body 1931 ford coupe and a buick sedan numerous other cars of every type to clear o d o 8 ws widuifield gmc agent stouffville ioc aoi 30e30e owing to the very cold weather on wednesday night of last week when the thermome ter dropped around 16 to 20 be low the annual meeting of stouffville united church was cancelled a new date for the meeting will be announced shortly we understand from the pastor of the church it was in tended to hold a pot luck supper after which reports for the year would be presented by the various officials note the date is now set for february 8 a most interesting municipal battle has been going on up in simcoe county in the township of essa at the regular january election the two candidates george banting and frank hig- ginson polled a tie vote for the reeveship the deputy returning officer refused to cast a deciding ballot because of some irregu larity a new election- was ordered and the result nearly came out a tie for the second time banting winning however by three votes 758 to 755 now a recount is likely there is a lot of time spent by public men decrying and ranting about fascism commun ism and all the other isms who might be better employed in doing something to improve the working of capitalism if it is to survive if governments and big business would apply the golden rule to our own fin ancial system we would not need to worry about the inroads of other systems trouble is capitalism has become such a game of the rich get richer and the poor poorer that popular support is falling from it when we told a man on stouffer street that one of his neighbors was reported to have had one ear frozen while in bed that terrible night of january 25 the neighbor expressed no wonderment at all he said i am not surprised because the hot water bottle i took to bed was frozen too not to be out done by the east enders a man on victoria street declared that the tea kettle of water on his stove froze quite solid and there was a fire in the stove most of the night commenting on the opening of parliament miss agnes mac phail said a lot of time is wast ed in reading the address from the throne first in english then in french why not read half in one language and half in another she observes to this we add the question why not read it in english and let it go at that tacking everything up in two languages is costing the king government millions of dollars every year and its a time a halt was called after all this is an englishspeaking canada or is it c b qi 25 tablets laxativrxascara y bromide quinine it compound iach containing fc acetanilid 2 grains ii i for colds cup htadiche nrumlnia for sale by boadways drug store stanley theatke pbone stouffville 100 thursday friday saturday february 234 the texans starring randolph scott may robson joan bennett paramount short subjects keep next wednesday feb 8 open for the veterans skating party in the stouffville arena tickets are now on sale for the four lucky draws to take place that night there will be three adult prizes and one for the children band in attendance monday tuesday february 6 wednesday 78 little adventuress starring edith fellows richard fiske comedy shorts thursday friday saturday february 91011 always goodbye starring baibara stanwyck ian hunter herbert marshall walt disney cartoon the westv1ew stouffville maternity boarding house visiting hours 380 to 430 oclock 700 to 800 oclock marjorie stewart reg n phone 272 stouffville junior oha team ran into a difficult situa tion at aurora on friday night when they landed there for a scheduled game without a goal keeper this young gentleman had it is reported secured him self a position for the night with the stouffville senior squad playing at markham and left his own team stranded harold morden came to the rescue and filled the gap between the junior goalposts for his first attempt at goalkeeping the game was cut down to fifteen minute peri ods owing to the rather difficult situation under which the visit ors were playing game ended aurora 8 stouffville 0 the auction sale of household furniture belonging to the estate of the late elias lehman announced for last friday after noon was cancelled at the last moment and the folks who gatherd were as disappointed as a jilted bridegroom left stand ing at the altar auctioneer farmer informed the public that the event in this case would come off probably later in the spring but in the meantime he had orders to cease fire as it were just when the first gun was about to be sounded ballantrae rink skating with music monday wednesday saturday evenings lehmans shoe store phone 4301 stouffville footwear for all the family womens hosiery boots shoes rubbers mitts socks gloves stouffville old boys and girls association will hold their annual banquet on saturday evening of this week feb 4 at haddon hall corner of madi son ave and bloor west tor onto the banquet will start at 7 to be followed by a program of varied interest prof frank underhill will be one of the speakers also morgan baker mla mrs warminton will sing and other numbers will be given it is expected that sever al car loads of people will at tend from town the admission is 75c dsdbibz permanent waves 250 to 1000 shampoo haircut and finger wave included hot oil treatments facial manicuring east end beauty shop phone 176 lard special bring in your container and have it filled with pure home rendered lard 12c lb schells meat market phone 200 western canada special bargain excursion from all stations in eastern canada going daily feb 18 mar 4 1939 inclusive return limit 45 days tickets good in coaches at fares approximately lc per mile tourist sleeping cars at fares approximately lc per mile standard sleeping cars at fares approximately lc per mile cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional baggage checked stopovers at pt arthur armstron chicago and west similar excursions from western to eastern canada during same period tickets sleeping car reservations and all information from any agent ask for han tam fickeunufum vmiitanj train information from aecntt ask for handbill canadian na 3 m adv no t20