page two stouffville ontario thursday december 29 1938 qjlje tnuftttuu ribun established 1888 a member of the canadian weekly newspaper association- issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription kates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a vnolan jp editor and publisher notes and comments this is the final issue of the year for the tribune and we go forward into the new year with the largest circulation the paper ever enjoyed for this we heartily thank our subscribers and we intend to do our best to merit this increased support our rural correspondents have given us wonderful support and are entitled to a share of the credit our subscription lists enjoy as time goes on the advertisers are coming to find out the wide circulation this paper has and are more and more patronizing its columns stouffville is gaining in popularity as a good town in which to shop a live newspaper and live cooperation by the merchants will send us still higher up the ladder all of us so lets all pull together for the good of the whole the christian science monitor mussolinis wife is said to be almost violent in her hatred for war her sons have been militarized over her outraged protest the youngest boy 11 is drilling and looking forward to a career in the army it is as a mother rather than the wife of a war boss that she protests she is speaking the language of motherhood the tragic futility of bringing sons into the world to be seized by somebody bent upon conquest and slaughter in coveted lands is almost too much for spirit flesh and blood to bear women have never fought much in wars but they know more about war than men do it is hardly possible to hope that the woman power of the world can now be mobilized against war but that is a condition which must come to pass before there is assurance of peace party organs still but the newmarket era in the following editorial states a partial truth when it says the daily papers are still party organs they may be but not the oldtime party organs they once were who ever dreamed a few short years ago of reading such onslaughts as the star for instance has been making on mr hepburn and who ever dreamed of the telegram coming out and soaking the star in proper style for the nasty things said about mr hepburn they may be party organs but the toronto dailies must be given credit for the spirit of independence shown today over that of only a brief few years ago the era comments in part toronto newspapers have been trying to put liberal mps and mlas on the spot by asking them whether they support mr king or mr hepburn our own provincial member mr morgan baker has answered that he supports both it is a wise answer that turneth away wrath difficul ties may incease if mr king appeals to the country next year and mr hepburn actively campaigns against him it would then be necessary for liberals to swing with mr hepburn or with mr king for ourselves we never could see any advantage in linking federal and provincial parties under present conventions the man who is a conservative in british columbia is able to give a number of excellent reasons why a conservative government would be better for this province he moves to ontario but he faces no problem in deciding which party he prefers in ontario he is auto matically opposed to the liberal government in ontario and after he has lived here a while and has read a conservative newspaper for a while daily newspapers are still party organs he is able to give some very good reasons to support his belief that a conservative government would be better a vote of the congregation of one of the churches in barrie has been taken to obtain the feeling of the members as discontinuing the sunday evening services the ex pression revealed 91 per cent of the people attending the church in favor of holding the sunday evening service the year round and nine per cent favored withdrawing it during the midsummer months it would be interesting to know how many of the members voted if the expression repre sented the regular sunday congregation the probability is that many yoted who attend service in the morning and pass up the evening session unless collier street church in the county town is an exception to the general rule the atten dance at its morning service is greater than that which is present at the average evening service it is something df a pleasant surprise to find such a high percentage of the congregation wanting the evening service continued as the lack of attendance of most people would seem to indicate that they are either unconcerned or would favor withdraw ing it a big change has come over the average churchgoer in the last twenty five years quarter of a century ago the evening of sunday before christmas would see most of the churches in this town filled to capacity in at least one of the churches in town the music of sunday night was specially prepared for the christmas occasion and was much enjoyed by the congregation present in years gone by the announce ment that such music would be given would have filled the church the reason is the facility for listening to classical music furnished by the radio many people sit in comfort of their homes and hear the best the continent has to offer clergymen and church officials are straining for some thing of greater interest that may be presented in the churches but so far nothing has been devised the new leader the ontario conservative party has regained much strength by choosing col george a drew as the new lead er by an overwhelming majority on the first ballot and by general agreement to sink the differences that kept party stalwarts from pulling together col drew possesses many fine qualities that stand him in good stead in the responsible post he now holds he is a soldier and a fighter of no mean ability he has a good command of english and a fine delivery cats and other dumb animals stouffville ontario dec 20 1938 editor tribune stouffville ontario dear editor when one has had a home of his own and then finds himself no longer in that position things dont go so good and par ticularly is this so with regards to dumb animals if he feeds cats food that dont belong to him the own ers complain they think they have a perfect right to evident ly they have it isnt nobodys food but their own if he feeds them what be longs to him they complain they the cats were being kept at the house when they wanted them to stay at the barn but in the winter there was little or nothing for cats at the barn and they wouldnt stay there and if one gets permission from the lady of the house to destroy some of them so there will be more feed for what is left he gets in trouble for over stepping his duty as a servant for indeed of course the hus band is lord of the house and it is he who should have been appealed to we used to hear the expres sion used in alberta i dont like cat ive heard the same here i dont like cat but why do they keep a cat if they dont like cat they dont have to the remedy is simple what drop them on the road and let them find a home of their own as some one has said no surely not we would not suggest that most likely the only home that that cat can find has already too many cats so besides causing the cat probably to suffer and die a painful death they are pro ving themselves a nuisance to someone else once when in a barn i enquired as to why so many cats were kept i was told they had intended dropping some of them on the road but hadnt got to it yet a very cruel practice indeed but there is a better way a much more human way though i dont suppose many farmers know of it i didnt until recently i wanted to de stroy a female cat that had a litter of kittens under the barn where i couldnt get at them to drown them and they were then too big to drown i want ed to poison the mother so the same thing would not happen again not knowing of any harmless way i asked a stouff ville druggist what to do for i had thought the humane societies were the only places where dumb animals could be put to a painless death then for the first time i found some one to advise me and tell me what was best to do i got enough dope to kill a dozen cats pain lessly and in about 30 seconds all for a few cents but this inhuman practice doesnt end with cats i would it did i have seen lots of it in alberta but thought to see something better when coming to ontario nearly ten years ago alas one doesnt see much improvement at least not with some animals and people here who will go to extremes to give their children every care thinks any kind of treatment is good enough for a cat a pig a dog and a humane society in toronto wants me to send them the names of any definite cases i know of where there is cruel ty or neglect i havent done so yet not wanting to get in bad with people but i can see that their is literature distributed at the schools in the district and appeal to the teachers to teach the children to be kind to dumb animals and prevent as far as possible so much callous in difference to their suffering sincerely arthur carruthers received a git from a friend that i never expected and naturally did not send one to her would it be in good taste lor me to send an aterchristmas gilt to her or should i simply acknowledge the gilt with a note 0 thanks puzzled answer it is decidedly not good form to send an afterchristmas gift it is far better to acknowledge the gift with a warm note of thanks it should be assumed that a person sending you a gift does so because of sincere derire to remember you at christmas and without any thought of receiving one in return it is both awkward and entirely without dig nity to acknowledge a gift with a gift but a thoughtful person never falls to write a cheery note of thanks for each and every gift received in fact many write these letters in spare hour on christmas day itself but in any event within a few day ho for australia mr hepburn is to take a holi day and in reference to what he is to look into the financial post that well informed finan cial paper says ontarios premier hepburn thinks australia is the best- governed country in the world he is going there to see how green the faraway pastures really are three things apparently in terest him 1 the debt conversion scheme 1929 2 the commonwealth bank and its relation to public finance 3 australias social legisla tion as to social legislation mr hepburn is quoted as believing the australian statutes to be the most advanced and effec tive of their kind in the world he is probably confusing australia with new zealand australia has no national un employment insurance scheme health and contributory pension legislation based directly on the british system is only now being introduced the new measures which become effec tive january 1 are merely an application to australian con ditions of longestablished brit ish practice it is rather fantas tic to think that much can be learned at first hand about a system that is not yet on the statutes in new zealand he will find that the new deal in that country has already led to a complete government control of imports exports and the foreign exchange markets reminiscent of germanys hermeticallyseal ed economic frontiers the german papers do not need to run comic strips their editorials these days are funny enough for anyone westview nursing home stouffville obstetrical and convalescent cases taken reasonable terms visiting hours 330 to 430 oclock 700 to 800 oclock marjorie stewart reg n phone 272 the yule season affords the finest time of all the year for me to express myself to the many fine pat rons and others whom we serve throughout the year may the new year bring you much joy and happiness in 1939 raes garage goodwood phone 2002 service that satisfies dancing school by mollie mcgregor mollie macgregors school of dancing at the stanley theatre all types of danc ing taught no age limit for special information apply at stanley theatre or phone 100 lehmans shoe store phone 4301 stouffville footwear for all the family womens hosiery boots shoes rubbers mitts socks gloves stanley theatre phone stouffville 100 thursday friday saturday december 29 30 31 cocoanut grove fred macmurray ben blue harriet hilliard ali baba and the forty thieves a colored popeye monday tuesday wednesday january 2 3 4 two shows monday nite kentucky moonshine ritz brothers tony martin slim summerville m weaver short subject plutos quintuplets thursday friday saturday january 5 6 7 adventures in the sahara and overland express buck jones wmpm mmm we take this opportunity to wish our friends a very happy holiday season and to thank you for your patronage during the past year east end beauty shop phone 176 here is an idea that comes from detroit mich and on the face of it it looks sensible if an electric light bulb burns out in detroit it is taken to the utilities office and replaced free of charge the point is that bulbs may be purchased for very little money if taken in large quantities and the more bulbs lighted up the more electricity will be used we are not sure that such a plan would work out here but there is no harm in telling how it is done in detroit abstract statement of the township of whitchurch for 1938 receipts 1930 taxes and penalties nil 1931 taxes and penalties 24 85 1932 taxes and penatlies 1 39 1933 taxes and penalties 13 44 1934 taxes and penalties 392 37 1935 taxes and penalties 702 80 1936 taxes and penalties 3326 30 1937 taxes and penalties 4219 86 1938 taxes by treasurer 280 39 1938 taxes by collector 41545 75 1937 taxes by collector 5722 41 1938 loans 29200 00 prov highway subsidy 7085 97 prov tax rebate 2473 15 fines 148 39 licenses 311 80 relief grants 650 45 accom equipment grant 399 82 dust layer 31 27 miscellaneous 1138 08 97668 49 expenditures salaries and allowances 3584 35 grants 100 00 garbage collection 318 00 charity 685 59 auditing 125 00 heat light and care bldgs 134 02 sheep claims 140 00 hospitalization 1468 90 relief 121243 relief administration 175 00 board of health 274 75 insurance 345 10 roads and bridges 13652 16 miscellaneous 713 60 tax sale redemption 603 06 law enforcement 562 45 stationery and printing 649 41 school purposes 17082 23 interest 1245 10 interest crf 1937 710 00 interest crf 1938 710 00 loans 1937 26000 00 loans 1938 4500 00 accom and equipment grant 399 82 credit balance in bank 22277 52 97668 49 assets uncollected taxes 1938 14723 30 1937 9013 43 1936 6591 17 1935 3323 42 1934 1441 53 1933 361 19 1932 302 34 1931 49 70 1930 101 00 probable amount road subsidy 7321 08 t l e account 3 23 petty cash on hand 50 00 cash on hand and in bank 1005 98 credit balance in bark 22277 52 dust layer account 103 73 probable amount of relief subsidy 282 60 liabilities 66954 22 county levy 5 21024 94 40 per cant oving schools ss no 1 uk deb du july 1st ss no u deb oue sept ist twp account due clcigy reserve 1938 loan due buak com otouffville vjo3 86 429 50 530 79 5015 20 24700 00 57760 29 total receipts and assets 164622 71 total expenditures and liabilities 155428 78 credit balance 9193 93