classified advertising aukvls waxtku aoknv handle pkofrltaiilk fast selling household products 1736 dim- daa west toronto man olt woman for cupid con- centrated flavors fifty varieties long profits grand route salesman extra acme direct sales cis ltonge toronto aiit if voo ljke to bitaw sketch ok paint write for talent test no foe oivo ase and occupation box 52 73 adelaide su w toronto iiaiiv niicks loulthv avo ioujltuv kuuipmext tweddle prices greatly re- duced for may still lower for june isow is your chance to get these high quality chicks that develop into pul lets that lay lots of okcs and cock erels that top the market dont buy until you get our price list tweddle chick hatcheries limited box 10 fergus ontario jia1u coods wius toupes transformations braids curls and all typ3 of bnest quality hair goods write for illus trated catalogue special attention to repair work toronto human hair supply co 628 bathurst toronto iiitx to kh dufferin plying service gets your license on easy terms class a instructors new cuba address barker field toronto ont mattitkssks poll sale mattresses spring bargains new felt mattresses j350 new spring mattresses 5850 from factory to user veteran bedding 833 queen st west toronto medical egg prices rise in just 4 months make sure of your prollts this pall with bray started pullets we have a particularly fine lot of 2weekoid bray barred rock pullets priced right order them now while our supply lasts write for further in formation today bray hatchery 130 john st north hamilton ontario chicks one cent each for ten extra with every hundred ordered ten days in advance of delivery prices lower may 2llh and june 18th write for list trent electric hatch ery box 533w trenton ont four days from hatchery to farm bray chicks arrive all alive you cant lose if you put hardy vig orous bray chicks under your brood ers write for catalogue today bray hatchery 130 jonn st north hamil ton ontario rjs kiv light suss new hampshire hybrids dresslu out 1 pound i ounces each heads off at 7 weeks old put some of these fast- growlng bray chicks into your brooders this year write for cata logue bray hatchery 130 john st north hamilton ontario baden standard quality chicks leghorns and new hampshire reds 715 barred rocks ss43 big egg quality 150 more started chicks 2 weeks old add 500 per hundred 3 weeks old 000 lower prices for june send for complete price list baden electric chick hatchery lim ited box 50 baden ontario successful scientific stomach remedy healed many obstinate cases user states for years i was troubled with gnawing pain below breast bone it caused gas and bloating i tried many remedies but my only relief was soda and that for short time only after meals it didnt bother me for few hours then if 1 ate something it stopped coming again after some time the pain bothered me worse at night after taking 3 bottles dr mcleods stoma chic i was free from pain i kept on improving and have now been well for 4 years enjoying my meals with out medicine drug stores or direct write for free information dr mc leods stomachic co 101 albany to ronto r s rheumatism and stom- ach powder the great eliminator contains ten of natures ingredients removing the cause and eliminating rheumatism stomach troubles arth ritis neuritis constipation etc 5150 300 5500 all druggists agents lymans limited montreal girl friend my little brother will tell if he sees you kissing me young man but im not kiss ing you girl friend well i thought id tell you anyway some trade marks may be invalid viewed in the light of the recent privy council decision man ufacturers should check up on themselves advice say it with flovors or say itwith eats say it with kisses or say it with sweets sav it with jewels or say it with drink but never oh never say it with ink mrs jones was discussing the lat est fashions with a caller mrs jones did you say your husband was fond of those clinging gowns mary caller yes he likes one to cling to me for about three years ikksoxal akb you kupturkdt uel1ef comfort positive support with our advanced method no elastic or un- ders traps or steel write smith manufacturing co depl 21u pres ton ont qua it y chicks kuom blood tested breeder leghorns sgio 90 pullets siloo xcw hampshire red and barred hocks s70 pullets 1095 cockerels sco older chicks 2 weeks old add 4 cts per chick 3 weeks old 0 ets larprc epfi quality add i ct leghorn pullets add 2 cts deposit 100 per hundred balance cod top notch chickeries 16 wil son st cuelph johxnovs sriiiuoit chicks have been reduced in price we specialize in two breeds bred to lay burred rocks and barron strain scw leghorns all breeders are blood tested and from rop males only the very best type of breeders are used and eggs set weigh between 25 and 30 oz per dom price barred rocks 0 cents leghorns 8 cents each lnon safe arrival guaranteed j d johnson fergus ontario ill 1 iis surplus gladioli bulbs picardy biijrdhd or mixed i to i 1 125 huri 1 red prepaid w glass 38 duff street hamilton out iolt a1k yorkshires at tub head of shadeland farms herd the grand champion sire of sainshury tro phy and best market pen at royal winter fair sows include first and second winners toronto and first guelph voting males with advanced registry backing for sale shadelanr farms box 7 eden elgin co if you want an affectionate romantic sweetheart with money write mary lee 4450 ltolla mis souri ouit tobacco snuff easily in- expensively guaranteed advice free box 1 winnipeg charming rich ladies refined welltodo gentlemen want nice sweethearts husbands look at their photos- particulars free confiden tial union club box cs station ii montreal harold ive got a now idea there is a fortune in it gerald what now harold its an alarm clock that emits the delicious odors of frying bacon and fragrant coffee definitions honesty fear of being caught pessimist one who sees things as they are moron one who is content with a serene mind good sport one who will always le you have your own way coach fellow who will gladly lay down your life for the school conscience the voice that tells you not to do something after you have done it all manufacturers owning trade marks which are descriptive geogra- phlcal the name of a patent expired product or the name of p person firm or corporation should be considering whether their trade marks are valid or not in view of the recent decision or the privy council iu the case of the canadian shredded wheat comp any ltd vs kellogg wherein the j question of descriptive trade marks was discussed invalid after forty years this decision is of real importance to all trade mark owners who desire to protect their marks because iu this case a trade mark which had been used for almost forty years in canada was held to be invalid the court points out in the decision what is ne cessary in order to prove that such mark3 have acquired distinctiveness so as to entitle them to protection it may be that in view of this de cision an amendment to the law is ue- cessary for the protection of such trade marks trade mark owners in favour of such an amendment should at the earliest opportunity express their views on this point mildcool slowburning thats dixie immm how- diamonds are made from carbon v commercial diamonds the reason is found in the advance of science to juggle protons neutrons and electron and thus make gold perhaps we new a star for that but the qrystalization of carbon on an industrial scale it i not as easy as making ice out of wa ter but at least the method that mil be followed is known professor hershey is sure that the diamonds were formed by nature with the aid of high temperatures and en crnious pressures chemically there is no differ ence between pure black char coal and the glittering white stone ihotogkarily enlargement free with every 25c order roll film developed and eight prints 25c reprints 3c estab lished over 2g years brlghtling studio 2 richmond street- east to ronto professional results count any film developed and printed prop erly mail with 25c to professional dept a london ont send your own choice of negative back with your second film for free etchcraft en largement hat extkiimixatok idltm llilii clearance sale reconditioned furniture every piece thoroughly cleaned und reconditioned und sold under a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction this is your opportunity to buy high class reconditioned furniture at a frac tion of the actual value buy now for your summer cottage here are some of the amazing values picked at ran dom from our enormous stock 04 q large 3 piece repp chester- field suite marshall revers ible cushions thoroughly cleaned 419 qc ldirge three piece suite in pij english tapestry marshall cushions a snap 49 00 t suite 3 pieces in ptuu brand new repp cover rust shade reversible marshall cushions unclaimed djol tjo chesterfield bed tapestry proju cover has large wardrobe compartment in perfect condition djoi ca lirgo dresser rich walnut v finish full size bed walnut finish saglcss spring and brand new roll edge felt mattress tfmo f beautiful bed room suite 3ouu greaser chiffonier full size bed and saglcss spring completely re finished t79 ft ksirso 6 piece bed room suite ipou beautiful dresser trlplo mir ror vanity birch chiffrobe full size bed and sagless spring completely re- flnlshcd d04 qc solid onk dining room suite vj large buffet extension table 6 leather upholstered chairs and a flne 32 piece dinner set cc7 english oak dining room puu s largo buffet square extension table china cabinet and c leather seat chairs completely refln- ished d7q r fine walnut dining room p7uu m buffet extension table china cabinet and 6 leather upholstered chairs perfect condition breakfast suites c pieces stuv oris stoves jois kitchen cabinets sowing machine singer sljlii dres sers chiffoniers 87fsi beds s2r0t springs s2r0i new felt mat tresses 3fki extension tables 3050 day beds 93no t tee boxes write for free illustrated catalogue of new and reconditioned furniture and hundreds of valuable gifts free with purchases lyons tradein dept 478 yonge st toronto all known diseases can i3e cak- rled by rats safeguard your home and stock by using ratpox harm less to humans domestic animals poultry groundhogs etc if your dealer cannot supply you send i5c in coin for postpaid supply dealers write for particulars national sales agency f7 bloor west toronto guard your home and stock with ratpox till xewest game seysatiox be the first in lour commun- ity to run tho kentucky derby for your friends amusement each game an actual exciting race send 25c in coin for eight complete races agents write for particulars nation al sales agency bloor bldg toronto couldnt tell a lie falsely accused of beating up a pretty new york stenographer a nineteenyearold youth named ie moynt recently submitted to a truth test and was released test was as follows ie moynt was grilled thirddegreed and gen erally turned insideout having boon previously injected with a spe cial serum immediately after questioning he was released the serum had made him tell the truth and clear nim- sojf a whispered longing i want to think and dream and plan for something very new id hope that it would look and act exactly dear like you id wonder if soft lovely curls would grace its precious head id pray each night for eye3 like yours before id go to bed and id make dainty dresses too with stitches 0 so neat the little seams small tucks wee hems with love would be replete id dream of tiny fingers which to me would tightly cling ah there is naught in heaven or earth which could such deep joy bring the good thing about beginning at the bottom is that you always have something solid to go back on out in mcpherson college kansas is professor j willard hershey the maker of real diamonds they are not exactly kohlnoors a flieweller would not even dignify them as chips the largest a colossus in professor her- sheys eyes weighs only a thirtieth of a carat it has been known for a century and a half that chemically there is no dif ference between pure black charcoal and the glittering white stone that flashes on a ladys finger both are carbon crystallize the black carbon and the trick is done but how it may be that the engineer will never succeed in producing heats intense en ough or pressures high enough but he will try and try if he succeeds dia monds are not likely to be sold in the tencent stores method now known the wonder is that the medieval al chemist was more interested in mak ing gold than gems today the labora tory production of gold seems far more hopeless than the creation of the two stars shine as single body the most brilliart star n forty y ears appeared in the heavens this month vars is less conspicuous and is rec ognizable by the slightly reddened olor of his light mars red color ascribed by the ancients to blood because he was the war god is now known to be due to led color of his rocks mars has lit tle oxygen and astronomers believe that the lost oxygen has been ab sorbed by the martian rocks on the earth rocks which have absorbed oxygen from the air are distinctly reddened brighter suits are advocated r cudl fortmei adu o ii pfu ij cwktcr pfafty ou1 free to ny io k tki mjtn hit offer it mtjt mtfdr 10 nc tccb iron yeast tablets lv u ikllt f 1il ijrrilj tlmpd nlfip j your btdr adjol- rlymll maiom mmlotts umitio 1 4 mcaia st totontg canada el uifc wonjfif j uvu wt la ui i although new colors have been adopted for mens suits by british tailors during the last few years there is still no sign of any startling break from conventional patterns at the moment however dress ex perts are watching an experiment in the united states with considerable interest american tailoring firms will in troduce a variety of bright suiting for men in the samples now being planned there are to bo shades 0j 1 sprtaon than in planting too late blue brown green beige burgun dy rose copper and rose the gay er colors it is hoped will be popular for sports year with flannel trous ers containing a fine blend of two or three of them evening dress which has hitherto retained its black and white will be offered in blue and burgundy suitable hats to tone in with the outfit will follow tma corn salve bunion salve foot powder ctamseiicd kf jw ikii frittist 50 flowering plantings the first flowers to be sown are those very hardy kinds which would naturally reproduce themselves in canada such a3 cosmos california poppy alyssum calendula and candy tuft in the second group are the zinnia marigold nasturtium stocks aster ad petunia which do not stand se rious frost and of the tender things which must be held back until all danger of freezing is over are the dahlia canna and gladiolus as the latter are all bulbs and do not come up until a week or so after planting th vy may be risked within a few days of really warm weather vegetable gardens should be very productive affairs where space is limited it is possible to grow two crops even in those sections of the povince where the summer season is inclined to be short ti1i3 is done by planting rows of very early stuff like lettuce radish and spinach in between later maturing vegetables such as corn tomatoes parsnips and swiss chard by the time the later things are beginning to need full room the first named group vl be used and out of the way dont rush undoubtedly the average amateur gardener loses more by rushing the one sharp frost in may will often complete ly ruin a promising early start or at least set the hardier things so far back that the later planted sorts will actually be ahead v there is no objection however in getting started early there is more pride in the first marigold or zinnia and more satisfaction in the first meal of peas or potatoes right from the gar den at the door than in a dozen later on but there should be a certain amount of judgment used time needed for garden seeds to germinate bean 5 to 10 days beet 7 to 10 cabbage 5 to 10 carrot 12 to is cauliflower 5 to 10 celery 10 to 20 corn 5 to 8 cucumber g to 10 lettuce 6 to 8 onion 10 to 15 pea g to 10 parsnip 10 to 20 pepper 9 to u radish 3 to g tomato g to 12 turnip 4 to s how long fruit will bear apple 25 to 50 years blackberry g to 14 currant 20 gooseberry 20 peach s to 12 pear 50 to 75 plum 20 to 25 raspberry g to 12 strawberry 1 to 3 the most brilliant star in 40 years formed by the planets venus and mars standing apparently side by side was visible in the western sky at 700 pm eastern standard time may 7 this was the first time since 1898 that two major planets have come so close together without the aid of glasses the pair appeared to be one star venus moved up from the sun mars down toward the sun actually- in the heavens they were 80000000 miles apart mars passed at that distance almost di rectly behind venus the red color venus can be spotted easily just after sunset for it is now an ultra- bright evening star not far overhead from the place where the sun sets sold by london there has lately been harmers of bond street the worlds second highestpriced postage stamp when in 1885 sweden issued its new three skil- ling stamp the color of the issue was green the specimen just sold is yellow and it was originally thought that exposure to light had caused discoloration but tests proved that yellow was its original color and that the stamp was a rare misprint hence its very high price round about 25000 ontarios mining industry grows gold mines paid out 21000- 000 in wages in year he vaiue of ontario gold raining in distribution of wages is brought out clearly in the report of the on tario department of mines for tho j ear 1937 most statistics in the re port are for the year 1936 the can 1 in value of gold produc ed in 1936 in ontario was 83000000 while the amount paid out in wages in that year was j21000000 which is approximately 25 per cent the in dustry provided employment for 13- 324 27268 men engaged in it the total value of ontario mineral production in x t year was 1s4670- 390 and the total wage bill s3s413305 the total number of employees engag ed in the industries was 2726s total value of mineral production in the province from the beginning of tho industry is estimated at s2583i- 795 5 and cf this amount metals ac count for 1740616406 dividends paid by metal mines up to the end of 1936 amounted to f53002sls5 which is about 30 per cent of the total value the year was the record year in the recording of mining claims in the history of the provincial mining industry there were 172sp in that year the next highest year was 1934 when there were 1gsss filed drive against dope trebles its price world wide war on narcotic smugglers results in lettingup on the racket the famous rubbing liniment rub on pain cone get the new large econ omy size also avail able in smaller regular size m the tttt fleet let ss5s issue no 21 38 bd securities salesman or executive for industrial issue of merit liberal commission and full cooperation also opportunity for permanent position with company for men qualifying replies treated confidentially colling securities corporation ltd 357 bay st toronto phone ad 7441 a worldwide drive against the in the seizure of contraband valued up to 1000000 on the pacific slope alone it was learned on indisputable author ity at san francisco last week and smugglers of narcotics has resulted has more than trebled the price of dope waterfront raids eight major shoreside raids alone including the frustration of a daring attempt to smuggle si tins of opium worth 40000 from the navy trans port chaumont a month ago have net ted narcotics for which addicts would have paid more than 500000 opium is 260 wholesale opium is so rare it has jumped from s0 to 260 wholesale for a fivetael 6 23 ounce tin morphine has sky rocketed from 50 to 1g0 an ounce and heroin is scarcely available narcotics are smuggled in double- lined oil cans in innocent looking con tainers labelled everything from ties to toys the chaumonts mail clerk was caught with 40 tins in a mail pounch as he went into a cafe to de liver his cargo another 41 tins were found on the vessel in a pouch not comingled with mail that was subject to customs inspection the endless drama of the interna tionally coordinated effort carried on by career men and women in the u s government service i without parallel and federal men declare they are confident that narcotics smug gling is on the wane an important unit in the atlantics largest ocean service tphcse canadian service ships which attract thousands of travellers to the st lawrence route to europe are built equipped and manned to give canadians the type of service that has made cunard white stardonaldson atlantic line a household word the cunard white star vessels are part of the great fleet which has for the six teenth consecutive year carried more passengers than any other on the atlantic an extensive renovation covering all classes of the cunard white star steamers has just been effected cabin class staterooms in the london vessels have been entirely rebuilt to include hot and cold running water addi tional rooms with private bathroom beds instead of berths larger staterooms and many other outstanding features tourist and third classes in all ships have been extensively overhauled and redecorated these improvements will give a new appreciation of seagoing comfort at exceptionally low rates rates ranee from cabin class 5132 tourist class 11750 third class 91 apply to your local travel agent or gummilwhlfbtar donaldjfoiniatlanjk line corner buy wellington st elgin 3471 toron ro nss island marks bicentennial 200 years since slaves demanded treaty in jamaica just 200 years ago five runaway slaves had what must have seemed to sir charles littleton governor of jamaica tho colossal effrontery to approach that viceroy with a draft for a treaty the slaves who called themselves captains curjow accom- pong quaco johnny and cufce must have had what it took to deal with the governor for a treaty was concluded maroons were th first the treaty provided for tho grant ing of complete freedom for the neg roes who because of their color were dubbed maroons a name by which their descendants are still proud to be known in addition to their freedom 1500 acres of land in tho cockpit mountains were granted and their right to handle their own affairs recognized this year the accompong group largest maroon settlement on the is land celebiatcd the bicentennial of the treaty the present chief of accompong responsible for the man agement of the colony is 70ycarold colonel henry augustus rowe who took an active part in the celebra tions in the administration of tho group he is assisted by a captain and a major with several summary officers are taxfree the accompong maroons are tax- free have no paupers and maintain a high standard of morality all offences with the exception of mur der come under col kowes jurisdic tion but since his appointment in 1920 there have been only three minor cases of theft ethel studying grammar say reginald if a man druggist is cal led a pharmacist what would you call a woman druggist reginald a pharmacister of course