Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 17, 1938, p. 3

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canada voted- for spanish league seat ballot was secret and erroneous report was spread by euro pean correspondents ottawa the veil of secrecy which covers some of the activities of the league of nations was drawn aside momentarily by premier mac kenzie king when lie revealed to the house- of commons last week that it the vote on spains raeligibility for election to the league council in sep tember 1937 canada supported spain heading from a prepared statement the prime minister an3ered a ques tion by m j coldvell c c f rcsetownbiggar and said he was moved to reveal canadas stand in the secret ballot on spain lest refusal to give the information might lead to renewed controversy and misrepresen tation of canadas position two news reports not by the cana dian press from europe last fall stated canada had voted against spain there was considerable editor ial criticism which because of the secret nature of the ballot the prime minister did not see fit to deny or con- linn at that time with respect to spain the prime minister said no instructions were given and none had been given for several years on sucli votes the full list of candidates is not known cus tomarily until tiie assembly is in session the senior canadian dele gate senator itsoul ijaiidurand had voted for spain for reasons set forth in a letter which the prime minister read to tho house spain failed to obtain the necessary twothirds vote of lie assembly to make that country eligible for reelec tion to the council tools gold may give to canada a new industry chemical engineer claims brim stone used in paper making is part of now useless metal niagara falls ny a chem ical engineer announced here last week perfection of a new process by which fools gold may be turned in to dollars dr ernest w westcott said a pro cess for extracting pure sulphur from iron sulphite had been demonstrated recently before a group of canadian mining engineers government offici als business men and writers from iron sulphite iron sulphite better known as py- lite or fools gold he said is a by product of copper mining and is now largely discarded at copper mills as valueless fools gold is the bright yellow material which householders sometimes find in lumps of coal on the family coal pile the new process separates the py- rite into brimstone or pure sulphur and iron oxide the latter is used in the making of steel the discovery dr westcott said presages a new and extensive indus try for canada in particular he said the process was developed at alder- mac near noranda que which he said is in the heart of a paper mill territory pulp paper mills are large commercial users of brimstone available to paper companies heretofore the canadian paper companies have had to procure brim stone from texas and louisiana the only large sulphur producing areas in this continent dr westcott sajd the value in the process dr westcott said lies in its availability to the canadian paper industry from raw ore sufficient to obtain one ton of copper the process will bring from 10 to 3 5 tons of sulphur and an even greater quantity of iron oxide lost and found in the vatican guns umbrellas dresses are mislaid by visitors in the resi dence of the pope n the news interpreted a commentary on the more important events of the week j by elizabeth eeoy the absentmindedness of sight seers in the british museum london england is proverbial hut visitors to the vatican are almost as bad and the vaticans lost property of fice has some curious articles to deal with among the itoms lost in one month recently were a womans i frock two dogs two undergarments two bathing suits one revolver eight bicycles an album 30 purses a bracelet a letter of credit four hats eleven sums of money six docu ments three photographs three cam eras seven pairs of spectacles eight umbrellas four watches seven foun ds tainpens nine cards of identity ten pairs of gloves seven attache cases two fans and thirtyfive assorted ob jects but perhaps strangest of all were the o5 pocket cases and 21 hunches of keys which were lost by vatican visitors who have not yet applied to the lost property office for their re turn spring hats pancake crowns bumper brims bonnets with chin straps will lead in this years parade of spring hats the fashion papers tell us and already ve see on the streets of ontarios small towns large towns our styleconscious wo menfolk strutting about with the latest millinery confections atop their heads the impartial observer cannot help but wish however that more women had chosen styles to suit them had only realized that those chinstrap bonnets are meant to be worn by coy sweet young things a3 it is there are altogether too many worldlylooking women peering out from under unsophisticated brims who make us think too readily of little red riding hoods grand mother big name romance last year it was the duke and duchess of windsor who had the worlds tongues wagging the love story of a century so it seemed this spring it is greta garho and leopold stokowski two of the- brggest names in the news who are providing us with firstclass vicarious romance as in the case of the other two lovers however their fame am name would appear to stand in the way of uninterrupted happiness since the hounds of publicity are forever on their trail o canada shirks writing in the new york commentator an ameri can political observer undertakes to criticise the foreign policy of can ada who with the other british do minions he claini3 is not doing her duty this country he says expects in the event of war to be defended by the british navy but is doing no thing in the meantime to strengthen that navy in britain our critic points out every person on the average is pay ing 15 a year for the defence of the empire in the dominions each white person pays less than a tenth of that sum why the united states is spending more hard cash for the defence of the englishspeak ing world including canada than all the dominions ten times over hard words those but cold bit ter facts nevertheless from our own point of view the situation is rather bad since if we continue to depend on great britain for the protection of our shores we dare not speak for ourselves nor take independent action in world affairs in spite of the statute of westmin ster 1031 then we keep on hang ing to britains apron strings and allow london to make our major de cisions for us shans1 falls with the virtual taking over last week of chinas shansi province by the japanese the rising sun armies are in position for a westward drive across the yellow river into the heart of the chinese red territory the mysterious north shensi area the country with a questionmark few white people have succeed ed in penetrating aa far as the com munist strongholds there edgar snow in his red star over china tells the story of a sojourn in this stamping ground of the chinese red forces presents photographs of peo ple and places never before caught by the camera describes a visit to the capital of the mobile chinese soviet in the north central portion of the area the outcome of a campaign in this territory is unpredictable since rus sia at any time might come to the help of the chinese communists b d nevertheless japan now proposes to go ahead and make good her oftre peated declaration that the real ob ject of the present hostilities is to wipe out red influences in north china o the worst drivers addres sing delegates to the ontario motor leagues annual conference george a hodgson chief examiner of driv ers of ontario declared last week that at least 80 percent of the car accidents occurring in this province were caused by drivers whose experi ence amounted to five years or more in other words it is the experienced drivers who ought to know better who pile up the worst records furthermore he said the col ourblind driver is safer than the man who is not colour blind he can tell you immediately that the top light is red and the bottom green our dif ferences are with those who have all their faculties apparently then the more a man is aware of his deficiencies the more alert and careful he will be teetertotter an associated press despatch reads poland step ped into the diplomatic forefront this week as a possible balance between great britain and france on one side and germany and italy on the other in proposed european agreements behind this news lies a multitude of interrelated facts chief of which are following his conversations with prime minister chamberlain of great britain which he hopes to conclude successfully premier mussolini of italy is expected to propose an alli ance of four great powers who will run europes affairs france would be unenthusiastic about such a plan unless poland her ally were invited to participate in the talks recalls hitlers vienna boyhood william schultz a carpenter of kumas city recalled this week a week 30 years ago when adolf hit ler german fuehrer spoke few words i was a carpenter then like now schultz said telling of the time when hitler then a house painter worked beside him on a house in vienna this hitler is not like what he used to be in a week he spoke few words a young boy he was like me he brought sausages and beer for lunch no moustache then just a pale boy about 15 or 16 i guess not say ing much not talking about politics like he does now just talking about work and doing what the boss said to do 1 3 i editorial comment fsom here there everywhere and canada showdown inevitable edens strong argument is that if british statesmen surrender to the pressure of threats from other na tions it is possible that this may en courage ambitious and bellicose na tions to become even bolder and more threatening until a showdown would eventually be necessary chatham news organs reversed without damage drummondvile boy recovers swiftly after operation drummondville que nobody can tell jean paul roy his heart is in the right place because it isnt neith er is his stomach nor his liver the tenyearold boy left hospital last week with stomach and heart on the right side of his body and liver on the left just the revise of most people his appendix recently removed was on the left side changes unnecessary hes a fine healthy boy said dr wilfrid melancon st croix hospital surgeon in this town 35 miles south of montreal jean paul was born with his heart and stomach in the right side and his liver and appendix on the left but that does not trouble him i operated on the appendix and he left hospital after a very quick re covery the surgeon said he discovered jean pauls peculiar interior geogra phy when he examined him with a fluoroscope and an xray the appen dix was in bad condition so the boy went to hospital to have it removed no efforts were made to change posi tions of heart stomach and liver the doctor said because it was unneces sary gamp queen mrs cornwallis or- ford a rich american owns nearly 300 umbrella more than anyone else in the world but is still looking for more she has a gallery full of umbrellas collected from all over the world for 20 years she never uses one herself too much trouble to carry she says j news in review churchmen protest to hitler london british united states and other churchmen in a telegram signed by the archbishop of canter bury among othres told keichsfueh- rer hitler this week they deplored the further detention of fellow- christian niemoeller rev martin niemoeller militant leader of protestant opposition to german naxis efforts to dominate the church has been held prisoner by the secret police since a court in berlin set him free a week ago o man with two hearts perth australia west aus tralian doctors after examining james alvara 57 have announced the italian timber clearer has two hearts he has a normal heart larg er than average situated on the right side of the body on the left side of his body in the normal position for the heart is a smaller organ with a subsidiary beat an offer of 20- 000 for alvaros body at death has been declined o new lord chancellor london prime minister cham berlain this week put through a mi nor reorganization of the cabinet to free viscount halifax of other duties so that he may concentrate upon for eign affairs in an unexpected move the prime minister brought lord maugham in to the cabinet the 71yearold for mer lord of appeal became lord chancellor and speaker of the house of lords o hungarian cabinet shift budapest premier koloman daranyi formed a new government for hungary last weekend as a pre lude to submission of his projected 1000000000 pengo 19s450000 economic recovery program the shuffle effected a few hours after daranyi submitted his cabin ets resignation to regent nicholas horthy brought bela imredy gov ernor of the hungarian national bank into the government as min ister without portfolio dominions wont have it london strong protests from several dominions against any colo nial concessions to germany injected lastminute complications into prime minister chamberlains plans for a realistic settlement of british dif ferences with fuehrer adolf hitler it was learned on the eve of the start of britishgerman discussions in london that australia and new zealand have warned mr chamber lain that there may be grave reper cussions throughout the empire if the government decides to restore any of the postwar mandated colo nics to the reich in satisfaction of dcr fuehrers demands o fight for new base shanghai screened by artil lery fire japanese troops fought this week o establish a base on the south bank of the yellow river at szeshui from which to sever the lunghai railway running across china from east to west humanitarian feelings we say amen to the indignation of tavistock people directed toward the unknown hitandrun driver who killed a wirehair terrier puppy in that village the mean killer neither slowed down in an attempt to miss the wee dog nor to make amends after running over it contrast this incident with one in dubuque iowa where 12 men worked for ten days to rescue a small terrier from a fox hole stratford beaconherald the empire away from strangulation modern machinery has enabled fewer peoole to produce more on the farms this has inevitably been re flected on tiie villages but there is a growing realization that urbaniza tion can be carried too far the huge city strangles itself every where we see suburban developments as men try to escape from the high taxes and crowded streets of the city industry is said to be following the same pathway hydro and rapid transportation cancel many of the advantages once possessed by the city it will be interesting to see what succeeding years contribute to the problem london free press no saturated west there is a limiting factor holding down western and for that matter canadian population growth but that factor decidedly is not satura tion or overloading of the physical resources the soil of western canada is neither overcrowded nor overloaded nor anywhere near that condition a look at russia with its 165 million people challenges not only comparison but serious study naturally we do not want to des cend to the russian standard of liv ing but standard of living is it self a shibboleth which might well be analyzed some of the ideas and habits by which we mould our lives in canada might be revised with be nefit to everybody in the dominion but the scientists who are most capable of attacking the problem have no actual data and are so burdened with routine that they have no opportunity to give the long- view leadership which might inspire the people and start a new era of progress australian foreign policy australias distinctive interets re volve around two different centres the pacific and the british common wealth ot nations our geographical position and our economic welfare inevitably isean a regionl preoccu pation with ihe pacific in many re spects we share parallel interests with the united states and one of the recognized planks in our foreign policy must be the development of australianameriesn friendship and cooperation we jejire to place our trade and other relations with japan on a satisfactory footing we recognize her econonic difficulties but on the other luino ve cannot remain blind to the japaneso aggres- in which has aroused even india to strengthen her defence ind any potential threat to our security re minds us that we can only find safety in cooperation with great britain just as our interests and loyalties are ineluctably bound up with the empire sydney herald boy 11 displays strength of ox already mansized he does a grownups work wants to be a fisherman can japan last out in the last three years we have heard so much of the horrors of war in abyssinia spain and china that many of us take it for granted our own country must sooner or later be involved in similar miseries but we overlook one factor of transcendent importance never betore in history has it been so obvious that war can not pay even when all the bombs and tanks and artillery are on one side as they were in the abysinian affair without foreign credits italy can do teritorc i have already in this ar- polify 1 have already in this ar ticle called attention to the cost in men and money of the german and italian war in spain a war waged by these nonspaniards with that sinking feeling that any pickings at the end of it are more likely to go to the city of london than to berlin or rome but the most impressive example is that of japan her en tire resources are now involved in a campaign which will almost inevit ably ruin her it seems almost unbelievable that any nation should manage to forfeit so much good will in so short a time who after such examples will dare to start a new war vernon bartlett in world review london hes 11 years old weighs 2sx pounds is five feet two and does a full mans work on his fathers farm but he prefers not to talk about it his name is harry heckiaau ot hkkniati island near liverpool nova scotia ive or six years ago h9 de lighted in startling nova scotlan 07 exhibiting little feats of strength like unhitching a earn of oxen and pulling their load now hed prefer to grow up as an ordinary person and have the quiet fun of his classmates rather than publicity good marks at school harry is in grade sixhis normal grade and making consistently good marks that seems to picas him more than giving exhibitions ot strength ho is the son of mr and mrs aub rey heckinan who are just as nnxioua as he that he do well in school and find a place for himself in the world a place removed from sideshows aud such what harry is to be when he seta older presents a problem in the lit tle community in which he lives tha main occupations are farming and fish ing his father is a farmer but har ry as yet has not been particularly impressed with the work hed rath er bo a fisherman too big for boat but fishing presents difficulties la the first place if harry should get bigger or even it he doesnt hed bo a huge man for a dory leaving llttl room for a dorymate to say nothing of the fish then too harry has what his par ents described a3 a very good appe tite its so good he wouldnt be a good investment on a fishing schooner so harry may turn to other things just what he will do has not been decided but then lies only 11 years old mastodon bones are discovered game on the farms sometime there will have to be an understanding as to how much farm ers must endure in order to protect game for the sportsmen deer are getting so common that they cause serious losses and game preserves make splendid sanctuaries for jack rabbits and other animals that over run the farms it is a very debatable question but it will have to be decid ed sooner or later farmers advo cate extinct species the ymca in toronto is con ducting a course to cure blushing and there will be a little mild speculation as to where they find folk nowadays that do blush pcterbcrough exam iner the queen bee is nothing but a very efficient egglaying machine the queen bee cannot make wax car ry pollen or do many of the things of which the common worker bees are capable correlate work among cripples a comprehensive plan for correlat ing the work on behalf of crippled children in various areas in ontario is being developed by the ontario soc iety for crippled children according to reg hopper executive secretary the society has been engaged with other organizations in an experiment of this type in london out and from the results states that it must be done in other areas the plan started two years ago in london when dr george ramsay the chief surgeon of the war memorial childrens hospital asked the ontario society for crippled children to ap point a nurse to correlate the work being done in the district and at the hospital for crippled children miss greta m ross rn was appointed mammoth animals may have roamed ontario in some past dark age the port of bangkok siam is to be modernized and the approaches dredged so that oceangoing ships may discharge and take on cargoes in the city instead of several miles away as at present because officials believe jazz play ing has harmful effects on the guildhall organ of londonderry ire land they have banned all syncopa tion on the instrument the wonderland of oz before long the cavalcade arrived at tho royal palace where a great crowd of people gathered to welcome their queen and her ten children there w3 much shouting and cheer ing and tho peopla threw flowers in their path and their faces wore happy miles they found princess langwidere in her mirrored chamber where she was admiring one of her handsomest heads one with chestnut hair wal nut eyes and a hickorynut nose she was very glad to be relieved of her duties as ruler and the queen gra ciously permitted her to retain her rooms and her cabinet of heads as long as she lived then the queen took her son out upon a balcony that overlooked the crowd of subjects below and said here is your ruler king evardo fifteenth he is fifteen years old has fifteen buckles on his coat and is the fifteenth evardo to rule so the people shouted their approval fifteen times ozma and oz and her people were splendidly entertained by the queen and the new king who owed all their happiness to their friends from oz and that evening at a beautiful cere mony the yellow hen was publicly presented with a beautiful necklace of pearls and sapphires as a token of esteem from the new king indication mastodons roamed lamb- ton county in the prehistoric ages has been found in a study of an animal skeleton found in moore township a skull two large tusks and several other bones at the farm ot kenueth little near corunna were examined by george c peacock 78yearold ayl- mer district farmer who is ot the opinion that the bones are probably those of an elephant or mastodon mr peacock had made an extensive study of the find in good condition the skull its eye sockets ara larger than a mans head is in fair ly good condition and weighs s3 lbs the two tusks curve upward are sir inches thick and several feet long and weigh 30 pounds each the tusks rib bones teeth and other bones are in good condition the hones were found g3 years ago by mr littles grandfather when he was digging a ditch on the farm the large hooked teeth were distributed to members of the family as keep sakes the bones were kept by mr little corunna is five miles south of sar- nia 23rd such discovery dr russell paleontologist of tho royal ontario museum toronto said such discoveries were occasioual but not common in ontario but most were centred around toronto hamilton or the niagara peninsula teeth were most commonly found the record showed 23 discoveries of remains of mastodons in various sections of the province and a dozen findings ot re mains of the less primitive mammoth antecedent of the elephant whether the bones found at cor- runa five miles out of sarnla wore or a mastodon or mammoth could bo de termined by the teeth dr russell said a similar discovery ws raada near cottam in essex county several years ago hippopotamus is major problem pigmy animal soon to be mother has killed first two babies the national zoo at washington dc now in the throes of penguin production is wrestling with a pigmy hippopotamus problem gloria confided headkoeper wil liam blackburne is going to become a mother ordinarily that would tickle us to death hut gloria despises moth erhood twice the pugnacious pigmy han killed her newlyborn offspring sho stabbed one with her tusk and killed another by sitting on it attendant are anxious for the baby to live for the animals are rare weve either got to keep some men on guard 2 hours a day or figure out some mechanical moans of preventing her from destroying her baby nald niaclclmrne frankly its rot ua

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