stouffville ontario thursday august 25th- 1938 sunday school lesson lesmjn for aujitim ix kl i liksroxsiiilllty 1olt otiikks golikii ltvi train up a child in the way he should go prov226a tin usso as a whom- by li a ironside littd approach to the levson we have already seen that in eh the high priest in hannahs day we have a thoroughly good man who however was prone to misjudge others and yet was weak when it came to disciplining properly his own family the fact that in his last days he was an old man and heavy suggests that he was overindulgent in regard to his personal habits the the pleasures of the table evidently dslrji have a demilo permanent wave before going on your summer vacation lasting curls that will require little attention for months priced from 250 to 750 east end beauty shop phone 176 having a strong appeal which he was not able to resist in chapters two and four inclusive we get enough information concerning him to en able us to form a reasonably accur ate picture of his character coupled with real concern for the things of cod was lack of ability to master his appetite and to command lus child ren and his household after him genls19 in such a way as to glorify god in family life such men are often met with in christian ser vice who possess many amiable qualities but are sadly weak where they should be strong we cannot well overlook chapter 3 verses 3 to 10 which lead up to the lesson there we have the account of the lords revelation of himself to the boy samuel who up to that time had not had the definite experience of knowing the lord for himself this is what we today would call con version we need not wonder that at first samuel did not understand whose voice it was that called hinr it was eli who sensed the actual con ditions and instructed samuel how- to answer if he should hear that voice again lh historical setting eli occupied the double position of high priest and judge in israel for forty years from about 11s2 bc to 1141 bc he became foster father of samuel for whom he nad a strong affection which apparently was returned in full measure wrse by wrse 1 sam 311 tlie lord slid io samuel immediately the unseen speaker replied by giving to the lad his first prophetic message he was henceforth to be the mouthpiece of hear and then impart a very solemn god to israel nd first he had to and serious word to eli verse 12- i will perform against eli all things which 1 have spoken concerning his house we gather that god had expostulated with eli before because ot his carelessness in regard to his family xow he would have to reap the results of his evil sowing verse 13 he restrained them not eli was awara to the vicious habits into which his sons had fallen for these he mildly and pet ulantly remonstrated but he did not firmly take his place as head of the house and deal sternly with their offences verse 14 the iniquity shall not be purged sacrifice and offer ing could not avail now the hour of judgment was about to strike gods honor must he vindicated chapter 412 there ran a man to shiloh the intervening verses should be carefully pondered when war broke out between israel and the philistines again the men of israel vainly hoped the presence of the ark would give them the victory hut god woalj not defend even so sacred an object when his people were living in open sin so he allow ed the ark to be captured and israel to be defeated to carry this dread ful news a messenger hastened to shiloh verse 13 his heart trembled for the ark of god eli almost blind and very infirm sat by the wayside eagerly watching and waiting for news anrious lest some ill would befall the cherished symbol of gods presence among his people verse 14 the noise of this tumult the comittf of the messeu ger produced great excitement and confusion the priest called for an explanation verses 15 and 1 what is there done my son the man appeared before the ninetyeightyearold high priest who inquired anxiously as to what had occurred verse 17 the ark of god is taken heavy tidings reached his ears there had been a great philis tine victory his two ungodly sons had fallen in their sins and gods ark was in the enemies hands verse is his neck brake the shock was too mucn for the vener- ablo old man he swayed on his seat and fell backward as he realized the full imoprt of the message his neck was broken by the fall thus in- gloriously his service of forty years was abruptly ended the heart of the lesson it is ever important to remember that the grace of god does not set asid6 the divine government there are responsibilities that flow from grace which cannot he ignored with impunity antinomianism lawless ness and legality are both opposed to grace but a recognition of the divine authority and careful subjec tion to the government of god should flow from the knowledge of his unmerited favor fatherly dis- ciline is expected of all who head up christian households weakness here is a sign of low thoughts of the holiness and righteousness which is becoming in all who draw nigh to god toronto- w davey 8 stanton ave many happy returns to wm bessie and also maud baker who celebrated their birthdays on august 17th and august 20 mr and mrs fred haigh were visitors in owen sound over the weekend send for your subscription of the tribune less than four cents a week and as one sub scriber expressed it as good as a letter from home sorry to hear our friends mrs kendall of roseville is not so well we hope she will scon be feeling better mrs norman leslie was in the city during the week from her summer home at mussel- mans lake dr helen mckindly of gerraia street was guest of miss anne davey at island grove lake simcoe on sunday rev george coulter river- dale united church is on his holidays miss clary is visiting with miss ann davey island grove mr and mrs c meader spent the weekend at bobcaygeon goodwood oldtimers do you remember the collins grist mill planing mill davidson saw mill three blacksmith shops dr black drug store carriage shop north of roachs house wicks harness shop ann- strong tinsmith shop hill butcher shop watsons tailor shop salvation army barracks shaw store skating rink 2x4 house on crawfords property the corner band stand badgero store todd cheese factory weigh scales on mcculloughs lawn mcculiough store millers and hendersons carpenter shops brans barber shop goodwood house and victoria hotel bak ers shoe shop news advertisements sub scriptions taken at 8 stanton ave the new flag poles and flags at the community park were much admired by toronto folk on sports day a stouffvillite of 60 years ago living at the east end when speaking to the correspondent recently gave a number of names of families who lived near the corner years ago this gentleman said that his father laid the first sidewalk on the south side from the 10th to the school lane miss violet haigh visited her sister in bowmanville last week congratulations to miss lillian dowswell stouffville on being elected as secretary of the dows well clan musselmans lake residents were very pleased with the edition of the tribune distribut ed to them this year according to one of the writers friends writeup of the lake history was especially interesting v l blueman and family spent the weekend at his scugog island farm congratulations to our friends mr and mrs stuart phillpott on the birth of a daughter lynn shorna mrs phillpott before her marriage was miss marjorie davie daughter of mrs james davie to miss minnie lee of goodwood mr and mrs alex brown visited niagara falls last sun day thanks to uxbridge township council for their generosity in allowing the w i the use of the town hall for their library nights miss pearl florence and beatrice davey of palmerston visited the correspondent on fri day last quite a number of toronton- ians are visiting the foster memorial this holiday time mr and mrs alex brown motored out to look it over last week now that goodwood is really getting on the map with its sports day community park etc how about four nice signs at the entrances to really give the place distinction just a sugges tion george morgason is still en joying his holidays in good wood and feeling quite at home mr and mrs george lee have been holidaying at port bolster for the past two weeks the good wife of the scribe celebrated her birthday on aug 26th so we pass along good wishes to her from the flash column our friend rev a e lunau is visiting his sister in unionville congratulations to our friend on winning a free trip to manitoulin island glad to see one of the goodwood folks again heading the list miss greta hatley spent the weekend at port bolster mr and mrs simpson and daughter are on their holidays miss ivy knight is enjoying her vacation with her parents mr and mrs jas knight ux bridge the scribes boston terrier who visited the goodwood sports day has been on the sick list ever since and is being attended at the animal hospital by dr campbell who looks after the animals at riverdale zoo vaughan blueman well known in the uxbridge district and one of torontos most active men in hospital work church young peoples societies and welfare funeral pastors will on sunday august 28th take over the work of rev mr holmes at siloam phone in your news to har- grave 3012 business directory medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mala phone 196 coroner for york county dental neil c smith ldsdds office over bank ot commerce office hours 9 to 12 noon and 130 to 530 pm phone office phone residence 1001 1015 claremone every tuesday office over wilkinsons store phone claremont 1401 barn burns near claremont the severe thunderstorm which passed over this district tuesday night took its toll of at least one property in the district being the big barn on the fann of william ross near ashburn the huge frame structure was destroyed when struck by the lightning along with forty loads of hay a calf some poultry and many valuable farm implements neighbors were able to sive the house adjoining the burning structure loss is partially covered by insurance dont gamble with thin tires do not spoil that trip with a blowout deal in your worn tires for new goodyears and play safe do you know that 90 per cent of tire trouble occurs in the last 10 per cent of the service of a tire you may use our time pay ment plan for that new set of tires raes garage service that satisfies goodwood phone 2002 e s barker lds dd5 honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am insurance see h o klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of londan england phone stouffville 25902 a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every wednesday at brathwaltes hardware phone 9601 office phone 3160 residence phone 3614 arthur w s greer barrister imcitor notary public 6 king st bast oshvwa ontario resident partner branch office wc pollardkc port perry oat uxbridge ontario phone 284 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to lean l e oneill stotjffviiilib funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000